//------------------------------// // The God in a Box AU // Story: Across All Of Imagination // by Dragonfire2lm //------------------------------// That man was wearing Reginald's second hat and his gold dollar sign necklace like a trophy. Like he earned it. Mist had been reassured by Reginald that it was fine, really. But she could see the loathing and distrust in his eyes whenever the new chief went out on a heist. The crew may be singing Henry's praises with how successful he was on missions, but said missions were half-baked, done on the fly, and the winged woman could vaguely recall the early days of her time in the clan, the time before Reginald became chief. Terrence Suave had kept as a pet, a pretty winged attack dog to ensure his getaway on a heist, without care for the people he endangered. She could see Henry Stickmin wasn't that far gone, but the flying by the seat of his pants approach he took was concerning. So, she did the only thing she could. She waited. She waited now, by the bedside of Right Hand Man. He was half dead when Reginald finally found him, barely clinging to life. Now, half his face, his entire right arm, and everything from the waist down was metal. Cybernetics, she'd been told. He was alive but augmented. She'd been told he would regain consciousness soon, so she waited. And she wasn't the only one waiting, sitting in a chair on the other side of the bed was the teenaged girl Right had taken under his wing four years ago. Sunset Shimmer and Mist shared a hopeful look before the young girl went back to vigilantly watching the door and the goddess monitored Right for any sign of wakefulness. The door opened with a hiss as Reginald, looking absolutely exhausted, dragged himself into the room and took the only empty chair at the foot of the bed. The three of them waited for Right to wake up. The three of them waited for Henry to slip up. The three of them waited for their chance at revenge.