//------------------------------// // Thomas’s New Grandparents // Story: Good Times in Equestria: Thomas’s Adventures in Ponyville // by GoebelTron //------------------------------// The morning sun rose up from beyond the horizon of the hill and bathed Ponyville with a warm morning breeze, and then it glistened in the bedroom where Thomas was sleeping underneath the comfort of the warm, cozy blankets of Fluttershy’s bed. He suddenly felt a hoof softly nudge his shoulder, and heard a familiar soft voice, “Thomas. It’s time to wake up, sweetheart.” Thomas then blinked his eyes open and then made a big soft yawn, until he saw Fluttershy, his mother smiling at him. “Good morning, Momma,” he said softly with exhaustion. “Aww... were you really tired?” Fluttershy asked cutely as she brought him over for a hug. “Mmhmm,” Thomas said, as he yawned again, then she hugged him closer towards her chest and gave him a soft kiss on the top of his head and softly rubbed his shoulder as he squished himself closer underneath his mother’s embrace. “By the way... I’ve been thinking about something. Would you... like to go with me to Cloudsdale and visit my parents?” Fluttershy asked, until Thomas nodded while listening to her heartbeat. “Can we have breakfast there?” Thomas asked. “Yes, we can. Now get dressed and meet me in the living room. I asked your Auntie Twilight to do the spell on you again,” Fluttershy said, as she broke the hug and then went downstairs to pack her saddlebags. Thomas came out wearing his royal blue ringed shirt, a new jacket, but in sports gray and with a dark green and black plaid pattern, and he had his dark blue jeans. He packed his books, crayons, and his teddy bear. Thomas met his mother downstairs, and he then saw his Auntie Twilight standing there. “Hi, Auntie Twilight,” he said as he gave her a morning hug. “Good morning to you, sweetie. Did you sleep well?” Twilight replied. “Yeah, I did.” Thomas said. “That’s a nice jacket you have. Did Auntie Rarity make it for you on your birthday?” Twilight asked. Thomas nodded, and then he was ready for the cloud walking spell, and then Twilight did it the same way she did it before, with a deep breath and concentration. After a few seconds, Thomas felt unharmed, and then he suddenly walked over to Fluttershy and climbed onto her back. “Okay, sweetie. Let’s go visit your grandparents,” Fluttershy said, and then Thomas held onto her and they flew up to Cloudsdale. When they got there, Thomas saw a small house that looked like a crystal building in the Crystal Empire, but it was a little bit smaller. It also had a small shed next to it. “Do your parents live there, Momma?” Thomas asked. “Of course, sweetheart. Now, when they say hello, just stay calm and I’ll explain to them about you, okay?” Fluttershy said. Thomas nodded and then he stood next to her, and then he felt safe when he realized he could walk on the clouds again. After Fluttershy knocked on the door, a voice was heard. “Come in,” another soft female voice said. When they came inside, Fluttershy saw two ponies she knew as a filly. One sitting on the couch was her mother, Mrs. Shy, and the one on the couch reading a book was her father, Mr. Shy. Mrs. Shy had pale light grayish amber fur, a curly and bobbed moderate raspberry mane and tail, moderate cerise eyes, grayish teal glasses, a golden pearl necklace and two gold flower earrings, and her flank had a cutie mark of three colorful flowers. Mr. Shy had pale light grayish malachite green fur, a swirling light grayish amaranth mane and tail with a mustache, grayish turquoise eyes, a grayish blue sweater, and his flank had a cutie mark of three small clouds. “Mom, Dad, we’re here,” Fluttershy said. Her parents looked at her, and then Fluttershy went to hug her mother, until her father joined in. “How are you, dear?” Mrs. Shy asked. “I’m doing good, Mom,” Fluttershy said. “My animals are behaving so well.” “Well, glad to hear it, Fluttershy,” Mr. Shy said. Fluttershy blushed softly, until she forgot something, “Oh, by the way, he’s a little shy, but I have somepony I’d like you both to meet.” She turned her head over to Thomas’s level and nuzzled her head on her tail where he was hiding, “It’s okay, baby. You can come out and say hello to your grandparents.” After Thomas appeared and then stood by Fluttershy, Mrs. Shy gasped in happiness, and then trotted over to him, “Oh my gosh! Fluttershy dearie, he’s so cute!” She carefully wrapped a foreleg around Thomas and pulled him into a warm hug, “You’re more adorable than I