//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 - The Taunting Prench // Story: The Bewitching Bell Campaign // by Leondude //------------------------------// “Wait!” Usterlay exclaimed, “I forgot to ask the princess to be more specific!” The GM laughed, “Not the first time, am I right?” After realizing her error, Usterlay galloped back to the princess before she could fly away. “Can I help you?” the princess asked, “Within reason because I will not accept any offers to join your party.” “You said we should save the world but we have no idea what to do,” Usterlay replied, “Apart from a fetch quest involving your latte, your majesty.” The princess chuckled, “To be fair, it was my fault for not telling you where the Bewitching Bell is. It is the source of the Father of Monsters’ power and is hidden away in a secret location that can only be found when all pieces of the map leading to this location are glued together. The first piece can be found in a tower guarded by soldiers with outrageous Prench accents.” Rogue facepalmed, “Mon dieu.” “The second piece can be found within the concubines of Castle Clop,” the princess exposited. “Don’t you mean ‘confines’?” Usterlay asked. “Nope, I meant concubines,” the princess bluntly replied, “The third piece can be found in a cave guarded by one ferocious lagomorph while the fourth piece can be found in Castle AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” “Boy, am I glad I decided to have the O&O session here,” Rogue said as she cleaned out her ears, “Any louder and somepony would think we’re torturing the princess.” “Now go,” the princess commanded, “And don’t forget my latte.” And so the brave adventurers didn’t waste any time and galloped, or flew in the case of Rogue, away to the tower guarded by the Prenchponies. “No charging in like last time, Furnus,” Rogue said to her pyromaniacal companion, “I don’t wanna ‘nother repeat of last time.” “Cross my heart and hope to fly,” Furnus replied, “Stick a cupcake in my eye.” “What happened last time?” Usterlay asked. “Let’s just say everypony’s favourite hot-headed sorcerer decided to charge into an ogre-filled settlement while letting out the war cry of ‘Leeeroy Jeeenkins’, Rogue replied before shaking her head, “That poor cleric.” Usterlay titled her head, “Who’s Leroy Jenkins?” Furnus shrugged, “It’s just something I heard Sunset Shimmer say when I saw her and Princess Twilight teaming up to battle some ancient Tartarus escapee.” Rogue looked at Furnus funny, “What do you mean you saw?” “I fell through a crack in the space-time continuum and witnessed the battle first-hoof,” Furnus replied, “It happens.” Rogue shrugged, “Fair enough.” The adventurers finally arrived at the 40ft tall stone tower surrounded by dozens of Prench guards. From the very top of the tower, one of the guards popped his head out of the window. “Bonjour,” the guard said. “I’ll do the talking here,” Rogue said as she takes the initiative. “Who is it?” the guard asked. “I’m Rogue and these are my buddies,” Rogue replied as she pointed to her fellow party members, “Any chance you can tell your boss to give us the map piece?” After a surprisingly abysmal persuasion roll of 4, the Prench guard shook his head. “Aw, you gotta be kidding me,” Rogue said despondently. “Go and boil your bottoms, children of silly people!” the Prench guard taunted uproariously, “I blow my nose at your so-called princess! I fart in your general direction! Your father was a hamster and your mother smelt of elderberries!” “Yikes,” Melody muttered while snickering, “That’s the rudest Prench pony I have ever seen.” Then suddenly, out of nowhere, a very girthy cow was flung at the brave adventurers. “Sweet mother of the princess!” Furnus exclaimed. “I cast a force field,” Usterlay announced. “You need to be a level 6 to do that,” the GM pointed out. “Oh, right,” Usterlay said sheepishly, “Then I just run for my life.” “I shoot a fireball at the oncoming cow,” Furnus announced as he threw a fireball from his bare hooves. With a particularly lucky roll of 18, the fireball hit the cow and the cow exploded into a mushroom cloud of methane. “I can smell it already,” Melody said as she put her hooves to her nose. “Me too,” the GM said as she did the same, “Alright, who guffed?” As everypony began covering their noses, they turned towards Furnus. “Uh...whoever smelt it dealt it?” Furnus said sheepishly. “Whoever denied it supplied it,” Rogue nasally stated as she pinched her beak. “I know this is meant to be immersive but I don’t think it’s meant to be that immersive,” Usterlay said before gagging. “Good thing River Song has a good temper or we’ll all be blown to Tartarus,” Rogue said before chuckling. “Thanks,” Melody said.