//------------------------------// // Thomas and the Dragon Lands // Story: Good Times in Equestria: Thomas’s Adventures in Ponyville // by GoebelTron //------------------------------// The next morning, Thomas came over to the castle for some foalsitting while Fluttershy was out of town to help with a animal problem. Twilight also invited Princesses Celestia, Luna and Cadance for some tea. “I’m so glad you could come! Thomas was really worried that he may never see you again!” Twilight said. “Of course. We so rarely get a chance to just relax and visit, if we aren’t busy most of the time,” Princess Luna said. Thomas was being held by Cadance in her right foreleg as she used her beautiful golden slippered hoof as a holding hand for him. “I know we’ve seen each other last week, dear. But I’m so glad I at least get to spend time with you,” Cadance said. “I missed seeing you too, Princess Cadance,” Thomas said, as he hugged her chest and neck with his arms in different positions. “I know, honey,” Cadance said softly as she took a sip of her tea. “However, there’s usually some crisis we have to usually deal with. Because somepony always needs our help. But today—“ Princess Celestia said, until she was interrupted by a familiar voice. “Twilight! Something’s wrong with my Spikey-Wikey!” Rarity exclaimed as she put him on the table, and they saw his scales glowing and him scratching himself like he was feeling itchy. “What’s wrong, Spike?” Twilight asked, as Cadance comforted the colt in her embrace as she gently rubbed his side with her hoof. “I don’t know! Nngh! It just won’t stop!” Spike complained. “I think we know the answer,” Princess Luna said. “However, little much is known about dragon culture, but I fear this may be a phenomenon we’ve seen before. If I am correct, this is the call of the Dragon Lord.” Princess Celestia nodded, “Dragons glow whenever the Dragon Lord has need of them in the Dragon Lands.” Thomas gulped nervously, as Cadance softly patted him as he held her hoof with his little hands. “So, it’ll stop if Spike goes to the Dragon Lands?” Thomas asked. “Correct, dear one,” Princess Luna said. “B-B-But the Dragon Lands are full of... dragons! And they’re cruel and ghastly creatures!” Rarity said, until she looked at Spike with a sad face like she broke his heart, then she hugged him. “Oh, oh, not you, Spikey-Wikey.” She then kissed Spike on the forehead, “But remember that horrible Garble?” Spike gulped nervously, “How could I forget? He would’ve burnt us to crisp if you weren’t there. But if I have to go there and see the commotion, would you guys come with?” Starlight nodded, “And I know it’s gonna be a stupid idea, but is it okay if we bring Thomas along? We could try to keep him close to us.” Twilight then thought for a moment until she looked at Thomas now being held in Starlight’s hoof and giving her puppy eyes. “Alright, but try to keep him away from the other dragons and the lava,” she said. “This also might be a good chance to make some notes about dragons! Because I’ve been working on an article about them and their culture, and maybe that’ll make a great contribution to the knowledge of Equestria! And also be there for Spike.” Princess Celestia nodded, “Be very careful. The Dragon Lands are particularly dangerous for ponies, and since our little one is new to this, he might be in danger, so you are to keep him with you at all times. It would be wise for you to discreet.” Rarity then thought of something, “Well, Starlight and I have made an extra late birthday gift for Thomas. We made him this.” Starlight gave Thomas a black satiny gothic blanketing cloak, when he wrapped it around himself, some of his body disappeared. “Whoa! My body’s gone!” Thomas said. “I call it an invisibility cloak. It should give any creature a good shot before it sees you,” Rarity said. “Cool!” Thomas said. “Thomas, why don’t you ride on my back and we’ll use the cloak when we get there?” Starlight suggested as she leaned down. “Okay,” Thomas said, as he then climbed onto her back and put the cloak in one of her saddlebags. When they arrived at the Dragon Lands, Thomas hid underneath Starlight’s mane and hugged her neck, until she looked back at him and nuzzled his head with hers, “You okay, sweetheart?” Thomas shook his head, and then Starlight kissed him on the top of his head, and then when they got closer, she took out the cloak and wrapped it around herself, and then Rarity and Twilight. “Why, I can barely see through this thing!” Rarity said. “Shh!” Spike said, as he sat far away from Garble, who was a dark red dragon with light orange spines. He suddenly saw a big colossal dragon sitting on a big rock. He had grayish arctic blue scales, big horns in a shade of pale, light grayish gold-to-moderate vermilion, and moderate vermilion eyes. He was