Of Light, Dark and The Soul

by Wext_Nensday

1. The Doors Burst Open

The doors burst open, and a group of four ponies rushed inside with a tall white pegasus at their head.

"This is the third one in as many weeks, if we don't do something soon there's going to be riots." Said a mare as the group turned a corner

"There's nothing connecting them, though. Is it possible it's all a coincidence?" Asked a stallion to her left, glancing at the white figure ahead of them.

The mare replied, "Not in this town. There have been more disappearances in the past three weeks than in the last thirty years combined, that's no coincidence."

"B-but there's nothing to tie them together." A younger mare butted in. "They all happened at different times, in different places to ponies that seemingly had no affiliation with each other. It...it just doesn't make sense."

"I know that, Meadow. That's why we're here." Replied the first mare. "We need to find out what the townsponies know."

"I just don't get it," Meadow said, gazing at the floor, "who would do this?"

The older mare reached out to touch the shoulder of the younger. "Don't worry girl. We'll find them. We'll find her."

The silent stallion leading the group came to a stop before another set of doors.

"Cloudy?" Asked the other stallion. "Are you okay?"

The silent white figure only sighed and stared into space. After a moment he shook his head, coming to his senses. "Let's go." He said and with that pushed through the next set of doors.

The group entered a bustling room, filled to the brim with murmuring ponies. On the left of the door was a raised stage and the group trotted onto it. The white stallion took his position at the podium and the remaining group members stood behind him.

As the room quieted, Meadow was straining her neck looking through the crowd. "Where is he?" she muttered with a frown.

The stallion and mare standing beside her shared a knowing glance and a smirk. They had placed a bet on how quickly she would get distracted.

The stallion at the podium cleared his throat and the room fell silent. His coat was bright white and looked like it had just been cleaned and his mane was a dark gray like a storm cloud. He stood tall, his powerful wings folded neatly to his back as he surveyed the assembly before him. He saw worried stallions and mares huddled close to each other, concerned for themselves and their foals. He saw elderly ponies with their younger relatives standing by them with distressed looks. He saw young fillies and colts, bored and yawning, wishing they could go out and play, swatting away the parents that tried to hold them close. He saw all of this and he was more worried than any of them.

He cleared his throat once more and all eyes were trained on him as he began to speak. "Good evening fillies and gentlecolts. You know why we are here. Over the past three weeks two mares and a stallion have gone missing. I assure you we are doing everything we can to find them, but we need your help. Anyone with information is invited to step forward and present it. We would greatly appreciate anything you could give us."

The room was silent. Not a single pony moved. No one said a word.

"Just as I thought." Said the stallion at the podium. "Henceforth I suggest that-"

The doors to the hall flew open and a young stallion with a light blue coat, red mane and a horn stumbled in panting. Meadow's face lit up upon seeing him. She shifted her posture, stood a little taller, re-adjusted her wings.

The entire assembly turned towards the panting stallion, all their eyes now locked on him. He glanced around and awkwardly side-stepped until he was in the corner of the room. The crowd once more focused on the white stallion at the front of the room.

Taking a breath, he said, "Henceforth I suggest that all ponies travel in groups of at least two and that no one goes outside during the night. Whatever this threat is I assure you, we will find it and return the lost individuals to their families."

"It's demons!" Cried a voice from the crowd. "They took away my Moon Lily." It was a stallion. He was clutching a mare to his side. Both had bloodshot eyes as if they had been crying. "The demons carried her away. They took away my girl."

Meadow shifted her weight uneasily, a frown crossed her face.

"Sir, I am deeply sorry for your loss, but I assure you, demons are not-"

"Enough of your assurances!" Called another voice from the crowd, a mare's this time. She had tears rolling down her cheeks as she clutched her foal to her. "We want our families back!"

The hall burst into a raucous of shouts and cries. The stallion, now beginning to look exasperated with these constant interruptions, attempted to calm the audience. "Please, everypony, settle down. I know we're all concerned but we need to remain calm."

It was no use, the room had descended into chaos. Stallions shouting, mares crying, foals complaining that they were bored. A look of anger crossed his face and taking a deep breath he screamed "QUIET!!". The shout echoed throughout the hall as the crowd once again fell silent. "Everypony, please remain calm. As I have mentioned, we are doing all we can to return your loved ones to you. I will ask you all to please return to your homes and stay there, do not leave unless it is absolutely necessary. When we have developments I will call you all back here." He paused, looking over the room again. Many in the crowd had their heads bowed like foals who have been told off by their teachers. "Thank you, good day." He turned to leave and his group followed him.

Meadow trotted off the stage behind the others, once again searching through the crowd. She paused before leaving through the doors, falling behind the others. Just as she was turning to leave a voice called from behind her "Meadow! Wait!" It was the blue-coated stallion who had interrupted the procession before. "Meadow!" The stallion approached her and her face once again lit up. "Meadow. I'm sorry I was late," A smile now crossed his face as well, "You know how it is. Got distracted in the library again."

"I know" Meadow replied, still beaming. "Did you find what we're looking for?"

"No." He replied. "That kind of stuff isn't going to be in our library, we need the Canterlot archives."

Meadow's smile dropped, replaced by a look of desperate sadness. "Do you think you could contact your brother? He would help wouldn't he?"

"Hmm," Brightstar considered "I don't know..."

"Please Brightstar, please." Meadow begged.

The stallion regarded her and knew there was only one answer. "Of course." He sighed. "Anything for you."

Meadow smiled again. "Thank you Brightstar. I-"

"Meadow Breeze, where are you?" A voice called from the other side of the doors.

"I better go." Meadow said. "They'll need my help."

"Good luck." Brightstar said. "I hope you find them."

"So do I." replied Meadow as she turned and left through the doors.

Brightstar stood there, watching the closed doors for a time. Then, sighing, he left, and trotted back to the library.