Redemption, what a beautiful word.

by Ryoup

Friends of mine.

The warmth of the morning sun of my prestigious master and, I dare say after I ascended to a alicorn, friend, Princess, I mean, Celestia, was the best thing there was to wake a sleepy pony. what several cups of tea, coffee, or a mixture from the bottom of Tartarus could not do to wake you up, my master's splendid sun did in minutes.
I trot slowly towards Fluttershy's hut, both to take advantage of the maternal warmth that only the sun can provide, and to ponder my next actions, I have to help Damian, but I don't know what his problems are, besides the deicide against the princesses, myself, and apparently the Crystal Empire, I know too little of his actions.
Not to mention that sudden visit last night, I'm still digesting all the information, so my counterpart is alive, but how? Luna wants to see me right away and has already prepared a midday train for Canterlot, yet another reason to wake up and enjoy the day.
And last but not least, Starswirl's thirteenth prophecy, as far as I know, are only twelve and are nothing more than urban legends, tales for foals or the like, nothing proving the conclusion of such prophecies, in my humble expert opinion about such a wizard, it’s his only shame.
After long minutes of a relaxing and leisurely walk, where nopony approached me for being the princess, since at the moment I am Shining Sparkle, I arrived at Fluttershy's hut. With a quick look at the sky I check the time.
"Ok Twilight you have a few minutes to catch the train, let's do it fast."
I knock on the door a few times and start humming internally one of the many songs that Pinkie guaranteed would stick in my head while I wait for Fluttershy, who promptly warns that she would already open the door.
I look around, there are few animals, at this time it was for her entire yard to be full of cute pets as she likes to call them.
“H-hi? Oh, Twilight, come in. ”
I feel a chill run down my spine.
“F-Fluttershy! My name! ” I almost scream, trying to remedy the possible damage.
“It's okay, Damian is sleeping in the guest room, and unless I yell, ahmm, food? It will continue for a while.” She clarified while signaling me to enter, quickly I entered the house, looking around with a small part of me fearing that Damian would discover my identity and only Faust knows what he will do to me if he finds out.

After finishing her survey of the house and reluctantly sitting on the sofa, Twilight exhales in relief that Damian is nowhere to be seen, but a part of her remains alert to the stairs leading to the guest room, some of the things her counterpart has warned her about on the last night still fresh in his memory, 'don't let him get a time travel book!' Or 'the unforgivable crimes he committed!'
"What did he do ..."
Twilight is quickly pulled out of her trance when Fluttershy gently places a tray of milk and cookies on the table in the living room.
"I made some cookies if you don't mind." said Fluttershy, in an almost inaudible tone.
Twilight looks at one of the clocks on the wall, 11:42 am, she murmurs.
"I have time, so Fluttershy, why did you call me?" the shy, small smile that Fluttershy wore behind her pink mane soon dissolves as she delicately ate one of the cookies.
"I ... I don't know if I can do it Twilight."
"F-Fluttershy, my name please, he's in the upper room."
A look of annoyance formed on the mare's face, but she was hidden behind her mane and soon the annoyance was replaced by a mixture of shame and tiredness.
"I woke up last night, to drink water ... he was in his room, crying, and ... and cursing himself, he used all the offenses I know."
"He was cursing ..."
"Himself." said Fluttershy taking another cookie, "he hates himself Tw-Shining, he considers himself a badly-born, bas- bastard who doesn't deserve the air he breathes, and those are just some of the lightest!"
"Well, you are the best mare for this situation, I mean, your resume is quite large, correct?" Twilight jokes laughing a little, but Fluttershy didn't laugh back, she just looked at the stairs.
“And a psychologist? That's something that can be very useful now, isn't it? I mean, I want to be his friend, But I can't say I can do it, he hardly opens up to me. ”
"Maybe the idea of ​​a psychologist is not a bad thing... didn't he comment that he had something like that?"
Fluttershy lifted her hoof up to her chin and thought for a few seconds before agreeing to Twilight.
“So… this will be your job, find out who this psychologist is and we hope he is a pony, the first thing we have to do is to end his aversion to ponies, maybe reunite him with his friends, he had some right?"
Fluttershy quickly nodded, but promptly his wave became slower and slower until she started to whisper.
"One he scared to death, another he killed, and another he couldn't save."
Twilight followed her friend's gaze and soon met her gaze on a glass of milk.
