Swift Light and the Chaos Conundrum

by Jest


“-And now I’m here,” Swift Light finished. “Any luck?”

Starlight Twist frowned, and took a step back. “Well I can tell you one thing. Your teeth are stuck that way. I don't know how, but this spell reworked how your body sees itself.”

“What do you mean?” pressed the guard.

“It's like it made your brain forget you ever even had the teeth of an herbivore in the first place,” Starlight Twist explained, spitting her smoking wand onto the table and extending a hoof. “Show me the sword.”

Swift Light did just that, retrieving the ancient weapon from her bags and placing it on the table. “I suppose sharp teeth aren't the worst, though it sure will make eating salads difficult.”

The researcher chuckled. “And good luck getting Celestia to kiss that ugly mug of yours.”

“That was never going to happen in the first place,” Swift Light stated slightly sadly.

“Crazier things have happened. I mean come on, Discord is reformed now. Who would have thought that would ever happen?” Starlight Twist asked as she pulled out a magnifying glass and began to inspect the blade.

“I’ll believe that in a year or ten,” Swift Light muttered bitterly. “So why were you worried about changelings anyway?”

“Oh there is one in town here, well sorta,” Starlight Twist remarked as she peered intently at the hilt of the weapon. “It's a long story.”

“Well it's not like I got anything better to do,” countered the guard, who plunked down on a rickety chair and grabbed a nearby peice of bread before biting down on it.

The pegasus hummed thoughtfully to herself. “Their name is Viciz and they were a unicorn who happened to turn themselves into a changeling somehow.”

“Really?” Swift Light deadpanned, inadvertently spitting food as she did so. “I always thought that whole forcible transformation thing was just a rumour.”

“It is,” Starlight Twist began. “Changelings themselves can't actually do such a thing. This researcher was in a bit of an accident, meaning the results can't really be replicated.”

“I suppose that is good,” Swift Light murmured. “Why are they out here anyway and are they dangerous?”

“No,” Starlight Twist quickly replied. “She is harmless, and is out here in search of some sort of rare ingredient they need for a potion. I’m supposed to be keeping an eye on her but it's not like she’s done anything to warrant such suspicion.”

“Well you can't just leave a changeling to wander. If Chrysalis ever got a hold of her, it would be bad for everyone involved,” Swift Light concluded.

“Pretty much, but it still doesn't sit well with me,” Starlight Twist remarked, the mare putting down her magnifying glass and sitting up straight. “I think I got an idea as to where the next artifact is, but you’ll need a guide.”

“Why do you say that?” Swift Light replied, trotting over to the other pony.

Who handed back the weapon. “Because the next artifact is in the deep sands. A place that is supposedly the center of an ancient super city, and a location now overrun with terrifying critters, among other obstacles. The endless oasis, to be precise.”

“Other obstacles?” Swift Light pressed.

“Shifting sand dunes, mirages, treacherous terrain, monsters, the whole nine yards,” Starlight Twist replied. “As far as I can tell the hilt is some manner of abstract map that wants you to go to the very center of the sands.”

“Hmmm,” Swift Light tapped her chin. “You said this changeling was searching the area for something right? How long have they been out here?”

“A good few months I’d say,” Starlight replied.

“Do you think this Viciz individual might be able to guide me there?” Swift Light inquired.

Starlight Twist shrugged. “Not sure, either way you will find her on the north side of town most likely hold up in a small hut away from the others. Either way it would be nice to put them under your care for a while so I can get some real work done before I have to move on to the next location.”

“Then it's settled,” Swift Light threw her bags over her back, and began to make her way towards the cellar exit. “I will enlist this changeling, and together we will locate the next artifact before these mysterious nerdowells are able to do the same.”

“I’d hurry if I were you. They’ve had quite the head start, and don't seem to have any qualms forcing the population to do their bidding either,” Starlight Twist warned.

“If they are anything like the last bunch then they won't be a problem,” Swift Light replied confidently, turning to her sister and opening her forehooves. “Thanks again Twisty.”

“No problem Swifty,” replied the other mare, who hugged her sister back. “I’ll make sure to tell mom you said hi.”

“Thank you, and best of luck with your research,” replied the guard.

Swift Light looked over her shoulder, and after confirming that no one had followed her, turned back around. Trotting towards the small hut at the heart of a small clump of gnarled trees, Swift Light carefully scanned her surroundings. Despite her sister informing her that they were supposedly harmless, Swift Light couldn't help but be on edge and she tugged her scarf up over her mouth.

Changelings were not to be trifled with, and even if this individual had at one point been a pony, they werent anymore. No traps littered the winding path, no magical signatures could be felt, and other than things being slightly overgrown, the place seemed normal enough. Once the guard broke through the tree cover, she looked up to find herself standing directly before the decrypt home.

It was clearly old, and had likely been abandoned by the villagers at one point, though Swift Light knew not why that was. Either way her target was inside, and after giving the circular mud brick hut another look over, she walked up to the primitive door. Clopping her hoof twice on the simple wooden object, Swift Light took a step back, eagerly awaiting a response.

When none came, she had been about to knock again when she heard a groan come from within. A second later and the door opened to reveal what looked like a unicorn, a yawn on her lips and heavy bags under her eyes. To say the mare looked tired would be an understatement, and in her hoof was a cup of what Swift Light presumed was coffee, given the aroma.

