Twilight adopts a foal. The adventures of Comet Dust

by Itztli FP

Chapter 5 The school started... and the problems too

Chapter 5. The classes are starting… and the problems too.

Morning. The first beams of sunshine started to enter through the huge windows of the castle. The birds were giving life to the new day with their trills and a fresh breeze help the ponies to bear the warm hug of the summer sun.

“Raise and shine!” An excited purple alicorn entered into the piece of a colt wrapped among his blankets. It was unusual that the colt didn’t wake up by himself, he always did it at dawn, with an exception the days after he move to Ponyville, so she had been surprised when he didn’t go to breakfast. Thinking he probably had problems to sleep due to his excitement for that day.

“It’s morning, Comet.” Twilight said moving the curtains to allow the sunlight lo enter the room. “Today is a big day. You don’t want to be late in our first day.”

Comet moaned when the sun hit his face, covering itself completely with the blankets. “It´s too early yet.” Comet complain. “And be late for what?”

“Itsn’t it obvious? School starts today, you must hurry or you’ll be late.”

Comet just turned, turning his back to Twilight with annoyance. “I’m not going.” He said reluctantly.

Twilight put a severe glance and pull the blankets discovering the foal, who stared at her in surprise. “Comet, we have spoken about this already and we decided this was the best.”

“You decided that.” He said irritated, taking back the blankets and covering again.

Twilight, tired of the foal’s stubbornness, ignited her horn making disappear the blankets from the room. She expected that behavior already. The caretakers from the orphanage had warned her that Comet could be foolish and inflexible when an idea got into his head, making difficult to change his mind. So she’d has to be pretty firm in her position if she wanted the colt to take her seriously.

“Hey, that´s cheating.” Comet screamed when his “shelter” was gone.

“I’m not going to discuss this again, young foal.” Twilight said with a severe look in her face, intimidating him a little-. “You must go to school. And like it or not, I take the decisions here.” She started to move to the door. “So prepare yourself and go down to breakfast.”

Twilight closed the door with a big sigh. She wasn’t pretty sure if she had went too hard with Comet, maybe she should have stopped to talk with him and clear all this matter, but at that point, she couldn’t taking back. Plus, Comet could have used it to delay them even more.

Comet stayed for a while on his bed, raging in silence. Forcing him to accept the idea of him going to school, something he considered useless an unnecessary. He thought that there was nothing there he couldn’t learn in the castle and insisted in Twilight being his mentor. He couldn’t understand why she refuses on doing it.

When he understood that he wouldn’t get to anything by being angry, he stood down from the bed, an went to his closet. Then, there, he found, next to his bed, a lot of stuff he didn’t remember leaving them there or even seeing them the night before. Among them, there was a simple, Prusia Blue, saddlebag; it has a personalized buckle of aqua blue color and crescent moon shape. There were some notebooks, scrolls, pencils, color pencils and other stuff he would need in his scholar life.

Now he understood why Twilight was going out frequently all the week. The saddle bag was made by Rarity, obviously, it has her fir on it everywhere; the rest, probably she bought them in the stands of the marketplace. Twilught was really excited with the idea of him assisting to school, so much that she had taken the trouble of buying him more than the necessary for it.

Comet went down to breakfast once he was ready. Resigned to obey Twilight. When she saw him, all her body fulfilled with joy by seeing Comet carrying the saddlebag she bought for him. She draws a smile on her face as she gave a tender look to her foal, who looked like a student now. Ready for a new adventure.

After embarrass Comet with lots of compliments and kisses, the foal walked to his seat. Since it was a “special occasion “, Spiked had prepared, with a little help of Twilight, a big number of dishes, among them, a cake, an assortment of cupcakes from Sugarcube Corner and, how could it be missing, a great variety of fruit on the table, which Comet already had taken a liking, except for berries, of course. However, Spike and Twilight were a little overreached, since the quantity of food there was enough to feed an entire hoofball team.

