Finieous Fingers and the mediocre crossover

by Ellery Quinn

the continued unofficial adventures of finieous fingers or How the ranger got dragged into this.

Rupert the ranger was having a fine time sneaking around the woods picking off lone orcs, when suddenly a familiar scene happened. Just because he botches a single shot and misses the orc, he found himself surrounded by the orc and it's friends.

The moment before they approach he pulls out his magic berserker summoning horn which resounds loudly! Maybe this time he won't get-

"Hi there! Bert the magic berserker here!"

"Not again! Why do I always get you?!" Rupert cried. With that, he prepared to fight to the death...

"Wait," Bert cried, "Between the time you last summoned me, I did enough adventuring to become an 18th level wizard! I can grant you a wish!"

"Well that's fine and dandy!" Rupert muttered"I wish I was with my friend Finieous, wherever that is, it's probably better than here!"

The next thing he knows, he and Bert the magic-user/berserker were teleported to some meadow, where a griffin that looked suspiciously like Finieous, and 2 earth ponies that looked like Fred and Charly.

"My job is done, and now I leave." And with that, Bert poofed away.

"Rupert! what are you doing here? I thought you were off killing orcs in the woods!" yelled the griffin that looked like Finieous Fingers.

"Finieous, is that you? Who polymorphed you all and did a rule 63 to you? "

"Long story short, don't drink unmarked potions. Wait a rule 63? What's that? "

"I'd explain, but mentioning the history would disrupt the integrity of the setting. It seems that your gender has been swapped."

Finieous looked aghast. "The others?"

Rupert replied, "Do not seem to have not been gender swapped."

"First the hobbits, than the wizard, now this! Why do I the worlds greatest comic, fanfic in this case, thief keep on having stuff like this happen to me? Why?????? "

Charly piped up, "Probably because you are the main protagonist."

Finieous stopped and scratched her beak. "Oh, Right. I miss our original cartoonist, he at least didn't inflict random tropes on helpless protagonists."

Rupert replied, "Be grateful! if it weren't for him, we'd still be an old comic in the back of old dragon magazine issues. We're here, even if it is with bad chacterization."

Than, where the original potions Finieous and co. drank were, another appeared labeled RUPERT, DRINK ME.

Rupert drank it And promptly morphed into a green pegasi with a bow and arrow cutie mark, with his gear adjusting to fit him.

Rupert looked up to the sky and hollered, "Stupid Author! It is very cheap to force someone to do an action by writing that he does it!"

A voice, sounding like that of a 13 year old adolescent, rumbled from above, "This isn't canon so your reputation will be just fine. Look, I'll give you five hundred gold pieces just to be quiet"

"Fictional characters have rights! You cannot silence me! I will not be-"

End chapter

Note to self Make sure the characters don't get to uppity.