The Biggest Battle Ever

by MyAwesomePony

Chapter 2 - Getting A Little Too Cozy

The Biggest Battle Ever
Chapter 2 - Getting A Little Too Cozy

Twilight was making a stand on top of the thrones as everyone listened to her motivational speech.

"We've faced enemies of Equestria before." She stated to everyone. "And we've always succeeded, no matter the odds. That wouldn't be possible without all of you."

"You're welcome." Discord called out.

"Dude, read the room." Spike said quietly.

"So I ask for your help again today in what is our biggest battle yet." Twilight continued. "All of Equestria is at stake, and I can't do this alone. But I'm not afraid. Because with friendship as our armor and teamwork as our power, nopony can ever bring us down!"

At that moment, we heard the doors swing open from behind us.

"Oh, come on!" A familiar voice cried out.

We all looked over to see the evil filly herself, Cozy Glow, as she dropped a pile of royal guards on the hard concrete floor, how she was able to take down a bunch of grown ponies is a question that nobody knew at the moment. After she dropped the guards, she stood on top of the pile.

"Where'd you get that? A daily affirmations calendar? Yeesh." Cozy Glow groaned.

"Shouldn't have said that, Twi." I whispered to her.

"Cozy Glow?! You're-" Twilight didn't get to continue her statement.

"About to wipe the floor with you!" Cozy finished for her as she suddenly blasted her with her horn as she flew backwards into the throne, she groaned as she lays on the concrete floor as we all gasped.

"TWILIGHT!" I shouted out.

"Wow! It's true!" Cozy Glow proclaimed. "Alicorns really do have more fun!" She said as she zapped some more magic out of her horn. We all gasped as the beam hurled towards us, luckily, the beam avoided all of us and struck a nearby banner as there was a small hole right in the center of it now. The royal guards managed to maintain themselves after being chucked to the concrete as they stood in formation in front of us, trying to stop the evil filly.

"Oh, whoopie." Cozy cheered sarcastically. "What are you guys gonna do?"

Suddenly, one of the guards blasted a beam from their horn, but Cozy quickly dodged it. Then she blasted some magic from her horn as well and then a big, red forcefield appears in front of the filly. More beams came out of the guards' horns, but they were useless to the forcefield.

"Everyone get behind the thrones and come out when I tell you." Twilight declared to everyone.

"I'm not going to leave you behind, Twilight." I said, refusing to leave the lavender alicorn by herself.

"Come on, Lukas!" Pinkie said as she pushed me behind the thrones and the others followed.

We hid behind the thrones for what seemed like a lifetime, I was really concerned about Twilight, Celestia and Luna, I hope that they would be able to defeat this mischievous filly.

"What are we gonna do?" Fluttershy whispered.

"I don't know, Fluttershy." I replied with slight worry in my voice.

"Okay guys." Declared Rainbow. "Here's what we're gonna do...."

"Stand down, Cozy Glow!" I heard Celestia shout.

"Gee, I guess I could. But... I'm having too much fun!" Cozy said evilly as I heard another blast of magic and then I heard some more magic. I didn't know what was going on, but I hope the princesses are okay.

"Ready, sister?" Celestia asked in a hurry as I heard Twilight's confused stutter.

Then I heard some more magic sounds, but then I heard a noise that sounded like a gong. I wasn't quite sure about the current situation that was happening, but, suddenly. I heard Celestia and Luna as they cried with agony and pain, now I was really worried. We all heard a loud thud as it echoed in the vast throne room as Twilight let out a loud "NOOOOOOO!" in sadness as I heard some loud trotting in a quick manner.

"That's the problem with you magic-types." The menacingly filly pointed out. "You're so reliant on all your special power, you forget to use your brains!"

"Keep telling yourself that!" Twilight said in a sassy tone. "Now!" She shouted.

