//------------------------------// // An agreement and some rules // Story: The Suns and Sirens // by SlimmyCat //------------------------------// "Let me get this straight, you ran over their cat, paid my money with it, then let them crash on my couch because you thought I wouldn't be here?" Sunfire questioned, running a hand through her hair. Her sunglasses were off and she had two different colored eyes. One eye was mint green and the other was an amber color. Sunset nodded her head sheepishly. "It's not like they made a big mess, they were just sleeping here," She tried, holding her hands behind her back. Sunfire sighed and shook her head. The sirens watched from the couch. "That's not the issue here kid, you used money that you didn't know what I was going to be using for and invited people in my house without telling me," Sunfire's body language was calm, her voice was low and cold. Sunset hung her head at the tone, she felt tears stinging her eyes. Sunfire frowned and walked over to her. Sunfire placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm not mad at you, just let me know next time," Sunfire attested, her voice warmer now. The younger sister nodded her head and blinked back her tears. Sunfire patted her shoulder and looked at the couch "Now explain the kids on my couch," Sunset chuckled and rubbed her neck. "You remember the Battle of the bands? That happened like half a year back," She asked. Sunfire hummed and made eye contact with the older siren. The orange siren stared back at her and the two had a mini staring contest. Sunset felt the tension rising in the room and she cleared her throat. "These are the Dazzlings," She gestured to the girls. Adagio squinted her eyes before turning away and crossing her arms. "These are the sirens from Equestria, I remember you mentioning them," Sunfire rubbed her chin and looked lost in thought. "What were you guys doing on the side of the road?" She asked, making eye contact with Adagio. "Well after your wonderful sister decided to destroy our magic, everything we had vanished," Adagio started glaring at Sunset, who noticed the floor looked at the wall, sheepishly. "So we had to stick to other measures, to survive in this world," Sunfire's eyes widened. "What measures?" She asked, her voice filled with curiosity and a little caution. Adagio rolled her eyes."If you are thinking of prostitution, no we have not," She confirmed making Sunset let out a small sigh of relief. "What about at the Starswirl music festival, did you guys get enough?" The shorter sister questioned, looking back at Adagio. The elder siren glanced at her fellow sirens. A small conversation was happening through their eyes. Sonata looked at the ground and slumped her shoulders and Aria folded her arms, instead of a scowl she had a frown. Adagio piped up again, her voice solemn."We thought it was for money, but it was volunteer work," She avoided Sunfire and Sunset's eyes, looking ashamed. Sunset frowned and glanced up at her sister, who seemed in deep thought. She hoped Sunfire would let them stay. Sunset couldn't live with herself if they were back in that van and with Winter just around the corner. Sunset's stomach started to tighten, maybe one of the other girls could house them. "Hmm, that is very unfortunate," Sunfire commented, hands in her pockets. Sunset noticed her sister eyeing each of the sires. Sunfire's eyes went back into looking over the girls. Sunset watched the sirens' shoulders tense under her gaze. "Ok, you kids can stay here," Sunfire announced, crossing her arms. Every head turned to Sunfire, eyes widened in surprise. Sunset grabbed her sister's arm. "Really? Are you positive?" Sunfire nodded her head. "Yes, they have nowhere to go, right?" She glanced at the sirens, who nodded their heads. "We have more than five rooms, all we need is some beds and you three would be set," She explained. "Are you serious, this isn't some sick prank is it?" Aria asked, her eyes boring into Sunfire's. The woman let out a sigh and frowned. "You guys haven't been shown any kindness unless you've manipulated someone for it," Sunfire started, staring at Aria. "I'm not pitying you, you guys are where you are because of bad decisions that you've made and all I'm doing is helping you get into a place where you can be happy and safe," "All I'm asking is for you to accept this offer, I will do my best into getting you off your feet," She finished, eyes landing on Adagio. The older siren looked up at Sunfire who had a kind look in her eyes. The orange-haired girl nodded and uncrossed her arms placing them in her lap. "Well girls, do we take it?" She asked, looking over at the other two. Sonata nodded her head excitedly."It's been a long time since we slept somewhere warm," She babbled, earning a punch from Aria. "Shut up," The purple siren glared at her. Sonata in return blew a raspberry at her. Adagio let out a deep sigh and glanced at Sunfire's amused face. "We will be staying until we achieve this safety," Sunfire nodded her head, looking a little happier." Let's discuss some ground rules first," She held a hand up. "There are three rules in this house, and everyone must abide by them," She held up three fingers, making the sirens flinch a little. "One, keep the house clean. Clean up after yourself," Sunfire placed one finger down. The sirens nodded their heads. That's a simple rule, Adagio made them abide by the same rule. "Two, Don't invite people over unless I have met them or have given you the okay," Sunfire's gaze turned to Sunset, who flushed red and rubbed her neck. "You'd think that would be the easiest rule but people love breaking that one," "And three, Don't go into my room, easiest rule ever," Her eyes still glaring at Sunset, whose face turned red. Sunfire shook her head. "And if you do have people over, make sure they don't go in my room either," Her voice not really directed at the sirens, but mostly at Sunset. She placed her hand down. The youngest siren was the one the speak the question on everyone's mind. "What'd you do?" Sonata queried, placing a finger on her chin. Sunfire's eyes didn't leave Sunset. The younger sister shook her head. "Don't answer that question," Sunset piped up trying to cover Sunfire's mouth. Sunfire placed a hand on Sunset's head pushing her down, not putting effort into holding her back. "Her friends were over and two of them had sex in my room," Sunfire recounted, a look of disgust on her face. Sunset's face turned as bright as her hair when she heard the siren's laughing. She hid her face in her hands. "Please can we move on," Her voice came muffled out? Sunfire patted the girl's head. "I still can make them uncomfortable by just looking at them," Sunfire chuckled. "Okay, now I have three weeks before I need to go back to work, so during that time we can get you guys situated," Sunfire clapped her hands together. The siren's glanced at each other, each raising an eyebrow. "First, let's go shop for some clothes,"