Chaos,Envy, and Love

by moonicorn

Escape and Creation

Hey guys, so this is my first story! I'm open to comments and other stuff, but please keep it under control!

Sorry if some of the chapters are short!

I may need an editor, so could someone help me with that? First person who responds "I'll be editor" can be editor for this story! just send me an email with the edited story and I will post that up to replace this one, thanks!

I am not really sure when exactly I will finish this story, with school coming up and whatnot. Some updates might take longer than others so if you like the story, please don't be mad at me if the updates take too long. THANKYOU AGAIN :) !!!!!
Ch. 1 part 1 - Escape

There was a loud crash. Fortunately for him there was no one around to hear the terrible noise.

"Finally, free at last! This may be the only chance I have left to get revenge on Celestia and her namby-pamby ponies."

He had broken free from the second trap he was in. It was quite difficult to escape from, but everyday he would collect the disharmony from ponies who happened to walk past his statue. He finally had enough disharmony after 7 months.

First let me explain who exactly "he" is. "He" is Discord, the god of disharmony. Thousands of years ago he used to rule Equestria. It had been, to him, a beautiful place of disharmony, but to the ponies, it was an utter disaster. One day, two alicorn princesses got the Elements of harmony and used them against Discord. He turned into stone and was displayed at the statue park. Little did they know that thousands of years later, he would be released again only to be turned to stone once again by the new holders of the Elements.

"I will be the greatest ruler in Equestria! To do that, I must have a spy on the inside to relay information about Canterlot. To get there, I must chose a city containing ponies with high statuses in Canterlot."

Discord had time to form this plot. He hadn't thought of a city to plant the spy in, yet. Then, a thought hit him!

"Of course! I must plant my spy in the city where the ponies who imprisoned me live! Watch out, Ponyville, for something truly terrible will hit you and your pony friends! But first, I must clean up this mess."

Ch. 1 part 2 - Creation

After managing to clean up the mess (which he cleaned up to cover the evidence that he was gone, not out of kindness), he sculpted a decoy statue of himself to replace him. He then wandered of into the Clopelacian Mountains to find a cave. Just because he was evil didn't mean he didn't need shelter.

He rested for a few days so he could regain energy. For food, he used his disharmonic powers to conjure up a rain of meat inside the cave. He also drank the sweet beverage that caused one of the Mane 6 (namely Pinkie Pie) to enjoy the disharmony. He finally finished resting and decided to brew up his little spy. He went into the forest to gather all the ingredients needed to create his weapon. He knew the effect he wanted from it and he knew how to make it. After all, being trapped in an area that attracts many ponies, you could pick up a thing or two about clothes, foods, plants,and magical brews.

" These ponies won't know what hit them, very rarely do they see something like this. It will surely steal the show. Now, the basic brew is complete, time for the 'customization'. Light blue hair, orange body, porcupine quills for spiky hair, pearls for shiny eyes and white teeth, rocks for strength, clouds for gentleness, feathers for gentleman qualities and wings, and now, some Heart's Desire."

It was perfect, he knew that none of the mares could possibly remain calm around his creation. Discord just had a way with combinations.

"The time to create a cutie mark has come, oh joy! I must make it interesting, yet believable. Clouds here and there, wings in the center, and a heart between the wings. It looks perfect"

He added the cutie mark into the mix. He left it to brew for 3 days, as the mix was still too liquid like to turn into a pony . During those few days he decided that he would look down at Equestria to look for the perfect spot to have his spy report to him. He decided that it would be near a pond in Ponyville park. It was hidden by trees and none would wonder why someone would go there because it was a popular place for couples to go. Yes, yes, that will do. A secluded area would be perfect. it seems

Discord woke up with a start. His cloud had started shocking him. Darned dreams. They caused my powers to strike out and it hit the cloud. Now its shocking to the touch. Wait, what am I doing here? Oh no! The brew! how long has it been? Four days! I must get to that brew quick!

He flew back to his cave to find that the brew still looked fine. He decided that one day couldn't have changed much. The mold was ready so he poured the liquid in, let it settle and out came a full grown stallion. Discord used his magic to make it come alive and soon it was trying out its legs.

" I shall name you Cloud Wings. I'm bad with making names, but then again so are those ponies. Anyway I have created you for one purpose only. Nothing else, and you must be willing"

Cloud wings responded "Yes, I am willing, as I am your ever faithful son"

Discord told him what to do and sent him off into Ponyville.

"Better be careful, Celestia, a wave of destruction is coming."