//------------------------------// // Beginning // Story: The Phantom of the castle // by Phantomdude333 //------------------------------// I who reached for them pleading with them to tell my tale it's too long ago now to remember how these things came to pass so much has changed since my father first set eyes upon my mother but that is later in my tale who am I you ask I been called by many names but you can call me Montez. I walked towards home when a stallion kidnapped me and put me in a cage. I saw ponies everywhere they were throwing things at me. They thought I was a circus act I felt the whip of the rope that the stallion was using. the pain was unbearable for me. That's when I saw a filly there smiling at me. After the circus closed for the night I saw her again the small filly opened the cage and let me out." My name is Smith" the filly said " thank you smith" I said to her and hugged her. She led me to the castle of the two sisters we walked inside to see Celestia and Luna sitting on their thrones. I approach them. Everything turns into darkness. It's when I know I fell through the floor I am in the basement of the castle. Ten years later journal log year Oct 4 of 1930 It has been ten years since I saw light now in pitched darkness it feels miserable, cold. I hear a melody played but it was muffled because of the walls being too dense. The melody that I hear cracks a little bit of the dense wall, to only see a few what's going on, I see grey mare with a bowtie beautiful I see with my eyes. I hear her play the cello a beautiful melody comes from it, but the melody is cut off when the wall is too dense. I was able to save the cello but it's useless now. I've been here so long I've lost all reason. I've lost all touch with civilization. The cold, the darkness, the loneliness, and the bleakness are all I've ever known. I wish I knew why I'm here, why this place exists. I'm gonna try to find a way out of here. It's cold in here and I'm starving to death! Any light, any glimmer of hope is just what I need right now. I see a light, I see a stallion it's one of the royal guards he will lead me to freedom I will make him tell me the way out He came to save me as I exit the place I get knocked out I wake up in a cell another cell is empty it is you my prince you are the stallion I see nothing I feel nothing but cold metal and wood I am not free... I see princess Celestia ´´ I've been wondering where you have been´´ she says to me. I see her face for the first time in ten years she looks almost as she did back then. She has aged a lot but she's still as beautiful as ever. "You've grown since I last saw you. Even more beautiful. You are always so kind to me and my kingdom, I just want you to know that. You and all the other guards." I thank her for the compliment but I am more concerned about getting out of here. "You must have passed out from the cold." princess Celestia gives me a place to stay and also gave me food so I can eat. She tells me that there is a way out but it is far away and that it is dangerous. She says that the most dangerous creatures in all the land are the humunculi. She says that there is a way to kill them but that it is dark and that I don't have any weapons to fight them with. She gives me a bow and arrows. She tells me that the road is long and full of dangers. She says that I must leave the castle and head towards a shining light.