“It is not the best of beginnings, but maybe you can change the things? I mean, if he finds his friends he can help them… not get hurt? Maybe it will even help him. ”
Fluttershy nodded, but said nothing, just took her glass and took a sip of milk.
“I don't know, when I helped Discord, he… I won't say that he wanted to be good, but he at least interacted with me, whether playing or similar, Damian, it seems that he doesn't want to talk to me more than necessary, and whenever he does, he ends up saying something that hurts him, usually about the past. ”
"I see, if you don't want to be with him here I-"
"No!" Fluttershy interrupted Twilight, "I want to help him, but it seems, it looks like he doesn't want to be helped, how do I do this Twilight, how, how do I help a pony who just doesn't want to be helped?"
Twilight looked slightly up and scratched her chin with her left hoof, after taking a cookie with her magic and eating it she declared.
“Maybe, maybe Miranda is a good start, she knows him like, heavens, like a daughter knows a father. You guys are going to the hospital to get her right? ”
Fluttershy waves while taking another sip of milk.
"Want to go with us? We will go at noon to pick her up, a friend of his will be there, Dr. Silk Touch. ”
“I'd love to, but I have to take a train,” Twilight looks at the wall and looks at the clock for a brief moment, “and I'm already on my schedule apparently."
With a heavy sigh she gets up and fixes her mane with magic, Fluttershy looks at her for a brief moment.
"I trust in you Fluttershy, but if anything happens, just talk to Spike, he'll be at the castle, okay?"
Fluttershy hesitates for one moment before waving.
When Twilight left the hut, and Fluttershy started to collect the tray, a human, Damian, sighed at the top of the stairs leaning against the wall, invisible all the time to both mares, and when the conversation was over he headed for his room so quietly as when him left it.

Anxiety, anxiety is the best word to describe what Fluttershy was feeling now, anxious to help him, afraid that she will fail, that because of her, because of her failure, Damian may have a relapse, that because of her failure to become friends something bad happens to his friends or Damian, but with a heavy, hopeful sigh she put the dishes in the sink and prepared for perhaps one of the most difficult missions of her life. Wake up Damian.
As she climbed the stairs she quickly noticed the plate of food she left on his bedroom door, basically all the food was still there, except for a small loaf of bread and chicken breast.
"He really likes meat."
Gently picking up the plate with her wing, Fluttershy placed it gently on a desk that was next to the room.
"Wait ... didn't I put the plate on the desk instead of the floor?"
After a short period of pondering, the mare shrugged before opening the door.
“Ahmm, hello? Damian, can you please wake up? There's… there's food down there. ”
Curious, thought Fluttershy, the room smelled strange, funny, even thinking about all the incense that her friend Rarity had used or similar, nothing came close to this essence, and most alarmingly, Damian was nowhere.
Following her snout, Flutershy quickly found the culprit for this essence that permeated the room. Near the window are a few pieces of burnt paper, and coincidentally some of the leaves on the plant that Damian brought yesterday were gone.
"Oh poor thing, I hope Angel didn't do that, Damian would be--"
However, before she could finish this sentence a violent knock on the door caught her attention, her whole body stiffened as she trembled for a few seconds and very slowly turned her face to see the door, only to find Damian staring at her with folded arms, a frown on his face.
"D-Damian, Faust you almost scared me to death, please don't do this anymore."
"Who let you in?"
"W-well, this is my home."
The frown on Damian's face quickly disappeared as he shrugged.
"fair enough."
“S-Sorry, I didn't mean to offend! Do not misunderstand me!"
“Ok, I know, just, knock on the door ok? Humans, especially men who sleep in a room alone and without a lock, do not like someone entering their room so suddenly. ”
"Is that, something territorial?" the human looked to the side, feeling a drop of sweat forming on his forehead.
"O-Of course, territorial stuff, humans are territorial, so ... are you going to start knocking on the door?"
Fluttershy immediately nodded with each word and after he finished speaking she started looking around seeing what he had done with the room, basically everything was the same, except for the open book next to a nightstand and his suitcases.
"Sorry, I didn't want to enter your territory so suddenly, I hope you will forgive me."
"Okay, I don't really care about that, but don't go into my room without knocking."
Fluttershy nodded again before sniffing the air again, feeling that essence emanating from Damian again.
"Are you… are you using perfume?"
Damian laughed at the statement for a few seconds, held up a piece of his clothes and sniffed a little.
"Nah, this is marijuuuuuuu-"
“-Uuuuu, fuck it, I'm not good at this, do you know catnip?” Fluttershy nodded while sniffing the air again, "It's like that, but for humans, it makes us kind of zen and helps ... to relax."
