//------------------------------// // Team Vampire Member Bio: Marceline, Fluttershy, and others // Story: Skylander Battle Season 1 // by Flameboy //------------------------------// "Alright. Soooo, after a few surprising turn of events with twists and turns, Team Weranimal seems to have the advantage of... "strength in numbers", but the winner is yet to be determined. Say, Boomstick, why don't we both discuss Team Vampire first, then Team Weranimal?" "Sure. First up, let's talk about Marcelline, the Vampire Queen and one of Finn and Jake's best friends as well as trusted allies." Wiz went next. "While being the daughter of an evil vampire overlord of Hell-based dimension called the "Nightosphere", Marcelline ain't exactly like her father, yet she sometimes does make cruel jokes. But like my compatriot just said she is one of Finn and Jake's most trusted allies in the Land of Oo. Like most vampires of multimedia or European mythology, Marcelline can fly, shapeshift, and like any vampire, drink blood." "Actually, Marcelline DOESN'T drink blood, only objects with the color of red, which was first determined by herself when she made her debut in a kid's show that over the years became one of the community for both kids and adults alike. Now let's talk about her shapeshifting forms of many animals." -Boomstick Animal Forms: - Bat Monster - Regular Vampire Bat - Werewolf - Demon "While she is part bat, vampires can also turn into wolves and demonic versions of themselves. Her first animal form that debuted was a giant bat monster that could easily pass as a Giant Skylander. Her second form is a regular vampire bat which can probably fit in with other vampire bats for camouflage and get through small places such as, mouse holes and pipes." -Boomstick "Back to the topic of turning into wolves, Marcelline's only wolf form is a lycanthrope, or in Boomstick's words, a werewolf." -Wiz "I know what a lycanthrope is you damn son of a-" "Alright. Alright. No need to swear. There's kids watching this. But while her giant bat monster form can help fight off bigger opponents, her werewolf form can make her run faster, pierce through stone and metal like any werewolf can, and can even help track strange smells and locate targets 40 miles away." "Talk about wolf power. And even though she's not part of Team Wereanimal, Marcelline is no bark... but all.. "bite." So she mostly uses any flying creature form of hers... such as her Demon form. Scary? Yes. Powerhouse? Definitely. The only time she used that form was when she was helping Jake "retrieve" his sandwich from a mean wizard man by the name of "Magic Man", who was about to eat it in slow motion. And I mean, REALLY slow motion. Not even BMO can get to Magic Man. But after discovering that being happy or angry makes it so that slows you down, Jake and Finn discover that he needs to keep being sad by making himself sad, which actually helped a lot as his crying gave him a speed boost; allowing him to give Magic Man a hard left jab in the face that destroyed the slow motion bubble spell, which allowed Demon Marcelline to execute her demonic elbow drop and BMO to roll over Magic Man's face with a skateboard." "Marcelline may not be evil as her father or other vampires, but she is definitely one of Finn and Jake's most powerful allies to be trusted and can use her own bass like an axe." 2nd Member Bio: Fluttershy "While most believe that everyone in the world deserve to show a little kindness and learn to forgive and forget, or see the love inside the most heartless villains, let's talk about another member of Team Vampire -- Fluttershy; the elemental bearer of Kindness as well as part of one of the most powerful groups of Dragonia, the Mane6." -Wiz "Not only that, but after an accident with Twilight trying to change the minds of Vampire Fruit Bats into no longer eating apples from Sweet Apple Acres, Twilight, Spike, and the rest of their friends discover they had turn their cute, sweet innocent friend into a nasty, mean apple-craving vampony. All because they believed that they needed to get rid of all of the Vampire Fruit Bats." -Boomstick "And not only do we have Twilight as a judge, but we also have Spike, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity Belle, and the one who voted that they needed to get rid of them, Applejack Apple." "We already know and we payed the price for not siding with Fluttershy," Twilight said. "It's actually kind of one of our biggest mistakes of failing at friendship," Spike added. "Y'all seem to take Fluttershy's decision pretty well," Applejack said. The