thought you would be.” Thomas enjoyed the cozy feeling of his grandmother’s warm and soft chest fur, and then he started hearing her heartbeat. “He is also a pretty handsome young sprout if I do say so myself,” added Mr. Shy before gently rubbing his new grandson’s back. Fluttershy softly giggled, “Mom, Dad, this is my son, and your new grandson, Thomas.” Thomas looked up at his grandmother and then spoke softly, “It’s nice to meet you, Grandma.” Mrs. Shy was touched by his politeness, and then she smiled warmly at him. “You’re very sweet, Thomas. It’s nice to meet you too.” She then leaned down and gave him a kiss on the forehead. He then looked at the golden pearls around her neck, “I love your necklace, Grandma.” “Thank you, dear,” Mrs. Shy said, and then she lifted him up and held him with one foreleg against her chest so he can reach for her necklace, and then he rested his head on her neck and then placed one hand on her necklace and the other around her chest. “Mom? Dad? Thomas was also wondering if we could join you both for breakfast this morning,” Fluttershy said. “Of course you may,” Mrs. Shy said, while she kept hugging her grandson, until she looked down at him. “Would pancakes sound good? Along with some tea for us?” Fluttershy nodded, then her mother spoke up again but to her little grandson, “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll make you some hot cocoa with some nice marshmallows to go with your pancakes, okay?” Thomas nodded, “Can I have some blueberries in my pancakes?” Mrs. Shy giggled as she carried him to his chair and let him sit down. “Of course, dearie.” She kissed him on the cheek and then gave him some paper to draw on, and then took out his crayons. While he was drawing, Mrs. Shy continued to cook his breakfast, along with everypony else’s in a big frying pan. “So, Fluttershy... how did you meet this young lad?” Mr. Shy asked. “Well, it’s a long story, Dad,” Fluttershy said, then she told them about his horrible life in the orphanage, and then how she found him, how he met some of the ponies in Equestria, and how well he’s doing in school and all of Equestria. Mr. and Mrs. Shy felt sorry for his poor time in the orphanage, and then when Mrs. Shy came over with a huge plate of pancakes for them all, and one for Thomas, that was covered in syrup and whipped and creamy butter, and had delicious blueberries inside, she gave him a hug. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, dear,” she said. “It’s okay, Grandma. I’ve pretty much gotten over it anyway,” Thomas said. Mrs. Shy nodded and then gave her grandson his marshmallow filled hot chocolate to go with his blueberry pancakes, and then after everypony was situated, they all began to eat together as a family. “We’re so happy that you could come over to visit your father and me, Fluttershy,” Mrs. Shy said. “I’m glad you think so, Mom. And thank you for giving my precious little one a warm welcome,” Fluttershy said. “Anytime, Fluttershy. Anytime,” Mr. Shy said. Thomas then thought of something, “Grandma, what do you and Grandpa do for a living?” “Well, little fella. Your grandma is a gardener,” Mr. Shy said. “That’s right, meaning I like to keep my flowers in good health,” Mrs. Shy said. “And I’m a retired weather factory worker, meaning I collect clouds,” Mr. Shy said, then he pointed at the back house, and then Thomas saw a lot of jars that had miniature clouds in them. “Wow...” Thomas said. Mr. Shy then spoke up, “So as you can see, I converted the back house to showcase my cloud collection. So other than that, Fluttershy. I have my clouds, your mother has her flowers, and you have your animals, and your son to look after, but your brother...” “Well, Zephyr Breeze has his... interests,” Mrs. Shy said, as she nervously laughed. “Who’s Zephyr Breeze?” Thomas asked. “He’s my little brother. He’s also a little bit... lazy sometimes, but he tries to make a living like we kindly ask him to do,” Fluttershy said. “That sounds like someone I don’t want to make friends with. No offense, Grandma,” Thomas said nervously. “It’s alright, sweetheart. If it bothers you, we can always take you somewhere else in the house where he won’t scare you,” Mrs. Shy said. Thomas nodded, then he put his plate and mug in the sink, and then he got out and hugged his teddy bear. “My, what an adorable stuffed bear you have, dear,” Mrs. Shy said. “Thanks. He’s my Snuggle Bear, and I’ve had him when I was a baby. But I don’t remember my real mother...,” Thomas said, until he looked sad with tears in his