//------------------------------// // 10,000 Paces to Equestria, 9,552 Paces Back // Story: Heading Weast for the Winter // by Split Scimitar //------------------------------// A few days later, Rarity releases me to the next pony who wants to host me: Pinkie Pie; but not before we part with a European double kiss, and an extra kiss of thanks on the cheek for me. “Guess I’m all yours, Pinks.” “I’m running the bakery today! Hope you don’t get too bored!” “How can I get bored with you?” “Haven’t you said that to me before?” “To my Pinkie Pie. We never met until you crossed over. You know, when I had my accident.” She doesn’t respond, but it seems the mere mention of my accident seems to leave her quite dejected. Making note of her change in mood, I slowly continue with, “my point is, if I’m hanging with either of “you,” and I get bored, something’s wrong.” Pinks laughs. Soon, the day’s first customer arrives. I remain still as possible as the figure walks through the door, but immediately relax upon seeing who it is. “Hey Apple Bloom! Your turn for the faculty’s breakfast?” “Eyup!” She responds in the style of her brother. “Coming right up! The usual assortment?” “Yeah.” “Be right back!” “Hey Max!” “Hey Apple Bloom.” “Mind if I sit next t’ya?” “Not at all.” “How was Silver Shoals?” She asks a few short moments later. “Warm. The Princesses did a good job of keeping Sunset and I entertained. Then when [your] Rarity asked for me, Dash came to get me, so you could say I enjoyed myself, but I don’t think I could say with confidence I enjoyed everything I was to be provided. “Besides, I’m not really much of an activity-leaning soul. I’m very much like Luna in that regard. If my body could, I’d sleep for multiple days on end.” “That’s not good.” “I know. Some days I wish, though.” “We were meant to live active lives! It’s literally in our blood.” “And I hate it. Most of the time.” “No wonder ye’r so down in the dumps all the time. Ye’ don’t like to be active.” “Some of the happiest souls I know spend most of their waking lives lounging around, eating to their heart’s content, and not once ever looking the slightest bit like they can put on weight. I on the other hoof can gain weight just by fantasizing about food.” “Don’t be ridiculous!” “Has anyone ever told you that you sound like your sister when you say things like that?” Apple Bloom only smirks. “She’s all ready for ya!” Pinks calls soon after. “Thanks Pinkie Pie!” She calls as she takes a bag on her back. “Need help? I can carry one of them for you.” “I got it. Thank you though.” “Alright, see you later, Apple Bloom.” “Bye Max!” She calls as she grabs her other bag with her mouth. A few minutes later, Pinkie goes on her break, and presents me with a cupcake along with one of her own. “Hey Applejack!” She calls shortly after another figure walks through the door. “Hi Pinkie. Big Mac’s feelin’ a bit… different, so he’s on a date with Sugar Belle tonight. I’m here to deliver some apples for ya.” “But I didn’t order any apples.” “Ye’ didn’t, but we had an extra bushel, and it is holiday time. Figured ye’ could make a few extra apple pies for the season.” “Where did Big Mac and Sugar Belle go?” “Dunno. I do know he’s been wantin’ to get away from the farm fer’ a day or two. Maybe he’s doin’ that now.” “Well, everyone needs a break from time to time.” “True.” “Thanks Applejack!” “Max.” She acknowledges with a tip of her hat. “Applejack.” I reply in kind, replace the hat with a flicker of the flame atop my horn. She chuckles before leaving. “Pinkie, can I ask you something?” “Sure.” “When you go on holiday, do you ever get the feeling that you’re falling behind in reality? Like, you reach a point where you feel that once you return home, it’s kind of “hit the ground running” whether it be work, housekeeping, or something like that?” “Uh,” she ponders, “I know what you’re asking, and I know some creatures who definitely get that even after short period of time, but personally? I don’t think I mind.” “I see.” “Why? Are you feeling that way now?” “A little bit. Since it seems like our holiday seasons aligned this year, I can’t shake this feeling that when I return, despite what’s going on, I’m going to go back to a lot of messages from my friends accusing me of being