two men on Twilight's right grabbed their white and green shirts and teared them apart; revealing two t-shirts with a picture of Fluttershy's head. "That figures," she replied quickly. "But back to Fluttershy, let's go over her forms and stats," Wiz said. Alternate Egos: - Flutterhulk - Flutterbat "Before she got her vampire form, Fluttershy and her friends (thanks to Spike) got sucked into a superhero comic of a comic book series called "Power Ponies." -Boomstick "Masked Matterhorn, Saddle Rager, Fili Second, Zapp, Mistress Marevolous, and Radiance. Each of these female superpowered ponies fit in with each of the Mane6, as well as Spike. Twilight as the Masked Matterhorn because both of them have incredible raw talent, even when it comes to casting ice and fire spells. Spike as Humdrum because they both always want to feel part of the team. Pinkie Pie as Fili Second because of her unsuspecting appearances behind a single pony. Rainbow as Zapp because of their speed of lightning as well as commanding the power of lightning. Applejack as Mistress Marevolous because of their unique lasso skills. Rarity and Radiance with gem power. And Fluttershy as Saddle Rager, because of their deep hidden defensive will to protect their friends." -Wiz "One things for sure, you do not want to make her angry - you wouldn't like her when she's angry." -Boomstick "Her other feats involve her taming the wild spirit that is Discord, helped a storm creature talk about his problems, and even got the time to understand what Ahuizotl's role was as the guardian of the Tenochtilan Basin. She even stood up to a full grown dragon despite being afraid of dragons." -Wiz "I still don't get why she's afraid of dragons. I mean, sure, they can be big and scary sometimes. But what about Spike, Smolder, Ember, and Garble? They're literally dragons!" -Boomstick "Although some dragons like Alduin from Skyrim, or the Red Death, the gray Bewilderbeast, and the Deathgrippers from the How To Train Your Dragon franchise have a reputation to be fierce, destructive, merciless and beyond evil, there are some dragons who are the complete opposite. There are some who watch over and protect humanity, such as Draco, Drake, Drago, and Siveth from the Dragonheart franchise. And then there are some who are pets yet they like the attention and don't mind as long as they have loving partners, like Fishlegs Ingerman and Meatlug, Snotlout Jorgenson and Hookfang, Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston along with Barf and Belch, Gobber and Grump, Valka Haddock and Cloudjumper, and finally, the two who managed to get the vikings of Berk to have peace with the dragons as well as celebrate holidays with them, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III; the newest chief of Berk, and Toothless; the newest Alpha or King of Dragons. And there is one who treats a female unicorn to alicorn princess as a big sister ever since she hatched him and raised him, Spike The Dragon Sparkle. Also known to the Crystal Empire as, O Great and Honorable, Spike, the Brave and Glorious. It's quite common knowledge that even though grown up dragons are scary, let's not forget that they started as cute babies. And that is why Fluttershy learned to no longer fear dragons because her friendship with Spike, Smolder, Ember, and now Garble. And she will forever remain friends to the ancient, fire breathing legends of the sky." -Wiz "Speaking of "ancient legends," let's talk about another legend who so happens to be on Team Vampire." -Boomstick 3rd Team Member Bio: Teotl "Super Strength? Check. Magical Power Breaths? Check. Teotl the Majin is a friend to all. As long as you're not a baddie like Thanos, Megatron, or multiple villains in the known multiverse. While having low verbal communication, Teotl is pretty smart as well as all heart." -Boomstick "Since Teotl was an animal, yet a gentle creature, no one could understand him and called him "monster" and all sorts of other names. But when he met "Old" Tepeu, he was given the name "Teotl" as he felt sorry for how his own kind was treating him by throwing stones at him. When Old Tepeu became king after he and Teotl made peace with everyone, and later on had a family, he made Teotl his guardian to him, his queen... and his children. While some of them couldn't understand him like their father, some of them could and became best friends with their guardian." -Wiz The audience as well as Team Vampire and Team Weranimal awed in love. "But since Teotl was immortal, he watched his best friend die." -Boomstick The audience awed in sadness. "Luckily, despite