also wearing black armor and a crown with red gems on top. “Hey, buddy? Who’s that?” Spike whispered to another dragon. “Oh, that’s Dragon Lord Torch. He’s all mighty and powerful, and he rules here with dignity,” the dragon said. “Oh, then what about her?” Spike asked pointing to the female dragon next to him. She had brilliant cyan scales with a pale turquoise underbelly scales and a wing membrane gradient mixture of moderate indigo and light cobalt blue, moderate phthalo blue spikes, light apple greenish gray horns, and brilliant red eyes. “That’s his daughter, Princess Ember,” the dragon said back. “I should probably warn you. I wouldn’t even look at her, because if you try to flirt with her or make a move by looking at her, Torch will probably eat you.” Spike gulped nervously and then nodded. Underneath the cloak, Starlight held Thomas in her left foreleg and comforted him while he nuzzled with her chest fur. Twilight took notes while Rarity tried to keep herself calm. “That must be the Dragon Lord,” Twilight said. Thomas softly whimpered since he suddenly felt scared about how big he was, and then buried his face in Starlight’s chest. “Shhhhhh... it’s okay, honey. I’m here,” she said, as she sat on her haunches and held him with both her forelegs and softly rubbed his back. Dragon Lord Torch started to speak up, “Dragons of Equestria, hear me! I have been Dragon Lord for longer than many of you can remember, and my reign has been extraordinary!” The dragons cheered and rooted for him, then he spoke up again, “But unfortunately, I have come to announce to you that the time has come for me to step down! And I know it’s sad, but I have advised a challenge for you to compete in! The Gauntlet of Fire, one of the most dangerous tasks in the history of all dragons! If one of you makes it out alive with the bloodstone scepter in your hands, you have the authority to continue the throne during my retirement!” The dragons cheered and rooted for him again, until Dragon Lord Torch saw Spike standing there looking a little scared, “And what is the matter with you, young drake?!” “Oh, uh, nothing! Just a little nervous!” Spike replied. “Dad, are you sure about this?” Ember asked as she held Spike in her hands. “I mean look at him. He could easily be squashed like a bug the size of a dragon!” “It is my decision to make, Ember! And as Dragon Lord, I made this challenge for all dragons to compete, but if you wish to join, you are welcome to,” Dragon Lord Torch said. “Okay, Dad. I’ll just go get ready,” Ember said, and then she looked at Spike. “Hey, watch your back? Okay?” Spike nodded, “Good luck.” Ember nodded and then went to go get ready. “I kinda like the blue one,” Thomas said. “Oh, really?” Starlight asked. “She almost sounded friendly like I would’ve been,” Thomas said, and then Spike came over to them while the other dragons were getting ready. “Guys, it’s okay. You can come out now.” They unwrapped the cloak and revealed themselves. “What are we going to do? If Garble wins, he’ll probably toast us!” Twilight said. “I don’t want him to hurt Momma!” Thomas said, as Starlight kept holding him against her chest. “Don’t worry, honey. We’ll win, but we’re gonna need a plan.” “I’ll win the scepter. I know it’s dangerous, but I can’t let my friends get hurt, especially the pony I never got to call my mother,” Spike said, until Twilight blushed. “Aww... Spike,” Twilight said, hugging the little drake. “Alright, let’s go win that scepter.” They all went over to the cliff near the ocean border, and then carefully climbed down. Then a few seconds later, they built a boat. They then sailed off to Flame-cano, but they were suddenly bombarded by boulders landing in the water with several dragons being smacked by them. Suddenly, when a boulder got near the boat, Thomas accidentally fell in and started drowning, but tried to stay breathing, “HELP!” Thomas suddenly kept trying to hold on and kept crying for help, but he then ran out of oxygen and started drowning, but suddenly a pair of arms came in and scooped him out, and flew over to the beach. The stranger landed and placed the child on the sand, and then she took off her helmet, revealing Ember. Spike then saw what had happened, “That... That was Princess Ember. She just... She just saved a human! Come on, we gotta go after her, but to have a little talk.” Twilight nodded and then she and Starlight used magic to make the boat move faster. Meanwhile, at the beach, Ember placed her ear on his chest to check his heartbeat, but then she opened his mouth and took several breaths into his mouth, and then after that, she repeatedly pressed his chest to get his heart beating again. Thomas suddenly coughed out water from his lungs. “You okay, kid?” Ember asked. “Yeah, I guess so,” Thomas said. “Thanks for saving me.” “Well, it