antisocial or something.” Pinkie laughs. “If I know “us,” we’ll understand if you can’t make it.” I can’t help but chuckle at her terminology. “I hope you aren’t offended if I’m showing signs of eagerness to return home, because it’s for that reason. That, and, since I let airlines park airplanes at my two airports, I kind of want to be there when they bring them out of storage.” “I understand. I’m not holding it against you. I just hope Sunset doesn’t spend too much time with Princess Celestia.” “Actually, I think the mirror is at Starlight’s. I’d just need to find a way to ably move between our worlds with minimal resistance.” “I’m pretty sure the portal is always available, so long as there’s a magical item to sustain it.” “Have you or anycreature else been across to my world?” “No. The last time I remember anyone I know being in your world was Rarity, when both of her were in San Francisco.” “Oh alright then.” “Sorry I have to let you go. I need to go buy some baking supplies.” “No problem at all. You have a life to live and a career to maintain. Do what you need to do.” “Love ya Max! I’ll see ya soon!” “Right back at ya, Pinks!” With that, I return to Starlight’s but after knocking a few times, I find no one home. “Uh, can Trixie help you?” “I’m a friend of Starlight Glimmer. I wanted to ask her something.” “She’s still at the School of Friendship. She’ll be home shortly.” “Okay, thank you.” With that, I decide to walk around Ponyville. I know there’s no… trouble raging here at all, but in line with what’s recommended on my side, and just something I’ve perfected as a bit of an actively practicing one myself, I go for a walk but socially distance myself for fear of interaction. After making my way around town square and back towards Sugarcube corner and Rares’ boutique, I do what I do best and meditate on what my life holds when I return. Since some airlines are going to exit, replace, or even increase their aircraft in storage at any of my three airports, I would like to oversee those operations as I said earlier so I can keep my essential taxiways and runway safety areas clear. Since I’ve seen everycreature who’s available, I’m basically at Sunset’s mercy, especially considering I need to get to Sky Harbor so I can return home. “Hi Pilot Light!” A voice not matched to anyone I’ve met on this side calls from afar. I perk up to acknowledge their call, but I can’t for the life of me find them. “I’m over here!” After a few scans and driving myself dizzy over not seeing them, I almost shout in rage, but before I can even flare up, she laughs. “I’m just pulling your tail.” She says suddenly appearing right in front of my muzzle upon turning around. “Aah!” “Sorry.” She giggles. “I didn’t mean to scare you, but you seemed lonely, so I wanted to say hi. So, Uh… hi!” “Hello.” I respond unable to resist smiling at her endearingly cute babbling. “Autumn Blaze.” She says offering a flaming hoof. “The real name’s Scimitar. Split Scimitar. I go by Max ordinarily, but I’ve earned the Pilot Light nickname somehow. How did you know my name, and I’m sorry to say we haven’t met before.” “Applejack told me about you. Kind of easy to pick you out of a crowd when you’re the only Nirik. Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound invasive. Applejack however did speak well of you.” I chuckle. “Well, I don’t know what she’s said about me, but I hope you know I’m kind of an outsider here. Not just as a Nirik.” “Are you from that parallel world???” “Yeah. I am.” I reply bashfully. “Been here about a week or so now, and I’ve loved it, but I do feel a need to go home. That’s not to say I don’t want to leave. I’m feeling oddly conflicted. As much as I’d like to stay longer here in Equestria, my world calls.” “Sure,” she responds finding a bench in town to sit on, “I think I understand what you’re saying. So where did you go?” “I went to Canterlot with the Council of Friendship so the Princess could see me, as she had requested so from Sunset Shimmer. From there, I went to Silver Shoals, also with Sunset, to see Princesses Celestia and Luna, both of whom wanted to see me, especially the latter. Spent a few days down there, then Rarity called on me to help her with some clothing stuff that I guess only a Kirin, or specifically