eyes. “Aww... would you like a hug from grandma, dumpling?” Mrs. Shy asked with a worried tone, and then Thomas got up and went over, and then sat on his grandma’s lap until she used one foreleg to hug him gently. “So, the thing about Zephyr Breeze, is that he’s matured a lot since then.” “Actually, it’s funny you bring Zephyr up...” Mr. Shy said, nervously smiling. “Oh no... He’s done it again, hasn’t he?” Fluttershy asked in disappointment. “It’s just for a little while, dear. ‘Til he gets back on his hooves,” Mrs. Shy said, while comforting Thomas in a nice, warm hug, and then the small child comfortably leaned against her chest fur while hugging his teddy bear and hearing her heartbeat. “You don’t mean... He is... Oh no,” Fluttershy said, until the door opened an revealed a tall legged teenager pegasus colt with pale light grayish aquamarine fur, a pale light grayish gold braided mane and tail, grayish cerise eyes, facial hair on his face, and his flank had a cutie mark of a breezing feather. “Guess who’s home! That’s right, big sis, it’s your one and favorite little brother, moi,” he said dramatically. Fluttershy face planted her hoof into her forehead with a frustrating groan. Thomas suddenly whimpered and hugged his grandma until Mrs. Shy rubbed his back with one hoof to calm him down while she had the other around his shoulders. “Hi, Flutterbutter! How’s the bestest big sister ever? Hey, where’s the love? How about a little excitement to see your baby brother?” Zephyr said uncomfortably greeting his sister, causing Fluttershy to feel annoyed and uncomfortable with his behavior, until he went to tightly hug his parents, without noticing Thomas hiding in his grandmother’s hugging hooves and listening to her heartbeat. “I’m just surprised. When you left, you said mane therapy was your calling,” Fluttershy said. “Oh, it is, sis, it is. You would totally not believe how much stress a lot of ponies hold in their manes,” Zephyr said, touching his sister’s mane. “Everything gets limp and unmanageable. Uh... no offense, but brushing it alone won’t solve the problem.” He the playfully braided Fluttershy’s mane into his braided bun, until she reset it to its original state and brushed it out of her face with her hoof. “What went wrong?” Fluttershy asked in disappointment. “Nothing went wrong, per se,” Zephyr said, until he showed her a book of mane styles. “See this? It’s just the powers that be were so locked into their required styles, and hey, you know me. I’ve got my own style. And I think they were a little threatened.” He then showed them his model of a custom made mannequin mane style made of leaves and many strands of hair. “O-Oh, this is... umm... quite lovely, dear,” Mrs. Shy said with a nervous laugh and smile. Zephyr Breeze suddenly saw Thomas hugging his grandmother’s chest while she held him in one hoof. “Oh sweet Celestia! What kind of beast is that?” Zephyr Breeze asked causing Thomas to feel scared again as he hid underneath his grandmother’s hug and softly began to cry. “Zephyr Breeze! You do not speak to my son that way!” Fluttershy said angrily, until Zephyr Breeze sighed. “Ouch. Cut right in the heart. I now fly into the abyss... while I find someplace to redecorate! I mean this place could use some... Drab!” He then walked over to the living room. “Mrs. Shy chuckled nervously, “Heh. I-I, eh...” “We have been meaning to redecorate...” Mr. Shy said. “Dad, please. When I get all my stuff back in here, you won't even remember what this boring old place looked like!” Zephyr said, and then he started remodeling the living room as Thomas snuggled with his grandmother’s chest fur. Fluttershy growled in anger and frustration, then she walked over to Thomas and held him against her chest. “Shhhhhh... it’s okay, baby. Momma’s here. Momma’s here,” she said as she rubbed his back and he then shook and whimpered. “Mom? Dad? Can I talk to you for a moment?” They both nodded and went someplace private while Fluttershy held her little colt in one foreleg and he buried himself against her chest fur. “What is it, honey?” Mrs. Shy asked. Fluttershy kissed her son’s forehead and then looked at her parents and spoke up while she gently rocked Thomas, “I’m not so sure if letting Zephyr move back home might be a good idea. I know you both want to help him, but don’t you remember last time he did?” “I know, but Zephyr’s just trying to find himself a place to stay, dear,” Mrs. Shy said. Fluttershy sighed, “I know. It just seems like his place always has to end up being your place. And then he