was better than letting you drown anyway,” Ember said. “Look, I don’t know what you’re doing here, but...” “Thomas!” He heard the voices of his aunts, as they ran over for a group hug. “Are you alright, darling?!” Rarity asked. “I’m fine. Princess Ember saved me,” Thomas said. “You saved him? Why?” Twilight asked. “Because I’m tired of others treating me like I’m some little princess, but I just knew I was gonna humiliate myself with saving him, but I had no choice. But to be honest, dragons don’t do friends or helping,” Ember explained. “Well, this dragon does. Plus, we just saw you save our friend, and a son of a pegasus mare with a kind heart, and is a nephew of an alicorn princesses who lives with us!” Spike said. “He’s with you?” Ember asked. The three mares nodded, as Rarity held him close to her. “I’ve never heard of humans before, but this is certainly my first time,” Ember said. “What’s your name, little guy?” “Thomas,” he said. “That’s a weird name, but it kinda has a ring to it,” Ember said. “Ember, I know dragons don’t do teamwork, which is kinda different from what you said, but if it’s okay, my friends here came to support me to help me win the scepter, but since I found out you want to win it, can we at least put our differences aside and work together? Just this once?” Spike asked. “We owe you for saving our nephew,” Twilight said. Ember then looked at the cute eyes of Thomas, until she sighed, “Fine. But we need some way to get past some of the obstacles ahead if we want to make it to the scepter.” “Hmm... we could use some good eyesight from behind, and some supportive calvary,” Spike said. Later on, while catapulted tailed dragons were throwing more boulders at the other competing dragons, Ember and Spike tried to dodge them with Spike’s eyes and Ember’s flight speed, but Ember had Thomas wrapped in her arms against her underbelly for the calvary part. “Behind you! On your tail!” Spike said. Ember dodged the incoming boulders, and then they finally made it to the tunnel. “Looks like we made it to the tunnel! Now, come on! The scepter’s up ahead!” Ember said, as she and the others followed her inside, but suddenly saw huge spikes appearing and magically flame-throwing dragon breath appearing out of nowhere. Ember saw Thomas and the three mares trying to get through the spikes and fire, so she grabbed Spike and Thomas, and then Twilight magically teleported herself and the other mares with her to the other side. Ember jumped through the spikes and landed on her feet. “That was close. Thanks,” Spike said. “No problem,” Ember said. “But I also thank you for your help. But now we’re gonna have to do this our own ways.” “But... But I thought...” Spike said. “I’m sorry, Spike. It’s every dragon for themselves. There’s only one winner, one scepter, and one Dragon Lord. But like I said, dragons don’t do helping or make friends,” Ember said, as she then flew off. Thomas then felt sorry for Spike. “Come on, let’s go,” Spike said, as they continued their journey. “Don’t let it get to you, Spike. She may be a princess, but she’s very courageous,” Twilight said. “Yeah, I guess,” Spike said. “I just can’t believe she ditched me like that.” “Well, she was trying to look out for herself, or just probably like all the other dragons,” Rarity said. “But I don’t think she’s like that. Something tells me like she’s being protective over others,” Spike said. “It sounded like that when she saved our little nephew,” Twilight said. “Hey... didn’t we go through this tunnel multiple times? It almost feels like we’re going in a circle,” Starlight asked. Spike and Thomas suddenly saw the scepter up ahead. “The scepter! It’s over there!” Thomas said. “Well, let’s go get it!” Spike said, as he and Thomas ran over to the tunnel. “Oh, and Thomas! Do be careful!” Rarity said. As they approached out of the tunnel, they were suddenly stopped by Garble as he grabbed them both. “Well, well, well! If it isn’t Spike the pony-loving baby and... I see you’ve brought me a little snack!” he said rudely. “Leave him out of this, Garble!” Spike said. “Shut up, and stop squirming!” Garble shouted. “Why are you doing this?” Thomas asked. “Because this is stupid! Why won’t anyone understand?! Dragons don’t belong with ponies!” Garble replied. “You’re wrong! Twilight and her friends are my family!” Spike said. “Yeah, right!” Garble said. “But I’m not losing to a wimpy pony-loving loser like you! When I become Dragon Lord, I’m gonna get revenge on those puny ponies! They’ll regret they ever crossed Garble! Then me and other dragons at my side will take whatever we want from Ponyland and then burn the rest of their homes to ash!” “You can’t!” Thomas said. “And why not?!” Garble asked. “Because... Because it’ll make Princess Celestia and Luna sad,” Thomas replied. “Aww... sad? Boo-hoo! And