The Biggest Battle Ever

by MyAwesomePony

Chapter 1 - A Shocking Discovery

The Biggest Battle Ever
Chapter 1 - A Shocking Discovery

It was just like any other day in Ponyville, birds chirping, flowers blooming, and ponies trotting around the humble town tending to their daily business and life couldn't be any more quaint. Me and Pinkie Pie were in the kitchen of Canterlot castle with other bakers. It was Twilight's coronation today and we were both escited about the event. At that moment we were waiting for the cupcakes in the oven to be ready.

"And them I realized that I forgot my hairbrush, but then I remembered that I had it in my mane all along. How crazy was that?" Pinkie had just finished her story about when she almost forgot her hairbrush this morning.

"I mean, that mane is pretty poofy. I'm surprised you manage to store everything in that mane of yours." I said to the energetic baker while stroking her soft mane.

"Stop it, Lukas. It tickles." We both giggled.

Then, we heard a 'ding' come from the oven, which can only mean good things.

"They're done." Pinkie gasped happily. She reached for her oven mitten and pulled the oven door open, we were bombarded with heat, the good kind of heat. Pinkie pulled the freshly baked cupcakes out and gently placed them on a nearby counter as we both took a sniff.

"Wow! This just smells heavenly." I admitted.

"I wonder if they will taste heavenly too" Pinkie asked herself. "Just got to add the finishing touches. "She then shook some sprinkles onto the cupcakes and then she added a cherry on each of them as well. "And.... done." She claimed as she put the last cherry on.

"Phew." I wiped the sweat from my forehead. "Who knew baking cupcakes could be so hard?"

"And now, my favorite part of all, the taste test." Pinkie said in a sing song tone.

We each picked up a cupcake and bumped them against each other, like they were mugs of cider as we both took a bite of the cupcakes, we both let out an audible 'hmmm' in unison.

"I guess I'm a better cook than I thought." I said to myself. Suddenly, a cupcake splattered on me, pink frosting and all. "What the..?" Some more cupcakes hit me as I got more confused.

Then, A sugar war began as ponies started to throw cupcakes and pastries at each other.

"What is happening here?" I asked with confusion.

"It looks like a cupcake warzone in here." Pinkie cried out as she got hit with cupcakes.

"Come on, Pinkie. We got to stop them." I ordered as we tried to stop the war.

"Excuse me, there's no need for this!" Pinkie said to one of the bakers.

"Come on, guys. Violence is never the answer." I said to another baker as she threw a cupcake at my face.

"It's not working!" I heard Pinkie cry out.

"We got to get out of here!" I cried back to her.

As we tried to make our way to the exit, more cupcakes got thrown at us. After what seemed like an eternity in the chaotic kitchen, I finally got a grip of the door handle and I gave it a good push. The next thing we knew, we were spilled out of the doors in a cupcake avalanche. My face was planted into the cupcake pile as I lifted it up and saw the other ponies and Spike staring at us in shock. Pinkie managed to free herself as well as she declared to everyone:

"Do NOT go in that kitchen!" She said with certainty.

"You two looked like you were caught in a sugar war." Rainbow Dash thought as I managed to break free from the cupcakes.

"Oh, we were." I said, getting closer to them. "It's complete chaos in there."

"For some reason." Pinkie added. "The bakers are super grouchy with each other. That unicorn chef started throwing dessert at Lukas! We tried to help, but we got caught in the crossfire!"

She then looked at her frosting-covered hoof with a drool.

"Tasty, tasty crossfire." She licked the frosting off her hoof.

"Seriously, you guys should've seen it in there." I said, then all of a sudden, Pinkie licked all the frosting off me as well, after she was done, she stuck her tongue out like a puppy.

"Thanks for that, Pinkie." I chuckled.

Then, we heard a groan in agony from behind us. We look over and we see the lord of chaos himself, Discord, rubbing his foot in pain.

"My aching metatarsals!" He groaned as Fluttershy walked towards him. "You know, you forget how convenient snap-travel is."

"Wait, Discord?" I said confusingly. "Did you walk here, can't you teleport?"

"Yeah, about that." Discord said with uncertainty in his tone. "I might have made the teeeeeniest boo-boo."

"What did you do now?" I said sarcastically.

"All very well-intentioned and noble on my part, of course, but—" Before Discord could continue, Applejack interrupted him.

"Get to the point, Discord." She said impatiently.

"You remember that whole thing with King Sombra?" Discord asked us. "That was slightly my fault. And by "slightly", I mean... I brought him back."

"You did WHAT?!" I exclaimed.

"But why?!" Rarity asked loudly.

Discord turned back around to face us, and I could see by the look on his face that he felt ashamed.

"Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time." Discord continued as I interfered.

"Hold up." I said, putting my hands up. "What do you mean "a good idea at the time." What part of that plan seemed like a good idea to you?"

