A Grand Night Out

by PonyPixel

Sealed with a Kiss

Back with Ember and Thorax, the changeling king managed to catch up with the dragon lord. Ember was still shuffling along in her dress as she grumbled along.

“Ember,” Thorax called, and Ember turned to see him coming towards her. “Is there something wrong?”

“It’s this dress,” Ember stated. “It’s cumbersome and I don’t see the point of it. I mean we don’t normally wear clothes on a regular basis, so why are we all dressed up like this?”

“You have to admit, everyone here looks nice. Especially you.”

Ember didn’t take her boyfriend’s compliment. “I just wish this skirt wasn’t so big.” They eventually found a few empty seats to sit down in, which the dragoness took full advantage of. She placed her claws in her lap and sighed. She and Thorax looked across the large room with all the guests.

“There sure are a lot of ponies here. I don’t even think I can see Novo or Rutherford.”

“Yeah. I don’t see a lot of places where anyone could get privacy.”

Thorax then remembered the garden Spike was talking about before. “Spike told me there was a garden around here. Maybe we could be alone there.”

“I guess. I just sat down and now I don’t want to move this dumb dress.”

“Well, if that’s the case, how about we get some drinks?”

“Sure. That would be great.”

“Alright. I’ll be right back.” The changeling walked off, leaving his girlfriend by herself.

Thorax soon found the table containing several desserts and drinks, but what he was interested in was the punch bowl. The changeling got to cups and was about to pour himself and Ember some of the punch until a certain draconequus popped up in the bowl. Discord was sitting on an inflatable chair, wearing sunglasses, while holding a glass of punch in his hand.

The changeling jumped, nearly dropping the glasses onto the floor. “Discord?” Thorax questioned.

“Evening Thorax,” Discord replied. “How are you doing?”

“...Good. Could you... get out of the punch please?” Discord groaned as he snapped his fingers. He returned to his normal size and teleported beside the changeling.

“Oh Thorax, you need to learn to have more fun. Anyways, how’s your night going?”

“Good so far. I’m trying to figure out when’s the best time for Ember and mine’s first kiss.”

“Ah, one of the biggest moments of a loving relationship. I’m honestly jealous of you. The closest thing Fluttershy and I have for a date are our tea parties.”

“Well, you spend more time together. Ember and I have to schedule when we meet up. Even then we can only hang out for so long.” Thorax sighed as he poured two glasses of punch.

“Yet you’re already thinking of making the first move. Man, friendship is hard enough, but love is so much more complicated.”

“I know. I mean, love is like bread and butter for a changeling. Sometimes literally. It can taste like bread and butter for some.”

“Does any of it taste like chocolate milk?”

“Not that I know of.” Thorax then saw a glass of chocolate milk being held up in front of his face. “Discord, I said I’d bring Ember punch. Plus, I don’t even know if she likes chocolate milk.”

“Oh, you never know until you’ve tried.”

“I appreciate you trying to help, Discord, but I want to make sure things don’t get out of control.”

“Eh, she doesn’t really know me. Besides, I guess this isn’t the best time for me to be a third wheel. I learned my lesson after Treehugger.”

“Who’s she?”

“Long story short, I was still learning how friendship worked. But if you want my advice, if you want your first kiss to be unforgettable, save it for the dance.”

“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.” Thorax took the two punch glasses and walked away back to his girlfriend. He walked back to where Ember is still sitting.

When he got back, the changeling handed his girlfriend one of the glasses before they both took a sip. “This is some pretty good punch,” Ember commented.

“Yeah, I wish I could thank the guy who made it,” Thorax agreed. Taking another sip, Thorax took a deep breath. “So, Ember, there should be a dance that starts in a little while. I was wondering if you... wanted to dance.”


“I’ve been practicing ever since I got the invitation to the gala. I think... It would be fun.”

“...Thorax, you know I’m having a hard time just walking around in this thing.”

“Maybe you just need a little more practice.”

“Well, you can’t really change while you’re wearing that suit.”

“Actually, Rarity made this one special for me.” Thorax showed off what he meant by changing into his dragon form. His suit remained completely intact. “She said she was trying to expand her fashion to fit other creatures.”

