//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: First Day at School // Story: Lightning's Version of Equestria Girls (#6) // by LightningStar626 //------------------------------// E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.I.A Spies: Lightning's Version of Equestria Girls (6#) Chapter 1: First Day at School. "Lightning! Come on! Or you're going to be late for your first day at school!" Nimbus called. ~The sun shined down into a large bedroom. It shined mostly on the double bed where Lightning was sleeping, her eyes suddenly raised up and she began to groan at the morning sun.~ "Oh. Today's Wednesday. My first day at another new school…" She also groaned. ~The phone next to the bed suddenly began vibrating. Lightning rotated on her stomach and hunched over the bed to reach it and turn it off. She checked the time, then eventually got up. As she got up and prepared to get ready, she turned to the fourth wall and smiled.~ "Uh, hey, I'm Lightning Star. And well, I'm a teenage spy. Sounds pretty cool, right? Well, not when you still have teenage responsibilities to go through, plus saving the world. It's hard. It's also very hard to keep your secret safe. This is why I'm transferring to another school. Someone found out the secret. But don't worry, they won't say anything, firstly because my dad took care of it. Only he knows that I'm a spy, because, well, he is too, so is my grandfather, and my great grandfather. It's a family thing. But actually, someone else does actually know I'm a spy, and that's my best friend, Karly Crystal. I made her a spy too, she's now my partner, but dont tell my dad. I am extremely gutted though because I will hardly see her, I begged my dad not to make me move, but he said it was for the best. He also said that I could make new friends. But, I don't want to, I was happy back at our old home. Ok fine, we live in this awesome massive mansion, but sometimes it just doesn't feel right for me." "Lightning! Hurry up!" Nimbus called again. "I-I'm coming!" Lightning turned back to the fourth wall. "I'll talk later..." ~Lightning rushed down and downstairs, almost tripping and sliding down them in the process. She raced to the bathroom, quickly brushed her teeth, then went down to the kitchen where her father, Nimbus, was making breakfast.~ "I'm here." Nimbus turned to his daughter and sighed happily. "Look at you. All dressed up nicely and ready to go to a new high school." "You mean going to a new high school against my will..." "Oh come on, don't be like that, sweetie." "I just hate it that you couldn't just erase that kid's memory and let me stay at that school. I could have carried on with my studies and friends there! Why, dad? Just why?" "I'm sorry, Lightning, but it's what we have to do. You're secret as an agent was at risk. Any villain could find out who you are and where you live. Besides, I actually did erase his memory. He talked too much." "Oh, What? ARGHHHH!" Lightning buried her face in her hands angrily. Nimbus put her arms on her. "Shh, shh, honey. I'm sorry, ok? But, maybe this school will be better." "How?" "I just know it will." "You always say that." "Because I'm right." "If I don't enjoy my first day, you're signing papers for me to go back to my old school." "I'm afraid I won't be able to do that." "Why?" "Because...after I drop you off today, I have to go on a mission. And the agency says I'll be gone for 3 months…" "Oh. Well, then I can just have 3 months off of school!" Nimbus frowned unimpressively. "...Not gonna happen. Why are you dreading so much about this? School is school, and all the kids there are going to be regular." "Yeah, that's also kinda a small problem. Why can't I have any friends that are also spies, and are dangerous, and unique?! Sure Karly is ordinary, but she made things exciting at least." Lightning asked. "You have Sparky." "He's family though, I meant people that are not my family. " "I can't help you there. But, you never know what's in store at this new school." "Yes, I do, because they are all the same. They're groups. The nerds, the jocks, the preps, the bullies, and the weirdos. All of them I'm not. What if I'm doomed to remain an outcast and get bullied and beat up for it?" "Well, once they find out, your dad and uncles are the richest, strongest people in the world, they wouldn't dare!" "Surrrrre...What is the name of the school I'm going to anyways? You haven't told me yet." "Oh right...well, it's the most suggested school in the district! You're going to Canterlot High School." Lightning raised a brow. "Canterlot High School?" "Yes. People say that it has well behaved students and has the best education possible. I guarantee after 3 months, you'll love it there." "We'll see. And if I come across any bullies that hurt me, I'll hurt them so they wouldn't dare." "Well, I don't want you to get into trouble, okay? Uncle Sunny will be checking on you once a week, so don't go crazy. I know you already don't but, just to be sure." ~Lightning didn't reply to that. She had a mouthful of bacon. After breakfast was finished and the plates were spiffy, Nimbus darted to Lightning.