Equestria Ninja Girls: Magic vs. Venom

by AmethystMajesty25

Operation: Arctic Arsenal - Part 1

Two weeks ago, every Joe operative gathered around the cafeteria to witness a food eating battle between Roadblock and Tunnel Rat with a pile of hamburgers on the middle of their table.

Lady Jaye informed the two contestants, “Okay, you two. You both know the rules.”

Flint stated while bringing out the scoreboard, “That's right. You stop and you lose.”

“Ha! The little man is going down,” Roadblock said.

Tunnel Rat replied, “The bigger they are, the tougher they fall.”

“You gonna talk more trash or are you going to eat?” Roadblock asked him.

“Not so fast, my big amigo. The winner of this contest should get more than just full. Now let's make this more interesting.” Tunnel Rat offered.

Roadblock paused for a moment, “Hold on. Let me get this straight. First, I get to take you down. And now I get to take your money, too?”

Tunnel Rat replied, “We'll see.”

“Name your terms.”

As the contest was about to start, Duke, Scarlett, and Hi-Tech entered the cafeteria.

Hi-Tech showed them, “You see.”

“Uh, well now this should be fun,” Duke smiled.

Scarlett replied, “Yeah, in a really gross way.”

“Hey you guys, is money really that cool?” Kamakura asked. “I know, maybe the loser should do something as punishment.”

The two contestants heard Kamakura’s suggestion and Roadblock got an idea, snapping his finger.

“A great idea. Now what would be the worst thing that I could do?”

Tunnel Rat answered, “Nah, it's probably the worst thing that I can make you do.”

“Alright, lemme think.”

“Okay, here it is. I got it,” Tunnel Rat suggested. The loser…”


Tunnel Rat continued, looking at Snake Eye’s crew. “Will train with these guys and become a ninja.”

“What?!” Snake Eyes’s students exclaimed, thinking of the perilous scenarios that either of those two contestants would be in if they lose.

The two contestants laughed it off as Duke, Scarlett, and Hi-Tech exited the cafeteria.

Duke said, “Welp, I've seem enough.”

“Me too,” Scarlett agreed.

“You said it, road ninja,” Tunnel Rat cackled.

Roadblock got that determined look om his face. “Well I'm ready, ninja rat.”

“Alright then, good luck you two,” Heavy Duty said and blew the whistle.

The hamburger eating contest was off to a good start and the two Joes started eating. Roadblock ate up to more than 10 while Tunnel Rat hurried and eat his burgers. The scores were up to more than 40 just minutes later and the crowd was stunned. The contestants’ stomachs were about to be full as they reached for their last burger. They were nervous, sweating as ever.

Roadblock offered, “Go ahead, bro.”

“After you,” Tunnel Rat replied.

At the last second, Roadblock gobbled up his last burger. “Ha, that's it!”

As fir Tunnel Rat, he was fading and looked at the scoreboard. He was one point away to tie up the score, Roadblock with 78 while Tunnel Rat at 77. While Tunnel Rat was about to eat his last burger, Heavy Duty entered and brought out more hamburgers on a silver platter.

“Here's Round 2 if y'all are finished,” Heavy Duty informed the two.

Tunnel Rat’s stomach couldn’t take it and Tunnel Rat fell in defeat, making Roadblock smile.

“I'm the winner! Looks like you got yourself a new ninja rat,” Roadblock cheered as Snake Eyes’s students aheepishly smiled.

“Yeah, ninja rat. With a humongous, super-sized stomach ache,” Tunnel Rat groaned in pain.

Roadblock offered him his hand, “Come on.”

“Okay, help me.”

He lifted Tunnel Rat up and told him, “You know you almost had me, bro. You did good.”

Tunnel Rat replied, “Thanks, Roadblock. You got the heart of a champion and the stomach power to go along with it too.”

“Are you really gonna do this?” Roadblock asked.


Roadblock chuckled, “Heh heh, you a ninja. It's going to be pretty hard work when you get back into top physical shape.”

Back in the present, the Joes, Ninjas, and allies were on route via jet to their location, Bear’s Paw Canyon.

General Hawk appeared onscreen and everyone turned their attention to him.

