//------------------------------// // Home // Story: The Twi'lek // by Gallants //------------------------------// The Princess was quiet on our flight back to Canterlot spent most of the time mumbling to herself and writing notes. I enjoyed the view of the countryside, I felt like I was back in the care of the Order and Republic The Princesses spoke up pulling me out of my musings, "Your mother has been in a panic since you went missing and had to be dismissed of service," I shifted my glance over to the Princess, "I need you to go straight back to your home," she let out a sigh, "can you promise me that?" I smiled, leaned back in my seat, and ran my fingers across my necklace, "I planned on going straight home Princess," I told her looking back out to see the approaching majesty of Mount Canterhorn, "I missed my mom, I just want to spend a few days at home with her," Slowly the carriage made its final descent coming to a rough stop against the palace's landing zone, taking a few tentative steps onto the polished stone pad and ignoring the looks of the E.U.P soldiers I gave the Princess a nod and made my way home. Walking down Canterlots streets I saw the police out in full force most of them wearing reinforced gear, several guards filling in the gaps. "Hold up, what are you doing?" A stallion called out approaching and looking me over while scanning the area with another officer following. I studied their armor closer and read the basic that stated 'riot police' across the brow of their helmets, "I just got back from out of town and going back to my house," I told them, taking a few more steps down the road. "Where do you live?" He barked at me, approaching me faster however he was stopped by his partner placing her hoof on his shoulder. "Let her go, It won't be hard to track her address if we need to follow up," His head shifted before shaking off her hoof, "I'll escort her if you're worried about trouble," he nodded before heading back towards the guards. She walked up to me, "Sorry about Shelter he's a bit rough around the edges," she said, "I'm sure you don't remember me Ms. Lessa, Officer Mint Kick," her voice was confident as she walked me down the deserted street, broken glass crunching underfoot and hoof, "Don't worry the riots died down after the sun rose," her eyes still scanned the alleys as we passed them, "We're still on edge though," she sighed before staying quiet for the rest of our walk. We gave each other a cordial nod and parted ways when we reached my house. I quietly entered hoping to surprise my mom, "You should see this as a blessing," a stallion's voice echoed down the foyer, "that freak is gone, now all you have to do is kick that pointer out," whoever he was he had a layer of anger rolling under his voice. Mom's voice cut through fighting through choked air, "My da-daughter i-is missing and all you can do is tell me it's good she's gone," she slowly raised her voice, "and then you have the audacity to insult Fleur when she is the only one who came and supported me when all of this happened," I peeked around the corner, mom was yelling at two older bat ponies, "the two of you come a week after everything has happened just to insult my lifestyle, my family, and my friends, I think it's time for you two to leave," The mare stood up, "Oh you want us to leave because we want our disgrace of a daughter to come back into the graces of the other night nobles," the mare walked closer, "first you went and disrespected our lineage by joining the day guard, then you adopt an alien freak, and become friends with a pointer," I saw mom's wings tighten against her back before she slammed her head against the mares. "Like I said it's time for you to leave," She told the couple, they snorted before beginning to turn, I ducked into the closet. I waited for a little until I heard the front door slam shut, stepping out I honed in on the sobbing from mom and the calming voice of Fleur. "I guess I know now why I never met grandpa and grandma," I said after throwing myself onto the couch and snuggling up to mom. I felt her freeze before a wing shot out and pulled me tightly against her, a foreleg soon joined wrapping around my shoulder and I felt a kiss being planted against my forehead. "Sasha, what happened, I heard you were arrested and then kidnapped by bandits?" Mom nuzzled me as Fleur walked away, "I understand if you don't want to talk about it, I'm just happy you're home sweetie," she whispered her rear leg pushed down and brushed against my daggers sheath, "Did you get a knife, and where did you get that necklace?" I didn't want to talk about it, but I couldn't deny answering mom. "There was a giant spider," I began my explanation, "she destroyed my lightsaber, bought a dagger at a smithy in Stalliongrad, and I made a necklace from the kyber crystal pieces," I said as a steaming mug was held in front of me a light lavender glow wrapped around the handle. "Sacre Bleu Sash that sounds like it'll be quite the story, et I made some hot chocolate," Fleur said, I shifted until I was sitting straight up with mom resting her head against my shoulder. Gingerly I took the mug and sipped the smooth drink a feeling of contentment washed over me, "not my best, I know, the instant is never as good as properly made," Fleur said as she climbed onto the couch sandwiching me between them, "It's good to have you back, I didn't promote anypony either, whenever you're ready we can get back to work," she told me before sighing. I really was where I belong.