Snowfall Frost and the Hearth's Warming Plan

by Musical_theatre_demon

Chapter 2: A Clear Mind

It had been proven that fresh air clears a pony's mind and therefore helped them to think and plan clearly. But in Snowfall Frost's case, nothing seemed to change. As she trotted around town, she experienced the same issues that she was planning on getting rid of but she didn't know how she was gonna do it-- at least not yet.

Her understanding of Hearth's Warming didn't change in the slightest, still on the fixation on how she could get rid of the holiday. Then it hit her as she passed by the bookstore, where she saw a group of ponies singing carols. Snowfall gagged, which made everypony stare at her. But she didn't care if her views were a little different - - OK, she admitted it to herself - - a whole lot different than the townsponies in that small festive town.

Snowfall Frost trotted to the bookstore and opened the door with her magic. "Do you know where I can get something to destroy the holiday spirit in this blasted town?"

"You're asking the wrong pony," said the owner, who was a brown earth pony.

"If you don't have the answers, do you have any books on the subject?" Snowfall Frost said.

"Ma'am, I have no idea why you would want to do a thing like this," said the owner, "The holidays are all about spending time with friends and family. They aren't all about singing and putting lights on pine trees."

All Snowfall Frost could do was react. She didn't know what to say in response to that because she just couldn't find the words. Snowfall wanted to scream at the bookstore owner and tell him straight up that he was dead wrong and that's all the blasted ponies did in this pathetic waste of a town, and if he didn't understand, well, that's his bad.

So, Snowfall Frost slammed bits on the counter. "I'm gonna ask again," she said, this time her horn surging with magic, "Do you have any books on the subject?"

The bookstore owner pulled himself away in fear. He took the bits and led her over to the small section. In that section was A Hearth's Warming Tail and How the Grinch Stole Hearth's Warming in chapter book form. There was also one book that seemed like a how-to on creating the most disastrous Hearth's Warming. "Ch-choose from these. They're all yours, Snowfall Frost."

"Thank you. I'll take all of them," she said, "Each one should be enough research for me to come up with a way to erase the holiday as if it never happened."

"May I ask why you hate the holidays?" the owner asked.

Snowfall Frost picked up her books and raced out of the bookstore, grabbing her receipt. She couldn't let anypony know. If they knew, they'd start feeling sorry for her and treating her differently. Snowfall didn't need sympathy, no. What she needed was revenge and she hoped that this was the way to get back at her teacher from when she was a filly as well as all the happy ponies in town. If she wasn't enjoying every moment, why should they?

So, she entered her house with the three books in her hooves. Snowfall Frost immediately ran to her study and sat them down.

I don't think I've seen her so determined with a slight smile on her face in ages, Snow Dash thought. She shrugged and then got back to work.