//------------------------------// // 94 - The Apple and the Grail // Story: Age of Kings // by A bag of plums //------------------------------// As Emerald Edge lifted the resplendent grail from the platform that it was on, she immediately knew something was not right. It shone and sparkled like an artifact, true, but there was no real power in the metal, like Excalibur or the staff and shield. The Grail, according to the Saddle Arabians, Morn and even these djinn was said to house holy power which could heal any injury. As Emerald filled it with the crystal clear water of the pool, she held it up to her face and stared at her shimmering reflection in the liquid. Surely no human artifact could work such wonders. This had to be from Equestria. But why was there no feeling? Emerald raised the grail to her lips, tipping the cup toward herself. The water within was faintly sweet, cold, and somehow charged. It was as though the water was the substance with the power, and not the grail itself. She drank deeply from the grail, feeling the power flood her body. Immediately, the wounds she sustained through the four trials began to fade and close up. It was working better than any mage magic she’d ever seen or felt. “Incredible…” Emerald placed the grail back atop its pedestal and stepped back to allow her group the chance to heal themselves as well. Though the water felt more magical than the grail, it still didn’t give her the sensation of home. “Why, though?” Emerald muttered as she stared at the grail.  Something didn’t add up here. The artifacts were created by Star Swirl the Bearded to be used as weapons of war in Equestria’s founding days. The Sword, Staff, and Shield were all martial items. Having the last one be a cup didn’t fit the pattern. And the artifact here was supposed to complete the set. “Ooh, tingly.” Parisa shook her entire body as she downed the water. “You know, there are tales that the Grail keeps you young.” Spectrum nudged her fellow squire. “Do you think we’ll be young forever should we drink this?” “I think the tale says you live forever, not remain young forever,” Guard Streak corrected. “I do not know if I would enjoy living forever if I was frail and old. How would one even lift a sword to defend oneself?” Prince Sombra stood beside Emerald as she examined the grail and thought.  “Well? Are you satisfied now?” the prince asked with a slight scoff. “You have seen secrets that only Saddle Arabian royalty should see. It will make a fine piece of reminiscing for when you return to the dungeons.” “Shh,” Emerald ignored his slight and held up a finger. “I am thinking.” The djinn silently floated above them, just watching. It was almost like they were waiting to see what Emerald’s next move was going to be. This grail and water did wonders for them, but if this was not an artifact from home, how did it have such potent magic? From her time spent in the human world, she had never seen such human magic. Was it really of this world? Or was there more to it. Emerald’s eyes drifted up to where the water was streaming down from, between the two trees. The water was flowing in from somewhere and that got her thinking even more. If her earlier assessment was true and the grail wasn’t the object of power, but the water was, then perhaps she needed to first know where the water was flowing from. “Em? What are you doing?” Spectrum watched as Emerald stepped into the water, where it rose up to her knees. The former pegasus pushed through the water and went over to the place where the spring was issuing from. There were brambles and vines growing over the opening. Emerald looked deeper. There was a faint golden glow coming from deeper within a rocky tunnel and as she stepped into it, she felt it. It came as a soft glow within her first, then it slowly expanded into something she could still only describe was a warm hug around her. It felt like home. Equestria. “It’s here…” Emerald breathed, almost not believing it. Their long journey had finally taken them to their goal. There were whispers above her, then suddenly three djinn hovered down before her and stayed between her and the tunnel. “Uhh, the djinn want to tell you this is their inner sanctum,” Parisa said from beyond the pool. “No human may pass.” “But I am no human.” Emerald turned to face the djinn. “Please. That artifact in there, tis from my world. Tis the only thing right now that can save Canterlot. The only thing that can save Saddle Arabia. Only I can wield its power to its full potential.” “They ask you to show them,” Parisa continued to translate. “But should you remove the object of power from here, this temple will… cease to be.” “Cease to be?” Parisa nodded. “According to them, their object of power has long since rooted itself into the stream of life that runs through this temple. If you take it, it will be like taking the heart of a person. The temple cannot function without