//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 - Journey Into the Abyss // Story: The Severed Dimension // by StarPrism //------------------------------// Chapter 3: Journey Into the Abyss Edel As we continued walking I felt more and more concerned about Regal as time went on. I didn’t know that other Pegasus and she could mean us harm, and Regal has a very trusting personality. I may partially trust this ‘Fluttershy’ character but that doesn’t mean we’re allies. “Lorane” I whispered, we were behind Fluttershy as she absentmindedly hummed a song as she trotted “Why don’t you keep with Fluttershy and I go keep an eye on that other Pegasus. She could mean us harm, and holding Regal hostage could serve problematic.” “Edel shut up. You’re being paranoid. This place just oozes peace and harmony; I honestly don’t think we need to worry about enemies here.” She said. She did have a point. Since entering Ponyville, a small but busy village, the other ponies here haven’t given us the slightest hint of hostility. In fact most smiled and said ‘hi’ as we passed, even though we are new to the town. “Still, you can never be too careful. Remember Amura Town?” I reminded her how we let our guard down several times in our adventures in Durandel, and every time we wound up robbed, wounded, separated or occasionally in an enemy internment camp. “Yeah but there isn’t a war going on. Well there could be… Fluttershy?” I winced as she called Fluttershy. “Oh! Yes miss Lorane?” Fluttershy answered smiling. “Please call me Lorane. I wanted to ask; is Equestria at war with any other nations?” “Oh no! I don’t think princess Celestia would ever start a war. Some of the other nations do look at us with envy I suppose, but we have always gotten along just fine. There hasn’t been any wars since before the founding of Equestria… but there is always the threat of Tartarus and the Changlings…” Fluttershy frowned at this, and it made my heart skip a beat, frowning definitely didn’t suit her at all. “What? Well we can talk about that later” I said quickly trying to change the subject “What’s your friend, Twilight like?” To my relief she began to smile again “Well Twilight Sparkle is the smartest unicorn I know. She’s also the most magically adept unicorn I know in all of Equestria, unless you count the princesses of course.” She laughed. “She’s nice, down to Equestria, but sometimes too skeptical at the smallest strange occurrences.” I gulped. If she was going to help us, it might be hard to get her to believe the whole story. “Umm let’s see, she’s the protégé of princess Celestia, oh and she’s the Element of Magic; she’s helped us take down Nightmare Moon and Discord who would’ve completely changed Equestria entirely!” Lorane and I gaped. “What?” we said in unison. “Oh I forgot. Um you see, when Twilight first came to Ponyville, she was at first here to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration’s preparations but when the celebration was to happen, Nightmare Moon returned and was going to submerge all of Equestria in eternal night. But with the help of Twilight, we realized we were spirits of the Elements of Harmony: Pinkie Pie is Laughter, Rarity is Generosity, Applejack is Honesty, Rainbow Dash is Loyalty and well, I’m Kindness, and finally Twilight discovered her Element: Magic. The Elements then appeared to us and together we were able to foil Nightmare Moon’s plans and revert her back to princess Luna.” After a moment Lorane spoke up “So Twilight is not only the student of the ruler of Equestria, but also helped, along with you and four others, save Equestria twice?” “Actually three times now, with the Changeling invasion a few months ago.” Fluttershy replied. “Amazing, she must be a very important pony.” I said. Soon we came to what looked like a large tree with windows and a door which Fluttershy opened and within a second a green creature resembling a hatchling wyvern, which I’ve seen many times from enemy bases in Durandel, came running out, turning its head towards Fluttershy and saying something I wasn’t able to hear because rage overtook my entire being as I saw Fluttershy and Lorane who was standing next to her, go flying away from the door as a large black fist hit both of them. Instinctively I sprinted forward as fast as I could, not knowing how to attack as a pony I pounded down on the hand as hard as I could with my hooves. The hand despite being the size of a truck, winced and withdrew back into the tree. “Fluttershy! Lorane!” I cried, and rushed towards them. Fluttershy was shaking, while Lorane quickly got up with only a small bruise on her snout where the fist struck her, but Fluttershy’s whole left side was black… and smoking. The fist had burned her. “Fluttershy!! Damn it! Lorane! Heal her! Now!” I yelled before taking off towards the tree. “Wait! We need to run!” the green creature called after me. I ignored it. As I got into the tree, the inside was filled with shelves and books littered the ground. I saw a bright red light on the ground, and a pedestal with a large black book on it, the pages turning back and forth as wind rushed from an unknown window in the room. As I got close to the red light, I felt the wind get very strong and the red light was actually emanating from what looked like a tear in the ground, like something had ripped it like fabric and inside was what I can only describe as swirling chaos. Without thinking I jumped inside. I felt the similar sensation when we went through the Gate, my body being compressed and my insides boiling with pain. I felt my hooves hit ground and – wait a second. They were no longer hooves! I opened my eyes. I was in a dimly lit cave, a red lighting which came from seemingly