Snowfall Frost and the Hearth's Warming Plan

by Musical_theatre_demon

Chapter 9: Extermination and Exorcisation

"Now that we got that out of the way, time to find a way to get rid of you three," Snowfall Frost said, trotting over to her home library, "Good thing I have some books on the subject."

"Why would you wanna get rid of us? Like Snow Dash said, we're welcome here!" chirped the Spirit of Hearth's Warming Present.

"SHUT UP! I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING, BUT LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS!" Snowfall Frost shouted, "It's about getting rid of you once and for all so I don't have to deal with you annoying simpletons anymore!"

"What's a simpleton?" the Spirit of Hearth's Warming Present whispered.

"It means you're stupid," said the Spirit of Hearth's Warming Past and Future in unison.

"Oh!" she said, finally getting it, "We are not annoying or stupid! We're here to help you!"

Snowfall Frost ignored her comment and continued looking through her bookshelf. After a few minutes of searching, she used her magic to take it off the shelf and hover it over to the table by her armchair. "I've got it," she said, trotting over and sitting down.

But before she could continue, she heard a knock on the door. "Not right now. I'm busy," she said, dismissing whoever it was. She knew for a fact that it wasn't Snow Dash because she swore she had seen her run to and lock herself in her room, crying. Snowfall Frost sort of felt bad, but soon put it all behind her again. More important matters were at hoof now and she had to find the right chant to get rid of the three spirits.

That's when she found it. The spell. The chant. Snowfall's heart skipped a beat as if she were with Snow Dash at the moment. As Snowfall Frost recited the chant exactly as it was on the page, a blue light surrounded the Spirit of Hearth's Warming Present, the Spirit of Hearth's Warming Past, and the Spirit of Hearth's Warming Future.

Say Goodbye to the Holiday (Reprise) Lyrics

Snowfall Frost: Saying goodbye to the holiday
Now fills me with hesitation
Am I doing the right thing?
Snow Dash in devastation

No more little games
For me to play
When I say goodbye
To the spirits

She watched them disappear before her very eyes, though she knew they'd be back. But at that time, a realisation hit Snowfall hard. She didn't know what to do, but she had to go find Snow Dash. Things were getting out of hoof and she wanted to do something about it.

Snowfall's Reflection Lyrics

Happy Hearth's Warming
What have I done?
I was so caught up
In this run
That I didn't think
About the one

I can't face myself
This blame I place on myself
Is so real

I've been treating her badly
And this is what I get
Her pain is so real
I feel it too
This whole ordeal
Has gotten out of hoof
And I must do something
I just can't stand around
And do nothing

It's all my fault
And I'm to blame
I didn't pay attention
To how she felt
I was so selfish
Focused on my little game
That I lost control
All sense of reality
The effect of saying goodbye to the holiday
Was just in it for me

Oh what can I do
To make it up to you?
I love you
That much is true

I'm sorry
I wasn't the best
Acting instead of
Trying to take things off my chest

I did not consider how you felt
And that's on me
Yeah, that's on me
I neglected you, it's true
I made your heart melt
But the deal has been dealt

Every day
I can't face myself
After today
All this shame
Of playing the game

I love you
That much is true
Let's get the holiday back on track
I promise not to verbally attack
I'm over it
Let's reopen it

Together is the key
For the holiday
And you and me