An Adventure into E-Questria

by RFPegasus

Chapter 3: The Beginning- ‘Playing By My Rules.’

“Go, and never wrong again! Or the light will frown upon you, you- you brute!” Rarity bellowed in a vigorous manner as she allowed the ruffian to scamper away with his life-
“I-I don’t think that’s how the combat system works Rari...”
“Oh please Twilight; those silly ‘combat’ roles make the whole game a lost slower, and besides, no battles are won by rolling a dice- I’d prefer if we did it my way.”
“Rarity! That’s not the rules! You can’t do that! That’s- that’s... cheating!” Dash exclaimed in shock.
“Come on now RD, like you never cheat now- do you?” Applejack commented, perhaps an element of sarcasm growing in her tone.
“No!” Dash disagreed, “I just WIN.” The prismatic Pegasus argued confidently, defending her honour.
“Can- err, can we just, you know, carry on with the story- err, game? Please?” Fluttershy asked politely amidst the chaos of the argument.
“Well I’m just saying that, you can’t do that because the rules state otherwise,” Rainbow Dash explained, it was clear that nopony had heard or cared to listen to Fluttershy.
“We are not playing by those rules,” Rarity stated bluntly, “we’re playing by my rules.”
Twilight sighed, a sigh as if to suggest that there was more than probably going to be a long and tedious night ahead, “fine,” she gave in, “what are your rules then?” (Twilight didn’t seem the slightest bit enthusiastic.)
“Hmm- well- for starters you can quit all that rolling for every ‘turn’ in combat,” she demanded, “I say that the battle should be about how well you describe each move, how well you play it out, and how well it fits into context- that way it will be down to skill, not luck on a dice.”
“Ha! Skill? I’m obviously going to be absolutely awesome at this! Just you all wait!” The blue Pegasus claimed with confidence, proudly rising up on her rear hooves in her ‘awesome’ pose.
“Hmm, we’ll see about that.” Rarity thought hard about more rules she would emplace before continuing, “ah, yes, and nopony can be good at everything, I suggest that we all have at least one weakness- to make the game fair and balanced.”
“...and we can decide on that later on,” Twilight strongly suggested, thinking back to how long it took them to create each of their characters, (a long time, a very extremely long time.)
So the bandit was defeated by the awe-striking, the magnificent, benevolent, beautiful, amazing, bedazzling... (You get the idea,) Rarity! Saving the poor, defenceless pink pony from a brutal bludgeoning that would have most likely lead to the cause of her near-instant-death.
“That doesn’t sound good at all” Pinkie commented.
“Please, can we just let me get on with the story now?” Rarity asked.
“Hey! Thanks! Hi! Hello! I’m Pinkie Pie! Mind if I like, travel with you? I don’t want to become some sort of background character in all of this, so please-please-please say yes!” The pink pony rushed, an enormous persuasive grim smeared across her face as she pranced around her saviour.
The voice of Twilight Sparkle seemed to come from nowhere, the forest radiated with her voice, “Pinkie! What did I tell you about breaking the fourth wall? This is role-play; you’re not supposed to do that!”
“Do I have to let her come?” Rarity whined to the sky above, almost begging for sympathy.
“I’d guess so, it would make the story much more... interesting to say the least, and we don’t want to leave anypony out now- do we?” Twilight insisted.
“Fine.” Rarity pouted, stomping a steel hoof on the ground, turning to the rather annoying party pony, “You can come, but promise to me that you will be quiet!” she demanded.
“Okay! I’ll be as quiet as a bunny!” Pinkie laughed, “Hey! Are bunnies quiet?” she added, “I’ve never really heard a bunny before, they don’t talk, do they?” she added again, “or maybe they talk in sonar?” she added... again, “sonar bunnies? That would be interes...”
“Oh, for the love of god, please Pinkie, stop that horrid rambling!”
“Sorry Rarity, I just couldn’t help myself!”
Rarity began to plot a sensible course through the forest, triangulating a rough direction of travel with the aid of her map. The two ponies had begun their adventure, although where they were going it was not quite clear.
“We should get going,” Rarity pointed out, “it will be getting dark before long...”
“Hey Rarity...” Pinkie asked.
Rarity sighed deeply, “what?”
“Shouldn’t we make a camp? Camping is so much fun! Besides, what are we going to do when it gets dark? Sleep in trees?” Pinkie suggested, “that would be silly, trees are so easy to fall out of, especially when your seeping in them!”
“Pinkie! What did I tell you about talking so much?” Rarity yelled, “wait... maybe that isn’t such a bad idea,” she rubbed her chin with her hoof, “perhaps you’re not so bad after all.”