Equestria and the Librarian of her roles namesake

by shcalda

3: Criminal Reception

The burgundy mare flinched as Keen Gaze stomped his hoof on the ground. The plastic bag behind her crackled beneath her hooves as her groceries went unnoticed in the alleyway. Lifting a hoof to protect herself, the mare whimpered as she stumbled back from Keen, who slowly stalked forward.

“You had two weeks lady, two weeks to pay up!” he yelled. “And what did you do? Gave me puppy dog eyes and asked for more.” Keen spat on the ground, shifting his purple-furred body as he outstretched his wings, displaying the sharp metal that covered the front. “This isn’t a charity, bitch, so hand over the cash or things are going to get messy.”

“Please, just give me a bit more time!” the mare yelped. Falling to the floor, she struggled to stand up or flee. Her eyes were bloodshot as she stared at her approaching aggressor. “I’ll get you the money, I just need another hit and some more time!” she choked.

“You aren’t getting any more time, Dewdrop!” Keen snapped. “You should’ve made sure you’d have the money before begging for some more Zed.”

Dewdrop’s heart rose into her throat as she pushed herself off the ground. She began galloping as fast as her frail body allowed her, running between back alleys as her attacker followed in pursuit. The streets flew past her eyes as her sight became blurry, the sound of wings growing closer and closer, a constant in her mind as she forced herself to run.

The sound of Keen following her began to dissipate as she ran, looking behind her, the stallion had lost speed, a feeling of hope spreading across her as she began to lose her pursuer. A sharp pain ran through her barrel as she fell to the ground, her muscles tense as she failed to move. Her hope shattered as she heard the sound of magic dissipating and saw a grey unicorn with a white mane begin walking forward in her peripheries.

“You didn’t need to interfere, Tang,” Keen declared. “She was right where I wanted her.”

“Is that so?” The unicorn mare, Cold Tang, spoke. “Then why did I see her getting away?”

“Because she’s a Wonderbolt,” Keen deadpanned. “I was letting her think she was escaping, make her lose her guard.”

Dewdrop’s eyes darted between the two, adrenaline coursing through her body yet being unable to do anything. She watched as the two continued to bicker, her eyes filling with fresh tears at the thought of what they would do to her.

“It doesn’t matter,” Cold Tang finally exclaimed. “I found something interesting for us to do once we’re done with her.” a blue note appeared beside her and was levitated for Keen to read.

“Some Library? How’s that interesting?” Keen Gaze wondered. Dewdrop’s hoof twitched as she felt the magic she had been hit with begin to wear off.

“It’s not just some library, Gaze. The letter says it’s called The Library, which means it must have some unique information we could learn and sell,” Tang explained.

“Like what? How to run a business?” Keen mocked. Cold glared at the stallion, her magic highlighting a portion of the invitation. “Fine, I’ll join you, but only because this ‘ordeal’ could be fun.”

“Good,” Cold exclaimed. “Now, to finish with business,” she spoke, turning to the mare behind them. Dewdrop’s eyes were wide as she noticed her two attackers watch her slowly struggle to limp away.

Keen Gaze grinned.


“How could they do something like that!” Rainbow yelled.

After talking with Angela, Rainbow Dash had decided to get more comfortable in the library. She had already started getting used to the rows of books on ‘Keter’ floor when Angela had called her about an Invitation.

“It would seem our societies are not so different after all,” Angela deduced. Rainbow staggered back as she thought about what she saw. Ponies fighting wasn’t uncommon but attacking each other like that. Rainbow Dash shook her head.

“That pegasus said something about ‘Zed’, do you know what he was talking about?” Angela inquired. The room was silent as Rainbow Dash’s brow furrowed.

“Zed, it’s a drug from Griffonstone. The only reason I know about it is ‘cause an old friend tried giving me some. Whenever she’d take it though, she was a lot calmer.”

“It’s fortunate you didn’t take it then, that woman seemed addicted,” Angela remarked.

“Why would they do that to her though, why would they, Kill her!” Rainbow Dash begged. The question was all she could think about as she sat down on the cold floor.

“She was in debt and failed to pay. Humans only care about money and their selfish ideals. It would seem these ponies think the same way,” Angela scoffed.

“No, ponies aren’t like that,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

Ignoring the cyan mare, Angela was quick to change the subject. “Nonetheless, this will be your first reception, I expect you will be more than capable of tending to our guests,” she remarked.


Entering the library, Keen Gaze was in awe at what he saw. The library was huge, much bigger than any building he had seen. With a smirk, he looked to his associate. “Looks like things are gonna be interesting, right, Tang?”

Behind him, Cold Tang held a firm scowl as she analyzed the shelves beside them. “Many of these books look brand new, as though they had just been printed. This is beginning to look like promising,” she reckoned.

As the two ponies looked across the room from wall to wall, they turned as a loud snap came from ahead. A large bipedal creature stood in front of them, its blue hair shimmering under the light of the room. Closing a book and placing it at its side, Angela eyed the two before speaking.

“Greetings, I am Angela, the director and librarian of my role’s namesake. Welcome to the library,” she greeted.

“A pleasure to meet you,” Cold responded. “I am Cold Tang, and this is my associate, Keen Gaze. I read your invitation, am I correct in assuming this library is new?” she queried.