“You think she could make these things fireproof?”

“I don’t know. It’s could work.”

“Ugh. I just don’t see the point of these clothes.”

“I see Applejack wearing her hat.”

“That’s different. That could just fall off at a strong breeze. Not to mention it doesn’t mess with her legs.”

Thorax changed back into his normal form. “It’s still a great dress. I understand that fashion isn’t your thing, but just keep it up for the night.”

“I’m trying. Maybe next time I’ll ask for this skirt to be shorter.”

“That gives Rarity chances to make a better design.”

“I just want to walk properly.” Ember placed her glass down and stood up. She gave a frustrated sigh as she wasn’t in the mood to walk again.

“If you want, I could carry you on my back.” Ember thought for a moment, it either riding on her boyfriend’s back or flying. She didn’t want anyone else to see her in a dress, so she sat on Thorax’s back. “Where to?”

“The garden.” Ember crossed her arm in annoyance as she was carried throughout the room. While she was hoping that it would have a lower chance of being spotted if she wasn’t flying. However, the opposite seemed to be happening as several ponies looked and pointed at her. Ember failed to hide her blush as Thorax carried her through the room.

Ember was releaved when they were out of the castle and in the garden. There, she and Thorax could hear some bongos being played. "No Pride, outside. Alone, of my zone," said a voice, singing to the beat of the bongos.

"Is that Garble?" Thorax questioned.

"I should've known he'd take a shot at it with some creature," Ember chuckled. They looked around until they found the beatnik dragon playing his bongos with Gilda sitting beside him. Garble stopped his beat when he saw the couple walking over to them.

"Hey, Ember," Garble said, "What's up?"

"We're just trying to get away from big crowds." She got off Thorax's back and across from the dragon and griffon. "How long have you guys been out here?"

"Only for a few minutes," Gilda answered. "How's the night been treating you?"

"My biggest gripe is this dress. I can barely walk in it."

"Huh. I haven't had any trouble with mine."

"Maybe it's because you have to walk on two legs."

"Could be. Anyways, Garble's been trying to get me into poetry. It's pretty nice since there wasn't any singing in Griffonstone."

"Yeah, I really don't understand that," Garble said.

"I honestly couldn't tell you why."

"Well, you don't have to worry about the rules here," Thorax chuckled. "You think you could play another beat?"

"Sure thing," Garble replied. He started playing on his bongos again. "Fire, red hot, my emotions, I'd rather not. Communication, such a struggle, why am I always in a muddle? Outside of my zone, I'm never on my own."

As soon as he stopped, Gilda and Thorax applauded his poem. "Really good," the changeling commented.

"Thanks. Really glad I don’t have to hide this anymore.”

“That’s good to hear,” Gilda said. “I kind of want to see what the Dragon Lands look like.”

“It’s one of the best places to be in the winter,” Ember commented.

“Yeah, you guys at least have fire breath and fur,” Thorax commented. “All I’ve got it chitin.”

“Couldn’t you change into something like a sheep? Its wool can make itself warm,” Gilda asked.

“I could, but while a changeling can copy an appearance, we can’t copy some abilities. Like we can copy dragons’ wings, but we don’t have their resistances to heat.”

“Yeah, I remember that,” Ember muttered.

“Wait, what are you talking about?” Garble questioned. Ember and Thorax looked at each other as they knew Garble didn’t know them completely.

“Well, do you know who Bismuth is?” Thorax asked.

“Yeah?” The couple quickly explained to Garble and Gilda the time when they were first dating. “You were Bismuth?”

“Uh-huh. I did that because I was worried about how dragons would react around me.”

“I mean... I would feel a little off if there was a shape-shifting bug among us.”

“Well, you’re enjoying each other’s company,” Gilda commented. “So, it’s not bad.”

“Hmm, I guess not. Still, I would’ve like to know that you were a changeling before.”

“Sorry about that,” Thorax apologized with a rather guilty sigh.

“Anyways, what else is something you guys don’t know about?”

“Well, Smolder told me about somethings that happened at the school. She said that she came out about her dressing secret.”

“Dressing secret?” Gilda questioned.