The breakfast was as quite as usual since Comet came, that is to say, nothing. They talked and joked all the time it lasts, sometimes even more, and that day weren’t the exception. As it couldn’t be possible in other way, the topic in this occasion was Comet’s first school day. Twilight non stopped talking about how excited it would be, the things he will learn and the friends he’ll make. In the other hand, Comet wasn’t very convinced with the idea, it wasn’t the encouraging thing to him. However, seeing Twilight so happy and excited gave him security; besides, if schools in Ponyville were similar to in Canterlot, or at least what he heard about them, he will be in a big room with a few foals, nothing to be worried about.

“Alright, I’ll go.” He accepted, but instantly giving Twilight a serious look. “But with one condition. I’ll go alone.”

“What? Why?” Twilight said, eardropped, disappointed by the foal’s petition. She really wanted to go with him.

“If I’m going to make friends, I want them to be real friends, that they appreciate me for who I am, not just because I´m the son of the Princess.” Comet lied, hiding that the truth of the history was he was afraid of Twilight realizing de overcoming of all the situation.

Twilight thought for a moment, trying to find something to counter argue because Comet had his point. She trusted that Comet could identify a real friend from a fake one, but if he thought that would give him security about his friends, then who was she to impeding him. Sooner or later the secret will be revealed. Until then, he would have time to tighten the ties with his friends and knowing about her wouldn’t influence in Comet´s image they would have about him.

Regretfully, Twilight agreed, if that meant that he was going to go to school.

Comet walked all the way to school, in the opposite side of the town, nervously. A lot of ponies, not just foals, returned to their jobs after vacation, so the streets were full even since early in the morning. All the way he went hiding on the shadows and avoiding making contact with others.

As he got closer to school more foals could be seeing, but it wasn’t until he arrived to his destiny when he saw all the classmates he will have. The Schoolhouse wasn´t very big, just a modest red with white ornamentation cabin with a bell tower on the roof. Around it, there were at least thirty foals and fillies playing around or saying goodbye to their parents.

Comet started to cold sweat, he didn´t expect he will be surrounded by lot of foals and in such small place. He starter to thing that leaving Twilight at home was a good idea. He didn’t know any of them, but they seem to know each other perfectly perhaps, because some of them entered the building accompanied with others laughing and talking about how much fun they had had on vacation.

Comet froze, even the idea of going back or hiding somewhere else until the classes ended cross his mind. But what would happen if Twilight discover him, she trusted him, he couldn’t lay her down. He didn’t want to disappoint Twilight. Still terrified, he tried to find the courage to getting closer, but every time he attempted to walk, his legs didn’t respond.

The bell rang, calling everypony to go inside. Classes were about to commence. All the foals out there, quickly walked to go inside as a fuchsia fur, pink mane and green eyes pony, probably the teacher, went out to corroborate nopony was left outside. That was enough to make Comet move, his fear of disappointing Twilight was bigger than his fear of people.

The fuchsia mare was starting to walk inside with a look that comet couldn’t say if it was of worrying or tiredness. “Wait!” Comet yelled in order to call the mares attention so she will not close the door.

The mare turned around to see who was yelling, because there wasn’t anypony out already. In a first sight, she couldn’t see anypony until she low his head a little and saw a little colt running towards her. “Oh, you must be Comet.” She said gently.

Miss Cheerilee was staying a lot of time in the door. Maybe she was talking with one of the parents who still out there, nopony could say it with certain, the teachers body and the door prevent them to see. However, nopony gave them importance apparently, surely it was one of those boring talks the adults usually have and that gave them more time to talk with their friends.

“…yeah, I had a lot of fun with Babs in Manehattan.” Said a filly with yellow fur and red mane wearing a big pink bow on it to her two friends. “We went to the park, went all the way up of a huge statue in an island and she showed me the Manehattan division of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.”

“What a coincidence. I went to Manehattan too.” Said a little unicorn with white fur and pink-lavender mane. “It´s a shame we didn’t see each other there.”

“Yes, I bet Babs would had loved it.” She answered. “What about you, Scootaloo? What did you do on your vacation?