"I understand, and is it called mariju?"
“Yes, of course, didn't I make that obvious? He he, of course...”
"Okayyy ... and I believe your mariju is this little plant here." said Fluttershy pointing her hoof to the plant that lacked some leaves. ” Damian shrugged.
"So, are you gonna leave my room or what?"
Fluttershy stared at him for a few seconds before his sentence struck.
“S-sorry! I just came to tell you that we are going to the hospital soon, that's all. ”
"Yes, I know."
Fluttershy waved quickly and trotted out of the room, she turned and faced him for a few seconds, she wanted to say something, anything, and Damian was staring at her, waiting.
Then she opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out, Damian shrugged and closed the door.
For a few seconds Fluttershy stared at the door in astonishment that he had closed the door.
"I won't be long, just give me a few minutes okay?"
"Okay ..."
When she was about to go down the stairs she realized that the bathroom door was ajar, 'Was he there?'
entering the bathroom she quickly begins to analyze the room, he turned it all over, thought Fluttershy staring at the medicine pots out of place, he tried to disguise it, but Fluttershy is a meticulous mare, and she clearly remembers the order in which she keeps the medicines and they are clearly out of order.
After analyzing that no medicine was missing, she gives up and returns to her adventure of going down the stairs, but not before organizing her medicines.

Holy shit, fuck, she went into the bathroom, god I hope she doesn't open the toilet, it would be a disaster.
I move closer to the door, placing my ear against it and stay there until I hear the mare going down the stairs. I sigh with relief.
I turned and walked over to my little-joy-plant and tore off a leaf.
“To shit that this is going to last a month”
I roll the leaf up to form a tube, walk towards the bed and I pull a leaf from a book that was on the nightstand and ready, behold my newest work!
I snap my fingers and a small flame appears at the tip of my finger, I light the joint and take a drag.
"Fuck this is so good ..."
I sat on the bed and took another drag and I blew the smoke to the ceiling.
"It's Doc, I'm going ... fuck what I'm going to, what in hell."
I look at the window and I can see… she, that bitch staring at me, a sick grin on her face, after the cold in my spine has passed and my heart rate has stabilized I take another drag and throw the weed against the window.
"Fuck you too." I blow the rest of the smoke against the window and get up and walk towards the door.
"You killed him Spencer, killed him when you tried to kill yourself, killed him when you killed his son, and you're going to kill him again, heh heh, you're going to kill ..."
"I know, I-" shrug and keep walking as I repeat to myself. "the past is past, leave the past in the past."
After getting rid of my toilet incident and using some perfumes to cover up my stink of marijuana, I walk down the stairs.
Fluttershy was on the couch reading something but got up when he heard me coming down the stairs.
"Are you ready?"
"I don't know if I should go, I mean, if the doctor is there ... I think I will stay."
Her eyes widened slightly.
"B-but you have to go, I ne- I mean, it would be good to see him again right?"
"Please," is she begging? " and your daughter? Won't you want to be there when she is discharged? ” and she knows how to beg. Time for some Business.
"With a condition." I say raising a finger while I smile. 
"And is?"
"One thing, I want something from you, if you give it to me, I'll participate in whatever you're up to."
“I-I don't know, wanting something in return for… wait what? What you want? Can you tell me?"
"Oh ..." she looks confused for a few seconds, then she blushes furiously.
"Calm down, hold your horses, it's something material, physical, like an ahmm, cup."
"O-o-okay I-I g-got it." damn, she really thought I… fuck.
"B-but I-I-" she stops, sits down and takes a deep breath.
"Best now?"
"Y-yes, thank you, it's just that you caught me off guard, that's all."
"You who thought things, I am married,have some dignity woman!"
"S-sure, sorry," she puffed out her chest and tried to smile confidently but failed miserably.
"Damian, can you, uhmm, promise me something?" oh, so she wants to play that game is it?
“Can you, ahmm, try to be good? I know you don't like ponies, and everything, but the ponies here are different, we want to help you, so I wanted to know if you are trying or… you are not. ”
I laughed internally, she is ... the word is not cute, it is ... adorable, dangerously innocent, ahh how she will be in a few years.
"I don't know, this good-boy-things seems too much to me, leaving the past is one thing, now being GOOD is quite another."
She looks at me with those puppy dog ​​eyes, her ears bended and her lip quivering slightly.
