//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: A Fun Time Christmas // by AmethystMajesty25 //------------------------------// So with just hours to catch their homes for the holidays, the gang prayed for another miracle and two celebrity duets. The boys were searching on their laptops and calling on their phones if there were any celebrities available in their area. Shelly got off the phone and informed her manager, “Okay, I pushed your flight to four hours, boss.” “And how are we doing on our celebrity search?” Golden Rock asked the boys. Beryl got off the telephone and said, “I’ve just got off the phone with Songbird Serenade’s people.” Everyone stopped and liked what they were hearing from Beryl. Golden Rock asked him, “Ooh, what did she say?” Beryl answered to him in Songbird’s words, “Who is Fun Time Rush?” They all groaned after hearing that answer from Songbird Serenade’s agents. “What about Maroon Star?” Shelly Shores asked. Mind Tempo replied, “He’s out of town for the holidays. Just like every other celebrity we can sing with.” Golden Rock and Shelly were not happy with that answer. Shelly added, “Except my sister, Sapphire Shores. However, she’s taking a break and staying here with my family. I just hope I can be there to spend family time with them.” Then, Cloudburst suggested an idea, “Hey, look on the bright side, at least an astronaut I called is very interested.” Everyone became confused and Ice reminded them, “He’s the man who walked on the moon.” The boys and Shelly thought about it and nodded afterwards. “Oh. Heh heh...” Golden Rock laughed at Cloudburst’s idea. “There has to be some celebrity who’s still in town.” Diamond said as he put his hand down on the remote, turning the TV on by accident. On TV, Countess Coloratura was on and announced, “Join me, Countess Coloratura and have yourself a Coloratura Christmas Special. Live from Canterlot City,” Everyone in the room paid attention to the TV, “With a musical performances from Amethyst Majesty and the Rainbooms, and special duets with Chestnut Magnifico and...” Diamond paused the TV from the remote and the boys grouped together around the TV and they answered in unison, “Fun Time Rush!” Golden Rock questioned them, “How?!” “It’ll be another Christmas miracle.” Beryl answered and the boys gave them a thumbs-up, knowing that they got a plan that can help them enter the show. Meanwhile in backstage, Colroatura was in her dressing room, getting ready for the show with her lovely dress on until she heard a knock on the door. “Now who can that be?” She asked as she walked towards the door and opened it to see the Rainbooms in front of them. Coloratura gasped with glee and said, “Oh my gosh! AJ, girls, you all came!” She then noticed the bouquet of flowers on Applejack’s arms, “Are these for me?” “They sure are. It’s a gift to you from us.” Applejack answered. After hearing AJ’s words, Coloratura gave them a big hug and they too hugged the pop star back. “It’s so good to see ya again, old friend. Thanks for these backstage passes ya gave us.” Applejack responded as she along with the rest of the Rainbooms showed her their passes. Coloratura replied, “Oh, it was nothing. I saw your music video on Haytube and it was spectacular. How did you girls do it?” “Teamwork and friendship. Besides, I’m the one who came up with the idea of our music video.” Rarity explained. Coloratura nodded, “Interesting. I think it will be a great idea for you girls to be a part of my show.” “Wait. Are you serious? We get to be on live TV?!” Rainbow asked her. Coloratura answered her, “Yes. And I look forward to see you girls perform onstage.” “Don’t worry, old pal. You can count on us to help you with your show.” Applejack stated. “Excellent. I’ll have one of the backstage crew members show you girls your dressing room. So, thank you for coming to my show.” Coloratura informed them. Applejack smiled, “No problem, Coloratura.” The Rainbooms left the room and Coloratura went back to put her makeup on. The gang arrived in front of the building where Coloratura’s Christmas Special is televised. They looked around like a couple of spies while no one was watching and Ice asked, “So what’s the plan?” “The plan is there is no plan if we can’t get into the studio.” Golden Rock responded. The gang continued observing and saw that one of the visitors have a ticket to the show and the security guard accepted it. “Easy, all we have to do is get passed security.” Diamond answered. Cloudburst and Beryl fist bumped to each other and said in unison, “Piece of cake.” However, the security guard as he grabbed a random guy, “No entry if you’re not on the list.” They felt nervous after watching that guy getting thrown out, but Mind Tempo calmed the gang down, “Don’t panic. Remember there is one guy who is on everybody’s list.” Everyone nodded and knew exactly what to do. They went with Plan A by having Golden Rock dressed up as Santa Claus and entered the building. “Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas.” The security guard took off his shades and noticed what was going on as Golden Rock resumed walking forward while the rest of the gang were dressed as elves followed him, waddling with their knees. However, the security guard stopped them. “Seriously, you thought I would believe you were Santa, and his elves?” The security guard questioned him. Golden Rock continued to impersonate as Santa and said, “But I am Santa.” He showed them his elves and waved "Hello" to the security guard. However, he was not too pleased and pushed them out of the building. “You’re on my naughty list, pal.” Golden Rock commented