Feud Fight (#5)

by LightningStar626

Chapter 11: All aboard the Revenge Express!

Chapter 11: All aboard the Revenge Express!

"I don't know, Pinkie-"

"Ey! Undercover boy name!"

Jace sighed. "I don't know, 'Bubble Berry'. Maybe we should have gone with Twilight's plan this time."

~Jace stared at Pinkie in discomfort. She had put on a pair of rubber shoes and a dark overcoat so her body looked buffy and more like a boy. She also camouflaged her face with fake glasses and a mustache. She looked so peculiar to the others. As for Fluttershy, they didn't have a lot of clothes to go with, so Jace took off his hoodie and tied it around her waist to cover up the skirt, and Lightning gave her her spare hair band so she could put her hair up.~

"Ah, come on, Jace!" Pinkie nudged his arm. "I'm sure this plan will work. It worked for 'Rainbow Blitz', Applejack and 'Elusive', right?"

"Yeah, it worked, right before they were discovered and captured!" Lightning claimed.

"Relax, 'Thunder Moon'! We got this!" She held her wrist calm to her lips. "You also got this, right, 'Dusk Shine' and 'Sundown Glare?'"

"Right." Twilight smirked.

~She, Sunset, Stitch and Spike were unlocking the mystery door while Lightning, Jace, Fluttershy and Pinkie were queuing at the entrance. Lightning was terrified that Fluttershy's disguise would not do. So, when they got closer, she motioned Fluttershy to stay behind her. Jace took the lead in and spoke to the guard when he called them.~


"Comics." Jace answered.

~The guard stepped aside. The girls silently sighed in relief and slipped by, covering half of their faces. They were relieved nobody took any notice of the three girls. However, while walking by, Pinkie glanced back and made eye contact with the guard. She smiled then looked forwards again.~

"See? Told you it'll-"

"Hey! You! Wait just a minute!" The guard glared and began to stomp over to them.

Pinkie began to panic. "OK, The plan's not gonna work! The plan's not gonna work!"

"Alright, just stay calm, everyone." Jace assured. "Yes, sir?" he then asked, looking back.

"Do you think you can just waltz right in here?" He asked tersely.


"Without your free large popcorn and slushie card. Congrats! You're our 100th visitor today!"

"Oh! Cool! Thanks!" Pinkie smiled, gingerly taking the card.

~Lightning smiled also but then, quickly, she dragged Pinkie by the arm through the arch and into the light of the park, before something else happened.~

"There!" said Pinkie proudly. "Told you it would work."

"Fantastic!" Jace marvelled.

Lightning nodded. "Yeah, but that was too close for comfort. Hmm...I wonder if Twi and Sun made it in that door." She clicked on her wrist calm. There was nothing. "They're not answering."

"We'll try again in a minute. For now, let's find Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity."

"Where could they be?" Fluttershy asked.

~From inside the dark, long tunnel, Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity grunted as they were laid each on a flat metal surface and tied to it. Their wrists were tied behind their backs and their legs were pinned down and tied together on the metal bed also. Frad and his cronies grinned at them as they struggled, squirmed and cried for help.~

"Heeelp! HEEELP!" Rainbow cried. "Help! Somebody help us!"

"Scream all you like," Frad taunted to their angry faces. "Your friends can't hear you from here. And the boys wouldn't care, because, THEY. HATE. GIRLS! JUST AS MUCH AS I DO!" His eyes went crazy.

"When we get outta here, y'all are gonna pay for this!" Applejack shouted.

A random boy cackled. "Feisty, aren't ya? Yeah, I seriously doubt you'll get away. There are like 10 guys present here, and we'll be watching you all the time."

"Wh-what exactly are you planning on doing?" Rarity asked.

"You gonna find out, you vile creature."

"Excuse Me-"

Frad held up his hand. "My friends. It is time to give these brats some payback!"

~Sinisterly, Frad peeked outside. His boys looked that way with him too. The girls were confused and couldn't see what exactly they were addressing at, until they heard chugging. The giant toy train was at the station, looking like it was ready to depart. That's when they realised that the metal surfaces they were bound to were train tracks. Rarity gasped.~

"You have got to be kidding me, right?" Rube sighed. "A train?"

"Yes. A train. I'm gonna give these girls a taste of their own medicine! Since I was run over by a car, they're going to get run over by a train!" Frad grinned.

"Why a train, and not a car?"

"Because we don't have cars here. You idiot."

"There are cars in the car park-"


"Psst. Hey. Frad." Rohas whispered.

"What?" Frad said, turning angrily to him.

"Before we go ahead with your revenge thing, can we first learn how and why these girls know Jace? I'm curious."

Frad sighed. "Very well. Don't ask too many questions though, and if they don't say anything, well then, they'll die quicker."