“Yeah, just like how I secretly did poetry, Smolder had an affinity for dressing up fancy.”

“How long has she had that?” Ember asked. Garble simply shrugged.

“I guess it’s good that dragons aren’t going to be stuck with “Tough and Greedy” cliche,” Thorax commented.

“Good point,” Garble commented. Ember looked down at her big dress. She had a hard time walking in it but an even harder time believing Smolder had a liking to these.

“Where did you and Smolder get those clothes anyway?” Gilda asked.

“Trade secret.”

“Alright then. Ember, how did you react to Garble’s secret?”

The Dragon Lord looked a little surprised when she was called. “Sorry, I wasn’t listening,” she responded. “You were saying something about dresses?”

“Yeah,” Garble confirmed. “When we were alone, Smolder and I would have some secret tea parties while I also did some poetry. It was pretty fun. I’m glad we don’t have to hide it anymore.”

“Good to hear, though. You guys want me to get you some drinks?”

“Sure,” the drake and griffon answered. The Dragon Lord held her dress up and walked back inside. Gilda and Garble were about to continue with poetry when the griffon noticed Thorax was looking down again.

“What’s up, man?” Gilda questioned.

“I don’t think Ember’s liking the gala,” the changeling sighed.

“That’s pretty obvious.”

“Well, she says she’s not used to wearing dresses. You think that could change?”

“I wouldn’t hold your breath,” Garble responded.

“Probably not. I spent so much time practicing my dancing.”

“You know, Ember isn’t really used to showing emotions. Maybe she just needs a breaking point.”

“I don’t want to force her to do something she doesn’t want to do.”

“Well we weren’t up for friendship,” Gilda stated, “Yet here we are.”

“That’s different. Every creature needs friendship. That’s how we took care of Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow.”

“True,” Garble said, “But still, I’ve admitted my secret love of poetry and Smolder did the same with dressing up. Ember probably just needs to get used to her emotions. It’s gotta happen soon.”

“...Maybe I should talk to her. I’ll catch up with you guys later.” The changeling king walked away, leaving the drake and griffon to their fun.

Thorax looked around the gala. He could see ponies everywhere. There were a couple of other creatures, such as the kirins and buffalos, but he couldn’t see where Ember went. He tried flying above every creature, but still, the Dragon Lord was nowhere to be seen.

“She didn’t head home, did she?” Thorax asked himself. He was beginning to worry. Then he soon saw his brother walking around, looking like he was wanting to be alone. The king landed in front of his brother, much to Pharynx’s shock.

“Warn me next time,” he ordered.

“Sorry,” Thorax apologized. “Look, have you seen Ember around here?”

“The blue dragon? No clue where she is. Why don’t you ask them?” Pharynx pointed over to former princess alicorns. Celestia and Luna were both chatting with Cadence and Shining Armor.

Thorax jumped. “What... What are they doing here?”

“Just because they aren’t working anymore, doesn’t mean they can’t be useful. Besides, they’re talking to the princess of love.” Soon, without warning, Pharynx shoved his brother over to the stallion and alicorns. Thorax bumped into Luna, who turned around and looked towards the worried changeling.

“Oh, hello Thorax,” the former princess of the night responded. She helped the changeling king up, though that didn’t do much to stop him from him feeling nervous.

“It’s nice to see you again,” Shining said. “Also nice since we’re not in a situation where Equestria’s future doesn’t depend out what we do. Anyways, what’s new with you?”

“Gab art... Ember,” the changeling stuttered.

“...Are you feeling okay?” Celestia asked.

Thorax took a huge breath. “I’m nervous like crazy. Ember and I have been dating for a long time and I thought we’d have our first kiss tonight. What do I do?”

Cadence couldn’t help but giggle a little bit. “I think Shining knows how you feel,” she said.

“You’re going to enjoy that are you?” the stallion asked.

“Maybe.” She then turned back to Thorax. “Listen, Thorax, I don’t know that much about dragons, other than Spike, so tell us about Ember.”

“Okay,” the changeling said. “She’s not really proud of showing her emotions around others, she really likes gems and fish.
She also has been interested in the art at the hive, but she doesn’t like admitting that.”