maybe makes you do everything for him.” “Ah, don’t you worry, Fluttershy. We know how to handle ourselves and stand up for each other,” Mr. Shy said. “But don’t you remember how he reacted towards your grandson? Can’t you see that’s he’s scared of Zephyr?” Fluttershy asked, showing them whimpering and shaking while hugging his teddy bear. “Now he’ll never be able to sleep during the night.” “Aww... the poor dear,” Mrs. Shy said, as she then reached her hoof out, and then Fluttershy carefully gave her son over to her mother, and then Thomas was held against his grandmother’s soft and warm chest fur. “How about if I read you a story after lunch?” she asked. Thomas nodded and then both Mr. and Mrs. Shy, along with Fluttershy went over to the living room, until they saw Zephyr telling jokes to some of his personal items, “And they were all like, "We love your free spirit, Zeph! And it would be wrong to cage that! Go follow your dreams!" It's all so political. I just could not take it! Oh, hello.” “Well, maybe if you stuck with it for more than a few weeks...” Fluttershy said. “Sorry, sis, but when something's not the right fit, this pony's gotta fly!” Zephyr said, as he pushed a portrait on the fireplace flume, causing objects to fall off, until he yawned, “Anyway, good talk, my peeps. I am so touched you came to see me, really. I hate to deprive you of my presence, but this breeze needs his Z's.” “B-B-But... it’s t-t-the middle of the d-d-day,” Thomas said nervously shaking. “I know,” Zephyr said with maracas in the background. “Siesta! I'm just gonna assume you made up my room the way I like it, right, Mom? Oh, I almost forgot! All my stuff is out front. Wanna grab that for me, Pops?” He then made a short laugh, “Thanks.” When he was gone, they all groaned, “Same old Zephyr.” They all then sat down in the living room to calm their nerves while Mrs. Shy was holding Thomas in her right foreleg and he buried himself against her chest. Later on, after they had a nice lunch of sandwiches and salad, while Mrs. Shy made Thomas a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup and a glass of water, Thomas sat with his grandmother on the couch as she read him a story, while she laid on all four legs, and she let him sit closer towards her chest and hug both his teddy bear and her forehoof. While she read to him, Thomas was amazed by some of the amazing pictures in the book, and it made Mrs. Shy happy. “In case you didn’t know, dumpling, I used to read this to Zephyr when he was a little colt just like you are,” she said. “Wow... no wonder he was like that,” Thomas said. “I know he can be a little reckless and careless of others besides himself, honey, but he tries to make a living,” Mrs. Shy said. Thomas then cried in her chest, until she hugged him, “What’s wrong, Thomas sweetie?” “I’m sorry if I’m scared of Zephyr Breeze! I just can’t help it!” Thomas said, until Mrs. Shy shushed him and wrapped her wing around him. “That’s okay, sweetheart. You didn’t mean to be scared of him. It’s just who he is.” Thomas looked at his grandmother’s face until she looked at him with a warm smile and then gave him a kiss on the forehead. “Thomas? Why don’t we go water my flowers? I’ll show you how,” she kindly said. “Okay,” Thomas said, after he blew his nose from the tears, and then he carefully climbed onto her back to go outside. Meanwhile, in Ponyville, Fluttershy flew around in frustration after the way Zephyr Breeze treated her precious little Thomas, until she heard a voice from below. “Fluttershy! It’s me, Pinkie Pie!” she said, and then Fluttershy flew down over to her friends. “You alright, Fluttershy?” Applejack asked. Fluttershy sighed heavily, “It’s my brother, Zephyr Breeze. He’s being the same pony like he usually is, but when he saw my precious little one, he got terrified from my brother’s childish behavior, and he called him a beast.” “Oh, the poor thing. I’m so sorry,” Rarity said. “But my parents loved him, including my mother,” Fluttershy said. “Aww... how sweet!” Rarity said. “I just don’t know what to do about Zephyr Breeze. I love him but he can be a little bit... messy. He’s never learned to do anything for himself, and I don’t know why my parents keep letting him trot all over the place!,” Fluttershy said. “Hey, maybe you can talk some sense into him, but maybe try to use some of you. Meaning if your parents won’t stand up for themselves, then maybe you can stand up for them,” Applejack said. “You know what? You’re right. I’m going to go talk to him and maybe he’ll