//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Will You Stay with Me? // by CrimsonRose97 //------------------------------// In a world known as Equestria, Spike the dragon had no idea that by midday, his life would be thrown into utter chaos. It started off early, as Twilight rose the sun, sounds of a nearby rooster went off, but the grown purple dragon had already been awake for a moment. Gazing up at the tall ceiling, watching the tiny specks of dust floating around and about. His few moments to himself he could cherish before becoming consumed by his busy daily life. A knock on his door interrupted his mindless wondering. "Prince Spike, it's time to get up." The guard standing outside of his door announced. "Like I didn't know that." The dragon muttered under his breath before sitting up. " I'll be right out, thank you Cherry Showers." He called out to the guard before he got up, in his underwear. Stretching his limbs, he first went to his private bathroom, scrubbed the sand out of his eyes and freshened up. Spike had most certainly changed over the years, already taller than most of the ponies. He was  broader than he had been when he was a kid,, stronger looking, more mature looking, spent years perfecting his looks. He had to admit, he looked good and took pride of it. "Spike, you one, devilish dragon." Spike giggled, admiring himself before changing into his clothes for the day. Wearing a nice suit that hugged his built frame, slipping in his badge, strapping on his boots and left his room. "Morning." Spike greeted the stallion. "Good morning, Sire." The guard bowed to him. "Slept well?" "Like a baby. Don't work too hard now." He smiled at him before walking off down the hall. "Yes sir." Cherry Showers said before resuming his duties. The Ambassador continued his walk down the halls of Canterlot, carrying himself with the honor and pride, heading towards the dining hall. Along his stride, several serving ponies who were working on the halls greeted him. "Morning Spike." "Good morning, Sir Spike." "Hi Spike!" Each one was met with a respectable response to each and every one of them. Generally appreciating the work they had done over the years. As he approached the dining hall, he already could hear some commotion going on inside. "The Great and Powerful Trixie! Is seeking audience with the rrrruler of Equestria." Spike blinked in confusion before letting out a sigh. "Here we go again." The dragon muttered before opening the doors and sure enough, Trixie Lulumoon with a young mare wearing similar flashy clothes as the head magician. The dress the mare had on, however, was way too see through to even cover her massive pink breasts. So the dragon pretty much sees everything. Twilight sat in her designated spot on the dining table. Like Spike, she went through a bit of transformation since taking the throne. Her mane was incredibly long and waved in the same manner as the previous rulers - may the eternal Sun and Moon dance together in Harmony - she wore a light regal blue dress made out of a thin material that fit Princess Bookhorse quite nicely, her crown rested comfortably on her head.  And she didn't look amused that Trixie was here. "What's going on?" Spike asked as he came in, joining whatever this was. Twilight turned to greet him and smiled. "Good morning, Spike." That smile turned stoic when now facing Trixie and her assistant. "Trixie decided to join us for breakfast… unannounced." Her friends can do that, not Trixie. Trixie gasped dramatically, placed her hand over her heart. "Unannounced? I made an appointment with your secretary three times. She keeps either forgetting or ignores me, so I came." Spike lets out a salty sigh. He glanced over at the pink mare, who looked embarrassed to be there, in that outfit, letting this idiot talk, gave Spike and the princess an apologetic look. "I don't like anyone barging in without at least checking in." Twilight grumbled. " So whatever is that you want, make it quick." Her magic levitates the stack of pancakes and her berries onto a plate of hers before making Spike's plate for him and sat it down next to him. "We have a busy schedule so make it fast." She'll listen to what Trixie has before giving her the boot. Spike shrugged his shoulders before taking his seat next to her. The height difference between them were something else; twilight was taller than Spike but she was the same height as Celestia was. Her being ten feet tall and Spike being 8'11. He grabbed his stack and began eating his jewel encrusted flapjacks. Trixie said something to her assistant before clearing her throat. "I, The Great and Powerful Trixie, and assistant Spicy Lace, have come to seek an audience… for a job." Twilight chokes on her coffee and ends up in a coughing fit. Spike went to her side to make sure she was alright. "I-im fine, Spike." Twilight coughs again before looking back at Trixie. "Come again??"  