General Hawk: Welcome to Bear Paw's Canyon, team. The M.A.R.S. facility, codenamed Genesis, is about twenty klicks to your north. Based on the intel that Breaker collected, the research facility has been working with microscopic tech called Nanomites. The remote location is a failsafe so that any accidents involving the metal-eating nanomites would only destroy the facility and not…

Casey interrupted him, “With all due respect, Hawk, sir. This history lesson of yours is starting to bore me.”

General Hawk: Stow it, Casey.

Scarlett chimed in, “Sir, I believe what Casey is saying is that we should be tracking Baroness. The M.A.R.S. facilities can wait.”

General Hawk: Fair enough, but watch that attitude, Casey Jones! Now go track down the Baroness and figure out what they're planning while you're at it. Hawk out.

As their jet was almost heading towards their location, Scarlett informed everyone, “Alright everyone, we're going to touchdown a few miles away from the facility close to a Cobra barricade. Expect heavy resistance. If anyone uncovers any intelligence on them is considered Priority 1 information. Do I make myself clear?”

Her squad responded, “Yes ma'am!”

After they reached down to their location, everyone exited their jet and General Hawk contacted Scarlett’s team again.

“Yo Joe! Before you begin the rescue op, let's check in with Sgt. Stalker. Stalker, any intel on your end?”

Sgt. Stalker: We're in luck! We intercepted a transmission indicating that they are holding three prisoners at a small outpost on the other side of this ridge.”

“So, find the outpost, find the prisoners,” Tiger Claw said.

Sgt. Stalker: Looks that way. Better double-time it before they move our comrades to another location.

“Thanks, Stalker. Ready to move out, team?” Scarlett asked.

“You bet, vamanos!” Long Range added.

Mikey, Rarity, and Tiger Claw took to the treetops while everyone else walked through the snowy forest on ground.

“So what’s my first lesson for my ninja training?” Tunnel Rat asked.

Mikey called, “Well for starters, always be vigilant to your surroundings. You'll never know what to expect.”

“And also,” Rarity shouted, “Stop eating bugs! It's disgusting!”

Tunnel Rat heard her as he was approaching towards a cockroach and was about to eat it. He listened and walked away to catch up with his comrades.

Scarlett asked, “Rocksteady, how does our pace look from the path?”

“It looks clear, no sign of traps around here.” Rocksteady answered.

As they continued trekking through the snowy forest, turrets began to pop up and fired lasers at Scarlett’s squad.

Scarlett alerted everyone, “Look out, turrets!”

Everyone got to cover as Casey told her, “Don't worry, Scarlett. We've handled these things before and we turn 'em into scrap metal.”

“I can't get a clear shot.” Long Range spoke up, struggling to find an open line of fire on the turret.

“Let me help,” Rarity threw up a diamond shield that Long Range got behind, blocking the turrets’ lasers.

“Gracias, amigo.” Long Range said and shot one while Casey swung his hockey stick and fired his explosive pucks at the other turret.

“Goongala!” Casey yelled.

Tiger Claw rushed forwarded and sliced a few turrets to ribbons with his scythe. “Goongala?”

Mikey answered, “It’s a catchphrase, dude.”

Tiger Claw nodded, “You guys are a whole lot different from our sensei.”

A turret suddenly popped out in front of him, but Tiger Claw shot it with his sawed-off shotgun blaster.

“Says the ninja using a blaster,” Mikey noted.

After dealing with some turrets, they came across a big log, blocking their path.

Scarlett informed everyone, “Looks like they’re trying to block the road.”

“Da, looks like I'll have to make one!” Rocksteady shouted and charged right through the big log, breaking it in half.

Sgt. Stalker: Nice one, Steranko. I'll give you a 9.8 for that.

Rocksteady replied, “Can the colorful commentary, comrade. I'm trying to work over here.”

I hear that. We got some Joes to rescue. Heads up, there's movement ahead.

Sgt. Stalker was indeed correct as the scanners in the communications room picked up four Cobra troopers rushing in and firing their laser rifles at their enemies.

“Vipers, up ahead!” Long Range yelled.

“We can handle it,” Mikey said as he, Rarity, and Tiger Claw rushed at them.