“I see. Shining, didn’t you use to feel like when we dated?”

“Yeah,” Shining admitted.

“Well, how did your first kiss go?” Thorax asked.

“I just had to gather up the courage. I think you need to do the same thing. If Ember’s really the one that you love, you should go for her.”

“R... Right.”

“Though, I think you should hurry,” Cadence said, “The dance is going to start soon.”

“Yeah, I know. Have you seen Ember around here?”

“I think we could help out,” Celestia said. “I have been to this castle for a couple of years. Surely we’ll be able to find her.” The changeling king smiled as the two former princesses helped him look around the castle.

It took a little longer than they thought as they, given that Ember wasn’t in the main hall. They began looking into different parts of the castle that were used for the gala. Eventually, they found a room that had Ember’s dress lying flat on a sofa. “She must be nearby,” Luna commented.

The king and princesses kept looking around until they found the Dragon Lord in the throne room. She was looking at the stained glass windows showing the many adventures Twilight and her friends had gone on. “Ember,” Thorax cried, “There you are.”

Ember still had her gloves on, but she didn’t seem to be very happy. “Hey,” she said flatly.

“...What’s wrong?”

The Dragon Lord sighed. “You ever have times when you’re just under a load of stress?”

“Well... The most stressful time is when I was trying to help reform the changelings. Or maybe when I was finding more changelings to enroll at Twilight’s school.”

“Try doing that with dragons. I’ve got to make sure they stay in order and when I tried enrolling some, either they or their parents kept them from leaving. This gala feels like I could actually get away from that work and have some time to myself.”

The two former princesses both looked at each sympathizing with Ember’s situation. “Honestly, you should try being in charge for a thousand years,” Celestia said.

“...Seriously?” Ember and Thorax questioned.

“Yes,” Luna confirmed. “My sister is very good at hiding her age.” She chuckled a bit at her comment. “Not to mention, I had the job of keeping dreams under control.”

“You controlled dreams?” the dragoness questioned.

“More specifically nightmares. Honestly, we agree that you could use some time off.”

“You guys are retired. You get to have all the vacation time you want. I have to be in charge of the dragons until I get to retirement age.” She brought her claws to her face to rub her eyes.

“Listen, Ember, if you wanted some time to be alone, you could’ve just told me,” Thorax said. “Then again, you aren’t really good with emotions.”

“I know.”

“We’re going to head back to the main hall. You join whenever you want.” Thorax started walking away along with the two alicorns. Ember looked at her gloves and thought about how Thorax was feeling. He seemed so happy to be at the gala.

The Dragon Lord stood alone for a minute before walking back to the room where she left her dress. She picked it up and ran back to the main hall just in time to catch Luna. “Hey,” the dragoness said.

Luna stopped and turned back at the Dragon Lord. “Oh, you’ve changed your mind?” she asked.

“Yeah, but I have to ask Rarity for something. You know where she is?”

A little while later, Thorax was standing by himself. He watched other couples enjoying their night. “Hey, buddy,” Spike said. The king looked over to see his first friend walk up to him. “Where’s Ember?”

“She wanted some time alone,” Thorax responded. “She said she had too much stress so I’m leaving her by herself.”

“Right then. It’s good to have alone time. Maybe she and Rarity could hang out at the spa.”

“That might be good for her.” Spike looked around the room until he saw a happy griffon fly over to him.

“Spike!” Gabby cheered. She hugged the dragon without warning.

“Hey, you’re doing pretty good.”

“I am. Plus, the dance is going to start.” Gabby let Spike go and pointed to the band that was starting some slow music with the guests dancing along to it.

“Oh, so do you want to dance?” Spike readjusted his bowtie and grinned. He held his claw out for Gabby to hold as they both walked out onto the dance floor. Thorax smiled as he watched his friend enjoy himself, but still, he felt down.

“What’s with the long face?” asked a voice. Thorax looked beside him to see Ember. She was wearing her dress, though it looked like it had been modified to make the dress shorter to show her feet and it wasn’t as wide as before.

“Ember!” Thorax gasped. “You look... Nice. You gave the dress another shot?”