Swift Light quickly looked the other pony up and down, comparing her against the description given to her by the guard’s sister. Taller, slightly on the slender side, with a long flowing purple mane and tail which started a bit deeper at her scalp and was nearly purple at the tips. Her eyes were light blue, and she had an unfurled scroll on her flank behind which was purplish blue flame.

“Viciz?” Swift Light asked.

The unicorn nodded slowly, sipping her coffee. “Yup, that's me. What do you need?”

“I’m with the guard and I-” was all Swift Light managed before the unicorn cut her off by groaning loudly.

“Don't tell me your here to ‘inspect’ me again. I swear if another one of you guards gets hoovesy with me I really will join Chrysalis!” She shouted, throwing her hooves up and nearly spilling her coffee.

Blushing profusely, Swift Light shook her head. “N-no it's nothing like that. I’m actually here on a mission to recover some magical artifacts and I had hoped to employ you as a guide.”

Immediately the unicorn’s mood shifted, and she let out a long sigh. “Well that's a relief. The last time I spoke to a pony from the crown I swore they were ready to dissect me,” the unicorn turned changeling shuddered. “Its like I was a lab animal or something to her.”

Swift Light bit back the urge to comment on her sibling and instead merely smiled. “I’m sorry that happened. Now, would you be able to help me by chance?”

“Ahh well, why don't you come inside and we can speak somewhere private?” Viciz offered.

The guard nodded. “That is acceptable.”

Viciz stepped back and extended a hoof invitingly. “Welcome to my humble little abode sir guard. I would offer you something to drink but all of my coffee is rather special.”

Swift Light stepped inside, and swept her gaze over the area, noting that it was a small single room dwelling. A diminutive stove sat on one side of the round room while a simple bedroll sat on the other, the only real peice of furniture being a newish looking table. Which dominated the room and was covered with books, scraps of paper, as well as dozens of bottles of plants, liquids, or other, seemingly random objects.

“What do you mean?” Swift Light inquired.

Viciz closed the door, and shifted a small bolt into place, locking it. “I assume you know of my erm, condition?”

“I do,” Swift Light replied coldly.

“Ahh well, this should be easy then. It's because it has love in it,” Viciz replied, the changeling shedding her disguise as she made her way over to the small stove, and retrieved the small pot of coffee.

Swift Light couldn't help but stare as she watched the former unicorn pour herself another cup and took a sip. She looked nearly the same, having gained only the usual holes, and slitted eyes which stayed the same color as her normal eyes. Other than that she had the usual black chitin, and wings, though the new appendages were the same color as her mane and tail were.

The guard was about to look away when she noticed that the mare’s cutie mark remained, though the flames under the scroll were now a bright green color.

“You like what you see?” teased the changeling, who shot the guard a sultry expression over her shoulder.

Swift Light hastily shook her head. “I was just curious is all.”

“I know, I’m just messing with you,” replied the changeling, who chuckled. “It's one of the benefits of this form. I can literally smell your paranoia and barely contained curiosity.”

Swift Light snorted. “Yes well. Why don't we move onto the purpose of my visit. Unless you feel like wasting more of my time.”

“Nah. Your frustrated enough already, and I don't want any trouble,” Viciz replied, the changeling sitting down on her bedroll. “Please continue.”

Swift Light cleared her throat. “I require a guide to bring me to the center of this deep sands place.”

The changeling raised a non-existent eyebrow. “Oh? And this is where these artifacts you require are located?”

“I have reason to believe that one of them is there, yes,” Swift Light answered.

Viciz nodded slowly. “And what is in it for me?”

Swift Light’s immediate response was to simply demand her assistance, but she resisted the urge to say so. “What would you like in return? Because if it's bits you want then I’m afraid you are going to be disappointed,” Swift Light replied.

The changeling shook her head. “I do not require money. What would I even buy out here, grain? No, what I need is protection, and a helping hoof.”

The guard raised an eyebrow. “Go on,” she encouraged.

“There are many interesting and rare components in the deep sands, but I am no fighter,” explained Viciz.

“So if I watch your back while you harvest these materials then you would be willing to guide me to where I need to go?” Swift Light finished.

The researcher nodded. “A most mutually beneficial trade, if I do say so myself.”

“And your harvesting, would it take long?” Swift Light pressed.

“Mere minutes and not only that but it should be along the way so there would be very little deviation, if any at all,” Viciz answered.

Swift Light scratched her chin. “I suppose that is fair. Do you have any other skills that I should know about?”

The other female shrugged. “Not many I’m afraid. I’ve studied the local legends more so out of boredom though I’ve become something of an expert on the deserts flora and fauna.”

“That will come in handy,” Swift Light remarked. “How good is your shapeshifting?”

“Terrible,” muttered the changeling. “The only form I can hold for any amount of time is my old one, and though I can shift into almost anything, I can only stay in that form for seconds at best.”

“That is… unfortunate,” Swift Light murmured.

“From what I’ve gathered it's a mental thing, as I still see myself as a unicorn while natural born changelings are taught to consider their identity in a more fluid manner,” explained Viciz.

Swift Light waved a hoof. “No matter. I will ensure we reach our destination unharmed so long as you inform me of the dangers beforehand.”

Viciz smiled and extended her own hoof. “Then I think we have a deal.”

“We do,” Swift Light declared, shaking the offered limb.