Benevolence in Black

by LucidTech

The situation

        Slowly, steadily, Twilight’s mind came to reality. The world around her was dark and dank, and she felt so very tired. Her mind briefly touched on the fact that she could feel something moving underneath her skin before she was plunged once more into the welcoming darkness of her sleep.

        An unknown amount of time later and she woke once again, her mind much less tired than it had been before though she still felt a fair amount groggy. Aches ran through each of her legs in a constant state and her stomach was itching up a storm. Before she could examine either situation though, it hit her that by some miracle she was still alive.

Filled with sudden energy she tried to move from her laying position only to find that she was unable to do so. Looking to either side of her head the mare saw that her legs were bound to the table upon which she lay. The energy swiftly fueled her panic as the unicorn began to thrash against her bonds, only to feel them tighten around her skin. Locking her movements and hindering her freedom.

Relaxing her legs she attempted a few breaths to try and calm herself but found those to be pointless given the situation. With her mind still racing the mare tried to forget her bound limbs and turned her attention to the itch that tingled across her entire midsection only to find herself horrified by what she saw.

Stretching the entire length of her underbelly was a large cut that was being held together by mediocre stitches and a clamp that was placed at the mid point. She had been cut open during her sleep, and that idea sent pulses of insecurity through her bones like she had never felt before. Fear took control of her mind again and she began to writhe back and forth upon to the table, once again trying to loose the rope that held her in place, only to be denied once again.

The mare refused to give up this easily though, and continued to struggle against the bonds until a door creaking open caught her ears. She immediately fell still, not wanting to bring unwanted attention to herself, but her pulse still pounded in her head as she heard footfalls approaching from the next room over, causing her to doubt the existence of the steps at all as they were hardly different from her racing heartbeat.

Slowly the door to her room opened slowly and the white bird face appeared through the crack. Twilight was struck silent with the fear of the creature before her, and doubting very much the intentions of the beast that was now entering into the room.

With steady, calculated, steps the creature closed the distance between them until he stood at the tableside to Twilight’s right. As it raised an arm Twilight became aware of a claw like appendage that was separating from the collection of black that seemed to make up the area below the mask. The being reached towards her slowly, the hand traversing the air between them. The unicorn was in too much shock with the current situation to do anything, anything besides gaze into the pair of black eyes on the mask that offered no solace for her. No emotion.

Then the hand stopped its descent just to the side of her face. There, the finger tapped twice on the table, causing Twilight to turn and see what the creature was indicating. Next to her head, on the table, was a small sheet of parchment that had writing barely distinguishable to the librarian from her current vantage point. After a second the mare managed to collect her thoughts and focused on the paper, raising it into the air in front of her while the creature shuffled towards a corner of the room that was cluttered with papers as well as a singular mortar and pestle.

‘Hello.’ The note began, the short hand causing only slight difficulty for Twilight’s practiced eye. ‘I am sure that you are scared right now, you have every right to be. I must insist though that you trust what I am about to write to you as well as that my intentions are good.’ The unicorn glanced between the note and the creature who had its back turned to her before returning to reading.

‘At the time of this writing I presume that you can read. Several books indicate that this is the written word of your race but again, I can only guess as to your capabilities.’ The was a break in the letter that had been scratched out in graphite, leaving the mare to only guess at what it had said. ‘You have no doubt noticed the wound on your chest and I can only ponder as to the level of panic that is rushing through you right now.’

‘I assure you that I have not tampered with you, but the breach of your body’s privacy was needed. Through the examination of your organs I have determined that the sickness is one that targets the brain, slowly twisting it before killing and restarting the heart. The only reason that you are alive now is because I was able to remove the tumor from your brain before it fully took effect.’

‘This however bears ill for the others who have this sickness, as I am unsure if an antidote will be able to deal with the tumors enough to bring them back to their normal selves. Know that should this prove impossible I will not hesitate to free them from their torment.


        Twilight looked once more between the creature and the note before resting the paper to the side of her head. Unsure of what she could do the mare opted to remain silent and take in the fullness of her surroundings.

        She was clearly in a small house, that much was painfully obvious. It appeared that she was present in a child’s room, her dilapidated surroundings telling the story of the filly or colt who had lived here. Seeing nothing large and obvious that would require her attention she took a moment to fully gaze at a collection of small pictures that were gathered near the closet to her left. The older papers that poked out of the bottom of the stack depicted two ponies, one larger pegasus and a smaller unicorn, hugging underneath a rainbow. As well as various other child-like images that might seem appropriate for a small child to have.

        Near the top of the stack however the papers shifted to things that nightmares would be scared of, from a carrot munching greedily on the same pegasus from before with blood spewing from her wounds, to an apple with tentacles that were depicted strangling the unicorn whilst laughing manically.

        Movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention and the mare turned to see the being with the bird like face moving once again. It glanced toward her and pointed to the note at her side whilst tilting its head slightly. Finding her throat unable to break the silence Twilight nodded and the appendage camouflaged back into the collection of black cloth.

        Slowly, the creature moved towards the closet to her left, slowly opening the doors to the room while keeping himself between Twilight and the doors, giving her no visual to work with. A light snarl issued from within the closet and the doors were slowly closed once again, completely, before the being moved away and back to his desk, from which he withdrew a slightly withered apple and passed it to the unicorn.

        Not wanting to be objectionable to her captor, and more than slightly hungry herself, Twilight bit into the rotted core and swallowed the horrible tasting fruit, which did little to cure her hunger pains, but she didn’t press for another, instead laying back down on the table. Trying to get her mind off of the current events as well as those that had brought her to this. Instead she tried to imagine her friends, back how they had been before, back when they had picnics....