~ "So, just to recap. I'll be going after I drop you off, then by tomorrow you'll be on your own and you'll have to take the bus or train to school yourself, okay?" "Okay, dad." "Alright, get your backpack and let's go!" ~Lightning did as her dad just said and hopped outside and into the passenger seat of the car. Nimbus got in the driver's seat afterwards and they began moving out. They were driving for about 15 minutes, but for Lightning, it seemed like forever, she doesn't normally get anxiety, but for once, she was. She unplugged one of her headphones from her ear and turned to her dad.~ "Dad, how much longer are we going to be?" "About 2 minutes, sweetie. There. You can see the school now." He answered, not taking his eyes off the road. ~Lightning looked in the same direction as her dad and spotted the school. Her eyes widened when she saw how big it was. It was like a castle.~ "That's it?" "Yep." ~Nimbus pulled over and stopped on the road in front of the school and the statue. Lightning took a good look at the statue and was fond of it at first, but didn't think too much of it afterwards.~ "Hmm. It actually does look cool." "See? I'd thought you'd like it." "The outside, dad. I like the outside, it's just the inside, I'm terrified." "Don't judge a book by its cover. You're gonna love it! I swear!" ~Lightning sighed before opening the door. She got out of the car and shut the door. She took one good look at the school again and feared she just felt sweat down her face. Nimbus rolled down the window and yelled out to her.~ "Ok, have a great first day at school, sweetie!" "Okay. Bye dad." "See you in 3 months!" ~The window rolled back up and Nimbus drove off in style. Lightning watched him leave before taking her first steps to the school, all nervous-like.~ "Okay, okay, Lightning...just play it cool. Beee yourself. Be-" "Ouch! Thorns!" A voice suddenly yelped from the bushes. "Who's there?" Lightning demanded, glaring sharply. ~Lightning got into a fighting pose and prepared for the person spying on her in the bushes. Was it an evil spy? A criminal of any kind? A bully? Nope. It was neither of those things. A girl shot out of the bush with her eyes closed and arms raised high in defeat. She expected to be beaten but instead all she heard was a gasp. Lightning lowered her fists and the girl slowly cocked open one eye, then gasped too.~ "Oh my gosh...Karly?!" Lightning exclaimed. "Lightning!" Karly smiled. "Karly!" ~Both girls jumped and embraced each other.~ "Oh my gosh, it's really you! I missed you, girl!" "I missed you too! And...I'm really sorry! It's my fault that Benji found out about your...secret." Karly rubbed her neck, ashamed. "It's okay. I wouldn't say it's your fault. It was just bad timing." Lightning shrugged, attempting to make her feel better. "I guess so…" "So, what are you doing here?" "I'm transferring here!" "Wait, What?! Really?" Lightning cried in amazement. "Yeah! I didn't want to lose you, so I chatted with my parents and they said that I could come here. They also said that the bullying problem was getting out of hand, so hopefully, it was for the best." Karly explained. "I agree. We are never going to see Duko or Palhio or Sapphire ever again!" "Yaya! Well, We aren't going to see Jace, Mirus , Arianna or Fierra that much either." "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." "Yeah. But, I'm sure they will be ok, they have each other, while you don't have anyone." "That's true. Well, we won't be alone soon. Come on. Let's see where we have to go, and try to make friends." "Right. But, can you do the talking? I'm still scared." Karly blushed, cowering behind Lightning. "Of course." Lightning replied, patting Karly's hand. ~Lightning took Karly's hand and made sure she stayed behind her as they began to walk to the front doors of their new school. Lightning made it to the door and reached for the handle. But then, suddenly her hand came to an abrupt stop. Karly tugged on Lightning's jacket and spun her around to show what she was staring at. The statue...was glowing! It was glowing bright pink and it looks like it was glowing brighter and brighter any second. Karly ducked for cover as Lightning went to investigate it. But she didn't reach it quick enough. The portal stopped glowing pink, and instead glowed white, then, in a flash, a teenage girl and a small dog flew out of it. They hit the ground with a sharp bump.~ "What the heck?" Both Lightning and Karly exclaim.