By the Book

by SymphonicSync

Ch. 3

The zebra rolled up the magazine and slid it into his jacket after a lengthy discussion on painted magicast. As he did so, Pepper realized just how long she'd been talking about the Grove. The other factions had merely gotten an overveiw and brief summary of their playstyle, but she was reaching the end of an impromptu history lesson.

She'd also mindlessly opened her saddlebags and pulled out the transport case she had carried from the store. Her cheeks warmed as it dawned on her that she was deep in the process of geeking out.

Always the charmer, she was.

"Oh cool, this is what they turn out like!"

A weight was lifted off her chest as he leaned forward and stared at the figures. "May I?" he pleaded, laying a hoof on the edge of the container.

"Of course! Just don't break them."

He lifted one up and examined it. It was one of a set of three earth pony models covered hoof to muzzle in thick bark-colored armor. "What do they do?" he asked without taking his eyes off of it.

She cleared her throat and answered. "They're the bodyguards for the leaders. I, um, use them as my frontline assault."

He raised an eyebrow. "That's not how bodyguards work."

"Best defense is a good offense?" she stated, giving a sheepish look.

It seemed like he was going to answer, but then suddenly put the model down and reached towards the box once more. "Who's this little guy?"

She watched as he pulled out the commander for inspection. It took her a moment to remember how she'd painted it. "I was trying to paint spots but gave up and just did stripes..." His eyes looked past the model and rested on her. The change in his expression almost made her feel as if he was noticing something for the first time. She looked away, opting to stare out the window.

At that very second, the train went through a tunnel and the window turned into a mirror that reflected her image. Ice blue eyes met her own as she saw an onyx mare sitting there, their coat covered in irregular patches of white fur.

"Well, I think it came out looking awesome."

"That's kind of you" She kept looking as the mirror gave way to the sight of a wooded area. Pepperpots heard him put the models back in the case and closed the lid. Silence passed the time until she broke it with a question. "So what brought you to Canterlot?"

"I got some time off of work, yourself?"

"I got some work off of time." she scoffed.

"So this is a vacation then?"

With a groan, her eyes left the window and found their way to her hooves as she buried her face in them. "No," she mumbled, "Just more work. I'm needed for a-" she thought over the details of her transfer and the folder in her bags "consultation."

"Ah," his posture shifted, "Well, will you be in Baltimare long?"

"Several months, I guess." She punctuated her words with a shrug. "Just depends on how long it takes them to remember I'm out here."

"You sound, enthused?" His tone hung in the air, not quite sarcasm, not quite concern.

Shifting the focus, she asked "How about yourself? Business or pleasure?"

It wasn't quite a smile, but at least the frown left as he spoke. "You know what they say, it's not work if you enjoy it."

"Heh, you can say that again." His face winced as if connecting the phrase to her previous comments.


"Don't be, the pay's at least good. And I do have leisure time." Her eyes glanced to the table.

The train slowed to a stop. An announcement sounded over a speaker. "Ladies and gentlecolts, we've arrived at the Le Roc Station in Baltimare. Thank you for joini-"

As the conductor droned on, her zebra companion stood and adjusted his coat. "Well, I suppose we'll be off then." He stated, turning to leave.

"Hey," she called, placing a hoof on the table as she organized her belongings, "didn't you say something about a new store in town?"

"I did, yes."

Her eyes looked to the folder, tucked away under her most recent purchase. In it was the address to her new apartment and the itinerary of her first few days. She'd made a point of skimming that much before discarding any further notions of reading. "I'm not really scheduled for anything until this evening. Would you care to show me where it is?"

With a bow, he swung a hoof towards the door. "It'd be my pleasure." He raised his head to meet her gaze and asked, "Miss?"

"Pepperpots, and I'd be delighted to join you."

Through the sea of passengers disembarking, the pair made their way onto the streets of Baltimare.