as the security guard went back into the building. Next, they tried Plan B. Shelly disguised herself as a mailwoman and pushed the long present to enter the building. “Sir, special delivery to Countess Coloratura.” The security guard blocked her path and informed her as he continued to eat his sandwich, “All packages must be inspected.” “Yo, you can’t open Coloratura’s present, dude.” Shelly said, but the security guard didn’t take that kindly and gave her the cold stare. Shelly felt scared and the security guard threw them out of the building again. “I told you this was a bad idea!” She shouted. Minutes later, they went with Plan C. The gang disguised themselves as a German music band. Diamond greeted the guard with his fake German accent, “Ello. We are the Vanstroozel Christmas clog dancers, ya.” They all greeted him, “Ya.” “We are here to dance for the TV program.” Silver said in his fake German accent as the rest of the gang smiled. “Well let’s see you dance.” The security guard demanded as he took another bite out of his sandwich. The gang started doing their fake dance slowly and tried to sneak passed the guard, but he noticed it and said, “The other way.” They went the other way, but Shelly panicked and ordered, “Just run for it!” The gang ran forward but the guard stopped them. “Okay, I had enough of you!” Before the security guard can say anything else, he started choking because he took a bite out of that sandwich earlier. “I think he’s choking.” Diamond said as the gang didn’t do anything but watch as the security guard tried to get the piece out of his throat. Beryl ordered everyone, “Do something.” They were too late and the guard passed out. Golden Rock moved over to see the guard unconscious and said, “It’s another Christmas miracle.” Everyone made a run for it while no one was looking, but they stopped and turned around only to find the guard feeling helpless and unconscious. “Okay. We might be horrible people...” Silver admitted as he and the gang decided to rush over to the guard and help him. They pulled the guard up and Shelly pulled a heimlich maneuver on him. He spit out the chunk of food that was in his throat and it hit right in Golden Rock’s face. “Oh. That was gross.” Golden Rock reacted. They all sighed in relief and saved the guard’s life. He thanked them, “Thanks. Who are you guys?” “We’re Fun Time Rush and we just want to get home for the holidays.” Beryl answered as the rest of the gang begged the guard to let them in. The security guard responded, “Well, merry Christmas.” He dropped his clipboard on the ground but they have no idea what the guard was trying to tell them. “I dropped my clipboard and I’m distracted and I can’t see you.” He explained. The gang realized it and thanked him as they ran away from the guard and headed towards the show. After they left, the security guard picked up his clipboard, smiled at the gang, and went back to work. During the show, three people in bear costumes were sitting around with Countess Coloratura and they gave her mittens as their gift to the pop star. “Homemade mittens? Baby bear, this present is just right.” Coloratura said as the audience replied, “Aww.” “Aww.” Fluttershy reacted as she and the Rainbooms were also watching the show from backstage. “Now that’s what I call a Beary Christmas.” Coloratura explained as the audience laughed along with Pinkie Pie, but the rest of the Rainbooms didn’t and Rainbow asked, “Wow. Who came up those jokes?” The announcer announced, “Coming up next, a musical performance by the Rainbooms and Amethyst Majesty along with Coloratura’s duet with Stalwart Stallion when Have Yourself a Coloratura Christmas Special returns.” “Next commercial.” The director said as the backstage crew started working and getting ready for the next segment of the show. Coloratura commented, “Bears are funny.” “Next commercial.” The filmmaker said as the backstage crew started working and getting ready for the next segment of the show. Coloratura commented, “Bears are funny.” After Coloratura left, The backstage producer called the Rainbooms and informed them, “Girls, you got five minutes to change and get ready for your musical performance.” “We’re on it.” Sunset answered as the Rainbooms went back to their dressing room to get change. Meanwhile, the Turtles along with Casey, April, Keno, Karai, Carter, Angel, Caitlyn, Zach, and Shini were in the Turtle Lair watching the Christmas special on TV. “Can’t wait to see our friends on television. This is so exciting.” Mikey cheered. Caitlyn replied, “I know,” The special was back from commercial break, “Ooh, Coloratura is back on.” The show was back on air with Coloratura appearing onstage once more. “Welcome back, everyone. Our first special guests today won a contest just months ago and their song was lit on HayTube. Trust me, you’re going to love this band. Making their television debut, give it up for the Rainbooms.” The audience applauded and cheered as the Rainbooms went onstage to get ready to put on a show for the audience and they start their performance off with Rarity as the lead singer first to perform their new Christmas song. With the first song done, Rarity went back as their keytarist and Sunset along with Twilight were back as lead singers to perform another Christmas song. After they sang the last song, the audience applauded wildly and loved their performance. Back in the Turtle Lair, their ninja friends applauded for them too. “Thank you everyone.” Pinkie cheered. “Merry Christmas!” The Rainbooms shouted and they all took a bow and left the stage while Countess Coloratura came back onstage. “Wow. That was