“That is correct, the library has only opened its doors today, you are our first guests,” Angela answered. “If you wish to obtain any books, however, you will first have to complete an ordeal, as stated in the invitation.” a small smile began to creep its way onto Angela’s face as Cold Tang took the time to mull over the information. Keen Gaze, however, did not seem to care.

“Finally, what I’m really interested in!” he exclaimed. “Tell me, about this ordeal, who are we fighting? I can’t wait to see how much pain they can take,” Keen sneered.

“Your ordeal will be with one of my librarians up ahead. Complete the ordeal and you will leave with the books you seek,” she answered.

“Very well,” Cold accepted. “We shall face this ordeal and take the books we want. Let us see what your ‘librarian’ can do.”

With a smile, Angela opened her book, flipped a page and looked to the page. “May you find your book in this place,” she spoke, and with another snap, Angela was gone.


Rainbow Dash was nervous. She knew she would have to fight eventually, but she never thought it would happen like this. Standing in the arena of Keter floor, Rainbow Dash stretched her wings as she prepared for what angela called, the ‘ordeal’.

Rainbow had been in fights before. She had fought the kids who had bullied Fluttershy, and she was more than willing to fight Discord when he had first been released. Rainbow Dash had even fought during the Changeling invasion on Canterlot. This time, however, she would be fighting alone. This time it was a matter of life or death. No, this was not just an ordeal, it was her ordeal.

“Look what we got here,” a deep voice taunted. Looking to the darkness of the entrance, Rainbow dash saw two ponies enter the floor. A tall, purple pegasus entered first, a confident smirk lining his features as he raised his wings, sharp metal aligned against the wingtips. Behind him strode a grey unicorn mare. Her steps were calculated, planned, as her horn lit with a blue light.

As Keen Gaze and Cold Tang took their stances, a chuckle escaped Keen’s mouth. “Looks like we got ourselves a librarian.”

Taking a look at the two, Rainbow Dash steeled herself as she considered her actions. This was a fight to the death, and as much as she hated having to choose, she couldn’t die here. “I don’t want to kill you,” she exclaimed. “If you leave now, we don’t have to fight like this, please, there’s no reason for us to do this.”

“What, cold feet?” Keen sneered. “Come on, why not you just let us kill you then? We want to see those books you got hoarded here and I want a fight. Don’t you go getting scared now!”

In one second, Keen Gaze was already upon her. If it weren’t for her training around obstacles, Rainbow dash may have already lost, but her body quickly moved right as Keen’s wing struck the air were her neck once was. Rainbow Dash Paled at the dawning realization as keens hooves touched the ground. With his hooves sliding against the floor, Keen flapped his wings as he flew forward to Rainbow Dash’s new spot in the air.

In any other flight, the sight of the two pegasi flying around each other may have been beautiful. As it was now, however, Rainbow Dash was having trouble keeping up with the fight. Whenever she dodged a strike, a new kick was already moving towards her, and she had only a moment to flap her wings and move out of the attack. It was exhausting, and it only became worse with the prospect of killing the pony attacking her.

Rainbow dash flew down as another strike from Keen’s wing flew by her barrel. Seeing an opportunity and little other action to take, Rainbow Dash steeled her resolve, gripped tight around Keen’s hind legs and pulled. With his momentum stopped, Keen’s eyes widened as he began to fall, his wings struggled to gain control as Rainbow Dash flew straight down. He tried to kick himself free as his body tumbled in the air, but Rainbow held firm. As they continued to fall, Keen gaze clenched his teeth, trying to rotate to put Rainbow dash beneath him, but it was for nought. Watching as a rainbow trail grew behind them, Keen prepared for impact as rainbow Desperately pushed further.

Seeing her associate falling, Cold Tang was quick to begin firing magic towards the cyan pegasus. The rainbow blur reacted to keep pulling themselves to the ground, evading each blast as best she could. As two bolts hit her wings, Rainbow Dash clenched her teeth. Her body ached, her wing pulsing with pain from the bolts of magic that had hit her, but she had to keep going.

They were so close to the ground, Rainbow Dash was nearly there. As they reached the peak of their fall, Rainbow dash smiled. Feeling Keen struggle in her hooves, Rainbow Dash lifted her wings, letting go of Keen Gaze as she pulled up to fly close to the ground, directly towards Cold Tang.

The impact Keen made against the ground left cracks across the floor, a cloud of dust hiding Rainbow Dash for only a moment as her wings pushed against the air. Her body speeding forward straight as an arrow. With only seconds to prepare, Cold Tang’s horn exploded with light as shield spells upon Sheild spells were conjured to protect her. With but a moment left, Cold’s horn glowed sharply against the colours of the room as she charged one final bolt of magic.

Rainbow Dash did not have time to evade the bolt as it hit her square in the chest, and yet it did nothing to slow her down. As her body crashed against the spells that had been conjured, each shield broke one after the other. With each shield broken, Rainbow Dash pushed ever harder until finally, a loud crack resounded as rainbow dash’s hooves struck Cold tangs chest.

Tumbling across the room, before skidding to a halt, Rainbow dash lay on the floor, bruised and battered. The sound of two books fluttered in Rainbow's ears as a light shown up to the ceiling. As her eyes closed once more, Rainbow Dash could only smile.