The Twi'lek

by Gallants


The car was void of anybody or their bodies, the streaks all led to a single large pool towards the back, inspecting it I quickly noticed the reflection. Moving my gaze to the ceiling I was met with a chilling note scrawled in the blood. I quickly secured the killers in the fourth car and moved into the fifth car myself. I spent the rest of the trip meditating, hoping the force would tell me what the message meant. We pulled up to the train station looking out I saw a large group of masked police eyes blocked by goggles waiting for us, they boarded quickly from the rear pulling out the bandits. The final group entered our car, one of them grabbed me and threw me down to the ground, "RESTER AU SOL, RESTER AU SOL!" he yelled at me while pulling my arms behind me, the other officers were also yelling in prench, "POLICE, CONTRE LE MUR!", one began to yell in basic too, "GET AGAINST THE WALL AND STAY THERE WHILE WE DO OUR JOBS!" my gentleman caller finished placing the cuffs on my hands before he roughly pulled me to my knees. He backed up drawing his sword and yelling again pointing at me, "ARME, ARME!" the other officers were quick to surround me before one more approached me and pulled my dagger from the sheath.

I was sitting in an interrogation room waiting for the officers to release me. The door creaked open, "Bonjour, Madame Lessa, I am Inspector Hint Sabot et you have quite the impressive record, graduated with honors from Princess Celestia's school, daughter of a royal guard, et assistant to one Fleur De Lis," I smiled he was going to come over and release my shackles telling me to enjoy my day, "so I must know, what caused a talented young woman with a bright future to slaughter ponies and then have her crew take the fall," I frowned and adjusted my legs to cross beneath me.

"I didn't kill those people, and I didn't leave any crew high and dry," I said to him, a scowl spread across his face, "I'm not a criminal I'm on vacation," he slammed his hoof on the table.

"Don't lie to me I saw the dagger you carried, no pony who is innocent carries one like that!" He was angry sweat was starting to form on his brow, but that was probably because they turned the heat up he lifted a clipboard and read from it, "the light of the innocent will take root and end the mile-long journey," he placed the clipboard down, "So do you mind telling me what that means?"

I let out a sigh, "I don't know, that's what I was trying to figure out before you're men quite roughly handled me," using the force I loosened my cuffs a little, "and I carry a dagger to protect those who can't protect themselves, as is the way," I let my shoulders fall, "Is Silver Line and Copper Dream okay?" the inspector looked at me before nodding.