Heading Weast for the Winter

by Split Scimitar

Not Quite a Forest

“Good morning Max.” Princess Celestia greets quite cheerily as I half-stumble into their kitchen. “Join us?”

“Shortly, thank you. How are you awake before me, Sunset?”

“Got a good night’s sleep I guess.”

“Has your sister turned in?”

“She should be soon.”

“Hello everypony.” Luna then calls, wearing a nightcap atop her head and another atop her horn.

“Hello Luna. Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your visit.” I say.

“Yes indeed, thank you.” She then yawns. “Goodnight everypony.”

The three of us dig in to a beautiful medley of fruit and haycakes. Upon noticing the scent of the latter, it dawned on me.

“I haven’t had anything properly equine (with respect to my world). Everything I’ve had has been like 90% refined grains and dairy.”

“Oh yeah. That’s true. Well, gotta feed that fire, right?”

“I suppose. Though if it’s sugar, I’m surprised it hasn’t clogged my works or seized me up. If I was still a human, I can guarantee I would be keeled over.”

“Wouldn’t that be nice?”

“For once.”

When the breakfast is finished and the table cleaned, Celestia decides to take us on a walk down the shoreline all the way down to the marina. A boat launch is busy as it would seem to be for this time of year. A few families and parties of primarily Ponies, hippogriffs, and dragons all queue anxiously to launch boats, dinghies, or other watercraft large and small.

Since I joined primarily for the exercise, and because most of the way down is Sunset and Celestia talking about life, especially in the context of our world’s pandemic, I keep to myself.

“I know I’ve been disconnected from my phone since coming to Equestria, but I do wonder if I have any voicemails.” I think to myself.

When we stop for a small snack at one of their favorite bakeries in town, we slowly walk back to the house, where at her request, I start a fire in their main room’s hearth as well as a smaller one in the fireplace in Luna’s room.

Though still fast asleep, she does toss and turn from one side to the other as I try and start the fire as quietly as I can. I don’t know why, but unlike other times, when someone tossing or turning alarms me for fear of disturbing their sleep, I get the opposite feeling. Luna turning over is reassuring, no doubt because of our interaction last night. I’ve heard the same speeches so many times over, I could recite them verbatim backwards and forwards, but for some reason, coming from Princess Luna, it feels different this time.

I don’t doubt that something like this will be as easy as other work droughts, quite the opposite in fact. Yet for some reason, Princess Luna’s visit to my subconscious has left me, unbeknownst until now, all warm and fuzzy inside.

Once I get the fire started, I’m just about to leave the room, when she tosses and turns again, this time, dropping her blanket. Her rear legs and hooves start to shiver as she visibly agitates but doesn’t wake up.

In response, I make the fire bigger so it can burn hotter. You can imagine that original warm and fuzzy feeling now overtaking me. The intensifying fire then transfers to me, and fit to burst, I do the only thing I can think of. Then, without so much as an afterthought, I stealthily take the blanket, re-fluff it, and place it over her body. Right before I make for the door, I give her a kiss on the forehead and whisper “thank you Princess Luna” and leave the room so she can slumber in peace.

When I close the door behind me, Sunset and Celestia have gone to the garden in the back. It’s a rather pretty one, and one that has shown both gentility and longevity. I don’t know how long Celestia and Luna have lived here, and it is possible that it is inherited from the previous owner, but I will say that even for it being my very first time in here, I do wonder if Celestia ever feels better for being here.

“Hey Max.” Sunset calls relaxedly.

“Sounds like you two are mellowing out nicely in here.”

“It’s peaceful.” She responds, then continuing with, “plus, greenhouse.”

“I, uh, can tell.” I reply, wiping some sweat from my brow. “Maybe it’s my body (and my Illinois blood).”

“If I remember correctly, you being fat also helped with your resistance to cold.” She smirks.

“Sunset Shimmer!” Celestia admonishes.

“No no. It’s okay. May as well embrace it. I used to be the family’s poster boy for fat shaming.

“But I’m okay with that now.”

“Be that as it may,” Celestia steps in, “I don’t feel comfortable hearing my former student referring to anyone – especially their coltfriend – as fat.”

I elect to remain silent and join my “marefriend” at her side. With a third lounge chair apparently reserved for me, I settle in comfortably and fervently take in all the plants around me.

Eventually, my body acclimates to the temperature of the greenhouse. When that happens, I decide to get up and actually see the rest of the place.

As the late afternoon gives way to evening, I find a spot in the greenhouse that’s even more soothing than the lounge spot where the others are. Standing here, tall and proud, each breath rustling the leaves and vines, I slowly sit on my haunches as the sun dips to a point where it shines through the side walls.

As my back is to the sun while seated, I crane my neck to see the bright light and then snap back to see my silhouette blocking both of my companions. To that, I stand back up and return to Sunset’s side.

Instead of lounging, I remain on my haunches on the lounge chair. As the last of the sun’s bright rays reflect and refract off of both of the ladies’ manes, I admire Princess Celestia but particularly Sunset.

“*especially their… coltfriend*”

I smile as those words cross my mind.

“*Should we get comfortable… kissing?*”

“*We’re just acting. It’s fine.*”

“Excuse me.” I say largely under my breath as I exit the greenhouse, feeling warmer than when I entered, and quite giddy, and not in a good way.