understand,” Fluttershy said, then she flew back to her parents’ house. When she got back, Fluttershy then sighed deeply and before she was about to open the door, she heard a thunderclap from outback. When she went to find out what was going on, she gasped and saw Zephyr Breeze destroying Mr. Shy’s cloud collection and Mrs. Shy’s flower garden while Thomas hid underneath her and hugged her leg. Mr. Shy kept trying to catch each cloud, but Zephyr kept throwing them out until he heard a voice, “ZEPHYR BREEZE!” Zephyr stopped and looked at Fluttershy looking sternly cross, “Oh, hey, sis! Come to see me work my magic and turn this place from drab to fab, huh?” Fluttershy trotted over to him, “Can’t you see what you’re doing?!” “Yeah! I’m getting rid of this old stuff so I can turn the back house into my personal art studio! I’ve decided I’m gonna be a sculptor!” Zephyr said. “No! I’m talking about Mom’s flowers!” Fluttershy said. “Don’t worry about that! She’s gonna move them so I can have my meditation patio here. She loves replanting stuff. Don’t you, Mom?” Zephyr said, until Mrs. Shy felt sad about her flowers. “And Dad’s been collecting his favorite bits of cloud from the factory ever since you were born,” Fluttershy said. “Yep. The very best from every production run since my first day on the job,” Mr. Shy said, until he gave Thomas one of them for him to keep. “I’m sorry, Grandma,” Thomas said. “I just wanted to spend some time with you both so I can get to know you, but now I’ll never get that chance because he ruined it.” Thomas then began to cry, until Fluttershy got more angry while Mrs. Shy comforted her grandson. “Zephyr, look. You can’t just fly in and change everything Mom and Dad have built here. And I was really happy for them to have some time with their adorable grandson.” Fluttershy pointed at Mrs. Shy comforting her grandson who was hiding behind her left leg by stroking his hair gently. “Oh, I know, but this is the only place big enough for my studio/meditation garden. Ooh! Unless I do it in the living room!” Zephyr said. Fluttershy shook her head with a heavy sigh, “Mom, Dad, I know speaking up for yourself is hard, believe me, but the truth is that Zephyr will never stand on his own if he keeps leaning on you.” “Don’t be so dramatic, sis! Mom and Dad just wanna let me be me! Right? Besides, I can do everything on my own,” Zephyr said. “I agree. Which is why you should move out,” Fluttershy said. “I’m sorry, but if you want to find something to do for yourself, you’ll have to move out and find someplace else to live.” “What are you talking about?! I mean I totally would, but I don’t think it’s what Mom and Dad would want, right?” Zephyr Breeze asked nervously. “You know we love you, son,” Mr. Shy said. “But I’m afraid she’s right, dear,” Mrs. Shy said. “It was also a perfect day to have some time with Fluttershy’s sweet little colt who we’d love to have as our grandson.” Thomas smiled softly at what he heard his grandmother say, and then he walked out and gave her a hug around her chest, until Mrs. Shy hugged him back. Zephyr Breeze then started tearing up, “Oh... Sure. I mean, I really just came back here to keep you guys company, but... whatever’s best for the family. I guess moving out’s best. I’ll just... just grab a few essentials.” “Are you sure you have somewhere else to go, sweetheart?” Mrs. Shy asked. “Oh, of course! There’s plenty of ponies who’d love for a little breeze to blow their way...” Zephyr Breeze lied nervously, and after he went upstairs, they heard him crying. Mr. and Mrs. Shy felt sorry for their son, until Thomas then unexpectedly went inside to find a yellow pages book, and then he looked up for places in Equestria, until he then wrote a letter to Diamond Tiara’s father for a favor. At dinner, with a serving of pasta with creamy pesto sauce and some steamed carrots, broccoli and cauliflower on the side, Zephyr barely touched his food because of what his family said to him. Thomas was still scared of him, but felt sorry for his pain while he ate his salad. “Thomas? Are you feeling okay, dumpling?” Mrs. Shy asked. “I’m fine, Grandma. I just feel kinda bad about Zephyr,” Thomas said. “Well, don’t be! I don’t blame you anyway,” Zephyr said. “Zephyr, be nice to my son,” Fluttershy said. “No, Momma. He’s right. It’s my fault. If I haven’t gotten scared of him...” Thomas was cut off by a comforting hug from his grandma. “Shhhhhh... There, there, dearie. You never meant to hurt him,” Mrs. Shy said. “Mom? When he’s done eating, could you give him a