“Let me make it fair.” Scarlett fired her plasma bow and nailed the Cobra Viper weapons out of their hands.

The Ninjas took the Vipers down with their ninja punches and kicks. After that, the Vipers were dissolved.

Rarity covered her mouth and gasped, terrified of seeing a person dissolved. “Oh dear.”

Tunnel Rat said, “Man, it's so weird the way they just… dissolve when they go down.”

Scarlett replied, “That's what happens when you're pumped full of performance enhancing, mind-controlling nanomites.”

“I'm just grateful we freed Mercer from it,” Long Range said.

Mikey asked, “Who?”

“Uh, who are you talking about?” Casey asked.

Scarlett answered, “We have a former Cobra Viper among our ranks. He turned traitor to Cobra and joined us.”

“Okay, that sounds cool. At least he's on our side.” Mikey said as the rest of the team trekked through the snowy forest.

While they continued walking, a hidden security camera was monitoring them.

Scrap-Iron watched the footage from the prison facility. “Looks like I get to personally take them out myself.”

Then, Baroness came on screen. “Scrap-Iron, status report.”

Scrap-Iron answered. “Everything's going according to plan, ma'am. The signal is being prepared and Major Bludd took the prisoners to the outpost.”

“Excellent. Deal with the intruders as you wish, but the rhino, I want him alive.”

“Understood.” Scrap-Iron nodded as Baroness signed off from communication.

Back in the tundra, Scarlett’s team encountered more Cobra troopers, but with special armor.

Breaker chimed in and informed Scarlett’s team through the comms.

Breaker: Careful, these M.A.R.S. Troopers have shields that can deflect ranged attacks. Get up close and personal. Those shields won't do squat against good old fashioned fisticuffs!

Mikey then got an idea in his mind, “I got an idea. Tiger Claw, Rarity, you two come with me and rush at him in a triangle. Scarlett, can the rest of you give us covering fire?”

Scarlett nodded as the M.A.R.S. troopers activated their shields. The rest of Scarlett’s team drew their fire away from the Ninjas as they attacked in a triangle.

Tiger Claw thought to himself, “Sensei would be impressed by their creativity.”

The shields didn’t work for the M.A.R.S. troopers as they were getting beaten up close and personal by the Ninjas until the troopers were dissolved.

“All right everyone, let's move out.” Scarlett ordered as everyone proceeded forward until they were confronted by more M.A.R.S. troopers and turrets guarding the big gate led by Scrap-Iron.

Scrap-Iron ordered, “OPEN FIRE!”

“Take cover!” Scarlett yelled and everyone took cover as the M.A.R.S. troopers and turrets opened fired.

Rocksteady asked, “Comrade Scarlett, what is the plan?”

Scarlett then spotted a sniper’s spot on a cliff nearby the trees leading to the wall.

“I have an idea,” Scarlett said.

Rocksteady replied, “You have?”

“Tiger Claw, Mikey, you two get to the wall via the treetops and plant the explosives.” Scarlett ordered and tossed them the satchel with C-4. The two ninjas nodded as Scarlett continued, “Long Range, take up a sniping position and cover them. Take Rarity and Casey with for support.”

“Sí! Vamanos amigos,” Long Range said as Casey and Rarity followed.

Tiger Claw held on to the satchel. “Alright, let's do this.”

Scarlett and Rocksteady drew fire away from the two teams. While the two heroes were busy with the Cobra troopers, Tiger Claw and Mikey climbed up to the treetops and reached towards the wall to plant some C4 while Long Range, Casey, and Rarity were dealing with the turrets. However, Long Range grimaced, feeling a bit of pain on his leg earlier as he took cover for a sniping position.

Casey alerted Rarity, “Hey Rares, looks like we got company.”

Rarity threw up a diamond shield as a few Cobra troops tried to ambush them.

Long Range asked, “Need any help?”

Rarity answered, “Just help Mikey and Tiger Claw. We'll handle them.”

“On it,” Long Range replied as he shot some turrets from his sniping position to cover Mikey and Tiger Claw.

The two ninjas jumped from branch to branch until they reached the wall.