nowhere made everything appear red. I looked down, I had my hands instead of hooves, I was wearing my armor but it was worn terribly. I wasn’t too surprised, it WAS being worn of a pony version of myself. This doesn’t make any sense. What happened? Why am I human again? And where am I? There was a noise to my left and quickly got up on my feet and turned. There was a bright, piercing purple light for a second that quickly died out followed by a female voice. “Shoot! Why won’t my magic work correctly?!” said the voice. After my eyes re-adjusted to the dim red lighting I quickly turned my head away from a beautiful, but nude, woman. Without looking I said “Umm excuse me miss, but what are you doing here?” She gasped then “Stay back, monster!” “I am not a monster! I’m a pony! I mean, I’m a human! And you… you’re naked.” I said, not moving. I was merely looking into the surrounding darkness. “Wait a pony? Are you from Ponyville? Did you go into the library and see a portal? Wait what are you looking at what is it?” she asked. “Wait, yes I did, and it seems my form has…” then I realized “Wait are you Twilight Sparkle?” “Yes I am. Wait there is no time for pleasantries, come over here and help me focus. I need to find these magical anomalies that are linking the library and this place.” “Where is this place?” I asked, walking in her direction, but still looking away. “This is the outer area of Tartarus. It’s… Umm why are you looking over there?” She asked innocently. “You’re naked.” I know that ponies are always naked so what I’ve seen but, for some reason she has been transformed to a human, and it still doesn’t seem right to stare at a naked woman. “What? Why are you on your back hooves?” I couldn’t help but look. She was standing earlier but now she was down on all fours, perhaps the default posture of ponies. I couldn’t help a chuckle, she looked really funny. Long purple hair, with bangs partially covering her brow, her figure is thin, she had either red or pink eyes, the red lighting confusing me of the true colors, and her other features – I quickly looked down at my bare feet. “This is how humans are supposed to stand. And I think we should get back to Ponyville don’t you?” I said nervously. “Well yeah, come closer and help me focus!” “Okay, how?” I asked. “Well I’ve found out I have focus my thoughts on the verbal words of the spell I was working on – Err I’ll explain that later. But I can’t get my magic to manifest seeing as I no longer have a horn.” She said, sounding like she was thinking very hard. Recalling seeing Lorane cast spells using her hands I replied “Why don’t you raise your hands and use them as a focal point instead of where your horn used to be? I mean fore hooves!” “Well I suppose I should try everything” She replied. When that piercing purple light ignited again I took a look at her. Her hands held high over her head as she was standing up straight again the light coming from her palms. She opened her eyes which I could see are a deep shade of purple; and she threw her hands in front of her and a beam of light hit a bulging piece of the cave which exploded with a bright purple light. The red light returned and I looked up, realizing the red light was coming from an identical portal on the ceiling that existed in the library. “It… it worked! Wow I’m not sure how you knew that, but it worked! There should be two others around here that need to be destroyed. “Two other what?” “There are two other magical anomalies that need to be destroyed. After they are destroyed we need to get back to the portal that should transport us back to the library and then I can dispel the portal I… accidentally created.” She said, and looked down. “It was a mistake; it wasn’t supposed to be a portal, it was supposed to be a window of sorts…” “Well it doesn’t matter now. Let’s focus on the task at hand. How do we find these anomalies?” I asked. “Okay all you have to do is focus and focus on dark magical leylines. It’ll lead you straight there. From what I see, you head this way and I’ll follow this one…” there was a pause and I just stared at her with a blank expression. “You can’t use magic can you?” “No I can’t.” I said plainly. “Well okay then. Just follow me.” She said. We talked as we walked (she trying to mimic my movements, we were walking slower than normal humans) I grew comfortable with her being nude, and I ignored the fact. “So what’s your name?” she asked. “The name’s Edel.” I said. “And how do you know me?” “Your friend Fluttershy thought you might be able to help me and my friends.” My heart sank; I remember the shape Fluttershy was in before charging in the library. I knew Lorane was an excellent healer but I prayed she was okay. “Are you okay? You suddenly look… sad” Twilight said, noticing my head down. “Oh it’s just; Fluttershy was badly hurt before I rushed in here… There was a giant fist or something that struck her and my friend Lorane. Fluttershy took the bulk of the hit but Lorane knows some healing spells. I’m just worried.” I said. “It was a Dark Scintillian. I take full responsibility for that, it was my fault completely. I managed to banish it back to Tartarus but that’s when I realized about the anomalies and jumped in to find the leylines, then found myself in this form.” Twilight said. If that thing is still down here, we’re in for a fight. I’m human now… It’s going to get some payback for causing pain to such a pure and innocent creature! Trying to save my anger for when I need it I responded “Let’s just find these anomalies and quickly get out of here.” As we walked through the cave I was trying to take in the twists and turns we went through. I wish I had some way to keep track of where we’re going… As it