Lightning's Version of Equestria Girls (#6)

by LightningStar626

Chapter 3: The Fall Formal

Chapter 3: The Fall Formal

"Yes, that was the mens room, Twilight. You just stumbled into the mens' room." Lightning sighed.

"Hey, at least she now knows not to go in there again." Karly said.

"I guess…" Lightning was about to show Twilight something else, but stopped when she heard a soft, sweet little voice around the corner.

"Oh, I'm really sorry. I-I just found it, and-and I thought I should give it to her. I didn't know you had dropped it…"

~Lightning, Karly, Twilight and Spike were curious about that voice, especially Twilight. So the four poked their heads around the corner to see what was happening. A girl with buttermilk yellow skin, light rose pink hair and teal coloured eyes was leaning in the opposite corner ever so shyly. However, she wasn't alone. Cornering her in the tight spot was a girl with blazing, fiery red hair with streaks of gold, it kinda reminded Lightning of bacon. The girls couldn't see the rest of her though, not even her eyes. All they could see was trouble.~

The girl with the red hair spoke in a cruel voice. "Well, I did, and I was about to get it before you swooped in and ruined everything! You shouldn't pick up things that don't belong to you!"

The shy girl moved her forelock out of her face. "It...doesn't really belong to you, either." She then hushed.

The fiery girl slammed her hands between each side of the girl and on the lockers. "Excuse Me?!" She glared.

"N-n-n-nothing…" The other girl stuttered screadly.

~She slid down nervously until she was on the floor, the mean girl towered over her. Lightning and Twilight exchange a glaring look to one another then nod while Karly silently gasped and Spike began to growl, showing his sharp canines.~

"That's what I thought. It's as good as mine, and you know it!" The red haired girl pulled a mean smile. "You really are pathetic. It's no wonder your best friends are all stray animals."

~Lightning and Twilight stamped out of the corner and sauntered over to the scene.~

"How dare you speak to her that way!" Twilight hissed.

The bully turned around. "What did you say?" She asked, showing her evil but beautiful cyan eyes.

"She said, 'How dare you speak to her that way!'" Lightning jabbed. She suddenly put on a noticeable frown. "Hmm, you know, could you actually do me a quick favour. Do you see that fire extinguisher over there?" She pointed across the corridor at a glass case set in the wall, it contained a fire extinguisher.

"I don't have time for fire extinguishers. And I certainly don't have time for new people here." She then grinned, and flicked under Twilight's chin. "I assume you must be new here. But just so you know, I can speak to anyone any way I want…"

~With that, she walked off, continuing to smirk and glance backwards at the pony princess and the two agents. She also glared at a guy staring at her as she passed. He flinched and slammed the locker door he was hiding in shut. Karly helped the shy girl off the ground as she looked on with surprise.~

"I can't believe you did that!" She exclaimed.

"We couldn't just stand there." Twilight replied.

"Well, it's just that, nobody ever stands up to Sunset Shimmer."

"Sunset Shimmer!?"

~The four glanced back to see Sunset Shimmer just go around the corner. Glaring with hate, Lightning raised a brow, while Twilight and Karly just stood there, mesmerised.~

Karly gasped. "Oh! Wait, red and yellow hair! Is that-"

"Must be." Lightning shook her head. "The thief…" She then said under her breath.

"You've heard of her?" The shy girl asked.

"Sort of." Twilight answered.

"I don't think I've seen you around before. Did you just transfer from Canterlot High from another school?"

"Umm- Yes! All 3 of us came from the same school!" Lightning smiled as she flung her arms around Karly and Twilight each.

"Yep! Sure did! My name's Twilight." Twilight greeted, clenching her fists in front of her and moving them like she was galloping.

Lightning pushed them back down to her sides. "Yeah, nobody does that when greeting one another…" She whispered to her.

"I'm Karly Crystal…" Karly introduced. "...and this is Lightning,"

"Star. Lightning Star." Lightning added. "What's yours?"

"I'm...Fluttershy." The girl whispered.

"Sorry...What was that?" Twilight asked, cupping her ear.

"It's Fluttershy!" She repeated, a little more quieter but higher at the same time.

"It sounds like you're saying Fluttershy, but, how can that…?"

~Twilight exchanged Spike a look. However, when Fluttershy eyed him, she lit up.~

"Oh my goodness!" She dove under the girls and knelt down to Spike. "Who's this sweet little guy?"

"That's Spike. My," Twilight said.

Fluttershy put her hands on his cheeks. "Oh, he's so cute!" She reached in her backpack and pulled out a dog biscuit. "Go on, eat up, little pup!" She willed.

~The dragon/dog hesitated. But bravely and cautiously, he took a small bite of the biscuit. His eyes lit up. He took the whole biscuit and gobbled it up in one go.~

"Oh, wouldn't you just give anything to know what they're really thinking?" Fluttershy adored.

"He usually just tells me." Twilight shrugged.

"W-what do you mean?"