The magician gave her a deadpan look. "A job. Trixie needs a job." "I thought you were working with Starlight and Sunburst at the school?" Twilight asked as Spike returned to his seat. At least that's what she heard the last time she received Star's letters "Trixie and Starlight...had a bit of a misunderstanding and her so called "best friend" fired her." Trixie explains.  "I'm sorry to hear that." Twilight responded. "But why come to me? You have always done well performing." "Business is slow since television was created." Spicy Lace explained. "We've downgraded to foal's parties. Parents rated us One star." Trixie gave her assistant the most ugliest, evil look she could give. "Quiet you..."  Twilight sighed, "Trixie, I don't think we have a need for a magician." Spike hummed softly. " Well, Bubble Bead, the jester, is out sick. The guards are getting restless from the lack of entertainment. You know how those guys get." He reminded the princess. Trixie smiled at that. " Princess, you must at least show what I can do, the guards must have their spirits." Twilight first looked at her adviser then at the magician and sighed. "Very well, impress me, you get the job." She sits back in her chair. Trixie's smile grew wider by that. "Yes, come and rejoice, be amazed by the mystical arts of The Great and Powerful Trixie!' both her and her assistant striked a pose, confetti exploded around them. Twilight grunted, having to pick some pieces up out of her food and gave Trixie a look. Spike sighed heavily as he ate his food. The following ten minutes was nothing but Trixie performing the same old tricks she had perform over the years. The same pulling bunnies out of her hat, disappearing and reappearing objects, sawing her assistant in half. With the assistant's legs and the box literally took off running. "My legs!!" Spicy Lace shrieked in pure horror. Half of her body was running around frantic. Spike spat his food and Twilight gasped. "Whoops." Trixie nervously smiled. "My legs, someone get my legs!" Spicy screamed, her legs were running into the wall in the same, frightened manner as the top half. "My legs!" Spike quickly got up from his table and helped the poor mare out.  "Um, just a small miscalculation." Trixie nervously giggled before she harshly whispered to her distraught assistant. "Where exactly did you get this box?" "Joe's magic emporium, like you told me to get it!" Spicy shrieked.  " I got them." Spike said, gently corralling the dismembered, but alive legs back to the upper half. Leading them back on the table. Once both halves are together, Trixie tapped her prop wand on the box, her horn sparked. "And now, two become one!" The box opened and one whole Spicy Lace bolted out of it. "Ta-da!" Trixie announced before Spicy all of the sudden grabs a stack of Spike's pancakes and throws it at the magician. "Hey!" Spike snapped but it was too late. Trixie gasped loudly, teleported just to the right and glared at her. "You dare throw food at Trixie!?!" She gasped. "I quit!" Spicy screamed at the unicorn's face. Trixie blink. "Um, what?" Spike frowned, looking at his now empty plate. "You said you finally got things together, this isn't it! I should've listen to my mother!" Spicy started walking out of the dining hall. " You can't leave! Where are you going?!" Trixie asked as she stormed off. " GOING TO SPACE CAMP!" Spicy shouted before she left. Trixie watched her go. " Well… that was something." She turned back to Twilight and Spike. Both of them were giving the magician the same, deadpan look. Causing Trixie to whimper softly. Twilight slid her plate to Spike - due to the table not having any more gem pancakes - for him to finish eating before turning to Trixie. "I think that's enough excitement for the day, thank you for dropping by, Trixie." Twilight said, standing up. " So...does Trixie got the job?" The magician asked, looking hopeful. Judging by those two looks, Trixie gotten her answer. "J-just hold up. Trixie has one final act!" Trixie starts going through her bag. " Hold up, just one-" Trixie was cut off when two guards, a pegasus and Gallus swooped in and both grabbed her arms. "Gallus Barb, please escort Trixie out of the premises" Twilight smiled at her former student-turned guard. The griffon nodded. " Aye aye, ma'am." He said before he and the pegasus began dragging the unicorn out. "No no no no no no no no, please give Trixie one more chance!" Trixie begged as the guys dragged. " Princess Twilight!" "Have a good day," Twilight had a smug grin on her face as she waved her off. Spike sighed. "Well… that went well." He grunted, annoyingly eating his non-gem encrusted meal. "Sorry Spike." Twilight said, shaking her head. "Great, now I have a migraine and we have a long day ahead of us." She looked to him. "What do you have planned?' Spike shrugged. "The Kirins and Dragons are having peace talks. Kirins want a piece of land near the Dragon lands. Put two easily enraged creatures together and chaos would surely endure. " He sighed. " Who do you think is going to throw the first punch? " " Honestly, both will throw the first punch." Both of them giggled at that. " Alright, let's get this day over it." Twilight said, patting Spike's shoulders. It was almost noon and Spike was already done with this day. His body was smoking after dealing with the Kirins and Dragons. Peace talks were obviously rescheduled due to the lack of fire extinguishers. Spike was sitting on a bench near the castle, holding his coat in his claws. His very tattered and ruined coat. "Great, this was my favorite." He sighed. The purple dragon breathed fire at the coat then, having it completely reduced to ashes, finishing the job.  "Hmm, what else do I have to do?' he muttered, digging into his pockets and pulled out his list of things to get done. "Oh? Nothing?" He blinked in confusion. Normally Twilight would add something to the list via magic. She hasn't given him something to do. "Eh, works for me." He shrugged. Time off is time off. Now as Spike thought of how he'll spend his free time, he hears a commotion across the street. He sees Trixie trying to perform for a crowd. And watching as it backfired and the crowd left without paying her. Trixie looked defeated as she hung her head down in shame and leaned against the side of a building. Crap. Spike sighed softly before getting up and walking over to her. "Hey, Trix." He greeted her. The magician looked up to him, the hat tilted the side. "Oh… it's you." "I see business is going well." Spike said, looking at what she had. A box in a stool, a magician's cap turned upside down and was placed on the ground, covered in cobwebs by the lack of bits. "It would be better if Princess didn't kick Trixie out." Trixie grumbled. " Well you did had an assistant quit on you." Trixie huffed, getting up off the ground and looked up at him. "Trixie had one trick to show you two, and you both had the nerve to throw Trixie out in the cold without even considering letting the guest finish the performance!" Spike raised a brow at her. " Um, didn't you show up unannounced?" " That's beside the point! Those soldiers need to be entertained and you and the princess are denying them." Something please remind me why I'm talking to her? Spike thought, but no one answered. The dragon grunted. "How about this, you show me this trick, if I like it, I'll talk to Twily." Trixie gave him a look. " How would I know you won't go back on your word and get a free show?" " If I don't like it, you get a bit. Or I can just go because I do have things I gotta get done." " Fine." Trixie said. Twilight's castle was in utter chaos. Alarms were going off, guards and the Princess were on the hunt. "Shit shit shit, shit shit!" Trixie whimpered as she ran down the royal halls. Arms clenching tightly around her rather heavy looking bag. She fucked up, she fucked up so, so bad. When she got near a door, she stopped when she saw moving shadows moving towards her. Trixie turns around and saw shadows coming from the other side. "I think she's over here!" Gallus was heard shouting. " Oh fuck." Trixie yelped. In amidst of the panic, Trixie quickly figures a quick solution and thought of a spell. A spell Starlight taught her.  Trixie's horn sparked and instantly, she became invisible. Guards from both sides of the hallway met up. The magician pushed herself up against a wall, one hand removed from the heavy bag and clamped her muzzle to hold her frantic breathing. "Damnit, I thought I heard her." Gallus grunted, looking around at the other guards.  A couple making way for the Princess. "What's the status of finding Trixie?" Her voice was commanding, anger, and of fright. " She hasn't been seen in the library." One guard said. "Not in the kitchen and ballroom." Another said. " Garden and west wing clear." Twilight let out a yell of frustration. " We have to find her, now. If you see her bag, be careful when handling him, but do whatever it takes to stop that mare!" " We'll get him back." Gallus said. " Search every room, search everything. Check multiple times if you must." Twilight said. The mob quickly took off in their desperate search. Trixie remained invisible for five more minutes before letting the spell down with a loud gasp of air. "Oh my God, I can breathe!" She clamped her muzzle again for a split second to hear if anyone heard her. They hadn't and she relaxed a little. But not entirely. "Who knew an age spell was really an fucking age curse. Bloody Joe I want my money back." Trixie grunted. At least she could now finally do an underwater escape trick she wanted to do… But that is the very least of her worries. "Now, I just got to reverse you." Trixie looks down at her bag then. "Just don't know how..." She frowned. Trixie looked out a window then to see her trailer that was parked out was swarmed by guards so going there was out. "Trixie needs a place to think." She muttered before she took off again