When Twilight said that, we assumed that she wanted us to go as we all jumped from behind the thrones as I hopped onto Pinkie's back as we began to fight. The battle started with Rainbow Dash flew over to Cozy and started to spin around her until she felt dizzy. Then Rarity picked me and Pinkie up with her magic and flew us right in front of Cozy. I was holding Pinkie's party bazooka right in her face as we both had a smirk on our faces.

"Surprise attack!" We shout in unison as I blasted the bazooka in Cozy Glow's surprised face as she was covered in confetti. As she coughed, Fluttershy came up from behind her.

"Fly, my pretties!" Fluttershy cried out like a wicked witch as the royal geese started to circle the dazed filly. Next was Spike as he jumped up and tried to use his fire breath on the filly.

As we all continued to attack a very confused and dizzy Cozy Glow. Finally, Applejack managed to get her down and pin her to the ground with her lasso as we all surround her. Twilight taunted her with her magical horn. Cozy had a look of fright on her face, then we heard a quiet thud. We all look over to see Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis burst through the wall and kicked down one of the thrones that Discord was hiding behind, he fell to the floor, as if he was pretending to be dead, but it didn't work as Queen Chrysalis chucked him with the rest of us. Twilight protected us by using her magic to create a giant purple forcefield around all of us.

"You think your pathetic shield can stop us?" Chrysalis laughed as she stood on top of the forcefield. "The Pillars have been defeated. Your school is abandoned. Face it, Twilight. You've lost!"

"You can attack us and we may fall." Twilight stated. "But Equestria will still stand, united in friendship. And we won't stop until we defeat you, no matter how many ponies you take down!" Her voice cracked a little bit as the trio started to laugh as we all exchanged confused looks at each other.

"Didn't you all notice something was wrong in Equestria? We've been busy." Tirek said in his deep voice.

"A whisper here, a rumor there." Chrysalis cackled.

"Destroy some crops, cause some damage." Tirek continued.

"Turn pony against pony." Cozy joined in.

"Until your whole kingdom is on edge, waiting for just one tiny thing to push them over the brink!" Chrysalis said menacingly.

"There's no backup friends or rainbow magic to save you now!" Tirek boomed out.

"What are we gonna do, Twilight?" I asked her quickly.

"I-I don't know, Lukas." Twilight shuddered.

"Well, we have to do something." Rainbow called out.

"There IS nothing you can do!" Chrysalis shouted.

"Golly." Cozy said while looking around the castle. "I think it's time for some redecorating."

I was not expecting what happened next, there all looked at the wall and the somehow combined all of their magic and power and managed to blast a huge laser beam through the concrete hard wall and probably destroyed half of the castle as a loud explosion sound was heard, rubble flew everywhere as the ground shook like an earthquake.

"You know what's stronger than friendship?" Chrysalis asked as she pounded the forcefield. "FEAR!"

Then, Tirek walked up behind us and got rid of Twilight's forcefield and levitated her up with his magic and grabs her by the wing as he proclaimed to her:

"'Cause when you have to protect yourself, you don't have time for anypony else."

"Too bad they never taught you that in school." Cozy taunted as they hummed up their magic on the poor Alicorn.

Suddenly, I saw Rarity grab a nearby boulder and throws it at the trio, how she was able to lift up that huge boulder is beyond my understanding, but nevertheless, Twilight was safe as she ran up to us. They combined their magic yet again and aimed straight towards us. Twilight grabbed a nearby slab of stone, surprisingly, it was strong enough to save them. Applejack and Rarity ran up to hold the slab.

"Go, Twilight! Get help!" Rarity called.

"We'll hold 'em 'til you get back!" Applejack said.

"No! I can't leave you here!" Twilight cried out with tears.

"It's your only chance!" Fluttershy called out, joining in as well.

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Spike, and Discord joined in as well.

"You got this Twilight." I said to her as I joined the others.

It was really hard to hold back the magic, but it was working. I heard a teleporting sound, which meant to me that Twilight is now trying to think of a plan to get out of this peculiar situation. Then, I saw a bright light and I was out cold...