
by AppleCider120

Nothing to Give - Chapter 13

The night that followed Discord's half-year long torture was not to be tainted by anything more than the sunrise, the following morning. The quiet, and the escape from his past demons provided him with nothing more than blissful peace. And in addition, Discord also lay near the two beings that had brought him the most comfort since he had met Mother. Eris and Errant were irreplaceable; though Discord did concede that the time for one to part had approached.

The morning began is it had before. Discord struggled to shift his way out of bed without disturbing Eris, while working with Errant to give her a new body to huddle up to. Following up with preparing breakfast, Discord prepared the last of the meat that Errant had collected; Discord managed to salvage the meat with a bit of his newfound regeneration techniques. Though he felt nothing but pain during his torment, the few abilities he picked up over the first half of the year would likely bring him endless resourcefulness. Though, he still did not feel like he was quite where Mother intended him to be.

Eris, Errant, and Discord gathered around their table once more, eating as family again. While they ate, Discord could not help but watch Errant, and scrub her wooden head. He had always been affectionate, but Errant sensed he knew what she was thinking.

I am sorry, Master she spoke softly.

Discord shook his head. "Don't you ever be, you overgrown stack of twigs. I knew this would have to happen some day. In the midst of my war with that imposter, I had to work my way up to being able to let it happen."

"What happened to you in those dark spheres. Daddy?" Eris asked, finishing her juice.

"That creature showed me a past," Discord said, "that had long since been laid to rest. Of a family I no longer recalled, and of a life that I had no interest to remember. He used my distance friends and family, and even those closer to me; he was working to break me down. Instead, though, I found the strength to prepare for what the future may bring. As with today, too."

Eris tilted her head. "What does that mean, Daddy?"

Discord looked to Errant, who licked his cheek affectionately; he hadn't let her do that since she was small. He always found it so repulsing, as her tongue was not flesh. He tongue wasn't exactly wood, either. Instead, it was the texture of thin wood fibers, moist and curled up into a twisted thing that barely resembled a tongue. But, today, he needed her reassurance.

"Well, Eris," Discord started, "Errant has grown into a find specimen of a Timberwolf. She came to me when I needed a companion, and stayed with me through the loneliest of times, and the darkest of nights. When I had nightmares, and the voices would not leave me alone, she was there to comfort me."

He sighed, pulling the large beast into a firm hug.

"But, today it is preparation for a new life," Discord said softly. "We are going to be trying to find a Timberwolf pack, to see if they will accept her into their clans. If not, she will go off to try and find any wanderers."

Eris blinked, whining quietly. "She has to leave?"

Discord nodded slowly, smiling. "And it won't be easy for me, either. But, we have nothing to offer, anymore. My nightmares are gone; my demons are dead. And she is a fully grown Timberwolf, now. She needs to be with her own, and we need to help her find them."

Errant nodded. Though, how will we find a pack, Master? It isn't too many more days before their packs will likely be more dispersed for the warmer months.

"Oh, don't worry about that," Discord said to her. "During our second year in the forest, I had been looking for patterns in their migrations routes. More than likely, we will be returning to the lake we met the Minotaurs, to see if we can catch them. Before I learned how to understand you guys, I wouldn't have been able to plan this out; but, now, it is something I can do with ease."

While breakfast was toned down a bit, as the news breaking caused a more depressing aura to fill the cave, Discord was relieved to see that Eris was taking it relatively well. She hadn't had much time to grow too attached to the canine, seeing as they had only spent a handful of days not sealed in stone. So, with the silent agreement, Discord began to gather some things for them. He decided to pack some patchwork towels for Eris, as a swim in the lake might make it easier for her to relax her mind. Though Errant would be gone, he would have Eris for likely years to come.

As the sun approached the its peak in the sky, Discord huddled the three of them together, and began marching in the direction of the crystal clear waters of the Everfree's prominent lake. Along the way, they would make stops to admire some of the fauna beginning to emerge due to the changing seasons. Small rodents, and often young deer would cross their paths, keeping the mood up high for them as they finally reached the edge of the water. And it was just as beautiful as it had been the months prior, almost crystal clear to the bottom, with a bit of reflectivity from an angle.