it.” “Then what will become of the djinn?” Sombra looked manic. “They have given the royal family the power to defend Saddle Arabia for ages!” “Then what other plan do you have to reclaim your city?” Emerald snapped at him. “You cannot do it by force of arms, for Morn will simply take control of your soldiers. You cannot challenge him in a one on one battle, for he is too strong. Using this artifact is the only plan we have!” “I won’t allow it!” Sombra’s hand leapt to his sword. “You would end the Saddle Arabian bloodline here? I shall not be the one to instigate the downfall of my family line!” Emerald was about to spit a harsh reply at him, but the djinn were quicker. They flew to Prince Sombra and encircled him, whispering to the prince in their hushed tones. Sombra seemed to argue back, but she had no idea what they were saying. After a while, she stopped paying attention and returned her focus to the tunnel. The djinn wanted her to show them. Oh, I’ll give them a show indeed. Emerald stepped further down the tunnel, then began climbing up a slope, which was slippery due to the water flowing down, but she managed to continue up by pressing her hands against the sides of the tunnel to haul herself up. At the top of the tunnel was a squarish room, which only a single pool occupied. This pool was just about identical to the one below, but instead of a grail in its center, this one had a round object no larger than Emerald’s hand. It looked like it was made of gold, with silver inlays and accents, just like the other artifacts of Star Swirl the Bearded. This… orb, must be what she had come to find, there was no question about it. Emerald reached out to touch the artifact. As she drew close, it began to vibrate and emit sparks, many of which fell into the water, making the liquid glow momentarily. “It reacts to you.” Emerald turned to see Sombra standing at the tunnel with the djinn behind him. He wore a defeated look across his face. “The djinn know this belongs with you. It calls to you.” “So what happens now?” Emerald looked back at the artifact. From behind Sombra, the djinn seemed to meld into each other, becoming a single and large vortex of shadow. And then all at once, they launched themselves towards Emerald. The spymaster raised an arm to protect herself, but they simply bypassed her and formed around the artifact. The shadows swirled around the artifact and it began to glow brighter and brighter, dark and light melding into a form that Emerald never thought was possible. The cavern began to rumble and then all at once, everything stopped and the artifact now rested upon Emerald’s hand as though nothing had happened. “They have bonded their power with the Apple.” Sombra breathed, looking visibly upset. “No longer will they pass their powers through a champion.” “The Apple?” Emerald looked at it. It did kind of make sense it would be called an apple, seeing as ponies loved apples. But it wasn’t in any way, shaped like one. “It is a name the djinn have gleaned from within.” Sombra stepped closer to the spymaster and frowned. “Now that you carry the power of the djinn, it is time you keep your end of the bargain, Emerald Edge. I got you here. I got you your Apple. Now you will help me retake my home and expel your kinsman.” “You heard them, Sombra.” Emerald pushed passed him and looked back down the slope in the tunnel. The water seemed to have grown dimmer since the Apple left its pedestal. “Once we remove it, this place will-” There was a loud groan coming from above them. Dust rained down from above and then the ground shook, sending Emerald and Sombra down on their knees. “We must first make it out of here alive, prince.” Emerald slid down to the slope and reunited with her friends at the edge of the pool. “What was that?” Spectrum asked, trying to keep her balance. “Emerald took the artifact.” Parisa grinned from ear to ear. “That means the place is coming down!” “How are we going to g-get out of here in time...?” Streak gulped. He looked stricken. “There’s no way we can go back the way we came,” he dithered. “The platform’s gone, and we don’t have time to swim back up that way!” Emerald frowned, but then she looked down at the Apple in her hand. Perhaps they had an alternative. She pointed to the grail. “Grab that. We need it for Posey.” “Right.” Spectrum yanked it off the pedestal. “Now what.” “Gather around me and hold on tight.” The group did as they were told, each of them grabbing on to Emerald’s arms. Even Sombra complied without question. Once she was ready, Emerald held up the Apple and a soft glow radiated out from it around them. One thing she had to thank Star Swirl for was for the instructions on how to use the artifacts. Besides feeling the sense of home from it, it was as though each artifact told her how to use them. She knew exactly what to do. More dust and dirt fell from the ceiling, this time accompanied by small pieces of stone. They shattered against the ground and splashed into the water. “Whatever you plan to do, do it quickly,” Sombra grunted as a pillar toppled over next to them. Just as a large piece of the ceiling above them came down, the glow around them suddenly solidified, forming a round barrier of light. The piece of debris hit against it and was instantly reduced to tiny specks of rubble.  