The Box holding the block

by Longshot brony

The not so friendly meeting

Rainbow Dash the fastest flyer in Equestria, the coolest mare in ponyvile, the best of the best. Was at the libeary reading one of her favorite books it was always often that she come by and read but rarely that she would see something like this today...

"Well here you go Rainbow Dash, Daring Do and the chamber of Evil Creeper's." Twilight handed the book to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash took the book and gave Twilight a smile.

"Thanks Twilight and do you have the one were she has to go find the sceret diamonds I think it was um...let me think."
Rainbow Dash started to rub her forhead with her hoof.

"Daring Do and the Lost City of Diamonds?" Twilight help in.

Rainbow Dash raised her hoof in excitement. "YEAH! Thats the one."

Twilight thought about it for a little bit. "Well let me go check I think this one mare had took the last one gosh these Daring Do's are getting real popular."

Rainbow Dash smiled in respect. "Why wouldn't Daring Do be unpopular she's like the second coolest thing in the world besides the Wonder Bolts and plus it's better then all those lame egg head books like you, ouch!"

Rainbow Dash accidently hit her self while trying to spin the book on her hoof. Twilight on the other hand gave her a glare.

Rainbow Dash gave her a sheepish smile. "Um, hehe no offense."

Twilight still gave her a stubborn look but proceeded to walk to the other door.

"Well any way i'll go check, for now you can stay here and look around for any "other" book."

Rainbow Dash was already relaxing on the stair case with the Daring Do book in front of her face.

"Can't do Twilight to busy reading."

Twilight sighed in annoyance.

"Really! Would it hurt you to say thank you or please once in a while!"

Rainbow Dash tilted her eye's away from the book a stared at twilight. "Um thanks."

"Thank you." Twilight gave Rainbow Dash a smile and then left the room satisfied.

Now that it was quiet Rainbow dash started to read.

"Well looks like it's time to stop thinking and start reading!"

Rainbow Dash was now enjoying herself and was in her little world of imagination reading the legendery tales of the Daring Doo. Rainbow Dash started to flip through page to page reading every single little part but just something was off about it.


Rainbow Dash shifted her eye's looking to see what caused the noise.


Rainbow Dash, again shited her eye's left to right trying to find what caused the noise.


Rainbow Dash sat the book on the side of her and look around the library. "Twilight,Spike? If you guys are trying to prank me like this it's pretty lame."

Rainbow Dash took a moment but got no answer in return. Instead of looking for the sound Rainbow Dash ignored it and started to read again.


Rainbow Dash was now grinding her teeth shifting her eye's at every possible direction.


"THATS IT!" Rainbow Dash threw the book to the side of her and started to stomp to the window. As she got there and look outside her mouth nearly drop.

She was looking at a dirt house right infront of the library and was probaly even blocking the door to the outside. Rainbow Dash shake her head a couple of times to see if she was just dreaming but this was in no case of a dream.

Rainbow Dash stared at the house for a while now still very confused.

"How did this get here? HEY TWILIGHT!" Rainbow Dash called out.

Up stairs loud banging and hard knocks could be heard but then came Twilight with a messed up mane and brusies.

" Rainbow DASH!" Twilight finished the last part with a little anger.

Rainbow Dash turned to see Twilight and flew to her side.

"Twilight thank Celestia your here there this big giant dirt house thats blocking the front of your house and..."

"Giant Dirt house?" Twilight ask with a smirk.

"Yes really Twilight and it's blocking the front door!"

Twilight pased Rainbow Dash and started to laugh.

"Oh Rainbow you been reading to much OUCH!"

Twilight had hit her face on the door.

"What I can't open it." Twilight was trying her best to open the door and even used her magic but it still didn't move.

"See I told you look out side the window if you still don't belive me."

Rainbow Dash pointed her hoof at the window. As if she had to Twilight look out the window to see a dirt house right in front of her eye's. Twilight was shock for a bit but look at Rainbow Dash with curiosity.

"What do you think it is?"

Rainbow dash flew to the stair case and gave Twilight a signal to follow her.

"I don't know but were not gonna find out if we just sit here come on i'll fly us down from the balcony."

As they got down from the bottom Twilight had a note book and quill to write down why someone would do such a thing but Rainbow Dash didn't seem to intrested but more mad that someone would even do something like this and even more angry that someone would do this in the middle of the day.

Rainbow Dash glared at the house that was in front of them.

"This better be some type of prank of somepony gonna get it!"

Twilight on the other hand didn't take this to seriously and was already writing down on the paper. As they came to a stop Rainbow Dash take a look at what was in front of her. Nothing but a wooden door and to torches stand in front of them. Twilight and Rainbow dash both waited to see who was in there. The best guest for both of them was Pinkie Pie probably she "was" always filled with surprises.

After what seemed like a life time came the mysterious Pony from the house but there was one little problem...

It wasn't a pony or anything close to a pony but a box of some sort.

There stand a small human box like figure with blue jeans and a torn up blue shirt.

Rainbow Dash or Twilight didn't know what to say but just stare at it. To there surprise it didn't notice them and started to hit a tree nearby. Twilight and Rainbow Dash started to whisper to each other.

"What should we do?" Twilight ask with worry.

"I don't know you do something your the egg head." Rainbow Dash chuckled to herself.

Twilight gave Rainbow Dash a glare.

"Stop calling me that!"

"What ever you say Twilight."

Twilight sighed but took a look at the box shaped figure.

"Alright here goes nothing."

Twilight walk up to the human box. It was hitting a tree for some reason, Twilight cleared her throat

"Um excuse me?" Still hitting.

"Um hello is anyone there?" She still didn't get anything.

Twilight had turned around and walk back to Rainbow Dash.

"It didn't work and its like i'm not even there."

Rainbow Dash walk past Twilight grinning.

"Its okay Twilight I got this."

Twilight started to back away slowly knowing what Rainbow Dash would do.


Still not paying attention the human box still continued to hit the tree.

Rainbow Dash look around the floor and pick up a small rock.

"Alright take this!"

As Rainbow Dash threw the rock at the human box it turned dark red and flinched. It turned around and look stright at Rainbow Dash with box blue eye's. For a minute it look straight at Rainbow Dash but then placed a block in front of him that holded many different type's of tools.

After about a minute the box shaped creature pulled out a wooden sword. Twilight was taking notes on how he did this with no pockets while Rainbow Dash didn't seem to care.

The human box as soon as it made the sword started to sprint away from the area.

Rainbow Dash took notice and started to chase it.


Twilight snapping out of writing drop everything she was doing and started to follow them knowing Rainbow Dash Twilight knew the odds of something bad happening would most likely happen...

To be continued...