bath?” Fluttershy asked. “Of course, honey. I’d love to,” Mrs. Shy said. After dinner, Mrs. Shy turned off the faucet and then the bathtub was full of water and clouds of bubbles, “Alright, dear. In you go.” Thomas was then put into the tub and Mrs. Shy let him play for a few minutes, and then she came back and got him all scrubbed and clean with the soapy sponge, and then after he Thomas dunked himself into the water to rinse the soap off, he reached out his arms so that his grandmother can lift him out off the tub and cover him in a towel. When Thomas was all dry, he put on his favorite blue star covered pajamas. Mrs. Shy then carried her grandson downstairs, and then she gave him to Fluttershy. After Thomas was wrapped in his blanket he got for his birthday, Fluttershy held him in a cradle and gently rocked him to calm him from Zephyr’s behavior. “Are you enjoying yourself spending time with your grandparents?” she asked. “Mmhmm. Grandma’s very sweet like you are,” Thomas said. “Yes. That’s because she loves us very much and always will,” Fluttershy said, until Mrs. Shy gave him a small plate full of cookies and a glass of cold milk, and then when he was placed on Fluttershy’s lap, he took them both and ate his cookies by dunking them into the milk or eating them dry, and drank his milk after each bite or when he finished each cookie. “Momma?” Thomas asked, when he finished his snack. “Yes, sweetheart?” Fluttershy asked, after Mrs. Shy took the plate and glass to the kitchen and came back. “I kinda did something that might make you mad, but can you please promise me you won’t yell at me?” Thomas said. “Of course, sweetheart. Now, tell me what you did,” Fluttershy said, after she placed both of her hooves on his back and shoulders. “I kinda wrote a letter to Diamond Tiara’s daddy for a small donation of bits for Zephyr so he might have some for himself, and I wrote another letter to an apartment building in Manehattan so that he can find a living space for him. I know you want him to find someplace to live, but I... well... I’m sorry, Momma,” Thomas said, as he leaned his head on his mother’s chest. “Thomas... that was very sweet of you,” Fluttershy said. “Really? You’re not mad?” Thomas asked. “Of course not, dear. Would we ever be angry at our favorite grandson? We’re proud,” Mrs. Shy said. Thomas smiled warmly, and then he suddenly yawned softly and started to get sleepy. “I’ll take him upstairs, dear. You take care of Zephyr,” Mrs. Shy said. Fluttershy nodded and went to go check on her brother. Fluttershy went towards his bedroom door, she gently knocked on it, “Zephyr? Are you okay in there?” She knocked again, “Zephyr?” “GO AWAY! I DON’T LIKE YOU ANYMORE!” Zephyr Breeze said. Fluttershy opened the door and saw him hiding underneath his bed whimpering like a little puppy. “Zephyr, I just want to see if you were okay,” Fluttershy said,after she trotted over to him and gently patted him on the head. “We do love you, Zephyr, but we just want you to be taken care of, meaning you’ve got to try to make yourself feel like your ready to go out into the world and enjoy yourself, but you’ve got to make a living,” Fluttershy said, until Zephyr hugged her leg. “Shhhhhh... there, there. By the way, we’ve got a surprise for you, but you’ll find it in the kitchen tomorrow morning. Now get some sleep.” Zephyr nodded and then got himself ready for bed. Meanwhile, Mrs. Shy took her grandson upstairs to Fluttershy’s bedroom so that he can sleep with his mother, and then she laid him on the bed and tucked him underneath the bedsheets. Thomas then gave his grandma one more hug. Mrs. Shy smiled warmly at him, and then she leaned down and gave him both a warm hug, and then a kiss on the forehead. “Goodnight, Grandma,” Thomas said. “Goodnight, dear,” Mrs. Shy said, as she blew out the candle and then she walked out of the room. When Thomas felt calm and cozy underneath his blanket, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. When Fluttershy came in, she saw her son sleeping on her bed, she smiled warmly and carefully got underneath the covers. Thomas suddenly woke up and saw his mother sleeping with him, so he scooted closer to her and curled up towards her side, and then Fluttershy used her wing as an extra blanket for him. The next morning, Fluttershy woke up and then blinked, and then she looked down and saw Thomas sleeping peacefully, and then she leaned her head down and nudged him gently. “Thomas. It’s time to wake up, my precious little one,” she whispered softly. Thomas then woke up