got almost too dark to see the ebony walls, Twilight produced a subtle purple light that made about 30 paces in front of us visible. The cave was dark, as we kept moving through different pathways. Left. Right. Left again. I kept a mental note when finally Twilight spoke up “There it is!” “Finally.” I said as Twilight casted the same spell again and the bulging rock exploded with purple light before vanishing. “Just one left. It’s a little further in though.” She said. I nodded and we kept walking. I was lost in thought, hoping Lorane was able to heal Fluttershy. Why am I so worried about her anyway? It can’t be any kind of romantic feeling, I definitely don’t feel that way about her. I need to get feelings straight. I glanced at Twilight who had a determined look in her purple eyes. In fact if she got hurt that way I might be feeling the same way about her like Fluttershy… But why? Then there was a noise in front of us. By reflex I reached for my sword – which wasn’t there. I looked around, for any kind of weapon… to no avail. Fists it was. Twilight gasped and I looked forward. The pathway emptied into a huge opening, a chasm and there was the giant black hand, and it was part of an even bigger figure, roughly about the size of the library. “The Dark Scintillian!” Twilight cried as it let out a roar. I burst into action. Being experienced from many, many battles I could read it’s clumsy movements as it tried to hit me, I effortlessly dodged the blow, and gave it a hard kick on its side. I recoiled as the pain from my bare foot hit me. The creature felt like it was made of some kind of wood. Hearing rattling from behind me I jumped as high as I could, thanks to combat acrobatics training from the Royal Task Force Academy, I successfully evaded the blow from its massive hand causing it to hit itself. Out of pride I added a backflip in midair and landed flawlessly. Oh yeah. I missed feeling this nimble already, even though I’ve been a pony for only one day. The Scintillian roared again, frustrated that it hit itself. “Oh you think you’re mad? I’m mad!” I bellowed. Anger flowed through my being as I thought of Fluttershy and Lorane getting hurt. I rushed forward, tackling his small finger, wrapping all four limbs around it and twisted. It came off easily, despite the burning sensation I ignored, and I held the digit up like a sword. The Scintillian roared with pain, and I took the chance to climb up on his injured hand, move up to its face and I plunged the digit into its eye. After another roar it began to flee, but I was still on him. It had to die. Die! I felt my body become weightless and I was floating over the monster as it ran off deeper into the chasm. I looked around; my body had a purple aura, and I saw Twilight holding her other hand towards me… She was holding me in a telekinetic grip! “Twilight why did you stop me?!” “You were about to kill it! You gave it enough pain, let it go!” She said as she lowered me down. “Of course! It has to die so it doesn’t hurt anybody ever again!” I yelled. “No! Stooping to it’s level will only cause it to win. As an agent of disharmony it would succeed in it’s mission to make other’s into monsters as well. That is how beings like Discord gain power. Giving into hate and disharmony causes a shift in the balance in favor of disharmony… Don’t you see?” Twilight said. “But… Fluttershy and Lorane…” I said. She ran to me and embraced me. “They are okay I can feel it.” I couldn’t help a blush; a nude woman was hugging me. “Okay okay. Let’s just finish the mission.” I said “Right.” She let go of me and the focus look in her eyes came back. That must be it that must be why I feel so concerned about Fluttershy, and anyone else if they got injured; unlike back on Durandel where it’s the opposite, the reverse in balanced polarities of harmony and disharmony must be why this place is peaceful...Well; peaceful on the surface as opposed to down here. I suppose Tartarus is like a hell for Equestria. “It’s over here” Twilight said. I looked up, she was about 40 paces behind me. I made my way over and she said “I’m getting a bit tired, which is strange. It’s probably this form; it seems like using magic takes a lot out of me.” I was about to comment on Mana Flows from Durandel but decided not to for now. She cast the same beam spell and destroyed the last anomaly. “Okay let’s get back to the portal.” It was several minutes later when we got back to the first area with the faint red glow from the portal. By the time we got there Twilight could no longer keep up as she exhausted her energy and Mana maintaining her subtle purple light, and dispelled it. I simply carried her, despite her arguing that she can still walk. I ignored her and continued to the source of the red light. “Hmm how are we going to get up there?” I said. The ceiling of the cave was a good five or so paces above my head. It seemed to be just close enough to get Twilight through if she stood on my shoulders. “Twilight can you stand?” I asked her. “Yes that’s why you should put me down!” Twilight said. “No no, I’m going to put you on my shoulders, you need to stand up and reach your hands inside the portal.” “Put me on your WHAT and reach my WHAT?” She asked, completely ignorant about human anatomy. I sighed “Stand with your back hooves on top of my fore hooves while reaching through the portal with your own fore hooves and try to pull yourself in.” I said. “I… alright.” She said. I lifted her up, after her feet were on either of my shoulders, she stood still, squatting on me. Are you serious? This is too much! Finally she slowly stood up straight, sure enough she lifted her hands and suddenly I felt nothing on my shoulders. Now what? End of Chapter 3