“Grab hold,” Tiger Claw said as Mikey grabbed his scythe. As Tiger Claw was being pulled up, a Winter Viper Trooper came from behind.

Mikey shouted, “Look out!”

Tiger Claw turned around to see a Winter Viper Trooper getting ready to attack him. However, Long Range nailed the Viper just in time.

Long Range called, “You two can thank me later.”

The pair rushed up to the command seat and found Scrap-Iron focusing on Scarlett and Rocksteady.

Scarlett told Scrap-Iron, “Looks like you're all alone, Scrappy. What are you going to do now?”

“Da, you want as they say, the easy way or the hard way?” Rocksteady questioned him.

“How about a third option?” Scrap-Iron answered.

“Huh?” Scarlett and Rocksteady said.

Scrap-Iron threw a smoke pellet and escaped from the two heroes.

Scarlett growled, “Dang it, he got away.”

Mikey and Tiger Claw rushed up to Scarlett and Rocksteady. “Charges are set,” Mikey said.

Tiger Claw added, “And ready to blow.”

“Excellent. Let’s blow this popsicle stand.” Scarlett announced.

As for the rest of Scarlett’s team, they were almost done dealing with the last round of turrets and M.A.R.S. troopers.

Casey informed everyone, “I think that's the last one.”

“Alright everyone, stand back!” Tunnel Rat signaled as everyone moved away from the gate until he activated the detonator.

Everyone took cover as the gate exploded. After the smoke was cleared, everyone moved out. Scarlett said, “Nice work. Move out, team!”

While Scarlett’s team went through the gate and continued going through the forest, Breaker alerted everyone from the comms, “Heads up, I picked up a burst transmission of data indicating a prisoner transfer to a location just ahead of you.”

“That's got to be one of ours! Thanks, Breaker. My team and I will secure the area,” Scarlett told him as everyone continued exploring through the snowy forest until they saw a gate blocking their path to their right. Then, Donnie chimed in via comms.

Donnie: Donnie here, check this out! A functioning M.A.R.S. force field! I thought those were just prototypes.

“Hmm, how do we access this gate, darling?” Rarity asked.

Donnie: Those force fields eat up a lot of juice, so there should be a power supply nearby.

Scarlett’s team went to find the power supply for the gate until they were stopped by a big, unmanned laser turret guarding the blockade and behind it were more Cobra troopers guarding the generators. Then, Twilight chimed in through comms.

Twilight Sparkle: There's a couple of generators up ahead. Take them out and the shield will go down.

While everyone went to deal with more of Cobra’s forces, Long Range looked through his scope and spotted a fuel canister right next to one of the generators.

“Boo-yah!” Long Range fired his sniper rifle and the fuel canister exploded right next to the generator, but it wasn’t enough. Scarlett, Rarity, and Tunnel Rat helped out too and destroyed the first generator with their weapons.

“Khoroshiy. One more generator to go,” Rocksteady told everyone as Tiger Claw informed his team through comms.

“Me and Mikey are handling this one. Head back to the gate, we'll meet up with you guys there.”

Mikey and Tiger Claw head to the right to find the second generator while the rest of the team head back to the M.A.R.S. gate. Then, two more Cobra troopers entered the fray and guarded the second generator.

“It's funny how they think a bunch of grunts can defeat two highly trained ninjas. Right, Mikey?” Tiger Claw asked, getting ready to use his scythe.

“Yeah. I mean, they don't do ninja training. That's for sure, dude,” Mikey replied, getting ready to use his nunchuks as the two Cobra grunts open fired at them.

The pair dodged with ease and attacked hard. As they dissolved, Mikey felt sorry for them.

Mikey said, “That ain't right.”

Tiger Claw alerted him, “Mikey, I found the second generator!”

“Huh? Oh, right.” Mikey ran up to Tiger Claw, which he found a grenade launcher from one of the Cobra Vipers.

“Fire in the hole!” Tiger Claw shouted as he fired the grenade launcher at the second generator.

Hi-Tech chimed in through comms, “Excellent! That tactic should work for just about anything with an external power source.”

“Power's off. Nice work.” Scarlett said.