"I start to be, well, in a month!" I yell out.
"One week!" she almost screamed, which surprised me a lot considering who she is.
"Two weeks more meat every Saturday!" I retort as I cross my arms and lift my shoulders trying to look bigger.
"One week, more meat every Saturday and I owe you one more favor." hmm she knows how to negotiate, damn shy-girl-stereotype.
"Nope, well, a week and, all of that you said MORE a regular stock of mariju." I hit the table to emphasize my point, she jumps in fear at the noise, I smile, I'm winning.
"Starts today." I raise an eyebrow.
"And?" she straightened up and smiled at me.
"And you would make me happy." DAMN she used the big weapons.
"I'm touched, but?" she rolls her eyes while laughing.
"I get you meat EVERY day." damn lady who sells your body for monetary purposes, yep she did it. I call it a tie.
I extend my hand, she stares for a few seconds before understanding, and extends her hoof.
"We have a deal?"
She waved, I smiled as I walked towards the door, man, she knows how to negotiate, what her parents' work was...

I sigh until I don't feel any more air in my lungs. 
I close the door and Damian opens the way for me to pass, I smile at him, and he makes a gesture as if he takes off a hat and he starts walking, I quickly follow him laughing at his games.
"So Fluttershy, how; how is Miranda going?"
"Well, sh-"
"I know it's weird for me to say that now." He said speeding up the pace. "Usually I was expected to talk about it yesterday, but they said it was just a cold." he stops, "hope I do not seem insensitive."
By heaven, I laughed to myself, he has a heart, after all!
"No Damian, you just was-"
"Because I never stay away from her for so long, you know? I mean yes, but I don't like to lose sight of her, and if something happens? " he interrupts me by walking even faster, I have to trot to keep up with him.
"Y-you was really excited for -uff-, 'y-you better go without -uff- me'."
"N-no, it's just that I normally asked Bloody to let me know how Miranda was doing, every four hours I asked for a report."
"-Uff- a-and?" I feel my hooves shaking from trotting.
“and when- '
"Sorry to bo-bother you, but can you slow down? "He stops his little run and stares at me, from the smile on his face I can only say that I am a mess.
"Ok sorry; I didn't even realize I was running. ” I wave, taking advantage of this pause to breathe, that burning sensation in my muscles disappearing slightly. Applejack was right, I need to do more exercises.
We kept walking for a few seconds, but he was almost having a thing! What happened?
"So? Will you finish that sentence? What do you miss, Bloody? ” he waves. "What did she tell you?"
"Well, when Miranda was a kid, someone had to take care of her when I left the town to do some... things."
"Was she a nanny?"
"Ohhh boy, if Bloody heard that, bah, it would be crazy, but no, she was, she was a friend." he touches his ring finger for a few seconds. "And she always keeps me updated on what Miranda did, so I ... I ..."
"You?" I said getting closer to him, taking advantage of the fact that he was no longer running.
"I woke up last night, I don't know what happened to me, I do this often, I thought I was in the other Equestria, you know?" I nodded. "Then I tried to contact her, talk to her and ask where Miranda was, then I realized.”
"Did you notice what?"
“That I abandoned her there. She must be crazy with me, I… shit. ”
"C-calm down Damian, don't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault."
"I know, it's just that I feel worthless with this shit!" he exclaims while holding the necklace. “This plus the fact that I am without the horns, I feel vulnerable, weak, what if something happens? What if someone tries to attack Miranda? How will I protect her! And if- ”
“ Shhhh. ” I cover his mouth with my hoof. "Nobody is going to hurt your little princess, you have my word."
He mumbles something but I don't understand, I remove my hoof and he smiles.
"Much better." 
"Sorry! I didn't mean to invade your space or something."
"Okay, I was almost having an attack there, thanks."
 He stares at me for a few seconds before his eyes go wide, I follow his gaze and see a small stone on the floor; he picks it up and squeezes it for a few seconds.
"Remember when I said I would be a good boy?" I nodded slowly, not liking the tone of his voice.
"It will begin." he presses the stone more tightly against his chest and raises a leg. "NOW!" he screams as he turns and tosses the stone against a cloud, as soon as the rock hits it a metallic sound echoes and a pegasus starts to plummet as his partner flies to catch him.
"D-Damian ?!"
"Run!" When he yelled that and I looked at him I realized that he was already gone a bit, the moment I made my first step I remember a very curious fact about me that was almost enough for me to be angry with myself. I’m a pegasus!