~As Fluttershy turned to look at Twilight, Spike signalled her shakily not to say the truth. Lightning noticed the signal, and motioned her to lay low, as well as Karly. When Fluttershy turned back, Spike barked like a dog and smiled at her, covering up his true self.~

"Oh, uh, nothing!" Twilight chuckled. "Never mind." She suddenly changed her manner. "Sunset Shimmer said you picked something up. Something that belonged to her. It wasn't a crown, was it?"

"How did you know?"

"Uh, lucky guess! Do you still have it?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "Mmm-mm." She mumbled.

"But, you know what happened to it, right?" asked Lightning.

She nodded. "Mmm-hmm." Then began to explain what happened. "This morning, I was passing out flyers for the animal shelter like I do every Wednesday."

Fluttershy began to flashback on her day. It started with her standing by the portal. A shy smile was on her face and she was timidly holding a stack of flyers. She pulled it out and showed it off to the crowd passing by.~

"Canterlot's animal shelter needs more volunteers. Won't you help an animal that can't help itself?"

~Not one person stopped to even take a look. They all just stuck to the crowds and went off. Seeing how no one was interested, Fluttershy began to feel sad. Emotion burst and, with tears beginning to form, she dropped the stack of flyers, flopped to the ground, buried her face in her legs and began to cry. The flyers swept the ground and surrounded the poor girl, she continued to sob but not long after the portal began to glow, however Fluttershy didn't notice. Suddenly, something hard clouted the back of her head and she stopped crying.~


Fluttershy rubbed her injured head. Her eyes were watery and blurry, but she looked down and made out a golden crown with a sparkling magenta star at the front. She picked it up and gazed at it confusingly.~

"I have no idea how it got there." said Fluttershy, finishing her story. "But I didn't want anything to happen to it, so I decided to give it to Principal Celestia."

Twilight raised a brow. "Principal Celestia? She's the ruler here?"

Fluttershy pulled a puzzled look. "You...could say that? Technically, I guess she and Vice Principal Luna do make the rules."

"Where is she now?" Lightning asked.

"Probably in her office-"

~Before she could finish, at once, Lightning and Twilight took off to the right. And Spike took off from the left, leaving Karly and Fluttershy to exchange a discontented look. The pony princess and secret agent hurried a few steps ahead until realising they don't have a clue on where to go. Lightning felt herself blush when she skidded across the floor to stop. They embarrassingly shuffled back to Karly and Fluttershy, and awaited for more information.~

"Yeah, uh, We don't-we don't know where that is." Lightning tsked, holding back a nervous chuckle.

"Third door on your left." Fluttershy answered with a smile.

"Thank you!" Twilight grinned, as she took off with Lightning again. Karly and Spike joined.

"Oh! Wait…!" Fluttershy called out.

The four peeked around the corner they turned. "Yeah?" Lightning prompted.

"You're not really supposed to have pets on the school grounds."

~Everyone looked at Spike, who gave a doggy smile back at them.~

"Might wanna tuck them into your backpack. That's what I do."

~Movement suddenly occurred inside the backpack Fluttershy had on her back. It opened automatically, and with a cry of curiosity, a bunch of small animals hopped out. A bird, a cat, a rabbit, all. Karly was amazed by the many animals Fluttershy carried around with her, and was impressed how she has not been caught smuggling them in yet. Lightning, however, couldn't imagine the smell coming from the backpack after carrying so many animals in there at once. She let out a silent gag.~

"They just get so lonely when I'm at school all day." Fluttershy sighed as she cuddled with her furry friends and a bird perched itself on the top of her head.

"Oh. Ok. Thank you!" Twilight called.

The school bell rang. "Oh no! I'm late for class!"

~With one swoop, Fluttershy scooped all of her animal friends back into her backpack. She waved goodbye and hurried off around the corner.~

~After a couple of twists and turns, Twilight and company believed they found the office they were looking for, thanks to Fluttershy's directions. Upon reaching the door of the principal's office, Twilight prepared herself. She straightened out her skirt and made sure her hair was in perfect shape. Karly coaxed Spike to hide inside Twilight's backpack during the talk with the principal and motioned him to not make a sound. She tucked the pup neatly inside the bag, before zipping it up, but not to the fullest, just so Spike could still breathe and not feel cramped. Once everyone was ready, Lightning knocked on the door.~

"Come in." a voice said from inside.

~Gently, she swung the door open. Lightning and Karly entered normally, however, when Twilight strode in, she had her head lowered, like she was entering a throne room of a royal palace. Thankfully, the principal didn't see it because she had an open folder covering her face. Lightning quickly and softly hit Twilight's arm and she gracefully stood up straight.~

"How may I help you?" The principal asked, not taking her eyes out of the folder.

Lightning darted her head at the principal to Twilight and she stepped forward. "Umm, uhh...Whew."

~Twilight couldn't express any words. She propped her bag and Spike down beside the desk before continuing to fiddle around, thinking about what to say. Finally, the principal looked up from the folder and showed her face. She had a variety of mint green, rose pink, and ice blue hair, as well as dark magenta eyes. Her skin was blush and she wore a smart-looking yellow office blouse with a sun brooch on the side of the collar. She waited for Twilight to say something, but she was just staring. Lightning and Karly could feel the embarrassment rising. Finally, Lightning couldn't keep up the silence, so she stepped forward and was about to speak, until suddenly Twilight shook her head rapidly and eventually said something.~

"My name's Twilight Sparkle- I-I'm new here, and...Well, I understand that Fluttershy found a crown this morning and gave it to you."