his best friend dying and going to a better place, King Tepeu asked if he could watch over his kids, and his kid's kids, for as long as he lived. But overtime, the kingdom of Q'umarkaj grew and grew, and as it grew, Teotl became alone. Then, he met a child of royalty who could understand animals. Actually, just like Cynder's backstory, pay attention to the big screen for we shall see all of his past memories." -Wiz The two giant TV screens showed a piece of Teotl's memories. This one in particular had a woman talking to him as he had weapons impaling his back. With mysterious piano music. (???) "What...?" (Teotl) "I not lose. I not lose!!" (???) "You're badly hurt..." (Teotl) "I fine. I strong!" (???) "Yes. I know. But we should have some rest." (Teotl) "Okay." (They hear monstrous sounds) (???) "There's more." (Teotl) "I fight!" ... Next was a memory of the same woman. (Teotl) "I can't move. Can't protect. So..." Teotl breathes on the woman and puts her in a magic crystal, then sat down with his back up against it as he regains his breath. "It safe inside. They can't attack." (King of Darkness) "Why do you side with humans?" (Teotl) "I love humans. So I protect." (King of Darkness) "You will never live alongside the humans.That is because..." Next one was with a little girl. (???) "I'm not a child anymore. Why can't I go for a walk by myself? Being royalty is such a pain..." (Teotl shows up) (???) "Sorry... I complain too much." (Teotl) "You speak with animals? I surprised." (???) "I'm the one who's surprised. Who are you?" (Teotl) "You understand me. You like Tepeu." (???) "Tepeu...?Then you must be... I'm honored to meet you, Guardian of Q'umarkaj. My name is Toci. Nice to meet you. (Teotl) "To... To... Toci..?" (Toci) "Yes, that's right." (Teotl) "We friends." (Toci) (giggle) After that, the crowd got to see what Teotl looked like before he was big. Then, they saw one where humans were throwing rocks at him to scare him off. (Teotl) "Ouch! Ouch! Stop it, stop it!" Then he was standing outside of the town, crying. The crowd felt sorry for him. Some even started to cry. (Teotl) "I not bad. Not do anything bad. Why...?" Then, a man stood before him. (Teotl) "Who...?" (???) "I'm Tepeu, a traveler." (Teotl) "Hm? You understand me?" (Tepeu) "I was born with this talent." (Teotl) "(whimpers for a second) You not throw stones?" (Tepeu) "Why would I?" (Teotl) "Humans hit me with stones." (Tepeu) "I see... I'm sorry about that." (Teotl) "Why you sorry?" (Tepeu) "As a human I also bear responsibility. Let's shake hands and make peace." (Teotl) "Shake hands?" (Tepeu) "It means, "let's be friends." By the way, what's your name?" (Teotl) "No... no name." (Tepeu) "Alright then. How about this? From this day on, your name is..." The next memory showed two scientists make some kind of medicine for the king. Next one showed Teotl in the king's royal chambers, where the king thanks him, and tells him to give more power. "Along with the power to breathe a huge lung full of air, create electricity and stun the Darkness, burn enemies with his Dragon Fire, imprison enemies in giant blocks of purified crystal, and even heal others, Teotl, unlike Genie from Aladdin, is a real friend you need. Now onto the next member, since everyone knows about Eye-Brawl, Bat-Spin, and other members of Team Vampire, let's take a break and talk about Team Wereanimal after these messages." -Boomstick. "But first, let's just continue with the special Undead Characters, like, the Grim Reaper of The Grimadventures of Billy and Mandy. Or "Grim," for short," -Wiz. Biography: - Lost to Billy and Mandy because of Mandy's power of gloomy deception. "In folklore, it is said that if you want to return to the land of the living, you must challenge the Grim Reaper and beat him at his own game. And these types of games, are quite irrelevant since you're challenging for the right to go back to the realm of the living, so you have to go with what you get," -Wiz. "Like Death from Bill and Ted, who rathered not admit defeat when it came to board games. Like the classics, such as Battleship, Life, and even Twister, it was Twister itself that managed to make Death finally admit defeat. But later on, he became respected by the entire world and became best buddies with the time-traveling, death-defying, gold-hearted legends of rock and roll. Remember to always, and I quote, "party on, dudes." But when it came to silly games, this cartoon version of Grim Reaper chose limbo to be the challenge so that Mandy and Billy would escape their deaths. And, of course, Grim had the advantage