I start flying to keep up with him, I keep getting behind, barely keeping up with his pace, but this is better than trying to keep up with him on hoof.
When I get close to him and I think it's because he's running more slowly, I realized that he is laughing wildly, several ponies staring at him suspiciously but returning to his duties when they saw me.
I look back, both pegasi, who I now perceive to be royal guards due to the golden armor, are in the air stunned and talking to each other. The one who was hit by the stone descended slightly while removing the helmet.
"D-Damian, I think you-" but before I could finish speaking I felt something holding me and pulling me into an alley.
As soon as he lets go I see him breathing heavily and stealthily looking at the guards, he leaned against the wall and peered as if he had done it several times already, and something told me he did.
He raised a finger against his lips and asked for silence. We continued like this for a few moments, hidden in the shadow of two buildings, making silence while he spied on the guards. When I tried to imitate him, he pushed me away from the corner of the building with his foot, never breaking eye contact with the guards and laughing internally.
Until he finally pulled away from the wall, curious I spy what he was looking at so fiercely and soon notice the guards' absence.
Damian laughed wildly like a foal that got out of trouble. "Jeez, this one passed close eh eh."
"Shhh, it's going to ruin our hideout!" he laughed as he peered out of the alley again. “I think they left, did you see that? His helmet broke in two! With one stone! I'm still on the track, baby! "
" Who were they? " I ask as I spy again with him in search of the pegasus.
"Royal guards?" he replies, I can almost hear the sound of a glass breaking comically as I feel my left eye twitch involuntarily.
"You attacked royal guards!"
"Yes?" he replied casually,
"Weren't them, I don't know, bad guys or something? Were they real guards at the behest of the princesses?"
He just shrugs before picking up another stone on the floor.
"No, young man, you can drop this stone now!" he stares at me, still touching the stone on the floor, pondering whether he should pick up the stone or not, but in the end he lets go with a sigh.
"I don't like guards, and they've been following me since I arrived."
"But it's their job." he smiles, oh no that smile.
"And I'm making their job more difficult, come on, will you say that this race was not fun?"
“I almost had a heart attack! I thought we were being attacked or something! ” he waves.
"Yes, my dignity and privacy was attacked and come on, stop it, I didn't even kill him, I aimed at the helmet not in his face." what?!
"Shit, wrong word, hurt him violently and irreversibly until he has a deadly desire to kill himself?" He says closing one eye and spying on me with the other, using his hands as a shield between me and him.
I sigh, calm Fluttershy, this must be how he has fun, and he is talking a lot, is he taking the first step? Oh Celestia this is good right? I hope so. Ok Fluttershy don't ruin this moment, just-
“Let's go, they already lost us.” and I missed the moment, yay ...

Here we are, the hospital. I wave to the receptionist as I approach her, Damian for his part is studying the walls and murmuring something about beige and paint.
"Miss Fluttershy?" said the receptionist, a sky-blue unicorn.
"Hi, is the doctor Silk Touch here?"
"Well, yes, sorry, do you have any scheduled time?” she said as she held up a clipboard and analyzed its contents. 
I looked for Damian, he was ... he was sitting and talking to a black pegasus. After memorizing the pegasus face, I turn my attention back to the receptionist.
She was casting a spell, her horn shone as a small blue orb floated in front of her, her lips moved but she made no sound.
A communication spell, short-range and can, if the caster wants, be private, at least that's what I believe that is, this is a unicorn thing. But I think Twilight has already commented on it.
"He will see you, room 2-B." I thank her and start walking towards the living room, I turn around and see Damian and that pegasus commenting on a book the pegasus was holding, Gary Hoof hum?
"Damian, hamm, come on?" he stops his conversation and turns to me and waves his hand for me to go,
"Go ahead, I ... I'm going ok?" I wave and warn him the room Miranda was in before leaving.
After a quick walk I arrive in room 2-B, I prepare to enter when the door suddenly opens and Dr. Silk Touch is there, sweating and rummaging in some roles frantically.
"Miss Fluttershy." He whispers. I nod.
His eyes stare at the papers nimbly, he peeks out of his office discreetly, turns and trots quickly towards his office window and starts looking for something, after a sigh of relief he approaches me. When I was about to ask about this he interrupted me.
"Follow me." 
We walked for a while and stopped in front of the room where Miranda was hospitalized, I looked around for Damian, but he either came in, or he hasn't shown up yet.
"Miss Fluttershy." he said in a wistful tone, his eyes flying between the papers as he raised a pen and scribbled some of the papers.