~Rohas, curious and cautious, stared down from his face at the girls. Rainbow noticed at once.~

"What do you want?" She glared, continuously grunting to get free.

"I want to know how you know Jace."

"What do you mean?"

"Are you special to him? Have you had good times with him?"

"Actually, we have only known him for a day." Applejack spoke up.

"Really? How do I know you're not lying?"

"Applejack never lies." Rarity gasped. "Unlike some people I don't know."

"Watch your mouth, girl…" Rohas frowned a little. "Still, even if you only met him, what have you done with him?"

Rainbow looked at her friend. "Applejack, don't answer…"

"It's best to speak when spoken too, Rainbow Dash."

~She turned back to Rohas and began to explain the truth and everything that's happened up to this point.~

~Meanwhile, back outside in the middle of the fair, Lightning, Jace, Pinkie and Fluttershy were looking over the heads of the boys. Jace grabbed Pinkie and Fluttershy, and with Lightning leading, they skillfully dashed their way through the crowd and into the amusements. Once they made it out, Jace motioned them to move to the pool area to get a better look around. Good thing he knew this park like the back of his hand. However, when Jace ushered them to move, he stopped suddenly and stared at a game a couple of guys were playing.~

"Wow. I remember when Topas and I played that game."

"Jace! Focus, man!" said Lightning, clicking her fingers in his face.

"Oh right! Sorry…" He scratched the top of his head. "Keep going left and-and…" He eyed the large roller coaster. "Wow!" He shouted, racing off in a complete opposite direction.

"What the...Jace! What are you doing?" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Where are you going?" Fluttershy asked in surprise.

Lightning sighed and decided to take charge. "Ok. You two keep looking around, I'll get Jace and we'll catch up."

"Okay." Fluttershy nodded firmly as Lightning followed after Jace.

"And now we're here searchin' for him." Applejack finished.

"Wow. You actually did all that for him? Maybe girls aren't so bad after all. You girls are actually...very nice." Rohas began to smile.

Rainbow pulled a look. "So, does this mean that you'll let us go?"


"Rohas!" Frad suddenly stomped over. "Are you? Siding with the enemies?"

"What, oh...no."

"Really? 'Cause it sure SOUNDS like it! Don't talk to them anymore, they're just lying and sweet talking you into a trap! Come on!"

~Frad dragged Rohas back over to where his boyfriend, Chip, was standing. He flashed the girls an apologetic look.~

"Sorry…" He whispered under his breath.

"Should we get this train rolling now, Frad?" Stato crossed his arms impatiently.

"Yes. IF we're done talking."

"Wait no! Wait!" Rainbow cried out again. "Help!"

Pinkie looked about the large table full of sweet foods. "These boys may be insane, but they make really good food. Mmm! Try it, Fluttershy!"

"Um...ok?" She said, as she bit down on a cupcake.

"HEEEEEELP!" Rainbow's voice suddenly screamed.

Pinkie and Fluttershy glanced across and at the long tunnel. "Rainbow Dash?"

"That sounded like her…!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"It came from that tunnel! Come on!" urged Pinkie.

~She threw what she had on a plate to the ground and jostled her way through the crowd again, Fluttershy pursued her as quick she could.~

"You freak, You will never get away with this!" Rainbow struggled.

"Oh but, I already have." Frad sneered.

~The end of the tunnel suddenly glowed pink and bursted open. Two pink odd figures step inside it boldly and glare at their friends' captors.~

"Oh but, you already haven't!" Pinkie Pie protested.

Applejack raised a brow. "What in the world…?"

"It's the 100th visitor." Rogar murmured.

"Get lost, buddy! This has nothing to do with you!" Frad yelled.

"I am no buddy of yours!" Pinkie huffed.

"Wait, it's that butterfly girl in disguise…!" Frad noted.

Fluttershy peeked out from behind Pinkie. "Umm...yes?"

"Fluttershy?!" Rarity exclaimed.

"And me, Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie stupidly rips off her disguise.

"Who's Pinkie Pie?" Frad shrugged.

"I am!" Pinkie said proudly. "And we're here to rescue our friends, kick butt, and take names! What's your name?"

~Pinkie pointed at Frad but all he gave for an answer was a hideous smile. Fluttershy was suddenly seized in a vicious grip from behind and propelled forwards. She screamed in fear. Pinkie was then also seized not long afterwards. Both struggled and cried out but it was useless. The boys were too strong for them. Sometime later, Fluttershy and Pinkie were lying on the train tracks next to their friends, tied up in the same manner. After the boys tugged and secured the ropes, Pinkie stared at them, completely dumbfounded .~

"Wow. Did anybody see that coming?"

"Yes." All the boys nodded.

"Even Rogar saw that coming." Stato sighed.

"I did?"