“My mother took me to camp. It was awesome. We paddled in a canoe, jumped down a zip line, went climbing and met a lot of animals.” Answered a Pegasus of orange fur and magenta mane.

-Good morning, students.” Cheerilee greeted cheerfully, finally entering into the classroom followed by a stranger colt. “I’m glad to see and having all of you one more year…” She said starting a speech the most of the present know very well. “…and I’m even more glad to anunce that we have a new student with us, so everypony give a warm welcome to Comet.”

Immediately, all looks were for Comet, especially the ones from five fillies who saw instantly at his flank, were a cutie mark was missing. Three of them watch him with enthusiastic while the other two smile to each other deviously.

Comet was petrified to feel all those eye upon him, the only thing he was moving was his own eyes, turning nervously everywhere, looking for a spot where nopony where paying him attention. Always takin care of showing the right side of his face. Probably somepony had already saw him; soon, all of them would know about his eye; nothing will change, everything will remain the same as in Canterlot… All those thoughts were clouding his mind, giving him no other response than run away.

“You don’t have to be nervous.” A sweet and kind voice told him. It was Cheerilee, trying to calm him when she saw he was having difficulties. “Why don’t you introduce yourself? Tell us about yourself.”

“I-I’m…” He tried to speak, but that was the only he could say. In a las attempt to calm himself, he closed his eyes and breathed slowly. Then something came to his mind, something that he couldn’t see until then: Rarity had said that he would be the best dressed pony at school, well, she was right. In fact, he was the only dressed pony.

The funny of that situation were enough to calm his nerve a little so he could thing more clearly. Gaining some courage, Comet finally was ready to speak. “I-I’m Comet Dust. I’m six years old. I moved from Canterlot with my mother a few weeks ago.”

“It’s a pleasure, Comet. I’m pretty sure everypony here are hoping to know more about the life in Canterlot. But that would have to wait until school break.” Cheerille said, taking some pressure off Comet. “Now choose your seat, we have three available. Feel free to choose whatever you like.”

Comet gave a sight to the seat Cheerille was talking about. None of them were convenient for him. One was in the center line, just in the middle of the classroom, where everypony could see him; the second one was in the right side of the classroom, leaving his eye uncovered; and the last one was in the back of the room in the left side, he won’t be able to hear very well what the teacher said, but at least his eye won’t be on sigh, choosing this one.

He walked nervous between the lines of seat where his classmates were siting, cunningly using his saddlebag to hide his eye, levitating it with his magic, amazing some of his classmates, who, having the same age, they didn’t know how to use magic yet.

He was so distracted covering his eye form his classmates sight that he didn’t see where he was stepping, tripping on something he never knew what it was or if somepony had tripped him, face-falling to the floor. Some snickers began to be heard while other ponies stared reproachfully at the pony who was sitting next to where he had fallen. A gray fur with dark gray mane Pegasus, Rumble.

It was known to everypony that Rumble liked to play joke on his parners, becoming very irritating sometimes. Rumble, feeling the sights of his partners, put an indignant expression by being accused unfairly.

Comet got up with a slight wail of pain. A little confuse, he got on four hooves again. In that moment, some gasps and murmurs began to be heard as miss Cheerilee tried to calm down her students, but it was late already. The fall had deactivated Comet´s magic, leaving his saddlebag on the floor. Noticing this and the fact that everypony was looking at him now, he took his saddlebag again and ran frightened to his seat.

Miss Cheerille managed to calm down all of her students after a while and Rumble could convince his fellows he hadn’t done anything. But the damage was done, due to that unfortunately accident, everypony had seen his eye, all of them know what he was now.

Fortunately, nopony looked at him again the rest of the boring class, one of the advantages of being behind everyone. Everypony were paying attention to the lesson except for three: two fillies, one of gray fur and silver mane and, the other, of pink fur and lavender with white mane, who were gossiping behind Miss Cheerilee’s back; and Comet, who pull out his pencil, one of the few things he brought with him, and a notebook. He pretended was taking note when he really was making lines and scribbles on the pages. The lesson was about orthography, something Comet knew perfectly due all the book he had read, making the thought of had gone there was waste of time came back.