"I… Is Miss Miranda's father ... in the hospital?" I raised an eyebrow at his question, but his expression demanded an answer.
"Yes." I say silently as I hide from the look he gave me, terror invades him as he sits on the floor, the papers faltered and almost fell to the floor.
"Doctor, what happened?"
He sighs as he levitates a letter in my direction, I take it and open it.
"It belongs to a friend of mine, he specializes in dragons and the like." I nod as I start to read the letter. “He thought I was kidding when he said that she had less than two percent mana per blood cell. A dragon goes into shock and passes out if it has less than ten percent, she had one point two, for lack of a better word, according to him, she was a corpse. ” I feel a chill go up my spine.
"She ..."
"She got worse, went from one point two to zero point seven, I checked it at night ... I asked no one to see her because..."
"D-doctor ..." I feel my voice quivering, breaking as I finish reading the letter , the information was correct, Faust…
“She is…”
“I don't know… damn it, didn't you receive the letter I sent you? I sent it earlier today! ”

Meanwhile, in a hut on the edge of Ponyville and the Everfree forest, a gray pegasus slammed into the ground violently, but she left the little crater intact. shaking her head and cleaning her wallet hat she smiles victoriously as she picks up a letter with a very large, red stamp written urgently.
"What can go wrong due to just one hour late?" She hums as she delivers the letter and flies towards the next delivery.

"No ..."
"Ahh Celestia I'm going to die!" he screams as he cringes using the clipboard to hide his face from the windows.
"Doctor, calm down!"
“CALM A SHIT! HER FATHER! HE'S HERE IS HE NOT ?! DRAGONS ARE REVENGEOUS! I-I TRIED! CAN YOU TALK TO HIM THAT I TRIED ?! ” he was hysterical, he was shaking and sobbing.
"She-- calm doctor, she's fine, for Celestia's sake tell me she is!" I hold him by the shoulders, his hysteria contaminates me, I feel my heart racing, this, this cannot be happening!
He was shaking everything, but he took a deep breath and weakly stood up, the doctor inside him taking control, but the rear hooves were visibly shaking.
He put the hoof on the door and looked quickly at the windows, then at me. He put his forehead against the door as he started to pray, he spent a few seconds saying an entire prayer before opening the door very slowly.
She is fine, I tell myself, it is just a cold… heaven…
I approach the doctor, he is breathing heavily and hesitantly, but after a few seconds of hesitation he opens the door.

The doctor was nervous, she was his first patient officially in Ponyville and she was terminally ill, she was not even a pony and had a dragon father who will be furious when he receives the bad news. I am a dead pony, the doctor thought incessantly.
When the door opened, the doctor glanced at Fluttershy, and noticed her nervousness, and for the second time that day he cursed the cross-eyed postman who hadn't taken his letter to Miss Fluttershy.
Looking inside at what he believed to be a dragon on his deathbed, if he wasn't already dead, he was surprised to see the messy stretcher and no dragon on it.
Soon the fear and dread for his life was replaced by a genuine concern for Miranda.
He quickly approaches the hospital stretcher, leaving Fluttershy stunned at the door and investigating the site, many of the devices and life supports, including the mana transfusion bag were attached to the pillow, which in turn emanated an aura that prevented alert doctors if the patient has a relapse.
Several thoughts swept through Silk Touch's mind in the few seconds he faced that pillow, but a gurgling noise caught his attention.
Looking at the room again he notices near one of the tables, more specifically the table where the clothes Miranda was wearing when she arrived and the one she was going to wear when she left, was on the floor the clothes she was wearing. Two normal-sized patient clothes for ponies stuck together to accommodate her anatomy, and there were her clothes, some tears and a noticeable hole in the back.
Silk Touch felt his pressure drop slightly, but a gurgling noise and a female voice screaming in a non-equestrian language caught his attention again. Walking slowly to the bathroom, occasionally looking back to try to persuade Fluttershy to follow him, but she was too busy watching the empty stretcher, then the doctor continued.
A few inches from the door, he heard an overwhelmingly feminine scream, swallowing a lump of saliva, he used his magic and opened the door.
A sapphire blue dragon was staring at a mirror with her arms resting on the sink, some scars caught the doctor's attention, one very ugly near her neck and the other on the joint of her wings.
"Miranda?" whispered the doctor hopefully, praying to Celestia to be Miranda over there, since she without her clothes seemed strangely out of place.