a Nirik could assist.” “Sounds like you had a bit of an adventure, and on your first trip here too.” “Is that supposed to be a bad thing?” “No! Actually the opposite. Well, except for the part where you said Rarity needed you. That’s the most adventurous part it sounds like to me.” Again I chuckle. “Sounds to me like Applejack is the one who introduced you to me. Now that we’re meeting for the first time, I do have to ask, but please don’t take this the wrong way: was there any specific reason she brought me up?” “She didn’t say anything,” she responds after some thought. “My assume… presumption is that she figured you need a friend.” “Well, in that case, can I have a hug?” She doesn’t respond, instead leaping over and gripping me tightly like I’m some sort of stuffed animal. I try to return the favor, but her hug has pinned my forelegs down so. “Wanna come with me to Sweet Apple Acres? I was just on my way to see Applejack.” “I’d love to, but I’m actually waiting for Starlight Glimmer. I need to talk to her about some things.” “Okay, no problem. If you have time, I’d love to see you over there.” “I’ll try.” “I love you already!” She says with another smothering hug. “See you soon!” As she leaves to trot to the farm, she waves hi to everycreature that isn’t preoccupied. I smile and then head back to the castle. “Oh, hey Max. Trixie said you were looking for me?” “Yeah. I need to get back to my world for a bit. I’ve been expecting some important work stuff.” “Oh. Follow me.” When she leads me into the room with the mirror, I check to make sure it behaves the same way Sunset’s mirror did before I tell Starlight, “I don’t know if there’s a difference in the passage of time between our worlds, so if there’s any major time where I’m absent, please tell Sunset I went back to check my voicemails.” “Okay. See you soon Max.” With that, I place my hand on the mirror in much the same way Sunset did. Once my hand permeates the semi-permeable membrane of the rippling glass, I step the rest of the way in and shut my eyes in anticipation of getting sucked into the wormhole. “Ow-wawawawawawawa.” I say dizzily as I stop spinning and emerge with vertigo and a splitting headache. When I can feel my internal gyroscope reset, I cage my tumbling vision to reorient myself to the room. The stack of pillows on the mattress is a few steps away, so at least I wasn’t thrown or ejected from the mirror. Nevertheless, I find it very dark outside, and both my phone and iPad exactly where I left them. I turn on the room lights then check the phone. *Pinkie Pie – 2 messages.* “Merry Christmas Max! Love ya!” “Happy New Year Max! Wish you could’ve been here to celebrate! Love ya to bits!” *Twilight Sparkle – 2 messages.* “Hey Max, Merry Christmas. Wish we all could’ve been together this year.” “Happy New Year Max. Thanks for being a great friend to all of us! We love you!” *Rainbow Dash – 2 messages.* “Yo Max! Why are you being a loser this year? Christmas isn’t the same without you!” “Hey, loser! HNY!” *Fluttershy – 2 messages.* “Hi Max. Merry Christmas. I know we couldn’t all get together this year, but we all miss you.” “Happy New Year Max. We all love you.” *Rarity – 2 messages.* “Merry Christmas Max! Wish you were here!” “Happy New Year darling. Hope you don’t get Sunset pregnant while you’re in Equestria.” *Applejack – 1 message.* “Merry Christmas, Sugarcube.” “No New Years text from AJ?” *Applejack – now – message.* “Happy New Year Max. Hope this year goes better than last.” Seeing as how that message was received while reading her Christmas message, I decide to type a reply. “Thanks Applejack. Happy belated holidays to you. I just hopped back to check my voicemails. Assuming Sunset comes back within a reasonable time frame, I can fly out to FSM and we can talk.” “I appreciate that, Sugarcube. I hope you can come sooner rather than later. This past holiday season was pretty tough for all of us.” “Admittedly, same here. Equestria didn’t exactly help.” “Is it Hearth’s Warming over there?” “I couldn’t tell. There were some holiday festivities, or at least the spirit, there was only frost on the ground in the early morning.” “That’s nice. Kinda makes me want to return to Equestria one of these years.” “Maybe we can go together sometime.”