since it was because of his "bony" physique, not even Billy could bend that far on that last one. But, when he's almost close to winning, Mandy pulled a mouse out of her pocket and dropped it on Grim's face, making him scream and lose the game because of her cheating yet smart decision. I mean, really? A mouse? The Grim Reaper; an agent of gods that deliver souls to either Heaven or Hell, is afraid of a small, cute, cheese-loving mammal? I mean, what the heck, man?!" -Boomstick "Then again, it was made for small ages, which eventually led up to everyone loving that show," -Wiz. Alias: - Grim - Death "Like we mentioned before, the Grim Reaper is known as "Grim" in both the title of the show as well as Billy and Mandy calling him that, and "Death" when it comes to the Bill and Ted franchise. So, there's not really that much to talk about that subject," -Boomstick. Allies: - Billy - Mandy - Billy and Mandy's Parents - Urwin - Jeff the Spider - Hoss Delgado - Santa Claus and Nancy Claus - Head Vampire - Fred Fredburger "And speaking of Billy and Mandy, they aren't the only allies to the Grim Reaper. Since he needed a place to stay as the humble servant to both Billy and Mandy, Billy offered his house to be Grim's house," -Wiz. "Me casa, es su casa." But, after meeting Mandy's parents, he discovered that they were afraid of their daughter and thought they would be more afraid if the Grim Reaper stayed at their home. So Grim pitied them and accepted Billy's offer and stayed at his house with his parents. His father was chill and respectful to Billy's "new best friend." But his mother, however, didn't like him when she first discovered him while he was taking a shower. And although she was terrified, she managed to literally scare Grim to the bone. But, hey, even the Grim Reaper needs to shower, or else he would, pffft, decay, haha," Boomstick giggled as he holds his sides before wiping a tear from his right eye. "After that particular episode, Billy's mom was very protective of her son and doesn't like that his new best friend was Death himself. She even stole Grim's Magic Scythe and used it against him while she remain hidden both from Grim, and her own son as she tried to scare off the Grim Reaper. Luckily, she lost due to supernatural reasons and because of Billy. Despite being a slave to both him and Mandy, just like Genie from the 1990s Aladdin and the 2019 remake, Grim, despite hating Billy's mild stupidity and weird wishes, he respects how he protected him from his own mother. In that case, in a long time of the life of a Grim Reaper, Grim wouldn't just call Billy "master",... but secretly, "best friend." The Crowd and Skylanders awwwed. "And speaking of "best friends," we have Urwin; Billy's best bud from when they were both babies and they were in school together, who also has a crush on Mandy, yet just like Billy's Mom, used the Grim Reaper's Magic Scythe for his own personal gain to get Mandy to finally fall in love with him, but ends up being punished as he was turned into an inch worm. But after he learned his lesson to NEVER touch Grim's Magic Scythe, he became one of his allies as well. Then, after being hunted once by Hoss Delgado, a monster hunter with cybernetics, he learned to trust the Grim Reaper as long as he doesn't put any innocents in harm's way. And when he, along with, Urwin, Jeff the Spider, and Fred Fredburger, they worked together to stop an evil bunny doll from taking over the world. Hoss even became best buds with Urwin," Boomstick finished. "Then, so on, he became allies with many main characters, like Santa Claus and his wife Nancy, who is also a vampire version of Mrs.Claus. Even to another dumb ally which was a tiny, green elephant demon," -Wiz. Feats: - Won the title of "Grim Reaper" - Defeated long time school bully, Boogey aka "The Boogeyman" in a race for his scythe - Stopped an invasion of evil alien werewolves - Became best buddies with a vampire - Saved Christmas "This badass legend of a cartoon character wasn't born with the powers of a Grim Reaper. He was just a regular skeleton/nerd who attended an underworldly high school and was friends with an alien human/spider hybrid princess," -Boomstick. "Years later after discovering he was trying to get her to win to become the Grim Reaper, but lost his friendship with her, he went to look who caused him so much pain: The Boogeyman, or "Boogey" for short," -Wiz. "And man, oh man, did he get was coming to him, as Grim literally made him pee his pants and manage to scare his fellow students and finally won the vote to become the Grim