Dear Diary...

by CitreneSkys


Dear Diary,

Hi! This is really exciting. Mom finally bought me the journal I wanted. I’ve always hoped to have one. Mom calls me a little author, I hope I can actually become one one day.

-- --- - .... . .-. / .. ... / --. --- -. . / -. --- .-- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.-

You don’t need to know my name. Mother bought me this, thinking this could help me put my thought onto paper. Told her I was aspiring to be an author, and she took the bait.

Sometimes ponies are just too easy to trick.

Everypony is so forgiving...and their lying is even worse. I watched mother lie to me about how there’s a fairy that collets my teeth when they fall out. Of course, I pretended to believe her, but she didn’t fool me.

She hasn’t caught onto how stupid she is.

Even if there was a tooth fairy...I doubt that just taking my fallen teeth would be enough. Wouldn’t it be fascinating to watch some get their teeth pulled out...all the blood spilling onto themselves as they are slowly twisted out of their skull...

Ooh, their screams of agony will be so satisfying...

It’s been a boring twelve years, all I want is some fun in my life. And don’t be like those prissy parents of mine and say “young lady you have so much you can do in your life!” I don’t mean it like that.

Don’t you ever feel like you want to be in control of someone? I know I can’t be the only one to get urges like so, the ones that that to make others suffer. What does it feel like to make them feel safe and secure, only to turn around and stab them in the back?...and the blood dripping off the knife once you pull it out...

Sounds satisfying, don’t you agree?

Dear Diary,

Mother took me to school early today, saying that she’d have to work longer hours. Every time go down towards my school, my mother would ask what street we turn on.

I always answer incorrectly.

“Heh, no silly, we turn right!” That is what she always says. She makes this voice as if I’m still a foal begging for her attention, but it just makes it all the better. I am the foal that begs for her attention, there is nothing else to it!

...sometimes I wound what would happen I used this razor blade...

I’m getting off track, what I was actually getting at was the new filly at school. Her name is BlackBerry, she’s real social and sweet, but I can tell she was lonely. She told me to sob story of her life, something about her parents splitting and having to go to a new school. Everyone around here seems to avoid her at school.

She’s so...trusting...

It’s almost pitiful...but of course, she doesn’t have to know.

It just makes her perfect...

Blackberry is one of the most desperate ponies I have ever seen. I was right, she was perfect.

“Dearest BlackBerry,

This might seem blunt, but I’ve been in love with you the moment you stepped onto school grounds. You are super pretty, and I love it if you’d meet me by the FairyLight Forest. I want to talk to you, but I don’t want to do it in public. Please do this for me?


Secret Admirer.”

I wrote her such a sappy love letter, and she bought it. So...gullible...the filly.

Mother had put me to bed around eight, but this would be fine. She trusted that I would never sneak out, so she never had to check on me. This night, however, was much...much different.

With a packed plastic bag, I slipped out of the window. I was going to have to utmost fun...

I follow the path that took me to FairyLight Forest. Mother always told me to never go into that dense forest, saying that creatures might come to take me away and steal all my teeth. Monsters that could, quote, “gobble me up” if I wasn’t careful.

I wouldn’t believe such a monster existed, but now...

I might as well have created that monster...

The forest was quiet, the muddy ground wet from the morning rain. Hoofprints tracked along the road, and I knew that BlackBerry was here.

Keeping an innocent smile, I trekked further into the dense forest, watching as the fireflies fluttered about. Their lights cast a rainbow of colors, the bioluminescence fading as I reached the spot I had told her to go.

“Oh, hi!” She greeted me, mud coating her hooves. Then she gasped. “Are you are the secret admirer?!”

I chuckled. “Fine...ya caught me!”

“Aww, that's kinda cute for you to do, ” she smiled, slowly turning her head away.“But...don’t really see you the same way...I’m sorry...”

I gasped dramatically, the utmost hurt expression plastered onto my face. She became very panicked, coming over to try and calm me down.

“I-I think you are a great friend!” She said, putting hooves on my shoulders. “You are just...not my type? I promise we can stay friends if you like-“

“Friends for the rest of your life maybe.”


Even if I was shorter than her, I was able to quickly pin her against a tree. The bag dropped against the ground revealing the...instruments I had brought along.

“Don’t scream...” I cooed dangerously. She trembled with fear as placed a muddied hoof against her neck, pressing down against her windpipe. “You can make this harder than it needs to be...”

“W-what are you doing...?” She croaked, her eyes beginning to water as she quivered with fear. “I-is this about t-the rejection? I-“

“Poor dear, you really think I cared...?” I asked, picking up the small pliers I had picked up from a dumpster nearby. I had concluded that I couldn’t let any of the evidence go to me...even then the dulled edge should make this painful as hell...

I patted her hair gently, bringing the pliers up to her horn. “Scream, and it’s your eyes next.”

Without a warning, I snipped off the top of her horn. It fell to the ground, leaving a bloody, rusty mess around the new wound. Berry was at the start of the shrill when she stuffed a hoof into her mouth, her eyes finally leaking.

“W....why...?” She whimpered. I didn’t answer, prying open her jaw. I left the pliers along the muddy forest floor, bringing out a hammer I had taken from my neighbor’s shed. They wouldn’t want it back anyway, not after what I’ll do to her.

I swung at her face, loving the sickening crack I could hear from her skull fracturing. This time Berry couldn’t hold in a scream, her shrills of agony filling the air. It was musical...almost...perfect...

I pulled out her tongue, slicing it off cleaning with a sharpened knife. The blood that pooled out of her mouth dripping out a red waterfall, mouth now stained with its crimson hue. It mingled with her tears, mimicking the sound of rain as it splashed into puddles.

Her agony was delicious...her face was now a mess as her blood bled into her eyes. Eyes were almost pleading, though even if she survived I doubt she could tell anyone the tragic story.

“..ah......c-c...” she mumbled, struggling against the pain.

“Ah ah ah~” I cooed, pressing the dripping knife to her neck. “Stay quiet for me...”

I snickered, the rushing adrenaline in my veins taking hold as I grabbed her violently. “You were an absolute idiot or trusting me. Then again...I can’t blame you...everypony tends to trust this face,” I pointed towards me. “You were easy all...”

I smiled as she sobbed. “Oh...don’t take it would have been dead either way, with or without me...consider doing you a favor...

You’ve lived a happy’s just time to end it.”

I picked up the hammer again. Despite breaking her face, it didn't have a single speck of blood on it. It still stayed as shiny as ever...

Oh and how quickly that’ll change...

“...looks like someone’s ‘bout to smash the berries...wouldn’t you say...?”

The pure fear and betrayal in her eyes were the money. Tears seem to run faster on fear, a fun end to one of my pawns.

I swung once again, smash in in the side of her head. The sound of crunching bones and swishing flesh filled my ears as I beat the hammer into her head repeatedly. She no longer screamed in agony...she no longer squirmed in pain.

She was a corpse, only wee me smashing her skull to pieces. Blood splattered against my hooves and wings, but I didn’t care. Pieces of brain matter littered the floor as if it had exploded, but I couldn’t be much happier...

To be in control of someone’s life...

Deciding when and how they die...

The screams...


I snickered, laughing as I wiped the blood off my hooves. “I have to do this again sometime! Oh..this was too much fun....”