“Uh, Scarlett. We got incoming,” Rarity called.

Scarlett replied, “Well that woke them up.”

“Hang on Scarlett! We're on our way!” Mikey answered as the rest of Scarlett’s team entered the gate to fight a few more Cobra troops while the two ninjas followed.

Meanwhile, Baroness watched the battle from the surveillance room in her fortress with interest.

“Hmm, perhaps Storm Shadow was wrong about these ninjas.”

After dealing with the Cobra troops, they continued moving forward.

Casey called Donnie via comms, “Hey Donnie, you and your tech friends have any more clues where their kidnapped Joe is?”

Donnie: Dial Tone is analyzing the transmission we intercepted. She should have something for us soon.

“Just make it snappy. I don't want to have to double back to find him or her,” Casey said.

After going through the forest, they were stopped by a big door to the facility where the prisoner was kept.

Mikey and Tiger Claw joined in and Mikey joked, “That is one big door. Keep an eye out for a gigantic doorbell.”

Sgt. Stalker: No need for that - M.A.R.S.' gating technology is usually controlled by computer access panels. Look around, there should be one nearby…

“Found it!” Scarlett called as she saw the computer panel across from her.

Sgt. Stalker: Okay then, never mind.

Scarlett went to hack the computer panel to access the entrance. “Alright team, let's move!” Scarlett called and the rest of the team followed her to the next area.

Meanwhile at the facility, Major Bludd got a transmission from Baroness and appeared onscreen.

“Howdy Baroness, what's going on?” Major Bludd asked.

Baroness answered, “We got a rat infestation that needs to be taken care of in your area. Take care of it.”

“Yes ma'am.” Major Bludd nodded as Baroness signed off from transmission and Bludd knew what she was talking about. He armed himself ready to hunt some Joes and their friends.

Suddenly, Cobra Commander came onscreen, “BARONESS!”

Baroness saluted to her leader, “Cobra Commander. I was just dealing with...”

Cobra Commander interrupted her, “NEVER MIND THAT! Do you know where Storm Shadow disappeared to?!”

Baroness answered, “I don't know. But why should I care? He's a ninja.”

“DON'T GET SNIPPY WITH ME! He left the base half an hour ago. A Viper reported to me that he was heading in your direction.”

“Hmph. I assure you that I didn't summon him here.” Baroness answered.

Cobra Commander replied, “I don't know what's going on with him. Ever since he got back with Tiger Claw, he's been acting strange.”

Baroness gave Cobra Commander a strange look, raising her eyebrow. Cobra Commander backtracked his words, “Okay, poor choice of words. But my point is he's acting more independent than I prefer.”

“Why? Is it because of those ninja brats?” Baroness asked.

“I'm not sure. But I don't like this one bit. If you see him, tell him to report back to base.” Cobra Commander ordered and hung up.

Then, Storm Shadow dropped down from the shadows which Baroness knew he was in her fortress. “Much appreciation for your discretion on my arrival, Baroness.”

Baroness turned around to see Storm Shadow, “Storm Shadow. What a pleasant surprise to see you. You know, I had a little chat with Cobra Commander and he wants me to tell you to report back to base immediately.”

“I will... After I deal with those mockeries of the Hamato Clan.” Storm Shadow answered.

Baroness sighed, “Fine. Deal with these vermin. But leave the rhino to me,” She said while admiring her trophy ring. “I want to have some fun with him.”

Storm Shadow walked away, rolling his eyes and whispered in a disgusted tone. “Faithless witch.”

Meanwhile, Scarlett’s team entered the next area until they got an incoming call from Breaker.

Breaker: We've narrowed down your target's location.

Dial Tone: What do you mean "we"? My new friends and I have been doing all the work.

Breaker: Stow it, Dial Tone.

Dial Tone: In spite of Breaker's constant nagging, Donnie and I have managed to pinpoint the prisoner's location. He's somewhere beyond that gate.

Dial Tone then suddenly became alarmed and alerted Scarlett’s team.

Dial Tone: Hold on, I've got enemies inbound. They must know you're coming.

Major Bludd and more of his Cobra troops guarded the entrance gate of the facility where the prisoner was being held.