It was a lucky the break will come soon. A rest from that somniferous class, eat something and a great opportunity to continue reading the books Twilight had gifted him since he hadn’t finished more than one.

Break was already started and while the rest of their fellows were excited to play with his friends, for Comet meant a little space of time to relax and being on alone. He found a clam place under a tree, a little far from his classmates running and yelling everywhere.

He sat down laying on the trunk, giving his back to the rest of his class, leaving his lunch next to him. Nothing ostentatious, an apple, a daisies sandwich and a little of hay and, of course, a bottle of water. He was very excited of finishing his book, a fictional story about four brothers who manage to enter into a strange snowy world through a closet. Ha had never had special interest in fantastic stories, but he gave a chance to this one because Twilight gave them to him, and the story was really good.

Rapidly, he got absorbed by the paper he had in front of his eyes. As usual, he was too into the pages of the book that he forgotten from everything else, all of his problems disappeared, nothing existed between he and his book. Cary knew this perfectly, when for some reason Comet didn’t went down to eat or helping in the orphanage, probably he was reading. It was his favorite escape.

He made a few chews to his lunch when his body reminded him he was hungry, but for the rest, he didn’t quit his aye from the paper, he barely blinked. For the first time in all day, he was tranquil, at least for the thirty minutes of the brake.

Meanwhile, near the other foals and the furniture of the playground, three foals were greedily looking for Comet, with the excuse of welcome him. The few foals who saw Comet where he was going, guided them pointing the tree. At fast pace, the trio walk to their encounter with an unaware Comet.

“So, there you are.” A colt said with a tone as he was surprised of see him there. “You and I have some things to resolve…” Comet didn’t move, in fact, he didn’t even notice the precence of the three colts next to him. “Hey, I’m talking to you.” He said again, a little irritated, but with the same effect.

The three colts look to each other in confusion, Comet didn’t move even a millimeter, all what he did was staring at his book. Then, one of them got close to him and gave him a poke on his shoulder, taking Comet by surprise, ‘cause he thought he would be far enough to not be disturbed.

“Huh? What? Oh, sorry. I didn’t see you there. What were you saying? Comet say a little confused, turning to see the same colt of gray fur and mane with other two, a bulky one with cream color fur and blue mane in a military haircut; and the other, little and scrawny, of orange fur and red mane. The here of them look intimidating, but not as much as the entire class.

“You and I have to talk about what happen in the classroom...” The colt said again, apparently the leader.

“Rumble, right?” Comet interrupted him, trying to not sound nervous. “Don´t worry about that, it wasn’t a big deal.” Comet said gently. “And I don’t blame you, I really don’t think you have something to do with that.” He added, thinking that with that everything will be solved.

“True. In the end, I think everypony forgot about it.” Rumble said moderating his voice to make Comet think he wasn’t giving too much importance to the matter. “It was a surprise when everyone saw that eye of yours. It´s kind of… peculiar, now I’m interested.

Comet couldn’t help but get annoyed by the last comet the colt said. It was almost the same thing Twilight´s friends told him, but there was something in the tone of his voice that made him believe that Rumble didn’t say it with good intentions.

“If you still upset for that, I’ve already told you I have no regrets toward you. So please, leave me alone.” Comet said trying to not be rude as he could, struggling to not fall in Rumble’s provocations.

“Now listen, you freak! Your little joke almost got me in trouble and someone has to pay for it.” Rumble said, finally bringing to light his true intentions.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Comet said, returning to his book, giving his back to them three. “HEY! GIVE IT BACK! THAT’S MINE!” Comet yelled when the scrawny pony snatched his book.

“Good job, Blink.” Rumble flattered him.

“Give me my book back.” Comet said angrily as he got dangerously close to them while he ignited his horn.