Discord and Errant helped Eris get her footing capably into the waters, and started to help her try and remember how the Minotaurs had helped her learn to swim. Within minutes, the little Changeling was happily wading in the shallow waters, as Discord and Errant relaxed on the more shallow sections where they could sit. It would be some time before the expected pack of Timberwolves began to make themselves known in the area. Though Errant was large, Discord was still astounded by how massive the males of a Timberwolf pack were. He simply stared in awe as the first, almost hut-sized beast came into view, followed by more as they left the brush at the edges of the forest.

He could see that they noticed the young female he was relaxing with, and felt their glowing eyes upon him as well. Feeling now was as good a time as any, he motioned Errant to stay put, and stood. Taking a soft breath, still quite nervous about approaching these creatures, he started to walk over to the pack. He stopped at first, when a loud growl began to emanate from the leader, but decided to put on a more confident walk as he came near.

"I understand you have had troubles with humans in the past," he said loudly. "However, this is nothing more than me coming to make an acquaintence, and offer a treaty from myself."

"A treaty with the ancient enemies of the pack?" the large wolf spoke. His voice was deeper than many Discord had heard, and it was a strong one. "In what life would you expect us to ally with the slayers of our clans?"

"Quite simple, Splinter," he said, winking, "I am not a human like you will ever have met in your lifetime."

The wolf stepped forward, barking at him defensively. "How did you know what to address me by, you fool?"

Discord held out a hand in a stop sign, focused back towards his own wolf, who had started to approach in his defense.

"And how did you manage to tame one of ours?"

Splinter was angry, Discord could see. This alpha more than likely was quite old, himself, being that he could remember some of the old struggles that humans had with them.

"She has simply been serving a life debt," Discord said. "I saved her as a pup, and reared her for the last year and a half."

"So you are the one who we had seen in the caves," Splinter said, seeming to relax somewhat. "I do recall seeing the young wolf, but I assumed she was from another pack."

Discord shook his head. "It will take a few moments to explain our situation, and how she came about. But, I will guarantee there is a chance you will NOT believe a word of it."

"First, what is your name, human?" Splinter asked firmly.

Discord gave a slight bow, giving his recently adopted sly grin. "My name is Discord. I am the Spirit of Chaos, and Deception."

He felt proud of himself, for that introduction. He no longer felt so reserved in revealing his full title; not that he had been asked enough to really get used to revealing his role in this world. Splinter, however, seemed to scoff at the notion.

"An overgrown monkey, such as yourself," he said, "carrying such a bold title? You better have the proof needed to back up your story for me to believe this."

Discord nodded. "All I would need to do, is lay hand on your head, Splinter."

"I will NOT be touched like those filthy domesticated bastard wolves you humans are so chummy with."

"Very well, then if you do not believe me, that is all upon you," Discord said. "Errant was found within my cave about a year after my arrival into the Everfree, and months after I settled in the cave. She had no pack, and she was quite feisty for a pup. In the cave, she managed to become entangled on the floor with a stone spire speared through her leg. I was but a lowly potion maker, at the time, so I had to break both of my shoulders to break the rock off, and free her. Since then, she has lived with me; she has hunted by my side, and served as family."

Splinter simply looked at him, his anger from earlier still apparent. And Discord was not patient, as he just rolled his eyes at the silence.

"Oh, okay," he said, letting out his own growl. "How about this? I hate fighting to make my point, so I will prove my point to you. If I can get my hand on top of your head, without you being able to lay a scratch on me, then you do as I say for a few minutes."

Splinter smirked. "If you think you can lay a hand on me without a fight, then try your damnedest, ape."

Discord nodded, smirking as he stood in place, letting the massive beast gain his defensive stance. Though he wanted to make an example of the wolf, he wanted to make sure Errant would be protected in this pack. And so, with a snap of his hand, the wolf found himself stuck in place as the human walked over to him. He wasn't visibly bound by anything, nor was he stoned; instead, Discord paralyzed the wolf, simply tapping his head upon reaching the necessary distance. With another snap, the wolf was freed, but stood in surprise.

