Equestria Bound

by MostBrainWhyYes

Parallel Universe

Dinky smiles. She likes the idea of getting to do something important, and the sense of adventure. Luna buzzes around her and hides in Dinky's mane. Dinky starts to walk down the hill when she can hear Tiara yelling.

"Look what mess you've gotten us into! If you think I'm going to traipse about in the middle of the night, you are wrong! Take me and Silver back home this instant!" Dinky sighs and turns around long enough for them to catch up then leads the pack once more. On the way down the hill Dinky spots Daring Do happily waving her over, briefly looking almost too joyous. When Diamond and Silver come into her view her expression changes from bright and excited to a little apprehensive.

"Hey Dinky! I got something cool to show you. You, and specifically you. Nopony else. Something cool. Come by tomorrow would you? Gotta go!" Daring Do slams her door shut. For some reason Diamond seems very agitated. She doesn't speak up, so the group continues on.

Dinky looks around from behind trees on the way down the hill keeping her eyes peeled, but for some reason there's no wildlife around and its oddly silent. Diamond patiently waits because they don't want any creature to leap forth at them as happened previously. The houses are coming into sight, when suddenly there's a bright flash of light and an explosion before them! Diamond coughs from the dirt and mutters something about a shower, whereas Silver Spoon covers her face with her hoof and tries squinting at what caused the disturbance. The Lunasprite awakens having fallen out of Dinky's mane, now wide alert and 'standing' proud in front of the trio.

In the middle of the explosion, is what seems to be Twilight Sparkle. How convenient! But wait a second, there's something different about this Twilight. A red strand of lightning seems to be stretching off of Twilight's horn into a different space floating above her, and she appears to be making a very unfriendly expression. An ominous tone fills the air along with the faint crackling of the red electricity.

"Other entity, you will cease operations. If you do not comply there will be consequences. Will you cease operations?" The fillies all get confused and look to Luna and back to this otherworldly Twilight.

"What is this?!" Lunasprite exclaims.

"Will you cease operations?" There's a tense moment of silence while Lunasprite furrows her brow, and the stone glows casting a spell upon Twilight, which doesn't have any obvious effect. Twilight repeats herself.

"Its not this universe's Twilight!" Lunasprite shouts in realization. The Twilight realizes its ruse is no longer fooling anypony, and her eyes glow neon red and her horn crackles with intense red lightning shining bright enough to make the filly's eyes wince. Lunasprite's stone glows, suddenly projecting a barrier which softens the intensity of the light, and disperses a blast that was generated so swiftly the fillies barely recognized it aside from a new purple beam which seems to be refusing to get too close to the fillies, thanks to the barrier, and vanishes. The barrier glowing a mostly transparent navy would be rather hard to see at night if it were not for some faint star-like glowing spread throughout it like a thin cosmic veil. And that veil is shifting towards the fillies! All three wince and brace and close their eyes, then nothing happens, so they open their eyes. They are covered in this miraculous barrier! This means they can fight back!

"Charge!" Dinky yells, her heart pounding in her chest, and Silver follows. Diamond acts unamused and tries wiping dirt off of herself. Dinky floats her wrecked tin jabbing at the mare's glowing eyes with the tin who annihilates the tin with a blast, then Dinky keeps kicking her in the shins. Twilight backs up annoyed. Silver begins flailing at Twilight, who keeps her held away with a hoof. Lunasprite keeps strengthening the barrier around the group dissolving more of Twilight's attempts at magic.

"Stand back!" Dinky and Silver look at each other and leap away from the threat. Lunasprite's stone glows and dispenses a magic orb shooting at Twilight who gets hit with the force of a yeeted bowling ball, theres a loud crunch and a thud as Twilight falls back onto the ground her foreleg she used to brace limp and at an odd angle. Lunasprite charges another shot when with a flash of red thunder, the Twilight is gone, leaving behind some smoldering grass.

Lunasprite sighs and releases the magical barriers, Diamond's eyes look a bit panic stricken then furious as some of the smoke from the grass brushes along her coat as she works past it.

"It would seem we have not gone unnoticed." Lunasprite says. "This may not end well. I must have faith though for without it there will be no chance left. This Twilight was not your Twilight. She came from a parallel universe, similar to I. I believe she was acting as a medium for the entity of which I spoke earlier. Its the same entity manipulating the animals to attack us earlier. I was fortunate a parasprite was in my vicinity before all conduits fled and left me to lie in wait."

Dinky looks at Lunasprite, noticing the rock is glowing whenever she speaks. Dinky is a little confused, but, maybe Luna is the rock? Maybe the rock has magic energy to grant her to speak?

"We must go home this instant!" Diamond hurriedly waits for Dinky and the Lunasprite. Dinky nods and finishes escorting her to her location. The house has roses planted below its windows. Roses, not rose bushes, cut and put into flower pots. They were starting to look a bit sour.

Diamond opens the door stiffly and the four enter. Diamond's parents are awake and in their living room. Dinky was never in Diamond's house before, wonder why she was let in now. The four proceed into the living room, Diamond trying to go straight upstairs, gets spotted immediately, by Ms. Rich- Spoiled Rich.

"Do you have any idea what you did to us leaving up in the middle of the night!?" She grits her teeth loudly, speaking as loud as one can without specifically shouting. "Silver's parents would break off business ties with us! Or worse! Our reputation could be stained forever and never get another good business deal again! Do you want to live in hicksville for the rest of your life?! We are going to flip this property, and get out of dodge! But the police told us the hill property has got damaged! They will think we did it to devalue it! Now we are screwed!" Filthy Rich winces while Spoiled Rich nearly is shrieking at their daughter. Spoiled spots Dinky. And gets a little embarrassed then mad, but feigns normalcy. "Ugh, it has to be your fault then doesn't it? Leaving our poor Tiara out there!" Mare was she intimidating. "Guess she won't be treated too lax in the future.. Up to your rooms- Now!".