The principal nodded. "Yes. I've had Vice Principal Luna put it somewhere for safe keeping. No idea how it ended up on the front lawn." She tucked the folder she was reading away in a nearby drawer. "Were you interested in running for princess of the Fall Formal this year?"

"Uh, no. Not exactly. The truth is...Well, the truth is I...You see...the crown is actually…" Twilight stuttered mercifully.

"Hang on a minute. What is the Princess of the Fall Formal?" Lightning asked.

"It's Canterlot High's big fall dance." Celestia answered.

"Ah. So, It's like Prom Night."

"And like the Grand Galloping Gala!" exclaimed Twilight.

"The Grand Galloping Gala?" Everyone gave the princess a puzzled look.

"Oh, uh, it was a big deal at my" Twilight said, as she noticed Spike peeking out from her bag. She pushes him back in before the principal sees.

"Ah. Gotcha." Lightning winked.

"And was there a princess?" asked Principal Celestia.

"Yes, but she wasn't exactly a student."

~Karly peered at one of the walls and saw an abundance of pictures of Sunset Shimmer, the one responsible for the theft of Twilight's crown. Each picture showed her in a dress and crown. She assumed they were old pictures of the Fall Formal throughout the years. From the first year to the current one. She could see her getting eviler and eviler as the years went by. She shuddered. So did Lightning and Twilight when they looked.

"Here at Canterlot High, the students select one of their peers to represent them. She receives her crown at the Fall Formal." The principal explained.

Lightning pouted. "Right. Oh! Another thing, Principal. Um, I should probably introduce myself too. I'm Lightning Star, and this is Karly Crystal." She pointed at Karly quickly and she waved. "This is not about the Fall Formal thing, but, I wanted to make sure my form for being here got through, my dad sent it last minute. His name is Nimbus Star."

"And my dad is Crystal Mines." Karly spoke up. "I might as well see if my form went in too."

"Yes. I have them both right here, and I take it you received your timetables too."


"Then you're good to go."

"Ok, thanks."

"However, I don't recall seeing a form from you, Twilight Sparkle. How come?"

Twilight began to sweat. "Um, well…"

"BECAUSE!-" Lightning interrupted loudly. "Her...her grandmother...sent her here without a form, and- well, she is quite old and doesn't understand technology yet, she lost her glasses so she couldn't write it manually, so she just sent her here with us, but she has enlisted here, and has the same periods as me."

"Great excuse…" whispered Karly smugly.

"Alright then." Celestia said calmly.

~The girls breathed a sigh of relief. They went out the door, feeling relaxed, all except for Twilight. She began to have a thought suddenly.~

"Hmm." She turned to the principal. "You asked me if I was interested in running for princess. Can anyone run?"

"Yes. You just need to let the head of the Fall Formal planning committee know you would like to be on the ballot. Was there anything else?"

"Umm, nope! That was it!"

"Well, if you do need anything else, my door is always open." Celestia suddenly slammed the door and made the girls jump.

"Annnnnd she just slams it right behind us. Logic." Lightning sassed.

~Walking back down the hallway, everyone was deep in thought. Spike suddenly poked his head out of the bag and turned to Twilight, he heard the entire conversation with the principal so he knew what was going on.~

"Twilight, why didn't ya just tell her the crown was yours and ask for it back?" he asked.

"Yes, I was just about to ask the same question." Karly raised a brow.

"Oh, I was going to," Twilight replied. "But imagine if one of you showed up in Equestria saying you came from a place filled with tall, fleshy, two-legged creatures with these? We'd think you are crazy!"

Lightning looked traumatised. "I...suppose? I mean, both Karly and I are still freaked out that you come from a world of ponies, and dragons, and whatever else you have. So, if everyone knew, it could cause a worldwide panic!"

"Or worse!" Karly added before whispering something in Lightning's ear.

She nodded. "Yeah. We don't want that. So, let's not tell anybody about this. Maybe, if we're lucky, if anyone finds out, they will think it's a hilarious joke. And if they don't, I have my dad's memory eraser. And don't worry about us. We can keep the secret. Karly is already keeping mine, so what's one more?"

"Exactly, you can trust us, Twilight."

"We promise."

Twilight looked at the round before smiling. "Alright. Thank you."

"Of course." Lightning nodded. "Anyways-haha. Let's get back to the matter of hand here. What's the plan?"

"Well, if we're gonna get my crown back, I'll have to become Princess of the Canterlot High Fall Formal! So that's what we're going to do!" She raised her arms up high and grinned.

"And how exactly do we plan on doing that?" Spike asked.

"I have no idea!"

Lightning sighed. "...Fantastic. We'll just have to sort it out along the way." The school bell suddenly rang. And everyone knew what was coming. "TAKE COVER!" Lightning shouted.

~The four threw their arms over their heads and hit the deck as multiple students came from all directions again and caused a crowd.~