and rubbed his eyes. “Good morning, Momma,” Thomas said. “Good morning, sweetheart,” Fluttershy said softly. “Let’s go see if your grandparents are awake and preparing breakfast for us.” Thomas nodded and then after Fluttershy got out of the bed, she let Thomas climb on her back, and then they went downstairs. When they arrived, they saw Mrs. Shy frying some eggs and hay hash browns on the frying pan, and making some tea for the four of them, and some hot chocolate for Thomas. Thomas went over to his grandmother and hugged her hind leg. Mrs. Shy felt the tug, and then she looked down and saw her adorable grandson giving her a hug. “Good morning, my little peach,” Mrs. Shy said, as she paused the cooking and gave him a real hug as she brought him closer towards her chest. “Hi, Grandma,” Thomas said, hugging her back. They suddenly saw Zephyr walk down. “Good morning, Zephyr dear,” Mrs. Shy said, as she continued to finish up her cooking. “Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad,” Zephyr Breeze said depressingly. “Zephyr? Since you’ve got nowhere else to go, I thought about giving you someplace to live in this town right here, and I asked somepony to donate some bits for you to have along your journey,” Thomas said, showing him the envelope and bag, and after Zephyr took them, Thomas went to go sit down and then Mrs. Shy finished cooking and then she and Mr. Shy served the breakfast by dividing the hay hash browns and eggs on 5 plates. Thomas received his plate, and hot chocolate with the big marshmallows. “Thank you, Grandma,” Thomas said. “You’re welcome, sweetie,” Mrs. Shy said, and then she gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Blech!” Zephyr Breeze said disgustingly and rudely, until Fluttershy gave him a death stare. “Zephyr Breeze!” Zephyr Breeze giggled nervously, “Just kidding?” Fluttershy shook her head in disappointment, and then they all sat down and ate breakfast as a family. When breakfast was done, Thomas went to go sit on the couch with his teddy bear, until Mrs. Shy remembered something. “Thomas? Could you close your eyes?” she asked. Thomas nodded and then covered his eyes with his hands, and then she trotted off and came back with something in her hoof. “Okay, dear. Open your eyes,” she said. Thomas opened them and saw a knitted wool sweater in forest green with bluish gray cuffs and a creamy yellow shirt collar. “Grandma... you made that for me?!” Thomas asked. “Your grandpa and I forgot about your birthday, so I made it up to you,” Mrs. Shy said. Thomas then went over to his grandmother and gave her a hug, “Thank you.” Mrs Shy gave him a kiss on the top of his head, “You’re welcome, dumpling.” Thomas then broke the hug and went ups to get dressed and try on his new sweater. When he came down, he was wearing his new sweater, and then he walked over to his mother to show her. “Momma, look what Grandma made me!” Fluttershy turned around and she saw him wearing his new wool sweater. “Thomas! It’s beautiful! Did you thank her?” Fluttershy said, hugging her son against her soft, warm chest. “Mmhmm,” Thomas said, and then he received a kiss from his mother. “Good,” Fluttershy said. Later on during the day, Fluttershy and Thomas got ready to go home in Ponyville, but they had to say goodbye to Zephyr before he left for the train station to Manehattan. After Zephyr Breeze left, Thomas went to his grandparents and started with his grandmother by giving her a hug around her neck and resting his head on her chest. “Goodbye, Grandma. It was nice meeting you,” Thomas said. “Aww... Goodbye, Thomas sweetheart. It was very nice to get a chance to meet you,” Mrs. Shy said. She then let him hug her for a couple more minutes, and then she let him go. Thomas then hugged his grandfather, “Goodbye, Grandpa. I’ll never forget you or your cloud collection.” “There, there, little sprout. I’m sure we’ll see each other again. Fluttershy, if you want, you can either come visit us, or we can come visit you,” Mr. Shy said. “That sounds lovely, dear,” Mrs. Shy said. “I’ll think about it, Dad. By the way, thank you and Mom for giving us company,” Fluttershy said, as she went to her parents for a hug. “You’re welcome, Fluttershy dear. Now you both have a safe journey back home,” Mrs. Shy said. Fluttershy nodded and then leaned down on her forelegs, “Climb on, Thomas. Let’s go home.” Thomas nodded and then climbed onto her back, until she stood back up. “We’ll see you both soon.” Mr. and Mrs. Shy nodded and then Fluttershy took off for home with Thomas on her back.