Rumble rolled his eyes. “Bull…” He ordered. In the act, the bulky one charge over Comet, tacking him, painfully knocking him off on the floor, preventing him from using his magic. Once he was on the floor, Bull sat on him, impeding to Comet to get up.

“While you are there, pay attention.” Rumble said threatening. “If you thought just because you’re new or weird we’ll threaten you different, then you’re wrong. I ruled this school, and if you mess with me you´ll pay dearly. Understood.” Then, Rumble noticed the half eaten lunch of Comet, who just saw him with anger, and smirked maliciously. “We´ll take this as an apology. Let´s go.” He said and ordered to his lackeys. Rumble take Comet´s lunch and leave, followed by the other two, not without before Blink threw the book on him.

Comet got up in pain. I was hard to breath, having that colt sitting on him was like been squashed by a vending machine with legs, imagine being rolled by him now, he can still fell the hit.

He turned to his now damaged book. Those brutes threated it in a way a book has never been treated. Several pages were now creased, and other ripped; with the fall it got dirty, staining some several pages and parts of the beautiful golden decorations on the cover were ruined. The ripped pages could be fixed with magic, but the rest of the damage were irreparable. The’ had ruined his precious book Twilight had given just a few days ago.

The remaining time of the brake, Comet spent it fixing and cleaning his book, flattering the corrugated pages, uniting the ripped ones and dusting of all the dirt he could. Everything with his body aching yet, due to the hits and scratches that had been made, continuingly to silently insult the three of them who had done that to him.

The bell rang again and everyone walked again inside the classroom, except for three fillies who were waiting at the door, searching for somepony among his classmates. Then the Pegasus, Scootaloo, pointed to the end of the line. There he was, Comet Dust.

“Comet, we’ve been looking for you. I’m Apple Bloom, and they are Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle; we want to know if you are interested…” She stopped when she saw Comet limping. “Are you ok?”

Comet didn´t answered. He passed them without even noticing their presence. He was too busy bearing with the pain to pay attention to someone else.

The three fillies were speechless when they saw that comet had completely ignored them. Also, they could notice the angry expression on his face and that he was muttering something they couldn’t understand. They watched him entering to the classroom without even a sight or gesture from him. They followed Comet. The followed him into the classroom, they were the last ones who had to enter, to restart the lessons. Still worried for him, they couldn’t stop following him with the look, feeling a little sorry for him.

Comet limped toward to his seat, passing next to Comet again, who gave him an arrogant glance, but Comet didn’t care to turn to see him, something that irritated the colt. Finally, Comet made it to his seat, sitting heavily on it and putting his book away so nopony would take it again.

Miss Cheerille entered too and the classes started again, this time math. Finally, something interesting, if it weren’t for the fact that Comet couldn’t concentrate as he couldn’t get all that happened in the schoolyard out of his mind and how much he hated Rumble at that moment. He must have done or said something to defend himself, he must have faced them, but they outnumbered him, further, he wasn’t the most athletic colt in the world and without useful defense magic, there weren’t any way he could beat them. Even if he’d ask for help, his fellows won’t help him, he was alone, as always.

“Comet, class is over. Everypony has gone.” A kind voice from a mare talked to him, waking him up from his thoughts. He was so deep into them he didn’t notice the pass of the time. “Are you ok?” The mare asked to him. It was Cheerilee, who had a consternated look on his face by the sad expression of the foal.

“I´m ok, Just a little tired.” Comet said looking away.

Comet got down from his seat, took his saddlebag and walked toward the exit. The sun was still in its zenith yet, blinding him for a moment when he walked out of the classroom. Fortunately, Rumble and company were far away from there, so the path home will be more calmed. In his way, he encountered with the crusaders again, ignoring them one more time when they tried to greeting him.

He looked down. His first school day had been a completely fiasco. He didn’t do anything interesting, didn’t learn anything new and didn’t do any friends, on the contrary, he had made an enemy without even had done anything to him. At least his limping was less notorious, the sitting in the class had been enough to decrease the pain. However, that didn’t do any good in raising his spirit. He felt he had failed. Thinking about in what Twilight will would say if she found out that he failed in the only thing he asked him to do, didn’t do anything but depressed him.