“What is wrong with you?” My inner voice asks.

“Search me. Oh wait, you are me. You of all should have the answer.”

“Sunset’s your ‘marefriend.’”

“No she isn’t. We’re just acting.”

“It’s fine. She’s quite a catch though, isn’t she?”

“Yeah, but I don’t think I like her like that.”

“You’ve already cuddled. You’ve shared a kiss. What’s next?”

“One.” I reply just as the other voice stops talking. “One. And it was purely to prove we were comfortable with faking it. Nothing more. Nothing less. Period. Full stop.”

“Suit yourself. But never mind the view, look at the track.”

“The… fuck is that supposed to mean?”

Celestia and Sunset exit the greenhouse about 5 minutes later. I in response to my internal dialogue head back into the house and fix myself a cuppa.

Presently, Dashie arrived.

“Max! There you are. I know you’ve been looking forward to spending time with Princesses Celestia and Luna, but I do have a bit of an urgent request from Rarity.”

“What could she possibly want me for?”

“Uh, she didn’t say. You’ll just have to find out.”

“Am I going to head back to Ponyville then?”


“Well, too bad you can’t carry me.”

“I know. It would make life easier for both of us.”

“Well, I guess I’ll have to find some money.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“Even though you could get back to Ponyville for free, albeit under your own power.”

“I never leave my friends hanging.”

“I’m a friend of yours? I’m honored.”

“Of course! The way you treat the other me? It would be wrong for me.”

“Alright then.”

“Besides, I can charge Rarity for the ticket.”

“Will she pay?”

“If she doesn’t, I’ll make her pay somehow.”

“That doesn’t sound like a very convincing argument.”

“Don’t worry. We’ve been friends forever. I’m sure she’ll be willing to shell out a few bits for fetching you.”

“Can I at least authorize my release?”

“Uh, Ponish?”

“I need to let them know I’ve been summonsed.”

“Summoned.” She instinctively corrects.

“I should tell the Princesses and Sunset, at least.”

“Why didn’t you just say that in the first place?”

I remain silent and only smirk.

I look to see who’s around, but no one else is around. Suddenly, Luna appears.

“Oh, hello Luna. Have you seen your sister or Sunset?”

“No,” she replies, “I woke up like 2 minutes ago.”

“Oh, well, I guess I’ll go look for them.”

“Hello Rainbow Dash,” she says. “Please, come in.”

“Thanks. I’m actually here for Max. Rarity is asking for him, so I’m asking on her behalf.”

“I see. Well, would you like to help us find my sister?”


As the three of us look for the others, I check in hallways and outside. Luna checks the other rooms upstairs and Dashie stays downstairs.

We eventually find the two of them walking through the front door, having gone for a small stroll around the block.

“Sunset, Princess Celestia,” Luna says, “Max and Rainbow Dash have something to say.”

“Rarity wants to meet with Max.” Dashie says.

“Did you have anything you wanted to do with me while I‘m here.”

“I had hoped we could catch up on your life a little bit more, but I don’t mind releasing you. Though I do expect you to do so when next we meet.”

“What could Rarity want from Max?”

“I wish I knew.” Dashie responds. “I do know that she was pretty adamant to get him as soon as possible.”

“Okay.” She concurs. “I don’t mind spending a few more days here.”

“Yay.” I respond neutrally.

Sunset then steps forward and says “I’ll see you soon.”

“Okay.” I respond as I reach out to kiss her on the cheek, which we turn into a European double kiss.

“I’ll see you soon Princess Celestia.” I then say as we head for the door. Right before we leave, Princess Luna stops me.

“I don’t know when we’ll see each other next, so I want to leave you with this,” and hugs me rather tightly. Not enough to be crushing by any means, but certainly enough to be snuggly, warm, and fuzzy.

When we reach the station, a train rolls right in.

“Where to today?” The ticket pony asks.

“Ponyville direct.” Dashie replies.

“Your train is arriving next, unless you want to go through Canterlot.”

“No thanks.” She chuckles.

When she pays for the fare, we watch as the current train alights and loads, eventually departing considerably lighter. A lot of holiday makers it looks like.

“Dashie,” I then ask just as the conductor blows his whistle for departure, “I know you’re not much of a softie, and I certainly don’t mean to intrude, but can I ask you some things?”

“Like what?” She responds nervously.

“Don’t worry, I won’t be too namby-pamby. Um, AJ, my Applejack, told me that she thinks she likes me, and that she has feelings for me. That in mind, what’s it like with this, erm, your, Applejack?”

“Well, what can I say? She’s the greatest mare a pony could ask for. She’s strong, she’s sweet, and she’s… well, she’s…


“Difficult a question as it may be,” I smile, “is there anything about her that you don’t like, or makes you two kind of… difficult?”

“Uh… everything, I guess. She’s strong, and strong-willed. It also makes her bullish and usually hard to work with. We’re both doers, and we both know we should be the lead most of the time.”

I don’t respond and wait for her to finish talking.

“But I still would never do anything to lose her.”

“I think that’s all I need to know. For now anyway.”

Just then, our train arrives. With only a handful of other passengers on the platform, we board and get settled for the journey back to Ponyville.