Sweet Apple Surprise

by MysticaPenn

Batty Friend!

Discord has been hanging upside down on his thinking tree for some time. He was hanging upside down because hanging upside down helped him think better than being right-side up, that and being upside down has a chaotic feeling to it. Discord has had quite a lot on his mind the past few days and it was beginning to make him worried. His dear friend, Fluttershy, has been distant and distracted for the past few days. Her focus has always seemed to be somewhere else while the two were having their weekly tea party, or when she was with any of their other friends. This was starting to make Discord's insecurities act up and he thought, maybe, she was distant because he did something wrong. He wondered if any of his other friends noticed this strange behavior in her too.

As Discord was hanging upside down and he was stroking his goatee, he sighed, swinging himself upright on the tree branch he was hanging from. It was late in the night, the full moon hanging high and beautifully in the sky. He put his engle claws together, ready to snap himself home when he thought he should stop by Fluttershy's cottage. He knew it was late and she was probably asleep but he desperately needed to know if she was okay. He needed to talk to her, he was so worried. With a snap of his talons and a flash of bright white light, Discord appeared at Fluttershy's front door.

He gave the front door a nervous knock and looked at the windows. Knowing that she, and all of her critters, are most likely asleep, he was not surprised that he did not see one single light on. Discord bit his lip softly and called out loud enough to be heard but softly,

"Fluttershy, dear? It's me, Discord," he said. There was no answer and the reason for that is obvious. Discord was just about to snap himself home but he had to see his dear friend. So, instead of snapping himself home, he snapped himself into her living room.

Throughout Fluttershy's house was dark and silent. Discord made sure to make as little sound as he could as he made his way through the small cottage. Something in the cottage felt strange to Discord as if it were too quiet. With his ears twitching and flinching, searching for any sound, he walked into the kitchen. What he saw in there was a tad strange.

There were dried apple husks all over the floor. Discord, using his magic to make the room brighter tilted his head in confusion. That was when he heard a small hiss and saw some movement in the upper corner of the kitchen. He looked up and gasped,

"Fluttershy!?" he asked in shock and confusion. Fluttershy was hanging upside down in the corner of her kitchen and had her wings outstretched in a defensive stance. Discord moved closer to her slightly but stepped back when she hissed at him.

She looked different, she was still Fluttershy but she looked different. Her coat was a paler yellow and her eyes, instead of their beautiful teal oceans, were now vibrant red. Her hair was messer and her wings were that of a bat's. Discord immediately understood what had happened and what was going on. This may be his first time seeing Flutterbat but he knows of her. Fluttershy had told him about what happened during one of their tea parties.

Discord sighed softly in relief, understanding that this was why Fluttershy has been distant and distracted for the past few days. He tried to move closer to her again but was greeted with another hiss and a flash of her fangs. Not backing down, Discord slowly moved closer to her, his hand out in a way that said he wasn't going to hurt her.

"It's okay dear, I won't hurt you," he cooed at her as she flapped her wings and landed on the ground a few feet away from him. Flutterbat was cautious and scared, hissing and growling with each move that Discord made towards her. Discord continued to move closer to her slowly, making an apple appear in his hand.

"it's okay Flutters, here do you want an apple?" he asked softly, trying to use the methods that he watched Fluttershy use when approaching a frightened animal. Flutterbat hissed and looked at the apple hungrily, sniffing softly, and stepped forward.

After a short while of cooing at her and moving slowly, showing her that he wasn't a threat, Flutterbat moved in close to Discord. Looking up at him cautiously and then took the apple from his hand. Sucking the apple dry of its juices, she spat the dry husk out along with the others then looked up at Discord. She began sniffing him all over, walking around him and fluttering her wings slightly. Discord made no move and simply allowed her to sniff him, wanting her to trust him.

Flutterbat soon decided that Discord was no threat but a friend and nuzzled into his side. Discord purred happily and nuzzled her back, kissing her cheek softly and snapping his fingers. With a flash of light, a huge platter of apples was next to them, all for her of course. Flutterbat hissed happily at this and returned Discords kiss with a soft nuzzle against his cheek and then turned to the apples, beginning to suck them dry.

"There's my happy friend. My happy little batty friend." Discord purred as he curled his body around Flutterbat gently and ran a claw through her mane. Flutterbat just kept sucking her apples and spitting the dry husk out, nuzzling into her fluffy friend's side.

When Flutterbat was finished with her apples she pushed the platter away with a wing, looking up into her friend's yellow and red eyes and growling friendly at him. Discord smiled and nuzzled her again, holding her close, and sighed, being happy that this was the reason for her distance and distractedness lately instead of her possibly being mad that he did something wrong. Flutterbat closed her eyes, rather surprised how soft Discord's fur was, and curled against him. Discord snapped his fingers and they were curled up on Fluttershy's couch.

"My batty friend," Discord smiled and cooed to her, closing his eyes along with her.

The End!