Snowfall Frost and the Hearth's Warming Plan

by Musical_theatre_demon

Chapter 3: Researching for Days on End

That night, Snowfall Frost opened up every book and grabbed a few pieces of paper and a quill to take notes as she read.

Snow Dash, concerned, checked on Snowfall Frost as she was devoting so much time to research on how to destroy the holiday that it was unhealthy. But every time she peeked her head in, Snowfall Frost would wave her hoof in a dismissive manner.

"I'm busy," she would say, "You go do whatever you like but don't forget that you are forbidden to enter my office area while I'm hard at work."

Snow Dash, as always, didn't have a choice to not follow her commands. If she didn't, she would be fired and her family would not have enough money to live off of.

Several days passed and Snowfall Frost was still using the books as research. Throughout those rigorous days and nights, Snowfall did not get any sleep. Then again, this started to worry Snow Dash, but where was she going to get the money for a doctor if all her earnings just went straight to Snowfall, the huge money hoarder?

"All I've gotten is about stealing Hearth's Warming! Nothing about how!" Snowfall Frost groaned.

"May I be of some assistance?" Snow Dash asked.

"I don't need any gosh darn help!" Snowfall Frost said, "You wouldn't even know the first thing about destroying a holiday because you're just like the rest of this stupid town - you love Hearth's Warming and wish me a happy Hearth's Warming every day even if you know I hate it!"

"You don't have to be rude about it," Snow Dash said, "It's just that you've been cooped up in your study for quite some time without sleep. I'll leave you to it."

In her heart, Snowfall Frost felt terrible as she sunk down farther and farther in a place where she was pushing ponies away. She tried to reach out her hoof to Snow Dash to signal that she actually did need some help, but Snow Dash was already working on something around the house.

Snow Dash felt overworked without any pay to compensate and the way her boss treated her bogged her down too, but she kept pushing through because if she didn't have a place to work, she'd be in utter jeopardy. Every day her worry grew but she could not afford to get help for both her and Snowfall Frost, no matter how hard she tried.