Wasteland Tea Party

by Comrade Bagel Muffin

Would you like Dash with your Tea Mr. Jet Lag?

Fluid Moves walked around the small wasteland shack that for the past four months had been his home. He had been staying in Las Pegasus while his two bodyguards took care of an issue back at in his home town. While he had been here he had met a fun pegasus that was around his same age. They had met when the pegasus had tried to pickpocket him, and he had returned the favor. They had both nicked each other's house keys. All he had to do was wait at the other colt's house. After he got his house key back and the two hundred caps that the other colt had taken from his house the two went on a walk, and quickly became close friends. He sighed. looking at the small clock on his wall. Jet was late, not that that was unusual. Just as Fluid was going back to his bed, there was an excited knocking at his door.
"I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!" Jet Lag's voice rang out.
"I hear you." He went and opened the door. A second later the earth pony found himself on the floor as the grayish brown pegasus tackled into him.
"Gotcha." Jet smirked at the pinned earth pony.
"No, I got you."
"Woah!" In rapid and and fluid move Fluid Moves grabbed Jet Lag, and the pegasus' world went upside down as his legs were swept out from underneath him. Before he could hit the floor, Fluid grabbed him and flipped him onto his couch; the old piece of furniture threw up a cloud of dust as the springs squeaked in protest to the colts roughhousing. "That was epic. How'd you do that?"
"Party Polka and Reed in Wind." The white colt smirks standing on his hind hooves. "I told you I knew crazy karate stuff." He smirked falling back onto all four. "Your not high are you?"
"No, just excited, you said you had good news." The colt rolled over and pulled his teddy bear out of his bag. "Mr. Happy Smile Mail Bear also reminded me that it was wrong to not share dash with friends." He starts shaking the bear. "Dat's right Jet Lat you's gotto share the fun." Jet says in a silly voice talking through the teddy bear.
"I agree with you Mr. Happy Smile Mail Bear." Fluid shut the door to the shack. "Dash is best when shared. You got any dash?" He asked going over and sitting down at the table.
"Oh yeah I got tons of drugs." he walked over to the table and flipped over his saddle bags, and dozens of dash canisters poured out.
"Nice." Fluid smiled. "This is going to be a fun party." The tea pot began to whistle. "Crud forgot about that. One second Jet." Fluid grabbed two mugs and took them over to the small table before cutting off the teapot. "So you ever had tea before Jet?"
"I'm supposed to drink it with my pinions out right?" he asks as he puts one of the couch cushions on a chair to prob up Mr. Happy Smile Mail Bear.
"You don't have to." Fluid walked back over and poured them both tea and put a bowl of trail mix on the table for them to much on while they talked. "Also I'd like to talk to you about a couple of things." He sat down opposite the pegasus colt.
"Yeah sure what's on your mind?" Jet asked grabbing his first inhaler of dash and talking a quick pull.
"Well." Fluid grabbed one of the inhalers too, and took a long slow pull of the drug. His pupils dilated as a feeling of sheer awesomeness washed over him things seemed to slow down as he felt his heart beating against his ribs. "Wow, this stuff is great, where'd you get it?"
"I made it, it's my first official batch, glad that you like it," Jet said at about one hundred twenty words a minute. He grabbed his tea cup quickly took several gulps. "Dahh, hot hot hot." He quickly started fanning his mouth. "I didn't think that it would be that hot."
"Did you not see the steam?" Fluid's words were coming out just as fast as Jet Lag's. "Anyways. I'm not sure how to say this so I'm just going to put it out there." He took a deep breath. "I'm going back to End of the Line next week." Jet froze, he knew the colt had abandonment issues, he knew he had to work fast to make sure that this went off without a hitch. "I want you to come to." The next second of silence would have felt like an eternity even if the two of them weren't on Dash.
"You're going?" Jet asked. "I didn't do anything wrong did I?" He looked between Fluid and Mr. Happy Smile Mail Bear.
"No, It's fine, I want you to come with me to End of the Line." Fluid said. "I know that you don't have anymore reasons to stay here, and, and I'd like you to come with me, where we can look out for each other, and stay friends." He took another pull of Dash hoping that the ego boost would help him think straight. "You could make drugs like this, I'll even give you lab in my family's mansion."
"But, what if Ms. Sylvia comes back for me?"
"Jet. You've been waiting for you mom to come back for five years, then you've been waiting for Ms. Sylvia for nearly just as long." He bit his lower lip trying to figure out how to say this without making Jet cry again. "I know that you want her to come and rescue you from this place, but she hasn't come back for you yet, I'm want to take you out of this hell hole and take you somewhere safe."
"I'm sure she come and get me soon." Jet said softly.
"I'm sure she will, but if she doesn't come before the end of the week, we can leave her a note. Okay?" He asked passing Jet another thing of Dash, Dash would surely make this better, Dash made everything better. Jet gulped before taking a quick and full pull from the canister.
"Okay." He said whipping his face. "If she doesn't come before the end of the week I'll go with you, but if she does you can take both of use right?"
"Sure, my mansions huge." Fluid grabbed his tea and took a big gulp, "Agh, hot hot hot!" He fanned his mouth as Jet laughed.