Starshot: Star Speaker

by Tums Festival

On The Next Episode of SPACE TREK: The Next Generation

On the next episode of SPACE TREK: The Next Generation. The author bites off more than he can chew...

“Oh god!” Spike cried, being chased down a ship corridor by multiple, unfamiliar faces. “There’s way too many new characters! This is going to negatively affect narrative structure! The horror!”

By adding in more characters to a story with already too many…

“Yeah, what the heck!” Gallus shouted into the heavens, stranded with half of the Student Six on an alien planet. “Hello! You still haven’t used us yet and now you’re adding in a bunch of freakin--”

Including a bunch of bat ponies! Because the fandom can’t get enough of em’...

“Probably cus they think we’re cute!” Crescent Moon grumbled cutely, sitting in her captain’s chair. “How bloody embarrassing’. We aren’t cute, ya howlin dobby hack fraud! We are the night!” 

She let out a ‘terrifying’ screech. One which almost certainly wasn’t cute.

“You’re bloomin’ right it wasn’t.”

And also a Grand Admiral Thrawn expy, because the only thing more degrading than having him beat by space whales is being in a fanfiction. 

“This isn’t artistically done,” Warp Song said, worriedly reading over Part II via his captain’s console. “This isn’t artistically done at all.”

Has this given you no idea as to what the next part is about? Well, find out what's actually in it by clicking this link here!