The Human That Went To Equestria

by MyAwesomePony

Chapter 2: The Unicorns And The Dragon

Pinkie Pie had just taken me to her workplace and house called Sugarcube Corner, and I have to admit, the pastries there were just mouth-watering, it was hard not to adore those sweets. One of my favorites were the chocolate frosting cupcakes, as I've always loved chocolate, another one of my favorites was the cinnamon buns. I have a lot more favorite pastries, but i have so many, it would be hard to list all of them.

"Pinkie, these are so good." I commented as I ate another chocolate cupcake.

"Glad you like them, Lukas." Pinkie said happily.

"You know what?" I said with chocolate frosting around my mouth. "This place might not be so bad after all."

"It looks like you've enjoyed them a little bit too much." Pinkie laughed to herself.

I saw the frosting all around my mouth and I licked it off until there wasn't a single spec of chocolate left as we both laughed. Then, one of the owners of Sugarcube Corner, Mrs. Cake, walking out of the kitchen.

"Oh, I hope you don't mind, Lukas." Mrs. Cake said as she walks up to me. "But you will be staying in Pinkie's room, I hope that's okay."

"Yeah, I can live up to that." I replied, feeling pretty fine with the situation.

"Ooh, we're gonna have so much fun." Pinkie then crushed me in a big bear hug.

"Pinkie, not so tight!" I tried to break myself free, but Pinkie's grip kept getting tighter. Finally, she let go of me and set me down, Mrs. Cake laughs to herself and goes back into the kitchen.

"I just had a fantastic idea." Pinkie gasped.

"What is it?" I asked the pink baker.

"I should give you a tour of Ponyville and introduce you to all my friends." She thought.

"I think that's a great idea.' I agreed with her.

"And after that, I could throw you a "Welcome To Ponyville" party." She chimed.

"I'm down with that. And that was before you said party." I commented as we both laughed again.

"And that's Cloudsdale, where the weather is made" Pinkie gestured to a city in the sky

"Wow, a city in the clouds. Never thought I'd see the day."

"Now, are you ready to meet my friends?" Pinkie asked.

"I sure am." I said.

"Let's start with one of my unicorn friends, Twilight Sparkle." Pinkie said.

And with that, we started to walk towards a giant castle of some kind, but it was made out of crystals. If you sold this castle in the real world, you could be able to make millions. We walked up the steps and Pinkie was about to open the door, but she turned around me.

"You might want to hide in a bush. I don't want to freak out Twilight." Pinkie told me.

"Totally understandable. Pinkie." I then jumped into a nearby bush as Pinkie pounded on the door.

After a moment of silence, the doors slowly open and I saw a unicorn with a magenta coat and a darker purple mane and tail with pink streaks through them. I couldn't tell what her cutie mark was.

"Oh hey, Pinkie. What's going on?" The unicorn asked, I assumed that it was Twilight.

"Twilight, guess what. I made a friend today." Pinkie said excitedly.

"You making friends? That's so unlike you." Twilight said with sass.

"I know right. Okay, come on out, Lukas." Pinkie called out to me as I walked out of the bush and welcomed Twilight with open hands.

"Hey there, I'm Lukas. Pinkie's told me a lot about you." I greeted, but instead of a welcoming greeting, she just walked up to me and circled around me, as if she was inspecting me closely. "Um, is something wrong?"

"Oh no, not at all." She assured me and stepped back. "It's just that, I feel like I've seen something like you before."

"Really?" I said confusingly as she nodded her head.

"I just don't know where." Twilight pondered some more, then, it hit her. "That's it!"

"What's it?" Pinkie wondered.

"Pinkie, I became one of these things when I went through the mirror into that other world." Twilight said with confidence in her face.

"Really?" Me and Pinkie asked in unison as Twilight nodded her head again.

"So your name is Lukas?" Twilight asked me as I nodded my head. "Well, I hope you're having a great time in Ponyville, so far."

"Oh, believe me. I am." I said as Twilight and Pinkie laughed together. Then, I heard voices from behind the door.

"And that's how you make a gem cake."

"Thanks, Spike. But I'm not sure if I'll ever use that recipe."

"Spike, Starlight!" Twilight opened the door and called inside. "Come say hi to our new visitor."

Twilight held the door open and two people walked out. One of them was a small, purple dragon with green spines on her head, back and tail, the other one was another unicorn with a light purple coat and a dark purple mane and tail with blue streaks through them. The pony's cutie mark was a purple star with a blue and white beam shooting out of it, it reminded me of toothpaste. The dragon was looking at me with a condescending look on his face, while the unicorn was looking at me in shock as Twilight whispered into the dragon's ear.

"This is the creature I became when we went into the other world." I could hear her whisper.

"Oh, so that's why it looks familiar." The dragon said knowingly.

"Twilight! what is that thing!" The unicorn cried out while shaking Twilight.

"Starlight, this is Lukas. He's the newest citizen of Ponyville." Twilight said, trying to calm down the unicorn named Starlight.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I said calmly.

"Well, if Twilight trusts you, then I guess I do too. Welcome to Ponyville, Lukas." She said to me.

"Thanks." I replied back.

"And this is Spike, my number one assistant." She gestured to Spike.

"Aw, stop it." Spike said, pushing his claw away from his face. "Come on, say it again." He said as Twilight rolls her eyes.

"It's nice meeting you, Spike." I said to the baby dragon.

"You too, Lukas." He replied while pointing finger guns at me.

"Make sure to come to Lukas' Welcome to Ponyville party in Sugarcube Corner." Pinkie informed everyone.

"Oh, well. I'm looking forward to it." Twilight said to me.

"Okay, bye Twilight, bye Spike, bye Starlight." Pinkie said, hugging each of them.

"See you later, Lukas." Starlight called from behind us as we walked away.