//------------------------------// // 97 // Story: Fragments // by Lore //------------------------------// ______________________________.:([ - 97 - ]):.______________________________ -and as I walk by the side of the shining Sun and the watchful Moon, I can’t help but to smile to myself: To think that the Sun and Moon could be so close to each other was amusing to me for some reason. Shouldn’t they repel each other? I’m sure that they should. They always did when they were in the sky. But it didn’t really matter because they were walking beside me right now so it was obviously not so. Fate told me I should tell the Sun and Moon that she loved them when I meet them, but that was silly, they were beside me right now and she could tell them herself! But I tell the Sun and Moon that their mother just told me to tell them she loves them very much anyway, because I’m nice like that. At my mention the Sun and Moon stop suddenly, seemingly for no reason and stare at me looking very confused. “Are you okay”, I ask. Maybe I have something on my beak. I swipe it off quickly, just in case.  “Y-you know mother”, Moon stammers weakly. “Of course I do!” I answer, “She’s standing right over there with that stupid smile on her face -Stop that, it looks dumb!” The Sun smiles sadly at her sister and the Moon falls out of her stupor and shakes her head. “Right, I’m forgetting who I’m talking to”, she says, which is silly since I am right there in front of her. “Could you please tell mother that we love her too.” Okay, now It was getting ridiculous, did they have trouble seeing and hearing each other or what? “Really? She’s right there you know, you could tell her yourself, but fine, I’ll do it!”  I say before turning to Fate and telling her that the Moon and Sun love her too. “But”, I add, “this is the last time I relay any messages between any of you, because seriously! You alicorns need to learn how to speak with each other without a middle link because this is ridiculous!” And with that I turn and continue down the corridor until-