Long Range replied, “Looks like they're trying to prevent a reunion.”

“How about we disappoint them?!” Scarlett suggested.

Scarlett’s team approached their enemies as Major Bludd fired a warning shot. The heroes dodged his attack before Major Bludd introduced himself, “G'day, mates. Allow me to introduce myself to the newbies. I'm Major Bludd.”

Tiger Claw said, “I can take him easily.”

Mikey restrained him, “Take it easy, TC.”

Scarlett ordered, “Stand down, recruit.”

“You ain't getting your comrades back in your arms anytime soon, Joes. Baroness has some big plans in store for them.” Major Bludd informed his old and new enemies. “Come on now. Don't be shy newbies. I ain't gonna bite.”

“We ain't afraid of you, you New Zealand loser!” Mikey yelled, insulting him.

“I'm AUSTRALIAN, you freak! Cobra units, open fire!” Major Bludd and his men opened fire on Scarlett’s team as they scattered to find cover.

Then, Dial Tone contacted Tunnel Rat, “Tunnel Rat, how about you patch me into their terminals so I can open that gate?”

“Okay, I'm on it…” Tunnel Rat answered. “Yo! Can somebody cover me while I patch into their terminals please?”

Scarlett turned to Rarity and informed her, “Rarity, hang back and bring up a shield. Everyone else with me.”

Rarity nodded in determination, “Yes ma'am.”

Scarlett’s team brought the fight to Bludd’s forces while Tunnel Rat was working on the terminals. Rocksteady threw Tiger Claw straight to Major Bludd, only for some of his subordinates to take the beating for him.

Tiger Claw said, “Let's dance, boys!”

While the rest were busy, Tunnel Rat was done patching through the terminals.

“Okay, Dial Tone. You're patched in.”

Dial Tone informed the heroes via comms.

Dial Tone: Looks like there's a firewall in place. I can't open the gate from here. Team, see if you can find and activate the transmission terminal. Once activated, I should be able to hack the system and open up the gate.

Donnie: Don't you mean "we" Dial Tone?

Twilight Sparkle: You can't do this alone, you know.

Hi-Tech: They do have a point right there.

“Long Range, take Rocksteady and find the terminal.” Scarlett informed her teammate.

“Sí señora,” Long Range nodded as Rocksteady followed him to find the terminal.

The two found a path to their left where the terminal is located connected to a huge satellite dish.

Rocksteady confirmed, “That's gotta be it.”

Long Range nodded, “Sí, mi amigo.”

“Don't let them get to the satellite!” Major Bludd ordered as more Cobra Vipers parachuted down to the area to guard the terminal and more turrets popped up.

In return, Rocksteady started firing lasers at his enemies with his laser rifle. Just as a turret popped out and was about to shoot, Tiger Claw threw his scythe and impaled it.

Rocksteady nodded, “Thanks.”

Long Range started firing a couple more turrets while Rocksteady punched and knocked down more of Bludd’s men. However, he was feeling a bit hurt and grunted.

“You all right there Long Range?” Rocksteady asked.

“I'm good. On your left.” Long Range said as Rocksteady looked to his left and saw a Cobra trooper running towards him. Rocksteady knocked the Cobra trooper out with a swing of his arm.

Meanwhile, Mikey and Scarlett were tag teaming Major Bludd.

“Hey dude, what happened to your arm?” Mikey asked, noticing his robotic right arm.

Major Bludd answered, “An alligator ate it.”

“Ouch! And your eye?” Mikey asked again.

“You really want to know?” Major Bludd replied.

“Nope,” Mikey answered as he dodged Bludd’s dagger attack.

Scarlett threw a kick at Major Bludd's head, only for him to catch it easily.

Major Bludd bluffed, “That's all you got?”

Scarlett smirked, “Actually, no. MIKEY, NOW!”

“Huh?” Major Bludd wondered.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey rushed forward and whacked Major Bludd with his nunchucks. The impact sent Major Bludd into the imprisoned Joe's electrified, laser entrance and zapped him unconscious.

“Was that too much?” Mikey asked before bowing. “I apologize, bro.”

Scarlett checked Major Bludd's pulse and assured him, “He's alive. Just unconscious.”