"That's just the thing, I promise you I had good intentions. Also, I brought back three other villains who are now on the loose and not really big fans of yours. So... my bad." He said nervously.

We all gasped in unison.

Celestia and Luna just had looks of shock on their faces after Discord had told their story, they couldn't believe that Discord would try to do this. They knew that he was the spirit of chaos of disharmony, but even when they knew all of that, they still thought that Discord took this a little too far.

" Let me get this straight." Luna began. " You wanted to boost Twilight's confidence, so you brought back Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek to attack her?!"

"Don't forget Sombra." Discord added innocently.

"And while you united these three villains, you pretended to be Grogar?!" Celestia boomed.

"Discord, how could you do this to Twilight?! And us?!" Fluttershy cried as I tried to comfort her.

"Look what a great job you did defeating Sombra. All the confidence you gained. Remember the cheering? The hoof-bumps?" Discord tried to add something positive for everyone in the room, but it wasn't working.

"Except it was all a lie." Twilight said quietly.

"A well-intentioned lie." Discord added.

"Discord!" I cried out, my face was probably turning red with anger. "You have NO idea how much I want to strangle you right now!" I walked closer to him, but Rainbow Dash and Applejack held me back, trying to stop me. "Let me go, let me have him, let me have him!" I tried to break free from their grip, but there were too strong for me.

"For all the time you've spent with us" Applejack said, still holding me back. "you really haven't picked up too much in the way of friendship lessons, huh?"

"You've been setting up challenges for us the whole time, haven't you?" Twilight sadly realized as Rainbow and Applejack let go of me. "None of our successes were actually real."

"Of course they were!" The lord of chaos assured the newest protector of Equestria. "You just had an extremely good-looking safety net."

"And how was that supposed to help again?" Spike asked.

"Spike's got a point." I declared, starting to calm down from my little tantrum earlier as Discord came closer to Spike's face.

"I intended to prepare Twilight for anything by orchestrating an epic attack at her coronation." He said, then Rarity ran up and stepped on his beard in anger.

"You beastly beast!" She exclaimed. "Don't you know how much this day means to Twilight?! And me?! I made her dress! Why wait until now for such a horrible plan?!"

"You don't take a final exam on your first day of class." Discord pointed out. "Just think – after defeating three baddies, Twilight would have to believe that she's the leader we all know she is!"

Then Celestia flew up right into Discord's face with an angry expression.

"You have made a grave misjudgment, Discord." She said quietly. "Do you have anything else you'd like to tell us?!"

"Would you like the good news or the bad news?" Discord asked innocently.

"That wasn't the bad news?!" Cried Luna.

"All my chaos magic is... gone. Trapped in Grogar's Bell." Discord declared to everyone in the room.

"So what's the good news?" Spike sighed.

"I don't think there can be any good news at this point." I moaned.

"Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow now have all of the real Grogar's magic." Discord told everyone the "good news"

"IN WHAT WORLD IS THAT GOOD NEWS?!" Rainbow shouted as her voice echoed around the walls.

"Compared to me losing my powers, anything else is good news!" Discord replied to Rainbow's loud question as Celestia flew back to Twilight.

"Twilight, Luna, we need to make a plan." She declared. "Maybe it's not too late to stop this disaster from happening!"

Twilight looked like her brain was going to explode by all of this information as she rubbed her head, trying to process the terrible news Discord had just told everyone.

"I need some time to think." She said, rubbing her head some more.

"Well, there isn't any time!" Discord said in a hurry. "Look what I overheard them saying!"

Discord snapped his fingers, but nothing happened.

"Just listen to my voice and use your imagination!" He groaned as he started to re-create the conversation.

Let the fool go. Without magic, he's no threat. Besides, we have plans.
The "Lame Six" are so busy being perfect, they haven't even noticed what we've been up to. Have I mentioned how great revenge is?
I hope you got a name picked out for your future kingdom. Because it's time to destroy Equestria!
[Laughs evilly]

"They're probably on their way to attack Canterlot right now!" Discord cried out.

"Well then, why are we just standing here talking about it? Let's stop them!" I decided.

"How, Lukas?" Twilight asked me as she flew closer to me. "Stopping Sombra by himself was hard enough! And that was with lord-of-chaos training wheels!"

"Twilight, it doesn't matter if Discord set up your successes or not." Celestia told her as she flew to her. "We believe in you and always have."

"Lean on your strengths to counter your weaknesses." Luna added.

"My strengths?" Twilight then looked at all of us, then gave a smile of determination. "Right!" Twilight said confidently as she looked at Spike. "Spike! Send a letter to Star Swirl!" Spike started to write the letter as Twilight. "Tell him we need the Pillars to guard the border of Canterlot! If the villains are coming for a fight, we'll have one waiting for them! With Chrysalis on the loose, she'll go after Starlight! Warn Cadance and Shining Armor! They're our final line of defense if we fail! The ultimate battle for the fate of Equestria is coming!

To Be Continued...