The two fillies rush upstairs, glad to get out of her sight. Spoiled turns on the spot presumably staring daggers at Filthy. Filthy sighs and gets up, taking his belt off and goes upstairs then Dinky can hear him belting his daughter.

Dinky is frozen in place in shock, disbelief, and fear. Lunasprite looks furious and buzzes through the air to try and put a stop to this child abuse or perhaps give him a stern talking to. Buzzing past Spoiled's ear, she reflexively groans in disgust, turning on the spot and crushing the parasprite slapping it to the floor.

"Disgusting thing, you brought in, hmph lower class.. Ugh! I'll get Filthy to clean it later. Time for a bath." She shivers in disgust. "Diamond really ought to know better. Maybe she needs more punishment to get it through her thick skull. Hmph!" She trots upstairs, as Filthy trots back down, sitting on the couch, and lights a cigarette now that his wife's out of the room.

Dinky has tears welling in her eyes but can't look away from Lunasprite. She hears Lunasprite whispering. Dinky gets closer embracing the fallen insect, listening.

"I.. I forgot the state I was in.. I got careless.. My powers are weak right now. The best I can do is preserve some of myself into this stone.. We need to.. This universe should get saved.. You will need to handle this task yourself, but you are too weak.. Presently.. My consciousness will fade.. For now. You need to. Bring me to the bearers of the Elements.. They will awaken psionic powers as they resonate with my stone and the points of song will increase our resonance.." Dinky sobs missing most of what Luna is saying.

"Do you need me to repeat anything?" The Lunasprite gasps and remains still, a glow moving from itself and embedding Luna's cutie mark into the stone which faintly glows.

"I-I didn't catch half of what you said." Dinky says, wiping her eyes. Filthy walks up.

"Hey kid, jeeze crying over a bug, here, forget about the bug," He dumps Lunasprites corpse into the trash bin. Dinky is still in shock.

"Take your little toy rock, and go. Tell your ma I said hi." He hands Dinky the stone, and closes the door behind her.

Dinky just sits. Processing what happened. Might have been ten minutes, twenty, maybe an hour. Dinky doesn't know, but the sun is rising. Dinky trots home, the sun illuminating the normal street. The sense of normalcy is almost a kind of relief. She trots up to her home's driveway when suddenly some Blue earthpony mare with a white mane and purple shades speedily trots into view speeding down the street.

" 'Ello zere pony. I vas vondering iv you knew where ze location of ze meteor iz. I am Photo Finish, a photograver. I normally take pictures ov poniez vut vork iz zlow."

Dinky sadly looks up at the mare. Sadly gesturing the way the meteor landed. The mare gasps almost immediately upon seeing Dinky's expression.

"Ach yes! Zat pose! Zat lighting! Ze location! Its brilliant! Brilliant! You look zo zad and 'elpless. I could ztart a charity! Ya! We could both get rich! Keep looking zad and pathetic! Zats it!" Photo snaps a photo. "Ach yes, this will do nicely! I'll split it 50/50. Vut vut should I call et? Vut were you doing out here?"

"I helped defeat a possessed evil pony, who teleported away. And it seems like only the beginning of troubles for Equestria. And the pony I was might have died!"

"Hm yez. Filly fights evil! Starves on streedz! Vis vill do." Photo reaches into her pocket and gives Dinky a credit card. "Now, I go!" As quickly as she came, she is gone. Dinky sadly looks at the card considering tossing it, but keeps it because she will need it for the road ahead, dinky grumbles and goes inside, getting a bit frustrated.

Dinky walks into the house, opens the fridge and pulls out some milk. She goes to the counter pulling out a box of oats and fixes herself some microwaved oatmeal. And slowly eats it, starting to feel a little better now that she has something in her stomach. And just wonders over what happened.


"Cocka doodle dooo~!" Derpy says in the hallway. "Rise and shine muffin! You have school!" Derpy opens the door to Dinky's room, she isn't there.

"Hm." Dinky trots downstairs and spots a tired filly slumped on the coach. "Something the matter?"

Dinky nods.

"Not in the mood for school?" Dinky nods again. Derpy reaches down and hugs and headrubs her daughter. Who relaxes some, almost slumping.

"Why not?" Derpy asks. Dinky feels better from her mother's affections but not all the way better. Her mom feels soft and warm.

"Long story. I have to go on an adventure." Dinky smiles.

"Oh an adventure huh? School might be able to wait. What's the adventure?" Derpy smiles.

"I have to help save the world!.. I think.. Its complicated." Derpy smiles brighter and hugs bigly.

"I'm so proud of you! Always feel free to come back and eat some muffins! Or say hi or rest when you need to. Adventure sometimes just happens. Its a part of life. And I know you will do good! Be good, and don't forget to have fun!" She nuzzles Dinky. Dinky smiles and nuzzles with, holding her mother. Then Dinky blushes and turns away some. Derpy looks at Dinky inquisitively.

"I'm a little tired.."

"Hehehe. Feel free to sleep in! I'll make some muffins for when you get up!"

"Thank you." Dinky trots up to her room, finally able to get some sleep, she plops into bed without washing up, and quickly falls asleep. Dinky's Luna stone glowingly pulsates.