"How did you do that, Discord?" he said, his deep voice slightly less so, now.

"I may be a spirit of deception," Discord said, "but that doesn't mean every word out of my mouth with be a lie. In fact, sometimes the best chaos can be created from the truth. However, we had a deal."

Splinter sighed, nodding. "Very well, do what you must."

Discord nodded, placing his hand on the wolf's head, causing them both to stiffen. Following his own, Splinter's eyes went into a bright white state as they stood their for some time. Errant had made her way gradually closer, leaving Eris to play in the shallows of the lake. After what seemed like ages, though only being for a few moments, their trances broke. Discord stepped back form the wolf.

"True to your word," Splinter said. "You were not telling a lie. You are not like the other humans I have grown to know over the centuries. You would not harm a creature in this forest, and you earn my respect. But this action makes me feel like you were lying about simply becoming allies."

Discord smiled, shrugging. "Well, I just didn't tell you the full truth. Being that she is a full grown wolf, I was hoping that I could find a pack that would take care of Errant."

Splinter looked to the approaching female, then to Discord. "Do you have nothing more for her?

"I do not, Splinter," Discord answered. "I have raised her to the best of my ability, but her independence from me has grown for quite some time. While she will always be with me, I feel it is time to return her to her own kind; even if she wasn't exactly brought about by conventional means."

"This is very unconventional, indeed," the alpha said. "And under any normal circumstances, and outside would not be allowed within a group. But, seeing the heart you have for her, and the stories I feel she may have to tell us; seeing that you truly feel you cannot offer her anything more, we will do what we can to fit her into our lives."

Discord nodded, smiling bright, turning to start to call Errant over. Upon turning, he saw the canine sitting right behind him, almost head height. Letting out a girlish squeal, Discord jumped.

"Holy Mother!" Discord screeched. "Do not sneak up on me like that, Errant!"

Earning a laugh from the pack around him, Discord clenched his chest, panting; though, Discord paid her back by plucking a lead off a branch on her head, making her squeak.

"M-Master!" she yelped, playfully snapping at him. "Do that, again, I dare you!"

Discord chuckled, scooping the large pup up into a hug, with surprising ease. He held the embrace for a moment, before setting her down, smirking.

"Oh hush," he chuckled. "Don't need you heading into your pack as a pile of twigs, silly."

Eris watched from a distance, making her way onto one of the towels to watch her daddy introduce her brief friend to her new family. Though she did feel a little sad, as she could still sense Discord's aura from earlier, she did see that Errant and the pack were happy, as they could be. But, the sound of rustling leaves behind her caught her attention, making her pivot to look into the forest.

Discord spent his last few moments with Errant, while also talking with some of the others in the clan, meeting other pups, and making a sure friendship with the clan. On top of this, he got promises from the leader than they would stop by the cavern whenever they made their way by it in the future. With this in mind, Discord embraced Errant one last time, and turned to leave. He no longer had his companion, sadly; but, now he had a pretty little thing on the bank of the lake that would have his full attention for many years to come.

"My love for one is spent," Discord said to himself. "Well, no; that's not exactly fair to tell yourself. You will always have room for more. Whenever you see her, your life will probably light up more. But now, there's a little bug that needs to be reared. She loves you more than you can probably feel, and she seems to be getting along with the strange woman on the bank."

Discord stopped, eyes widening at this. Indeed, Eris was happy, talking to a green-themed woman standing on the edge of the lake. The woman had the little one in her arms, playfully bouncing her in her hold as Discord approached hesitantly.

"Um, hello?" he said firmly, though trying not to sound as defensive as he felt.

The woman looked up to him, smiling sweetly. As with the few handfuls of humanoid females he had approached since his second year, she was gorgeous; and that was putting it lightly. Her elegance reminded him strongly of Mother. And unlike the many he had met before, he didn't feel threatened by her, just confused.

Eris giggled, smiling at Discord. "Daddy, you never mentioned you had a sister!'