//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: ponies? Magic!? WHAT!? // Story: Pieces of time // by StoryWeaver //------------------------------// God I hate waking up, having to get up, but the crick in my neck kept me from the peaceful oblivion of sleep I so loved. I certainly needed it after all those sleepless nights working in that basement on the blasted device that got me here.  I'm lucky I landed in a place with air, not to mention on a planet, the chances are about...say... One in Five Million that I would land within sight of a solar system, not mentioning anything about landing ON the planet. Back onto the less depressing topic. My eyes were assaulted by a blindingly bright light, my eyes weren't prepared for the sudden change of light, and they burned something fierce! "come to me child, thou hast the form of one of the chosen..." I didn't so much hear the voice as knew what beckoned me. It was one of the crystals, glowing bright and fierce with power. This recurring Nightmare? Well...let's play it out again, say my line, and get out of this demented spawn of my mind. I got up slowly, shielding my eyes against the light and slowly gathering myself together. I strode slowly, almost tumbling, that wasn't part of the script from the Nightmare... I spoke, "you call upon me?" There, single line done, now then... "yes, child, there is much for you to learn yet, you will be important to the future of this place you have stumbled upon." This isn't part of the script, "wait a moment, what exactly are you?" "I am one who guides those lost within the eternity of all, child, and you are one such lost, but now you are found, you shall awake and meet the one who will help you find your way soon." Wait... "what?" "before you awake I will leave you with a prophecy," the light within the crystal changed, now dimmer, and a strange purple," "To find what was once lost to thee is the goal of all Equinity, for once found, the lost shall prevent the demise of all reality, Hold this to thy breast for all of Eternity, thee, first and last of Humanity," What!? That certainly wasn't what I expected of this horror!  "now thou must forget child, awake now" My eyes slid open slowly, I was still sitting there, a stiff, painful, crick had developed in my neck, I stood up slowly, trying to avoid the protest of the sore muscles in my back. Oop, nevermind, pain anyways. After a moment of much popping and cracking of joints I finally got up properly, standing for one final yawn, and again m eyes were assaulted by much light! Pain! After another minute of quickly blinking over and over my eyes finally settled for squinting. Was that an opening? By Jove! It was! But before I could jump through a shadow came over the entrance, it certainly didn't look human. Great...Aliens. Now what? "come with me, Human" the voice was gentle, yet it had the steel of a mother commanding her toddler, the kind of voice you were taught to obey without questions. Once outside, and another few moments of quick blinking...I saw something that no human would ever believe, except maybe little girls with their dolls. I stood in front of an alicorn! A tall Alicorn! And a very imposing one indeed, my jaw dislocated for the third time since the incident with the wormhole. Where the hell was I!? I could barely take my eyes off the god-like horse, the hair itself made no sense, flowing without wind, what I saw around her made a little more sense, but not by much.  what looked to be a sort of mine sat in the middle of a very tiny clearing in a forest of thick trimmed trees, nearby could be seen a fairy tale castle, surrounded by a walled city of white, below that stretched a lush green plain of pastel colored forests. "what is your name, Human," said the huge white horse thing with the wavy hair. "um...uh...D-Doctor W-William Dackecurl..." I stammered, barely able to form the two words for I lacked the comprehension. "then hello William, Welcome to Equestria." __________________________________________________ Well, I was just going for a fling and it's turned into quite a bit more, I hope you all enjoy this, I tried to give the prologue chapters some depth, and foreshadowing, god I hate writing in first person, that will change soon enough and things will begin to pick up by that time. Please enjoy, GeekBeam Embarassingly new writer P.S. Next 2 chapters will wrap up the prologue and begin the story in earnest.