Twilight will be disappointed. She really hoped he will make friends, that he will be as good in friendship as she. If she discovered he did all the contrary, that he had frozen in front of their classmates, that he was too terrified of talking with them, that he had been victim of the mocking from the others and he had done the only thing he knew to take refuge, hiding from everyone and isolate into his books, even worst, having destroying the gift she gave him with all her love; it’ll break her heart.

Giving a sigh, he tried to relax himself and, putting his best smile, opened the door.

“I’m here!” He yelled, pretending being excited.

“Welcome home, Comet.” Twilight answered leaving the dining room. “Go wash your hooves, meal will be ready soon.” Comet started to run, happy of hear those words. Maybe school had been horrible, but he will always have a place where he could feel safe, where neither the jokes nor the insults could enter, his home. “Wait…” Twilight stopped him, getting closer to him with certain consternation in her face. “What is this? What happen to your face?” She asked as she raising his face to see that it was full of scratches, something difficult to hide due to his white fur.

“Um… Well, you see… I-I… We were playing and kind of fell when I step on a rock.” He lied.

“We? Is that mean that you made a friend?” Twilight said sparckling of happiness.

“Ah… y-yes.” He answered trying to smile.

“Oh, I knew it. I knew you could do it.” She said excited. “Oh, I’m so proud of you.” She took the colt in her arms and gave him a big hug.

Comet couldn’t help but make an expression of grief, ‘cause he couldn’t feel the same way. The hug it was supposed to be warm and comforting, he felt it empty and insignificant, product from a lie and, thus, fake. But, he didn’t dare to tell her the truth, he didn’t have the courage to break Twilight’s heart after see her so happy to believe he had friends. So he just stayed there, receiving a hug he felt he didn’t deserve it, containing the tears.

“I want to know them already.” Twilight said.

“Um… It is a little soon for that, don’t you think.” Comet said, avoiding the answer.

“I know, but I’m too excited right now.” She said lovingly. “Go clean yourself, you must be hungry.”

Comet just nodded and run as fast as he could to his bedroom, couldn’t containing the frustration anymore. The moment he entered the room, he layed on his bed and cry for some minutes until he let all out.

Meanwhile, in Sweet Apple Acres, three fillies were running to his clubhouse, in the middle of the orchards, encountering a certain pony of country accent and a cowboy hat.

“Hello, girls. How was school today? Something interesting happened?” Apllejack said, obviously talking about Comet.

“Hi, Applejack.” His little sister answered. “There is a new pony at school.

“Really? And how is that pony?”

“Well is a colt of our age, It’s called Comet… Comet Dust.” Apple Bloom answered.

“He said he moved from Canterlot. Who would so crazy to move from Canterlot to Ponyville? –Scootaloo commented.

“Did you see his clothes? It is obvious Rarity made it.” Sweetie Belle added.

“How can you be so sure about that?” Scootaloo askes a little confused.

“I know my sister’s work. That outfit had her sign everywhere.” Sweetie Belle said, proud of her older sister.

“Who would say it?” Scootaloo said as she and Apple Bloom share a confused look.

“It seems that you had a lot to talk with him.” Applejack said kicking a tree.

“Well, no. Not really. It was a little…” Apple Bloom answered, thinking what word cold be the one she needed.

“..strange.” Scootaloo completed it.

“Yes. He didn’t talk to anypony and he ignored us when we tried to greet him.

“Maybe he’s just a little shy. Maybe you just have to give him time.” Applejack said a little confused, that didn’t sound like the Comet she met the past week.

“We think the same.” Apple Bloom agreed. “He doesn’t have his cutie mark either, so we thought it would be a great idea if we invite him to our club.”

“Cutie Mark Crusader Comet Dusk. I like how it sound.” Sweetie Belle said.