//------------------------------// // Chapter Three // Story: The Dominator of The Universe // by Sun Knight //------------------------------// Boros sighed to himself as he boarded his ship again, the two princesses still tied up on a chain which Boros pulled with him along the way to drag them with him. "I'll just let this play out, as there seems to be no need for me to do much else here." Hopefully some creature comes along to bring some stimulation to my existence... but that's unlikely here. He thought, sitting down on his throne, a hand holding his head up as he stared away into space, his eye lidding in boredom. The princesses woke up to find themselves in a dark room, chained together, next to Boros, who didn't seem to notice. They snapped out of their chained prison with their strong stature and took their stances. "BOROS! WHERE ARE WE?! AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY PONIES!" Celestia shouted, using her Canterlot Voice. Boros' ears rung as his face scrunched up, glancing at the large pony. "You'd be pleased to know that they are perfectly fine, from what I know. I didn't do anything to them, so there's no reason to make me deaf." He mused, turning his cheek. "And you're on my ship, within my Throne Room." Celestia scowled. "Why are you doing this?" "Isn't it obvious? I conquer galaxies for my amusement, but it's also because I want to find the perfect warrior, one that can battle me with true intensity... you see, the planet I came from is unlike any other. It was unlivable in your circumstances. My kind was created to resist these uninhabitable environments. It was a long fight for dominance, really. I am the pinnacle of my race. I possess a body that can destroy land masses with ease and send chills through even the strongest beings. You think I'm just going to live my life miserably, gaining no excitement out of it? You'd be heavily mistaken." Boros stood up from his throne. "Foolish lower lifeforms such as yourself would never understand me, because you've never had such strength. Call me selfish if you want, but I'd rather go out as a legend than simply a villain." "If you think you can just take my land and slaughter my ponies without reprimands, you're gravely mistaken, Boros!" Celestia growled under her breath. "If it is a thrilling fight you wish, you may get it, but it won't be one you'll enjoy. You're tyranny ends here!" Luna added, just as visibly angered as her sister. "If you say so, but don't try to fight me again. We know how that will go." Boros ridiculed the two with his reckless attitude. "I will fight every single one of your warriors if it so pleases you. But, if I find out this is a mere bluff, then I will resort to the Nuclear option and bombshell your entire planet to Hell!" Boros laughed at himself, walking out of his throne room. "MELZARGARD! Guard these two 'Princesses' for me, won't you?!" Melzargard turned to the two with his numerous heads, a dull smile spread across each one of them. "I'd love to, Lord Boros." He muttered, approaching the two. His massive footsteps lightly shook the room due to his sheer size. "We're going to have a lot of fun." One head spoke. A high pitched laugh exited another. "Good idea." Another said, praising the other heads. Celestia and Luna's eyes shrunk as the freak of nature approached them menacingly. "...Oh dear..." They both whispered in unison, glancing at each other. ~ Boros strolled through Canterlot happily, looking around as his men continued to terrorize the city and beyond. "What a beautiful day." He cheekily noted. While walking towards the border of Canterlot, he was stopped by four very distinguishable individuals. One was a large, muscular, red Minotaur, with a small pegasus filly right next to it, floating mid-air, then there was what looked like a bug-pony hybrid with holes in it's legs and a long, crooked horn, and then a dark colored pony wearing a red royal mantle with a curved horn that was red at the tip, and grey armor that covered his neck down to his upper chest along with armor plates on his legs. "What a strange cast of characters we have here..." Queen Chrysalis eyed him. "You're this 'Boros' figure, are you not?" She asked bluntly. "Lord Boros. Who's asking, exactly?" He snapped back, giving her slight attitude. "Queen Chrysalis of the soon-to-be Changling Kingdom." "Don't forget us, too!" Cozy butted in, an innocent look on her face. "...and King Sombra, Lord Tirek, and the foal." "It's Cozy Glow..." "Yeah, sure, whatever." Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "What do you want from me? Are you those would-be warriors that dare challenge me?" Boros questioned, tapping his foot as if he were impatiently waiting to move along. "We aren't here to defy you or your plans, but we are here to ask what you are doing here." Tirek took a step towards Boros as he spoke. "Well, take a look around you. I'm conquering these lands as I usually do." Boros looked behind him, chaos ensuing as usual. "I think I'm doing a swell job at it." "That's why we ask you to join our club!" Cozy shouted enthusiastically, leaning in towards Boros. "Club? What, are you this planet's villains?" "We're also soon to be this planet's rulers! Particularly ME when I return to The Crystal Empire and steal back the throne that is rightfully mine!" Sombra yelled out. "I see. It's quite the interesting offer, but I'm afraid I work alone, as the leader of my own band of baddies. You could always join as underlings if you so desire, it's probably best for you anyways..." They acted disgusted once Boros muttered the word 'underlings'. Typical villains. "I will not, and SHALL not work under some freak like you!" Chrysalis hissed. "Then don't. You'll be with the rest of these miserable fools when this planet is destroyed down to it's last atom!" Boros pushed them out of the way and continued to walk away as if nothing happened. Tirek made a sour look after he was pushed out of the way and cracked his knuckles. "You think you can treat Lord Tirek as a piece of trash?" He jumped up, stomping in front of Boros to make him stop. "Oh, please, don't tell me you're offended by your own stupidity!" Tirek glared daggers in his eyes as he balled his fists, a ball of energy forming in between his horns. "I can and will shatter you into a thousand pieces before you even blink!" A beam was fired soon after his cocky statement, but Boros simply slapped it away and counterattacked with a punch right to the gut that sent Tirek flying straight upwards. "Forget it, childish moron, your power is as weak as the wannabe princesses that got destroyed in a slap by me earlier." Tirek landed next to the other three right on his face, a loud groan coming from him. He stood back up, stumbling a bit. Blood dripped from his nose as he wiped his face. Boros then turned back to them. "I must admit though, you have potential. I can sense your energy levels. It's rather interesting to me." Boros smiled at them. "So I'll offer again. Join the Dark Matter Thieves. You won't have to be my underlings, but you will follow me and conquer to your heart's content. What do you say?" They seemed to think about it, which was a good sign "If we do join you... will we still be able to conquer Equestria, and do as we please?" Sombra asked with curiosity. "Yes, and much more... you'll go down as legends with me, and no creature will be able to face you ever again!" They began to laugh devilishly as they imagined their own twisted dreams. "Yes!" They shouted confidently in unison. "Perfect... truly perfect." Boros replied. This is getting interesting.