Reaper," -Boomstick. "Not only that, he won the right to get back his scythe in a race against the Boogeyman, became best buddies with a vampire, saved Christmas, and stopped an alien invasion of evil alien werewolves," -Wiz. Weapon: - Grim Reaper's Magic Scythe Powers: - Magical genie-like powers - Undead Magic - Shapeshifting "It's time we got to the weapons and powers, such as the Grim's Magic Scythe, and his Undead Magic. Not only can he use his Magic Scythe as a close-range weapon, he can use it like a wand to grant wishes. He can still use powerful Undead Magic, and thanks to the Magic of Skylands enhancing his power, he can now turn into a giant floating skull engulfed in green flames; just like Ghost Roaster. And with that enhanced magic, he can now use his Undead Fire to heal allies and use it in the form of thrown fireballs or streams of fire like a Firebender from the Avatar franchise, or spray it out of his mouth like a freaking dragon. Not to mention he can turn into a bony dragon himself," -Boomstick. (This time I'll be putting in Battle Classes and some made-up Battle Classes) - Flameboy Battle Classes: - Sentinel - Sorcerer - Spellcaster - Shapeshifter - Dragon - Healer "Some of you may all know about the Sentinel and the Sorcerer Battle Classes, but let's get caught you all caught up. Since the Sentinel Class's symbol is a staff with two scythes on each side, it makes perfect sense why Grim is part of the Sentinel Class. But, the purpose of being a Sentinel is to be a warrior with a staff with something sharp--" "Or something NOT sharp but big and tough. It's like Barbella the Earth Sentinel, whose staff has two square-shaped rocks to deal heavy duty damage, or Ember the Fire Sentinel, who has two kunoichi blades to deal rapid light attacks. Or just like Grim, with only one sharp blade, can still qualify as a Sentinel, while wielding it like a mixture between a samurai sword or a warhammer," -Boomstick. "Then we have the Sorcerer Class; a group of wizards, mages, witches, or even warlocks, who use eldritch weapons to shoot arcane magic in forms of orbs and concentrated beams as well as summoning supernatural phenomenons. Kinda like Double Trouble, Bad Juju, and even the Golden Queen," -Wiz. "But because Skylands is growing more powerful, it needed to create new Battle Classes to protect the world. Like, the Spellcaster Battle Class, or just "Spellcaster Class" for short. It's exactly like the Sorcerer Class, but those wizards and witches can use their hands or mouths to cast magic spells. In fact, magical spells can be performed by any particular body part, like, Twilight's horn, or even Master Eon and Kassandra. Heck, even Discord's tail. Spellcasters, just like Sorcerers, can create beams of arcane magic or any kind of element, such as rainbows. And with the Shapeshifter Class, like the Tribal Werewolf Pirates, or others, they can have many battle styles to switch between when fighting evil. Man, it would be so cool just to morph my body into any powerful creature, like, say, a dragon. Able to fly and breathe raging fire. Would be great when roasting marshmallows. And speaking of dragons, ALL dragon skylanders will now finally be recognized. So Spyro, Cynder, and other dragons will have a Battle Class of their own," -Boomstick. "Dragons aren't just known for their breath attacks, especially, since, not ALL Dragons can breathe fire or spit out fireballs. Like, Cynder from the Skylander franchise, who can shoot lightning out from her mouth and stun enemies, or Cynder from the Legend of Spyro, who can breathe a shadow-based fire, spit poison, make enemies shake in fear with just a screech, and even blow enemies away with... "windpower." Zap literally... "zaps" enemies with a lightning bolt that comes from his mouth, and Lukario(the name of Luke Reese's Icedrake form) can breath a hailstorm of icy proportions. A Skylander of the Dragon Class can fly, double jump, glide, hover, and scare enemies away with a powerful roar. But in some cases, roaring will be part of the Primal Warrior Class for creatures who aren't Dragons. Not to mention they have powerful scales that are impervious to most sharp objects and explosive blasts," -Wiz. "In other words... Dragons are awesome!" -Boomstick "And the Healer Class, polar opposite to the Shielder Class, can use magical spells or gadgets, like the Medic's Medigun from Team Fortress, to heal allies. Heck, they can even use magical food to heal their allies just by throwing or laying them out." "Actually, let's head on to Team Wereanimal," Boomstick said. Continue onto the next chapter ➡