Mikey sighed in relief just as Long Range was finished activating the transmission terminal.

Rocksteady said, “Nice work, comrade.”

Long Range nodded as Dial Tone contacted Scarlett’s team. She informed them, “They've got some strong data encryption. Give us a minute to hack it.”

“Stay alert while we get to work. We've got bad guys incoming.” Hi-Tech alerted them as more of Cobra’s Vipers parachuted down to their location and started firing lasers at Scarlett’s team.

Everyone ran into cover with an unconscious Major Bludd.

Rocksteady said while shooting lasers with his laser rifle, “Wish we had reinforcements.”

While Scarlett’s team were heading towards the facility, they stopped and saw Baroness in their way.

“Yo, Joe,” Baroness laughed. “I didn't expect to see you here so soon. I'm changing the rules. Watch your backs!” Baroness teleported out of the area as a gate opened behind them. Behind that gate, a H.I.S.S. Tank appeared, approaching Scarlett’s team.

“What is that?!” Rarity frightfully questioned.

Scarlett answered, “That's a H.I.S.S. tank!”

“Y'all ready to fight this, mi amigos?” Long Range asked the teens as the H.I.S.S. tank’s weapons targeted Scarlett’s team.

Scarlett and his team shouted in unison, “YO JOE!”

The heroes took cover as the H.I.S.S. tank started firing lasers and missiles. Scarlett ordered her team, “Everyone, scatter and find a weak point on that tank or a way to hijack it.”

Everyone shouted, “Yes ma'am!”

Mikey, Rarity, and Tiger Claw rushed around the H.I.S.S. Tank while everyone else tried to destroy it. While Scarlett and her team distracted the tank, Rarity spotted an access hatch in the back.

“I think I found something right there,” Rarity informed Scarlett.

Scarlett replied, “Perfect! You, Mikey, And Tiger Claw will hijack that tank while the rest of us will draw its fire away from you.”

As the tank focused its fire on Scarlett's group, Rarity, Mikey, and Tiger Claw ran up to the hatch. Tiger Claw told everyone, “Weapons ready, everyone.”

Tiger Claw opened the hatch and the two Vipers controlling the tank grabbed their blasters. Rarity brought out a shield to protect them while Tiger Claw nailed their blasters out of their hand, giving Mikey the chance to attack the Vipers. Mikey hit one Viper with his nunchuks and spin kicked the other Viper in the face.

“No one likes a cheap shot,” Tiger Claw said.

Mikey smiled, “Thanks dude.”

Tiger Claw nodded as the two ninjas plant the C4 charges inside the H.I.S.S. Tank before getting out.

“Such a waste, but necessary,” Rarity said as Mikey and Tiger Claw exited the H.I.S.S. Tank.

Tiger Claw was about to detonate the charges, but he stopped and looked at Mikey for a moment. He asked, “You want to do it, Mikey?”

“Oh heck yeah!” Mikey cheered as he pressed detonator button and the H.I.S.S. Tank exploded. Scarlett and her team cheered at its destruction

Sgt. Stalker: Nice work, team. It's always a pleasure to watch the good guys on foot take down a tank!

Moments later, Major Bludd regained consciousness and found himself at blaster point with his robot arm severed.

“Oy! What did y'all do to my arm?!” Major Bludd yelled, becoming incensed.

“Right here,” Rocksteady answered as he purposely crushed it into a useless piece of junk. He smirked, “Whoops.”

Major Bludd gasped, “NO! That was mine!”

Scarlett called Tiger Claw, “Hey Rookie, wanna knock out your first Cobra Lieutenant?”

“It will be an honor, ma'am.” Tiger Claw bowed and threw a kick at Major Bludd's face, making him seeing stars.

After that, Scarlett’s team were contacted by their fellow Joe operatives.

Hi-Tech: Joes, Dial Tone here. We cracked the encryption on the terminal you activated.

Twilight Sparkle: The good news is, I think we just rescued our old pal, Iceberg. I'm opening the gate right… now.

As the gate was deactivated, Scarlett asked, “Okay, so what's the bad news?”

