//------------------------------// // chapter 2 // Story: Lost family // by Amelka Dash //------------------------------// "maybe that"said Roy, pointing to a pink earth pony with a purple and white mane and a tiara on her head, and next to her was her father, a brown earth pony with a black mane. Diamond Tiara and Filsi Rich looked at the window of the diamond store. “She with an adult, we need to find a pony that will be easier without anyone now,” Nrev replied, looking around. " Here! he said pointing to the orange pegasus walking around the city in complete isolation." "Yes she fits"said Roy. "So start" Nrev said with a smile. "Of course bro"said Roy slowly approaching Scootaloo. "Hey girl what are you doing?" Roy asked Scootaloo. "Um ... sorry, who are you?" Scootaloo asked fearfully. "I'm new to this city just today moved here with my friend Nrev, by the way my name is Roy"replied Roy making a fake gentle smile. " What's your name baby?" "Um ... my name is Scootaloo, Mr. Roy"replied to Scootaloo with mixed fear and concern, something hey told me this pony is not good." "Nice to meet Scootaloo" said Roy barely holding back. "Yes, I'm gray too, but forgive me I need to go" Scootaloo said and began to woo, but Roy stopped her with a hoof. "No, you stay with me" he said and grabbed Scootaloo by the neck. "What do you have in mind? Aah! Let me go!" screamed Scootaloo, but Roy put his hoof over her mouth. "Once again, you shout and I'll kill you" said Roy "Well, Nrev, where did I catch her?" Suddenly Nrev flew out of nowhere. "Excellent Roy" he said smiling and looking at Scootaloo, the pegasus wriggled and pushed the pegasus as best she could, but Roy only squeezed her even tighter. "Do not twitch, you little evil" said yellow pegasus "Well, where is that solution Nrev I'm tired of holding it". "And yes" Nrev said and took out a syringe with some kind of dark red solution from his bag. He quickly injected it into Scootaloo's hoof and she immediately passed out. "Excellent! Now let's dump quickly until they saw us" said Roy. And two of them put on their black cloaks again and flew towards Cloudsdale with Scootaloo on their backs. On a gift I saw Thunderlain which kokras cleared the clouds in this area. "Ha, is it Scootaloo by chance?" he asked to himself, watching the stallions fly away with his younger brother's girlfriend. He already wanted to fly to them as Nrev specially stroked Scootaloo and smiled warmly so that Thunderlaine thought that they did not want to do anything bad to her, the black pegasus simply shrugged his shoulders and flew away in the opposite direction. "wooh ... we didn't get caught" said Nrev. *** The next day, Rainbow Desch, after finishing her work and deciding to rest on the cloud, she was already lying down and almost fell asleep when she heard a scream below. She looked down and saw Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. "Hey girls what happened?" Rainbow asked. "Hi Rainbow Dash, we wanted to ask you did not see Scootaloo, she didn’t come to school today, and in general everyone from the school doesn’t know where she is. We combed the whole city, but we didn’t find her and we thought that maybe you know?"replied Apple Bloom with concern. "No, she is not doubtful, I just did not see her today, I just took her to school yesterday after our overnight and then I did not see her? " Rainbow said, puzzled, asking where her sister could go. " Have you checked her house? she asked and thought", “Hmm ... and by the way, I have never been to Scootaloo's house and I don’t even know where he is, and have I ever seen her parents at all?" "No, if honestly we do not know where she lives and who her parents are"answered Sweetie Belle fearing for her friend. "It's strange, I don't know either" said Rainbow. "You also do not know who her parents are, where does she live?" Apple Bloom asked puzzled because she was sure that Rainbow should know because she is the older sister of Scootaloo. "No, she never told me about it, yesterday I suggested to her that I would accompany her to the house so that she would take her school things, but she said that her things in the club" answered Rainbow sincerely worried about her sister. "Well, can you help find her?" Sweetie Belle asked Rainbow Dash. "Of course I'll ask the weather team if they saw her while cleaning the sky." "Okay, and we will clean the city again and ask passers-by"answered Apple Bloom. And so the three ponies set off in search of Scootaloo. *** Scootaloo woke up in a dark room. She got up on her hooves and tried to