“Rarity made it easier for me to walk in. I don’t have to hold it up every time now.” She and the changeling looked over to various ponies dancing.

“So... Do you want to dance?”

“I have no idea how dancing works.”

“You don’t have to worry.” With a flash, Thorax changed into his dragon form. “I’ve also been practicing my dance moves as a dragon. Just for you.” Ember couldn’t help but smile at Thorax’s comment. Holding each other’s claws, they walked out onto the dance floor.

The music was soothing to listen to as Thorax took the lead as he and Ember started their ballroom dancing. The two looked in each other’s eyes. Both of them blushing. “Are you enjoying this?” the dragoness asked.

“Well, you are.” The Dragon Lord lowered her brow and huffed some smoke. “You know you’re kind of cute when you’re mad.” Ember was a little annoyed but she managed to show a smile. The two danced along with the rest of the guests until Thorax held Ember up in a dip. “Whoa! What’s this?”

“It’s one of the moves that Rarity taught me.” He pulled Ember back so they were both standing upright. Thorax gave a nervous chuckle as Ember gained a sassy smile. “So, you like it?”

“In a way. How about I take the lead this time?”

“Um... If you think soOAH!” Thorax was surprised when Ember took control so fast. “Easy.”

“Hey, if you’re enjoying this, I’m enjoying this.” The couple smiled at each other as they continued to dance. While they did, Thorax spoke up.

“Hey, Ember, there’s one reason I wanted to dance with you. It’s one of the ways I could show you my love for you.”

“That’s good to know.”

“It’s not just the dance.” Ember was a little confused by this.

“What were you going to do?” The Dragon Lord took her boyfriend into a dip. She saw the disguised changeling take a deep breath before he leaned towards her, kissing Ember on the lips. The Dragon Lord nearly dropped the changeling as she blushed as red as a ruby. Thorax managed to recover and look at his girlfriend's shocked face.

“Ember, I didn’t mean to make you feel like this.” The changeling shifted back to his old form as Ember shook her head. “H... How do you feel?”

“That... Felt... Amazing.”

Thorax rubbed the back of his head bashfully. “I’m glad that you enjoyed it.” Both creatures looked at each other as they could rather fuzzy inside. “This is getting a little awkward.”

“How about we go back outside?” Thorax just simply nodded and followed the Dragon Lord out of the castle. They walked back into the garden and sat under the starlit sky. The changeling let out a sigh and smiled. “It’s pretty beautiful out here.”

“Yeah, I guess so.” Ember was trying to hide her blushing by using her wing to block her face from Thorax’s view. “I don’t think it’s as beautiful as you though.”

“Thorax, please.”

“...Ember, we’re alone. Everyone else is inside dancing. It’s just you and me.” Thorax tried to scoot closer to the dragoness, but Ember tried shoving him back. “Ember, please. Emotions are good.”

“Then why do they feel so weird to me? When my dad was the Dragon Lord the only emotions that felt right were anger and confusion.”

“Those don’t sound like good emotions to have.”

“I know that, but even after all of this time when I started taking on friendship... It just feels off to me.”

“But what about when we started dating?” Ember held her legs as she sighed.

“Honestly, I sometimes don’t want to show my emotions because of a small fear of creatures calling me weak.”


“Yeah. Like, say that someone tries and uses something I like as a way to trick me or force me to lose.”

“You think they could make emotions into a weakness?” The Dragon Lord just nodded with a frown. “Ember, that isn’t weak to me. If you don’t want to hurt someone you like, that’s fine. It means you aren’t just a one-dimensional fighting machine.”

“Uh huh. I said ‘something’ though.”

“I have a feeling at what you meant.” Ember began blushing again. She tried hiding it with her wing, but Thorax pushed that aside. “Ember, I love you.”

The Dragon Lord managed to smile back at her boyfriend. “I love you too Thorax.” She got too close to the changeling so they could start nuzzling each other. They both looked up the night sky and saw a shooting star.

“You want to head back inside?”

“I think I wanna stay out here a little longer.” Thorax smiled as he and Ember looked at each other’s eyes. The two smiled as they shared another kiss to strengthen their relationship.