Dial Tone: Well… we managed to gain access to their entire network for a few seconds. It looks like they've captured Frostbite, and maybe some others.

“Are you kidding me?? Okay, now I'm mad,” Long Range vented before he grunted, feeling a bit more pain on the leg. “Anyway, let's move out!”

Tunnel Rat suddenly became shocked after hearing his name. He never thought that Frostbite was alive after the avalanche incident. “Frostbite? He's… alive?”

Scarlet requested, “Give us his location and we'll mount a rescue.”

Duke: Negative, apprehend Major Bludd first. Then get Iceberg to the evac site as well as Long Range. His suit's bio readings are showing that he's injured badly. After that, fall back to the Howler so you can regroup and rearm.

Everyone saw Long Range who was hiding an injured leg.

“What?” Tiger Claw said.

“Is there something you're not telling us, comrade?” Rocksteady questioned Long Range’s motive.

Long Range answered before sitting down, “Got nailed by one of the laser turrets. Didn't want to slow you all down.”

Scarlett told him, “You're going to that evac, Long Range.”

Duke: She's right, Long Range. Lifeline has a nice spot in the infirmary.

Rarity asked, “Duke, where's General Hawk?”

Duke: He stepped out for a bit. Said he had to do something at your high school.

“What? Why on earth would he go there?” Casey questioned.

“I was going to say the same thing, darling.” Rarity noted.

General Hawk walked through the halls of Canterlot High and asked the students, “Excuse me, can you direct me to the principal's office?”

One of the students, Micro Chips, guided General Hawk to the principal’s office. After that, General Hawk entered the room as Principal Celestial and Vice Principal Luna saw him.

“Hello, may we help you?” Principal Celestia asked.

“I am General Abernathy of the US military. I'm here in regards to seven students of your "kunoichi" students.” General Hawk answered as both of the ladies’ faces went pale.

Principal Celestia asked as she slowly reached for her weapon, “Sir, we're a public high school, not a martial arts school.”

Vice Principal Luna did the same as her sister, “Yes, any students we have that can fight are ones who take the self-defense class in town.”

General Hawk assured them, “I'm not here for a fight. I just want to talk. Trust me.”

Just then, Snake Eyes came out of the shadows and handed General Hawk their weapons.

Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna were surprised by Snake Eyes, but Celestia answered, “Okay, we're listening. But why should we believe your on our side?”

General Hawk answered, “Ask him.”

Snake Eyes handed Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna a picture of him and Master Splinter.

“You were friends with Hamato Yoshi?” Vice Principal Luna asked.

Snake Eyes nodded as Principal Celestia wrote something down.

“Here's the address to his grave site.” Principal Celestia gave Snake Eyes the address and looked at General Hawk.

General Hawk nodded, “Permission granted. I can handle things here.”

Snake Eyes nodded and exited through the window with the information of Splinter’s grave site. General Hawk returned their weapons to the sisters and stayed in their office.

“I take it you also know about the boys?” Principal Celestia asked.

General Hawk answered, “Leonardo and the others? Yes, I do. I can't reveal too much of the nature of our operation, but all I can say is that their service is of the utmost importance. And we're fully prepared to compensate their school absence.”

“Keep them safe,” Principal Celestia sighed as Vice Principal Luna nodded.

General Hawk also stated, “My subordinates promise to bring them home safely. One other thing... Is it alright if I temporarily transfer my son into your school district? I'm worried about his safety.”

Principal Celestia and her sister discussed it over privately about the transfer of General Hawk’s son to their school. After a minute of their private discussion, Principal Celestia told General Hawk, “If you think it's necessary, I'm sure we can allow him to be here for a while until your situation dies down.”

“Thank you ladies. I appreciate it. Pleasure doing business with you.” General Hawk thanked the two sisters, shaking their hands before he left the room.

Meanwhile, Snake Eyes visited Master Splinter's grave site and sat down to meditate. He took off his mask, not even caring if anyone will see him exposed and tears poured down on his face. He knelt and bowed down to pay his respects to the late, great Master Splinter. Then, Snake Eyes heard a voice.

“Greetings, old friend.”

Snake Eyes stood up and turned around to see the spirit of Master Splinter, face-to-face.