Her eyes widened as she tossed several pots of medicine previously stolen from her room into the sink. She shouts out something in another language and turns to face the doctor.
They both stay like that, frozen, for a few seconds until she slowly raises a claw and points at him, then a few seconds of silence follows.
Instantly she blushed, her sapphire blue scales quickly becoming the most vivid red that Silk Touch had ever seen and he considers himself an experienced surgeon.
"PERVERTED! SEXIST! MANIAC! ” she shouted furiously as she used one of her arms to hide her chest and her tail moved quickly to hide her groin area, astonished, the doctor stared at her in fright for a few seconds, then Miranda started to throw everything she found with her free arm , from brushes to glass cups.
As soon as the first cylinder broke within inches of his ear, the doctor understood the message and withdrew quickly while being followed by everything Miranda managed to get his claws on.
Fluttershy watched in fright as the doctor ran away from the bathroom door, and more frightened by the glass cups that almost hit the doctor a couple of times.
"It's her!" he shouted as he levitated some trays and hospitalar sheets to create a shield around him.
"Miranda?" questioned Fluttershy without taking his eyes off the bathroom.
"Certainly." replied the doctor as he finished building his fortress and read some of his papers. 
“Miranda? Is everything okay over there?" asked Fluttershy, approaching the corner of the room where the bathroom door was ajar.
A non-equestrian murmur emanated from the bathroom, although understanding nothing, Fluttershy could feel shame in his words.
"Sorry I-"
"GIVE ME MY GOD DAMMIT CLOTHES!" shouted Miranda while still in the bathroom.
Fluttershy nodded even though Miranda was unable to see her and quickly grabbed the clothes Rarity had made for her. As she approached the door, Miranda's claw went outside waiting for the clothes Fluttershy delivered.
As soon as Miranda felt the fabric touch her claws she quickly tore the clothes off Fluttershy's lips and started to dress herself.
After a few moments of waiting, the sound of glass hitting glass and a flush. , Miranda came out of the bathroom,
Fluttershy was surprised by her clothes, it fit her perfectly and the blue and purple contrast perfectly matched Miranda’s blue scales, but what most caught the mare's attention were some parts of the outfit that looked empty or even torn, more specifically the parts which should’ve gems,plus the fact that Miranda is chewing something and she is with a half-eaten sapphire in her hand didn't help the situation.
Rarity is gonna be mad when she find this out, thought Fluttershy.
Miranda looked around and her eyes fixed on the small fortress of fabric and pillows made by the doctor. After feeling what she believes to be an aneurysm, Miranda shook her head.
"What did you see?" asked Miranda in a threatening voice.
After a few seconds of hesitation, the doctor's head came out of the castle.
"Are you okay, Miss Miranda?”
"Miss is the fuck, what tha heck did ya see?" Miranda threatened as she finished eating the gem in her hand.
"Sorry!" the doctor shouted softly. "I was worried, I swear, hamm, I didn't see anything." replied the doctor cautiously as he thought about the medicines that were in the sink when he saw her.
Miranda waved as she massaged her eyes, the sickness still permeating her body.
"What word was that?" asked Fluttershy curiously trying to break the tension in the air.
"When the doctor saw you."
"sexist?" Miranda raised an eyebrow
"This one!" pointed out Fluttershy. "What does this word mean?"
"Do not know." Miranda shrugged. “Damian once told me that I should shout this if any man saw me naked, it's something human, I didn't quite understand what he meant.”
"Is it a bad thing?"
"Yeep, it's a kinda bad if I'm not mistaken."
After answering Fluttershy's question, Miranda stared at the doctor for a few seconds, "are you going to get out of there or what?"
"Y-Yes of course.” said the doctor as he undid his fort and organized his papers.
"By Christ." declared Miranda as she sat down on her stretcher. "You guys suck, you know?" said Miranda as she faced Fluttershy.
When she realized Fluttershy had flown and hugged her, surprised Miranda almost hurt the mare.
"Watch out, you don't fly like that on top of others!" cried Miranda indignantly, but when Fluttershy's mane moved out of the way and Miranda saw her face full of tears she stopped her almost said offenses.
"I-I-I th-thought you we-were going t-to die!" cried Fluttershy, which was enough to make the dragon blush slightly.
“Didn't I tell you before? I have had fevers worse than this one and that is not what would end me. ” smiled victorious Miranda. “And besides, get yourself together! You are a grown mare. ”
"Worse?" questioned Silk Touch surprised approaching both while reading their papers.
