Heading Weast for the Winter

by Split Scimitar

Familiar, Yet Totally Different

Next morning, I’m greeted with the sight and sound of breakfast from Sunset. Must be a school day, since Starlight is nowhere to be seen, and her school, per Sunset, is visibly busy.

“Sorry about yesterday.” I say entering the room.

“It’s fine, Max.” She says, equal parts pity and sick of my apologies. “If we can get your anger under control, you can show your true colors as the beautiful Kirin you are.”

“Beautiful, huh? Not exactly the term I’d use to describe me. Any angle from which I’m viewed is unflattering.”

“Shut up.” She chuckles, slugging me in the barrel.

“Maybe I should try and ship an airplane here.” I think to myself, noting a very large, open space in the area surrounding the place.

“Sunset,” I then ask, “do you know if all the land around here is Starlight’s?”

“Um… I don’t know. We can ask her. Why?”

“I just had the wicked idea that I should send an airplane here, as a residence.”

“Interesting. I’d hold off on it though. Starlight and the Princesses can easily accommodate you.”

“Fair, but what if I want to hop in on my own time?”

“That would make sense. Don’t think too much of it though. You’ve only been here a day, and the only thing you’ve done is run away.”

“And nearly set someone’s backyard on fire.”

“Yeah… but no one got hurt. That’s what counts.”

“Just. You saw the damage.”

“It’s fine. The Apples are enjoying their family reunion, so if they have any grievances, we’ll know after the fact.”

“I won’t worry about it then. So, what’s in store for today?”

“Well, I guess if one of Twilight’s friends is available, they can give you a tour of town.”

“Why don’t you?”

“Ponyville’s changed quite a bit since I last was around. I need a little catching up myself.”

“Good news!” Starlight says shortly after returning home about 10 minutes later. “All my classes have take-home assignments, so I can give you a tour of Ponyville!”

“Sweet!” Sunset exclaims.

“Cool.” I concur.

“And this here is Sugarcube Corner, home of the famous Pinkie Pie cupcakes!”

“Sounds really good right about now.”

I nod, but right before going in, I stop Sunset.

“I need to tell you something.”

She gives me her undivided attention after telling Starlight we’ll be behind her.

“I wasn’t entirely honest about what happened before we crossed over. Applejack said to me that in talking with Rarity, she thinks she may have feelings for me. I did tell her I wanted to talk to her face to face and that I’d be available in a few weeks.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?” Sunset responds with equal parts confusion and (smugness)? “It’s not like either one of you is unrequited, anymore in your case.”

“Sunset, I’m being serious. I love Applejack, I do. But I’ll reiterate what I tell myself and what you may have probably heard the first time you tapped into my memories. ‘The exact same thing that happened with Rosalina – how we ended up getting together – is now happening with Applejack. We go a long time as close friends, maybe even platonic, and somewhere along the way, one of us catches feelings.’ Look at how that panned out. Only difference is: if I were to lose Applejack due to a bitter relationship, I wouldn’t just lose her. I’d lose all 7 of you.”

“Max, just because, and I’m speaking hypothetically here, Applejack would want to end the friendship doesn’t mean the rest of us would go with her. Necessarily. I would call that a ‘discretionary/case by case scenario’. However, on the whole, I can say with considerable confidence that even if that were true, Applejack is nothing if not cordial, diplomatic, or professional. I know how she thinks, and she can easily separate her personal life from her professional one.”

“What about those no-good people she told me about? I forget their names.”

“Twilight might know better in regards to them. And that’s different. Their war is because they threatened more than just her. Something that to her is purely personal is different than something or someone that threatens her family or her well-being.”

“A non-amicable breakup doesn’t threaten her well-being?”

“You know what I mean. She keeps personal things to herself, without trying to rope anyone else in.”

“Something I failed to do early on.”

“Look Max, I don’t know what the future holds for any of us on either side. What I do know is that Applejack, though lacking in the romance department in terms of experience, wants to take a chance with you.”

“I thought she only talked to Rarity.”

“I did say we tell each other everything.”

I only smirk in concurrence.

“Do you think I could get an idea of what to expect by talking to this Applejack?”

“I don’t know. She does have a thing with Rainbow Dash here, so maybe there’s some degree of divergence in that regard.”