awesome! Give it up one more time for the Rainbooms!” Coloratura said as the audience cheered again. As the Rainbooms were heading back to their dressing rooms, Rarity accidentally bumped into Amethyst Majesty, the former villain known as the Shadow King many months ago. “Oh dear, I’m so sorry darling.” Rarity apologized as she picked him up. Amethyst dusted himself off and he replied, “Hi Rarity. It’s fine, but you girls did great out there.” “Why thank you.” Rarity said. “Um, here’s a gift from me.” Amethyst presented her a bouquet of flowers. Rarity gasped, “Aww, for me?” “Yes, but it’s for your friends too. This is the only way I can make it up and repay my mistakes to you and your friends.” Amethyst explained. Rarity responded, “That’s very thoughtful of you, darling. And you don’t have to do that because we forgive you.” “I understand, but I just want to get into the holiday spirit.” Amethyst answered. “Of course, darling,” She then gave Amethyst a kiss on the lips and he blushed real hard. Amethyst chuckled, “Oh my, thank you Rarity.” “If you ask me, you were standing above the mistletoe, but you’re welcome sweetie. Merry Christmas.” Rarity said and walked away to go to the Rainbooms’ dressing room. “Say uh, does this mean we can go out on a date?” Amethyst asked. Rarity answered, “Don’t push it.” “Okay, but Merry Christmas!” Amethyst shouted and warmed himself up to get ready as Coloratura announced, “Give it up for Amethyst Majesty!” Amethyst went up onstage and got ready to perform his Christmas songs with a backup band onstage as well while Coloratura exited the stage and went backstage. “Thank you and have a safe Merry Christmas everybody!” Amethyst cheered and waved at the audience. The audience applauded and he left on stage and Coloratura announced, “Thanks, Amethyst. Coming up next is a special duet with Stalwart Stallion. So stay tuned.” “And cut. Next commercial.” The filmmaker said again. The backstage producer informed Coloratura, “Okay, you got five minutes to change and get ready for Chestnut.” As they were heading to Coloratura’s dressing room, the gang spied on Coloratura and Golden Rock said, “All we have to do is get actor Slingshot not to make his performance.” “The producer will freak. How are we going to replace Stalwart in such short notice?” Cloudburst asked, impersonating the producer’s voice. Beryl answered, “That’s when we show up and check out the show.” “Oh hey, do you need someone to sing a duet with Coloratura?” Mind Tempo asked, impersonating the producer’s voice as well. Diamond answered, “We’re Fun Time Rush. We’re a band.” “We record the song and boom. Christmas miracle number two.” Shelly said. Golden Rock laid out his plan, “And me and Shelly hack into the soundboard,” He turned his attention to the soundboard, “And record the whole thing.” “Good luck.” Golden Rock said as he and Shelly sneaked quietly to the soundboard. As for the boys, they continued spying. “Okay. Now how do we keep Stalwart from stepping on that stage?” Cloudburst asked until they hid themselves and spotted a backstage crew member pushing the costume bin with the bear costumes inside and parked it aside from the stage. After the crew member left, the boys looked at the costumes and knew exactly what to do. Diamond, Beryl, and Cloudburst disguised themselves as the three bears and entered Stalwart’s dressing room as he was sitting on his couch drinking hot coco with marshmallows. “Oh, hello, Christmas bears,” Stalwart greeted as the bears waved back at him. “Oh, by the way, hilarious sketch.” The three bears walked closer to him and Stalwart asked as he put down his cup with hot coco, “Um, can I help you with something?” They didn’t answer and the three bears were moving closer to him. Stalwart was creeped out by them and said, “Okay, you are starting to freak me out right now.” The bears made their move and kidnapped Stalwart. As for Mind Tempo, he along with the three bears were moving the load and Cloudburst said, “Alright! We’re going live! Nothing to see here!” Stalwart was trapped inside the box and shouted, “Let me out!” While they continued pushing the box, Mind Tempo spotted Coloratura and the producer talking to each other, causing the boys to gasp and they were in big trouble. Mind Tempo whispered to the bears, “Rara, Rara.” The boys moved back and head to the storage room while the producer and Coloratura were distracted. They entered the room and Mind Tempo shut the door as they all calm down. However, Mind Tempo discovered that the room they were in wasn’t a storage room, it was Coloratura’s dressing room. Mind Tempo freaked out with anger, “Please tell me this isn’t the dressing room who I think it is.” The other three boys unmasked themselves and Mind Tempo looked around the dressing room. “And who might not like that we kidnapped her guest star?!” Diamond also freaked out. The producer and Coloratura opened the door and caught the boys as they turned around to see them. So, the boys were busted. “What’s going on here?!” Coloratura questioned them. As the boys were about to speak, Stalwart opened the top and she begged her, “Oh, Rara, help!” The boys were now feeling nervous and Stalwart realized who kidnapped her. “Oh no, not Fun Time Rush.” Coloratura and the producer understood what’s going on and Cloudburst asked, “Coloratura, do you believe in Christmas miracles?” The ladies looked at each other and Coloratura tried to figure out and decide what to do while the boys were really nervous and in deep, hot water for their troubles. As Coloratura stared daggers, the boys began to fret, would this be their worst Christmas yet?