//------------------------------// // More Miralces // Story: Worthy is the Lamb // by Dinomite123 //------------------------------// The next day, people were following Jesus because they wanted to learn more about salvation and worship him. Sunset Shimmer and Faithful Rose followed as well, they want to understand Jesus more. Just then, a man with messed up clothes and bandages around his body walked up. He was a leper (A person with a disease of rashes). Everyone who saw him were frightened that they might get the disease from him, so they backed away. “Back away, he’s a leper! You might catch the disease.” But all the leper wanted was help. He heard about Jesus and thought he could help him. So he walked over to him, collapsed and sobbed. “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” He said. Then Jesus helped him up, and then he smiled at him. “I am willing.” He said. “Be cleansed.” Suddenly, the man’s skin began to lighten up and the lumps and rashes on his skin started vanishing. People who had just witnessed the miracle were shocked and felt the power of God. Sunset Shimmer was amazed at what Jesus could also do, heal people. The man wept in joy and hugged Jesus tightly. “Thank you, Thank you!” He sobbed. “Go...tell no one what you have seen.” Jesus ordered. “But show yourself to the priests and make an offering for your cleansing. Just as Moses commanded.” The man who once had leprosy ran back home to show himself to everyone. Later, at Peter’s house, everyone was gathered in the whole room listen to Jesus. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." While Jesus was talking, a sudden crumble cam from the roof. It was a bunch of men were breaking a hole on the roof with a paralyzed friend with them. “My roof! Look what you’ve done to my roof.” Peter exclaimed. "Forgive us, We didn't have enough room to put our friend in." Then came down a paralyzed man in his bed, he was afraid until he saw Jesus with a forgiving smile. As the man lied there, Jesus kneeled before him and looked at him with a forgiving heart. “Take courage son, your sins are forgiven.” Jesus said. People were confused and Pharisees were offended. “How can he speak such blasphemy, who can forgive sins but God alone?” One of the pharisees said. Jesus stood up and said “Why are you thinking these things? Which is easier to say? Your sins are forgiven or to say Get up, take your mat and walk’? But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” Then Jesus looked at the paralyzed man. “I say to you, get up, take your mat and go home.” The man began to feel his feet move, he also felt his whole body move. He started to get up and stand on his feet. “I...I...I’ve been healed. I’VE BEEN HEALED!” The man jumped in joy and everyone else rejoiced. But the Pharisees were too stubborn to notice that it was god’s will. Sunset Shimmer and Faithful Rose were shocked to see Jesus heal a paralyzed man. But the confused them the most was that Jesus forgave an innocent poor man. "What just happened?" Sunset Shimmer wondered "I don't know, but I do get the feeling this man is a man of god." Faithful Rose replied Later, Jesus was walking by the table of a tax collector named Matthew. Jesus saw Matthew sitting there collecting unpaid taxes from people. "Matthew the tax collector. Who collects unpaid taxes for the romans." Peter said in disgust. "What would romans need taxes for?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "To pay soldiers to keep cities clean." Andrew answered. "No doubts for the likes of him." Jesus went over to Matthew. "Greetings, Matthew." Jesus greeted. "I've seen you heal that man earlier. Those words you said about forgiveness sounded like they were of God." Matthew responded. "I believe you are the Christ, the son of the living god." "Then come and follow me, Matthew." Jesus said. "Me? Follow You?" "Come." Matthew stood up and left his table and started to follow Jesus. "He even tells tax collectors to follow him?" Peter whispered. "Don't you remember back at the lake, Peter?" John asked. "Jesus said we would be fishers...of men. So that's what we're doing." Later at Matthews house, there was a dinner party where people were honoring Jesus. Sunset Shimmer and Faithful Rose joined along. "You know, the way Jesus treated people is like he treats them as if they never sinned before." Sunset Shimmer said. "You know, God treats us with love like he always does with all people." Faithful said. "If Jesus can give love to people, then I believe he is the Messiah." Then a knock came from the door, Matthew answered the door and saw that it was the Pharisees. They were not pleased at what they saw. "Oh, greeting. Would you like come join us?" Matthew offered. "We would never, it would go against our laws." One of them said. "Why does your master eat with sinners and tax collectors?" "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." Jesus answered. "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." The Pharisees were offended. Later, as everyone started leaving the house. Sunset Shimmer caught up to Jesus and spoke to him. "Jesus, can I talk to you?" She asked. "Of course." "Why do you keep treating people like they never did anything wrong in their whole lives?" "Sunset, I did not come in to this world to condemn it, but to save them through me." He answered. "And why did you treat me as if never sinned too? I was once horrible person and I'm still one today. I'm worth nothing to you." "My father loves as I love you, and he forgives you as I for give you. Think not for a moment that before I came into this world that I was no already aware of your sins. It is not just for this reason alone that I've come." Jesus smiled. "Just keep following me and I will show you." He said. Sunset decided to give it a try. The next day was a sabbath day, everyone was in the synagogue when I a man with a twisted hand came to Jesus. "Lord, please heal me." He begged. The Pharisees saw this and decided to trick Jesus into breaking the Jewish law. "Tell us, Rabbi. Does the law allow us to heal on the sabbath?" One of them asked. Jesus answered. "If one of your sheep falls into a pit on the sabbath, wouldn't you lift it out? A person who is more valuable than a sheep. Yes, the law allows us to do good on the sabbath. Then Jesus touched the mans hand and said. "Stretch out your hand." The man stretched out his hand and it was healed. "My hand. MY HAND! It's healed and good as new." Everyone rejoiced at the miracle Jesus performed. Sunset Shimmer smiled at the good thing Jesus did, but she was also scared at what Pharisees think. "We must find another for him to break our law." The Pharisee said. "Agree, but it's going to take some time to figure out the occasion."