"Hi Silk." said Miranda, rolling her eyes in disregard.
The doctor blinked a few times, surprised that she knew his name, but ignored the fact and coughed to clear his throat.
"Miss Miranda, I, how much worse have you been?" Miranda sighed as she looked at Fluttershy.
"Much worse, when I was little and Damian went to see some changelings I almost died, Bloody Novel was going crazy while she thought I was going to die, ahh, those were good times."
“MIRANDAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! IT'S DADDY! WHERE ARE YOU PRINCEEEEESS ?! ” Damien's voice was heard in the distance, Silk Touch felt a weight lift off his shoulders, Fluttershy looked at the doctor and wiped away his tears while smiling cheerfully, but Miranda felt a chill down her spine.
"Don't tell me it's him." whispered Miranda as she looked at the doctor.
"Yes?" replied Fluttershy confused.
Instantly Miranda ran awkwardly and put her body against the door and pointed a claw at the doctor, who in turn felt his concern return and lowered his ears.
“which part of, don't you bring Damian here with this doctor here you didn't understand ?! Miranda whispered as she tried to scream.
"Well, they are friends.”
"We are?" asked the doctor confused.
"Miranda dear, guess who arrived!" joked Damian on the other side of the door as he tried to open it.
"I'm dressing up dad."
"Oh, okay, but hurry up there." replied Damian despondently.
Moving away from the door, Miranda approaches Fluttershy while glaring at the doctor.
"which part did you not understand?" whispered Miranda
"which part did you not understand?" Miranda raised her tone.
"Sorry, but- I." replied Fluttershy looking at the floor.
"I should-" Miranda almost finished the sentence when she felt something, sighing she approaches one of the emergency cabinets and takes a knife, lightly touches the tip and looks at the other occupants of the room, Silk swallowed dryly a lump of air in her throat as she felt her legs shake as he screams internally: this is just my second day here ...
Fluttershy was too busy looking at the floor to notice the knife in Miranda's hands.
After a few seconds looking into the room Miranda threw the knife, the doctor flinched with fright and Fluttershy woke from his guilt with the sound of the blade flying. What none of them noticed was the knife hitting the door, almost half of it had gone through.
"Dad, privacy please."
"Okay, jeez, you've been training, right?" said Damian as he walked away from the door that he once leaned and peeked at, narrowly escaping the knife that had driven a few inches above his head.
Sighing, Miranda sat and did signal for Fluttershy to come closer.
“I know you want to help, but this!” Miranda pointed to the doctor, "This is going to end badly." 
"But aren't they friends?" asked Fluttershy timidly again.
"Are we?" replied again the doctor in horror as he stared at the knife in the door.
"You know what?" said Miranda. “You won, you can call him, if you think you know what is better to him than me, if you think they’re going to play chess or some shit like that, go ahead, I won’t stop you, he is already here. "
"Speak as if that were a bad thing." Miranda just shrugged and looked at the window,
Fluttershy approached the door pondering what Miranda said, wondering what could be worrying Miranda, they are friends, so Damian didn't kill the doctor ... so he is the therapist, the one that ran away or the helper ...
Fluttershy puts her hoof on the door and turns to Miranda who ignored her while looking at the window, the doctor was scribbling on his papers while looking at Miranda.
"Let's do it." whispered Fluttershy as she smiled.
 The door opened and there was Damian, standing a few inches from the door with his arms crossed, when he saw Fluttershy he raised an eyebrow but shrugged as he walked in.
The doctor noticed Damian and a confusion invaded him, Miranda just sighed and stood up while forcing a smile,
Fluttershy thought he was going to talk to the doctor, but he went straight and hugged Miranda so hard that Fluttershy wondered if they were one day or years without seeing each other. After the hug ended he started looking her up and down looking for something wrong, Miranda blushed.
"Stop  Damian, I'm fine, it’s just a fever."
After scanning her again, he sighs in relief and a tear forms in his eyes.
"I don't know what I would do if something happened to you, daughter." declared Damian, Miranda just laughed while sitting on the stretcher.
"I think your Tuesdays would be better." Miranda said as she laughed.
Although Damian didn't even like to imagine losing his daughter, she smiled at his comment.
"That was a good one." he said. "But never suggest something like that again, okay?" After Miranda nodded, Damian let out a sigh that he had been holding all day, with a quick, last look, he analyzed Miranda once more before turning to the doctor.
Now the shit goes to the fan, thought Damian.