“Interesting that that’s not the case on our side. Though Rainbow did kind of admit to and I quote, ‘would go out with me were it not for… something or other.’”

“Look at you, Max! You’re quite popular with the ladies.”

“Those are your friends we’re talking about, so you should be gossiping about me, not with me.”

She only laughs and blushes, choosing to end the conversation by asking, “you hungry? All that heavy talk certainly has made me.”

Walking in and seeing Starlight waiting for her order, Sunset admires the inventory as Pinkie calls,

“Hiya Sunset! Who’s your intimidating but harmless companion?”

“Max.” I respond, “we met when I…um…”

The look on her face changes for the worse but then immediately returns to its signature bubbly smile.

“What’s that?” She then asks mid-mixing.


“On top of where your… horn would be.”

“What do you mean?”

Pinkie then hands Sunset a mirror, who levitates it just below my forehead.

“I didn’t notice.” I respond dryly. “I assume that’s not normal.”

“Nope!” Pinkie responds gleefully.

Suddenly, she gasps and runs back into the kitchen, startling both Sunset and I.

“Why didn’t you tell me I had one of those?” I ask Sunset.

“I didn’t notice it. Until we found you hiding.”

“I see. Well, as long as I can keep it contained there.”

“Can I call you ‘Pilot Light’??!” Pinkie asks excitedly upon returning from the kitchen.

“Uh… sure, I guess.”

The door then opens behind us, but immediately following is the scream of a foal and a gasp from their parent.

Sunset then calms them down by reassuring them that I have a containment spell on me, to which I nod and move over to the side so they can place their order… or pick up their cake I guess.

“Thanks Pinkie!”

“No problem. Happy early birthday!”

I wait until they’re out of earshot before I sigh dejectedly and say,

“Look Sunset. Clearly I don’t belong, even for a society that has oh so heartily (more or less) embraced Kirin. As much as I’d love to see Celestia and Luna, there’s no real need for me to come back.”

“You haven’t even been seen in the public eye outside the cage and you’re already backing out? Max, I know you almost tried to kill yourself, but I know that the Max I know and love has a much higher tolerance for rejection than that.”

“Love?” I hint, knowing (well, presuming) her use of the word love is not in the romantic sense.

“Are you really going to do this right now?”

“Sorry. I’m nervous.”

“But you don’t have to be nervous, Pilot Light!” Pinkie butts in while she puts freshly baked cookies on display. “You’re a friend of the council of friendship! And our moonly gathering is tomorrow!”

“Good thing I planned on taking you to see Twilight next week.”

“Yay.” I respond. But instead of excitement in anticipation, I get nervous in suspense, thinking to myself, “does this mean Sunset and I will have to be affectionate?”

Letting Pinkie choose my desserts for me (chef’s recommendations), Starlight, Sunset and I soon head back home, but not before stopping by her workplace. Having concluded operations for the day, she grabs some things from her office, saying hi and answering some questions for students and faculty/staff who are still in the learning pavilion.

That evening, Pinkie drops by during dinner along with the others, who upon seeing a Nirik, hesitate enough, but quickly “embrace” me when Sunset clarifies who I am, corroborated by me showing the namesake of my nickname, coined by the pony who gathered us all.

Despite what happened in her yard just a couple, two, three days ago, Applejack comes in to hug me. To my surprise, not only does she not sustain any burns or even any restraint at the heat emanating off my body, she gives me a full-body hug, albeit a brief one. Same with Dashie, substitute bro-hug for embrace, but add hoofbump.

“Max, right?” Dashie asks as she lets go.

“That’s me.”

“You look pretty cool.”

“I’d say I’m not, but I’d be lying.”

“Bahaha! Good one!”

“Pilot Light and Sunset Shimmer will be joining us to Canterlot!” Pinkie then declares. “Sunset’s presence was requested specifically by Twilight, so she’s gonna be in for a surprise when she sees who she’s brought!”

I only chuckle.

Turns out, in prep for the meeting of the council of friendship, the others sleep over at Starlight’s since they always take the first train to Canterlot, and she’s the closest to the train station. The train leaves promptly at sunrise, so it’s gonna be an early day tomorrow.