And then they were off, flying through the air, breaking through rock and earth as everything around them began to collapse. As they ascended, a ghul momentarily fell against the barrier, but it was soon swept aside as they began to punch through more earth. Emerald grinned to herself. Having such power was always amazing and it was always nice to feel like she was back home among the clouds, flying wherever she pleased. The temple continued to crumble around them and the former pegasus’ passengers cried out in fear and surprise, but Emerald was not afraid. The golden sphere carried them out past all the trials, which were crumbling into the depths of the earth. Finally, they broke out into the daylight, right out the mouth of the temple and landing in front of the questors who had been waiting for them outside. Emerald set herself and her passengers onto the ground gently, and the bubble around them faded back into nothing. “Emerald, you’re safe!” Light Speckle exclaimed, running forward. “When the temple began to collapse, we feared the worst. But you’re safe. You’re all safe!” The mage embraced Emerald, who returned the gesture. “Is that the artifact?” Light Speckle pointed at the Apple clasped in Emerald’s hand. She nodded. “Tis the artifact. I need some water.” Emerald gestured for Spectrum to hand her the grail. “How fares Posey?” “Not so good.” Speckle shook her head. “She is in a lot of pain and discomfort.” “Not for long!” Parisa somersaulted out from behind Emerald. Light Speckle unhitched a waterskin from the camel and poured its contents into the grail. Then Emerald held the Apple over the cup and watched as golden light spiralled down from the orb and into the chalice, with the rest of the group watching curiously. “Wait, so the grail doesn’t have power?” Spectrum looked between it and the Apple. “Tis always been that way. The Apple’s magic affected the water in the temple, giving it healing properties.” With the artifact done, Emerald rushed the grail over to the ailing Posey. Her face had gone pale and her face was scrunched up in pain. “Posey, drink this. It will help.” She didn’t seem to register what Emerald said, but she opened her mouth to drink when the spymaster pressed the chalice to her lips. As soon as she swallowed, Emerald began to peel back her bandages on her torso and once she was finally through all of them, she found that Posey’s skin was as smooth as before, the injury completely faded without even leaving a scar behind. The archer’s eyes fluttered open and she took a deep breath, her first in a long time. “It worked?” she said with much disbelief as she eyed the grail. “Not really this, but this…” Emerald held out the Apple for her to see. “We’ve found it, Posey. The artifact.” The Apple shone like a pile of freshly minted bits, casting its glow on Emerald’s hands.  “So, it is not the grail that has the power?” Posey felt the part of her that had been injured, still amazed to find nothing there. “It would seem not,” Emerald shrugged. Prince Sombra stood nearby, staring at the grail from the shade. Emerald noticed that his shadow was flickering slightly, like a candle flame. “But this is wonderful!” Posey exclaimed, putting her hands onto Emerald’s shoulders and grinning widely. “We have finally accomplished our goal!” The other members of Emerald’s party let out a cheer. “Morn’s days are numbered with Emerald and this artifact on our side,” Jewel Pin crowed. “And I’m sure we’ll be able to fetch a high price for that grail too!” “Order will be restored to the land. To all lands.” Light Speckle smiled and crept closer to look at the Apple. “Of all the artifacts, I think this one is the most beautiful…” “The grail is not for sale,” Prince Sombra grunted, coming over and taking the chalice. “It belongs to the Saddle Arabian royal family. So now you have what you came here for. Time to honor your side of the deal, and remove King Morn Dread’s presence from my kingdom.” Emerald wanted to snap at Sombra, but found herself unable to. Through the trials and adversities that they as a group had faced in the temple of the djinn had indeed only been possible because of Prince Sombra’s actions and help. He may have borne the name of Emerald’s arch-nemesis, but the former pegasus realized that she could no longer hate him for that reason alone, not when he had every reason to hate her, but still set it aside for his kingdom. “Right you are, Prince Sombra,” Emerald said eventually. “Let us ride for Masyaf, and there we will take back your city and kingdom.”