just what are you gonna do about it?!” Garble teased. “I... don’t know...” Thomas said, as Garble spoke up. “That’s right! And do you know why you don’t know? It’s because you’re just a shrimpy little human!” He then laughed, until Spike bit him on the arm. “Aaaahhh!” He screamed in pain, causing him to lose his grip on Thomas, and Spike breathed fire on Garble, until Starlight shot her magic beam at him. Thomas screamed as he fell towards a river of lava, but suddenly a pair of arms held him in a cradle while flying. Thomas opened his eyes and saw Ember, “You really need to be more careful.” Thomas then hugged Ember, and then she was confused until she decided to hug him back. After she landed on her feet, Ember put him down, and then looked at him. “You okay?” “Yeah. I’m fine. Thank you,” Thomas said. “Don’t mention it. And I know it was every dragon for themselves, but I was wrong. I never should’ve left you all there. Besides, it’s what friends do, even if I want to protect the ones I care about,” Ember said. “Princess Ember?! You’re with them?!” Garble asked frustratingly. “If you got a problem, I suggest you back off!” Ember said, as Thomas hid behind her leg. “It’s okay, Thomas. Just stay back there.” Thomas nodded and then ran over to the others for comfort. “That’s it! I’ve had it with those pathetic ponies and friendship! I’m gonna rip you to shreds!” Garble shouted as he charged towards Ember. “Spike, get the scepter! You three stay back!” she said, as Spike ran to retrieve the scepter, and then Ember charged towards Garble and strangled his neck with her right arm. She then bit him on the shoulder, causing him to bleed. Ember then shoved Garble towards the rock wall, and tried to hold him off. “Why are you doing this?! Dragons don’t do helping!” Garble said angrily. “Well, these... dragons... do!” Ember replied as she bit him on the neck and tugged some of Garble’s scaly skin, and then Garble tried to claw her, but Ember clawed him three times, and kicked him back. Spike finally made it to the pedestal and grabbed the scepter, until the magic from the bloodstone flowed through his veins. He then ran over to Ember and gave her the scepter, until he charged at them. “Stop!” Ember shouted. Garble stopped, and then he obeyed her command. Ember stood up, and then saw the scepter in her hands. “This belongs to you,” Spike said. “Why? Why’d you do that?” Ember asked.. “Because you saved our lives,” Spike said. “I just wanted to protect my friends. Besides I think you’ll make a great leader, and I know you’ll protect them just as well as I would have, but I’m just a baby dragon.” “Are you sure about this?” Ember asked. “Absolutely, because my home is in Equestria with my friends,” Spike said. Ember put the scepter down, and then lifted Spike in her arms for a hug, “Thanks, Spike. Well, you’ll have at least one friend here, too. And Thomas? I also have you to thank. Ever since I’ve saved your life twice, I learned that friendship might be something I could try out.” Thomas smiled warmly, and then he jumped onto Ember, and hugged her, until she hugged him back. The three mares adored this scene. Meanwhile, Torch was waiting for the dragons to return, until he saw Ember carrying the scepter and then saw the three ponies and Thomas with them. “Ember?! You’re the Dragon Lord?! But how?!” he asked. “It was these two younglings that helped, along with those three. And I know dragons don’t do friends, but this child right here...” She held him in one arm and brought him against her chest. “...along with Spike, and his three friends of ponies, taught me a lot about friendship. They taught me that whenever there’s trouble, you always got to look out for each other. Maybe if you accept me as Dragon Lord, we can try something like that.” Torch looked closer at Thomas, then he nodded. “Dragons, hear me! For now, on you’ll be under the protection of my daughter, Dragon Lord Ember! Hail her!” The dragons bowed towards her, and then she nodded, until she saw Thomas softly smiling at him. She winked at him, and then Torch made his last alpha roar, until Ember joined in. “Ember, thank you for saving me again,” Thomas said. “You’re welcome,” Ember said. When the ceremony was over, the group went home to Equestria. “You did well, Spike. With Ember as Dragon Lord, the ponies are safe,” Twilight said. “Yep. And it’s a good thing she accepted Thomas,” Spike said. “Agreed,” Rarity said. Starlight looked back at Thomas sleeping on her back, and then levitated him onto her hoof so her can snuggle against her chest while he sleeps. “Looks like one of our heroes just went night-night,” Spike said. As they turned around, they smiled warmly as he slept. “Shhhhhh... Let’s just let him sleep for now,” Starlight said. They all nodded as they continued their journey home.