remember what had happened, she had a bad headache, Ion practically did not remember the last thing she knew that her abductors were two stallions named Roy and Nrev. She tried to remember something else, but could not because of the severe pain. Suddenly the door in the room opened and Nrev entered. He smiled maliciously at the frightened pegasus. "I finally came back, otherwise we already thought that you were dead " said Nrev. "Where I am? And why are you kidnapping me?"Scootaloo asked. "You are in the old weather factory, but everyone abandoned it and no one comes here, so now it is completely yours, and we kidnap you for the sake of money when your parents find out that the kidnappers will do everything to save you, or rather, they will give as much money as they have there is" evil said Nrev. "It won't happen," Scootaloo said. "Why doesn't this happen ah?" asks the light gray pegasus. "Because I have no parents and never had" Scootaloo said sadly. "And this I did not foresee, but still you have friends who can also pay for you to save"answered Nrev. Scootaloo didn’t answer it’s true she had loving friends and a loving adoptive sister, but she sincerely wanted them to save her, but didn’t want them to pay for her. "And now you can sit here and cry, because if your friends do not come for you in the next three days, we will have to kill you", Nrev said coldly and Scootaloo began to shiver. "everything is simple today Roy will stick announcements about your abduction and how to save you all over Ponyville. And when your loved ones see they love you, they will come to save you and give you a decent amount for sure, but if they don’t have time in three days, then they don’t love you and you will die" he said and went out the door. Scootaloo sat down and cried in her hooves. "Please Rainbow Desch, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom save me I need you more than ever, she pleaded in a low whisper". In the meantime, Roy was posting leaflets all over the city where it was written: You all probably know the girl by named Scootaloo, that orange pegasus with purple mane. So I can tell she's kidnapped and the kidnappers demand the ransom for it is 1,000,000 bits. If she is dear to you, then you can seal, but you have only three days and if you don’t bring money for the old the weather factory I'm afraid it will die. Signature: Nrev and Roy. The Rainbow flew to the ponipagoda base where Derpy, Thunderlane, and Ditsy Doo were currently. "Did you guys see my sister Scootaloo?"Rainbow asked three with concern. "No"answered Derpy and Ditsy. "I saw her only yesterday at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon she was sleeping on some stallion that went with some other stallion and the two of them headed to Cloudsdale"replied Thunderlane. "What were these stallions? What did they look like?" Rainbow asked, puzzled. "If honestly, I did not see they were in black areas, but I know that they were pegasus, one was yellow, and the other was light gray" and Thunderlane. " Well, okay, thank you guys" said Rainbow and her heart beat faster " Who kidnapped my sister?" It was her first thought, and she flew towards the Golden Oak Library where all her friends were waiting for her, as well as Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom all had restless faces. "Girls something happened?" Rainbow asked. And Twilight Sparkle handed her a flyer that Roy had recently hung around. As soon as Rainbow read the ad, she immediately burst into tears. Fluttershy ran up to her and hugged her. "What should we do now?" Apple Jack asked. "First we need to warn her parents who knows where they are?"Twilight asked. Everyone shook their heads even Pinkie Pie, who knew every pony in town. "Yes, this is bad" Twilight said with great concern. "Okay, but at least where does Scootaloo live?" Everyone shook their heads again. "Yes, well then, you won't have to go to the town hall tomorrow, maybe we'll find something there"said Apple Jack. "We can't wait until tomorrow and find out who her family is now we need to find money as soon as possible and save her!" shouted Rainbow. "Sorry Rainbow, but until we find out who her parents are and where they are, we won't be able to go and rescue her"said Twilight "Well, okay, just as soon as possible, I'm already very much afraid for her"admitted Rainbow. "We know Rainbow, but we have time, but we were given three days, so tomorrow we will go to the town hall and find out who her family is, and then immediately fly and sleep her"Twilight said. "Oh well" said Rainbow.