Across All Of Imagination

by Dragonfire2lm

The Broken Bird AU

The sky was dark over the streets of Manehatten. Black storm clouds rumbled overhead, the streets empty as citizens cowered in their homes, and waited for the storm to blow over. The wind howled around buildings like bloodthirsty hounds bidding their masters whim. Despite the unwelcoming weather, a lone pegasus mare with white fur stood waiting on the roof of a skyscraper.

The pony stood on her hind legs, dressed in black pants and a matching button-up shirt. As well as a black trench coat with a fur lined collar and runes covering the inside of the garment that fluttered in the wind. Her wings were in form-fitting gloves that covered the entire limb and had gold bladed tips on the end of each feather. The mare adjusted her gold-framed glasses. Her long orange mane, tied back, whipped behind her. Around her neck was a gold band with a sapphire in the shape of a four-point star as the centerpiece.

Her right eye, gray in colour, scanned the cityscape in search of something.

She spotted a flash of red and white and fire rushing towards her. She calmly stepped back as a unicorn mare in a white bodysuit, red boots, a wine red cape, and a phoenix shaped mask flew up to the roof on wings of flame.

The pegasus smirked, the wind died down as if to herald her words. "I'm impressed Sunset Shimmer, I didn't think you'd chase me this far."

Sunset Shimmer sneered, her mane was tousled, her clothes showing signs of their earlier scuffle. "You couldn't run forever Lillian!" the unicorn landed on the roof, flaming wings vanishing. She walked towards the pegasus, horn aglow. "I will not be humiliated by a weak, pathetic coward!"

"Lillian" sidestepped the beam of magic, the unicorn blasted at her, gray mist pooling around her hooves. The pegasus rocketed forward, skating on the magic coiled around her hooves and swerved to avoid another attack. In seconds, she was behind the unicorn, she shot out her left wing, and blasted Sunset with enough wind to send her sprawling to the ground.

She watched as the other mare clambered to her hooves. This was the pony took everything, that had refused to heed every warning, every kind word, every scrap of mercy she'd wasted on this cruel, selfish mare. The pegasus spread her wings, black storm clouds formed a barrier around them, and as Sunset turned to face her, "Lillian" stared at her pointedly.

A bolt of lighting that crashed down between them, startling the unicorn as it left visible cracks in the concrete. Another landed a hair's breath in front of Sunset as the pegasus spoke, rasing her voice over the noise. "I control this storm, I control the clouds, the wind, the lighting. I have the entire city under seige," the rumbling and crashes of thunder and ceased, the world deathly silent as fear took root in Sunset's eyes. The pegasus in command of the storm stalked towards the unicorn, looming over her as she shrunk back. "Give me one reason why I should care about a self-centered spoiled brat like you?"

The storm clouds rushed towards Sunset, coalescing around her into a sphere, and the unicorn could be heard struggling and trying to break free from the dense, magically charged prison. The pegasus watching impassively patted the cloud ball. "Sturdy enough to trap an alicorn. What say we fly you on back to mum?"

The pegasus rolled the ball into the Canterlot Castle throne room, to the surprise of Princess Celestia.

The alicorn stood from her throne. "Bluebird? What is the meaning of this?"

With a flourish of a wing, the clouds dispersed, depositing a quiet and devasted Sunset Shimmer onto the carpet. The looked run down, tear tracks ran down her cheeks, her mane and tail were a mess, and she had no fight left in her.

Bluebird was curt. "It's Swan Song now, your highness. I just wanted to make sure I got my point across."

A sword of sunlight appeared in her right wing. In one fluid motion, Swan Song swung the blade at the despondent unicorn.

To the horror of all those present, Sunset's horn landed on the carpet and rolled to a stop before the stunned princess.

Swan Song was gone as medics were called and guards rallied, flying unseen out of the front entrance and rode the wind away from the mountaintop city.